That’s where the evil begins.
That’s where it has its roots.
In the works and words of Billy Sunday.
That is what we will rip up.
This damaged and diseased vine which has reached us through time.
We will throw the ringmaster out of the church and let him land on his arse back in the circus where he belongs.
It is the rank and stinking words of Billy Graham and his children’s crusade that we will rip up.
It is the horrible and dark places of the prostitutes where Jimmy Swaggart played that we will rip up.
It is the counting houses and the banks that Jim and Tammy Bakker worshiped in that we will rip up.
It is in the crystal palace of Schuler - where he hides from Christ in a blinding light - like that of the offending angel and evil spirit clothed in whiteness in order to disguise his soiled and polluted soul that we will rip up.
We must rip them up - all of the ideas and stinking lies that have permeated our nation.
We must rip them up to cleanse our souls.
We must rip up the belief that aborting a mass of flesh without a brain, or arms and legs and saving the mother is a crime against God.
We must rip up the notion that says that raping a three year old girl is God’s will.
We must rip up the tangled idea that a father has a right rape his daughters in order to control them.
We must rip up the men and women who live lavishly and with full and fat bellies like the Texas President and his Cowgirl Wife, while children are going hungry.
We must rip it up out of the ground which it fouls.
Not tearing and rending like some beast - like a mean spirited Billy Sunday or a foul mouthed braggart like Swaggart - or like a wienie like Cheney - but like a caring farmer - seeking to care and love his sheep and land that has been entrusted to him by God.
We must rip them up and cast them aside to rot on the vegetable pile of manure from which they came.
These weeds and powerful smoking stenches that fill the nostrils until the stomach is overcome.
We must rip up the visions cast upon our nation’s freedom that fall like shadows from the mouths of the Ministers and Preachers whose empty churches have turned them out into politicians and businessmen with grasping fingers and greed.
We must rip up the belief in the Devil which has enriched them to the point of making crime in business some holy objective - where we see men like Donald Trump being worshipped on tv even as his slothful company lies in bankruptcy.
We must rip up the men like Tom DeLay of Texas, who, in order to please his masters would stand behind a war that binds this nation with godless heathens and bigamous sheiks in Saudi Arabia.
We must rip them up and sow a new seed in this land of ours - a land of freedom and goodness and light.
It is time to cast out the ignorant and the blasphemers from their high places and return Jesus to His.
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