Sexual abuse by priests is a vicious crime. The Roman Catholic Church in the United States acts not like a monolithic organization but more like a bunch of small companies operating as franchises. The bad franchises are being shut down or – as is the more common case – filing for bankruptcy protection. For example the Diocese of Spokane is sneaking out of its financial responsibilities to its victims by a plan to enter into bankruptcy protection.
The Spokane Bishop William Skylstad has said that he wants to maintain the operation of parishes, schools and the church during the bankruptcy process.
That’s the problem in a nutshell.
Jack-In-The-Box served tainted meat that wasn’t cooked right and they killed some kids. Jack-In-The-Box didn’t hid in bankruptcy protection – they weren’t allowed to. That would have been a crime in itself.
However the Catholic Church served tainted spiritual values, raped some children and was a factor in quite a few suicides but is being ushered into bankruptcy PROTECTION.
The difference between the two of them is that Jack In the Box didn’t play a crucial role in bringing George W. Bush into office.
A crucial bridge was built when the Catholic Church and its Jesuit revolutionaries jumped on the Republican bandwagon and now it is payback time.
Skylstad said the diocese must file for reorganization (PROTECTION) under federal bankruptcy laws.
Actually – they have chosen to file bankruptcy. What should be done is quite another thing. The diocese of Spokane holds a lot of assets. Their miserly attitudes about land and property are actually crippling the entire region. They have created an artificial demand and their ‘charity’ often does more to keep people poor and giving to the Church than providing self esteem and making better Americans.
Skylstad also says that this is all fair because by seeking court protection, the diocese will have to surrender its financial records and place its future in the hands of a judge.
That’s not quite true either. The assets, which include 81 parish churches (and land), nearly 20 parish schools (and land), as well as cemeteries, hospitals (and land), orphanages (and land) and real estate bequeathed to the church, as well as stocks, bonds, annuities and cash would given to a United States Trustee who would then assign the assets to a Lawyer to handle while payments are made to creditors.
It has been said that a bankruptcy judge will determine which assets can be used to pay claims. The bankruptcy judge and the trustees are supposed seize ALL assets – but don’t count on American law being carried out in Spokane or any of the other places that Catholic Church, with its marauding priesthood and political aspiration has been at work.
They abused children and broken moral, human, common, city, county, state, federal and world law in protecting these animals – what makes you think they won’t abuse the bankruptcy laws?
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