Saturday, December 18, 2004

Leave it to Leavitt

Mike Leavitt was elected Governor of Utah by people that trusted him and looked forward to depending on him and counting on him to live up to his oath of office.
Then he got a call from President Bush.
Mike Leavitt packed up, ran away from his job as Governor and showed up at the office of the Environmental Protection Agency – the EPA – where he took his job as director.
During his time as director at the EPA the government agency has continued to swell in size and dwindle in importance.
It has stepped up a wide marketing campaign, primarily targeting Native American reservations, about the Underground Injection Control Program. With over 700,000 injection wells in the United States the program has really taken off.
More than 400 Type I injection wells are permitted to inject controlled chemicals in the US into the earth for disposal ‘guaranteed’ to last over 10,000 years.
Cronyism and nepotism has mushroomed at the EPA even as their ability to conduct simple science has withered away.
They are claim that an injection well handling nerve agents, pesticides and chemical solvents is 100% safe and located it in the center of a small city – Romulus, Michigan – next to the Detroit International Airport, I-94 and a major railway.
Now he’s been asked to run out on his job at the EPA and pick up the pieces at the Department of Health and Human Services.
I think we need prayer – God save us from Bush and Leavitt.

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