Saturday, December 18, 2004

Sudan PR

The Kenya Wildlife Service wants to give the African lion maximum protection under a U.N. body that governs trade in endangered or threatened plants and animals.
Colin Powell wants Africans to invade Africa in order to stop Africans from killing Africans.
Kenya and Nigeria – both of which border Sudan – have large armies.
Colin Powell is depending on these two to end the crisis in Darfur, Sudan.
He better be quick about it. President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria said that he might throw in 5000 soldiers if the United States would cough up 200 million dollars. Obviously that might to Nigerian oppression rather than Sudanese security.
Kenya can help, can’t they?
They protect lions. They must be the kind of people that Colin Powell would want on his side to fight injustice and inhumanity.
On September 28, 2004 it was noted that five men being held in a tiny overcrowded cell died in eastern Kenya. They died of neglect and long hours of enforced standing.
The five dead were among 12 men crammed together in a cell measuring about three by six feet, in which they had to stand for long hours due to congestion in the ‘justice system’. 23 others were sent to the hospital with swollen feet and open wounds.
Before giving money to Nigeria or Kenya, how about some money to Appalachia, Los Angeles, New York City, El Paso or Detroit?

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