380 tons of stolen explosive material are in the hands of terrorists and rebels in Iraq.
A half a pound of HMX brought down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.
"That's half a pound; 380 tons are missing — that's almost 40 truckloads," an IAEA official said on condition of anonymity. "Imagine what it could do in the hands of insurgents there. It's a huge concern that it is missing, whatever it may be used for."
Amazingly the White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan declared, "There is not a nuclear proliferation risk. We're talking about conventional explosives."
He seemed to have missed that point that this is a stable, easily transportable material that has a high explosive value. It is extremely deadly and lethal and you don’t even have to be highly trained to use it.
Scott McClellan in stating that this is not nuclear proliferation risk could just as well have said it’s not a biological risk, nor a poison gas risk, nor a threat to the nation’s ice cream supply – which I am sure made Scott McClellan very happy.
To me, Scott McClellan’s remarks make clear once again the ineptitude, lack of experience, scientific ignorance, poor understanding of military operations and general corruption that the Bush Administration has repeatedly paraded out to the citizens of the United States.
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