Saturday, December 18, 2004

Trustees Let

A quick visit to the Department of Justice United States Trustee Program reveals a wealth of information – almost.
The United States Trustee Program is a component of the Department of Justice responsible for overseeing the administration of bankruptcy cases and private trustees under 28 U.S.C. §586 and 11 U.S.C. §101,et seq. It consists of 21 regional U.S. Trustee Offices nationwide and an Executive Office for U.S. Trustees (EOUST) in Washington, DC.
Their web site is at :
What you won’t find at that website is the enormous amount of waste and corruption that goes on behind closed doors.
Skimming, fraud and outright thievery by some of the people chosen to hold and distribute funds for this government agency is commonplace.
In one instance in Region 18 the paralegal working for a lawyer took over the accounts he had when he died. For years she spent the money freely on herself and her boyfriend – buying cars – houses –and living a luxurious life.
A request for information from one of the trustees under the freedom of information more often than not produces a document with all words blacked out except some like ‘the’ and ‘whom’. A review of their record keeping practices in the individual offices leads to an understanding of how it got to be this way.
These jobs are all political cream.
It’s time to bring justice to the Department of Justice.

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