Saturday, December 18, 2004

Billy Graham 1

Billy Graham preaches forgiveness by Christ for everything. For everything that you have done, for everything that you are doing and for everything that you will do.
This corruption of the teaching of Christ is in appearance very forgiving. God is all powerful. Give yourself over to God’s heart and soul and release your right to choose – release your will to God.
Only the Bible doesn’t preach that. In fact, no reasonable person would believe a message like this. Imagine a God who not only allows you to commit adultery, thievery, murder, rape, child abuse, drug addiction and causes you to do it.
Billy Graham’s message is not that God loves you in spite of your sins and invites you back to the land of the living to live a good life – it’s that God treats you like a puppet. In Billy Graham’s world if you are arsonist – God made you that way. Give up. Go on – be the best arsonist you can and fulfill your role in God’s work.
That is some serious misinterpretation. It is also a message that is welcomed by the confused and those who lack self control. It relieves people of responsibility for their own actions and places their sins and their hates and their lies squarely on God’s shoulders.
Billy Graham treats the Life of Jesus like a license to sin and he treats the Holy Cross like a hat rack for every conceivable filth that the mind of man can render.

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