Monday, December 20, 2004

Everything is Fine

Bush thinks the FDA is doing a spectacular job.
Talk to all the people harmed and killed from bad drugs to see if they will agree.
Bush thinks Rumsfeld is doing a great job.
Talk to all the soldiers, businessmen and even politicians who don’t think he’s even fit to be a bureaucrat let alone a director.
Bush thinks Kerik was a fine pick to head up the Department of Homeland Defense.
Talk to all the folks harmed and killed by organized crime during the last 20 years.
"I'm going to find somebody who knows something about intelligence," Bush said, "and capable and honest and ready to do the job."
Ha, ha, ha, laughs the media.
Bush will find somebody who knows something about intelligence.
That’s a good one.
The joke is on the American people however, as the clown prince continues his careen through 8 years of a presidency that looks like the beginning of the end for the United States of America as the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I think we are being guided into a national experiment to see if the Texas model of government will work for all 50 states. If so – look forward to more corruption, incompetence and horse feather tales.
Honesty, courage and competence are words that have no meaning for the Executive Branch in Washington, DC these days.

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