Saturday, December 18, 2004

Preacher President

The Preacher President
Oh, lo, there is a demon in the world.
I say, a demon in the world and his name is Sadaam Hussein.
And we got him locked up in a cage.
Locked up in a cage like an animal.
And he is sad, oh, the Lord made him sad. Even gave him a sad name – Sad-aam Hussein.
And in the ways of the Lord what was his is now mine.
What was Hussein’s is now mine, - I say – Glory!
Let me hear ya’ say – Glory! Ah!
There’s the devil in the world and he’s workin’ in the world. Workin’ through Al Qaeda – I say yeah! The devil is working through Al Qaeda! He’s in the world and workin’ through Al Qaeda.
Say Yeah!
The devil he sent his minions on the planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center – he did!
He sent his demons and flew them into the Pentagon!
He did!
The Lord’s angels drew their cell phones and sent the demons coming to the Lord’s House – I mean the White House – into the sands and dirt of Pennsylvania – never got here – yeah!
Well, glory! I say, Glory to God! Yeah!
Most of those demons were born and raised in Saudi Arabia.
We are still friends with Saudi Arabia because, well, uh…well…uh…the devil is in the world and he is working through Al Qaeda – yes he is!
Now the devil had put a trance on the leader of Libya and placed him in his power. Turned him to stone and caused him to blow up an airliner above the skies of Scotland – Lockerbie, Scotland. But now we are his friend – he is our friend in God! Yeah! And why? Why? Uh, well…uh, well…we do not think to question the mysteries of the Lord, no! The Glory of God! Because the devil is at work in the world and he is using Al Qaeda!
But he will be undone, brothers and sisters! He will be undone! Let me hear you say, Allelujah! Oh, yeah! Glory to God.
God spoke to me, brothers and sisters, he spoke to me, your President and he said, ‘George, I want you to be President.’, and that’s what I did! On faith I did it!
When the slings and arrows of my enemies were upon me the Lord God raised up Antonin Scalia, an immigrant from Italy who worships at the altar of Popery – and he caused that man – that creature of sin – born in blackest night – to raise me up above men and make me your King! I mean – President. He made me your President!
And now – I am before you – and I ask you, I implore you, before God I command you! Put your hands in the air and praise Jesus! Praise Jesus! Put your hands way far over your head and praise Jesus! Join hands, brothers and sisters! Join hands above your heads and praise Jesus!
And all you Republican brothers, I say, you Republican brothers and sisters, put your hands in the pockets of those with their hands in the air and empty them - of sin, cash and spare change! I say empty your neighbors’ pockets and keep what you find there for yourself!
Oh, praise Jesus! Oh, praise the Lord! I feel the transformational power of liberty coming over me – flowing out from me – flowing out from the White House over the face of the earth. I see freedom on the tip of every missile! I see our rockets flowing in glory and freedom down onto the heads of our enemies! I see the faithful rise up and destroy the local governments steeped in secularism and the love of supermarkets, malls and small business! I see the bullet sent from the messenger of God! Our faithful men and women in uniform – gladly giving their lives and blood on the battlefields of America which are wherever and whenever I say they are. I see the flame and glory of God upon the heads of our enemies and anyone that will speak against NAFTA or Communist China – that’s is why the Lord provided the Patriot Act. Oh, thank you, Jesus!
I know it’s a hard choice – sending troops to battle – but I did it – I am battle hardened by the spirit of God – I will do it again! I will do it again, by God! I will do it again and again and again!
Vote for me in November and I promise you the glory of the kingdom of heaven right here on earth! I promise that you too will be made to sacrifice for the greater Glory of God! Oh, Praise the Lord! Praise Jesus! And thank you Donald Rumsfeld.

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