Saturday, December 18, 2004

Pick God's Pockets

This is the hardest of all: to close the open hand out of love, and keep modest as a giver.
Fred Nietzsche
God is Dead.
Fred Nietzche
So why not pick his pockets?
A Unnamed New Republican on the Faith Initiatives of George W. Bush.
It is darkly humorous to read some of the more pessimistic statements of Friedrich Nietzsche. It is a chilling experience to compare them to the statements of George W. Bush and his band of followers.
For example – Fred’s followers like to say that Fred said ‘God is Dead’, but he didn’t really mean that. He meant something else. He only put that phrase in the mouth of one of his character’s in a book.
George W. Bush’s followers pull the same shenanigans. ‘Oh, he didn’t say that – he said…so and so.’, or ‘He may have said that but what he meant was…’, just as long as they don’t have to answer the hard questions or even answer any of them at all.
For example George W. Bush never said that he would outlaw abortion in the United States – he just said he is for it.
Again – George W. Bush has cried out that big government is bad – and yet, the government of bureaucrats is mushrooming under his command. They are breeding beyond any ability to control them or drive them back. They are consuming our livelihoods like rats in a granary.
Like Fred said in the first line above – it’s more charitable to be a miser – that’s why George W. Bush’s Faith Initiatives are more like religious strong arm tactics run by a bunch of fly-by-night ex-cons and preachers.
George W. Bush has installed a bureaucratic system of individuals in nearly every State Governor’s Office, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Justice and elsewhere whose duties are unclear and whose ranks are made up of questionable characters from some very shady and bizarre churches and religions.
If these scatterbrains ever begin to cooperate on a national level there will be no more need to worry about a separation of church and state because the church will have taken over the state.
The last time something like this happened was in Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.
Why is the Executive Branch of the Federal Government installing religious officers that report directly and only to the President in every state in the Union and amongst the FBI and USDA?
Here they are:
Ask them about their particular duties and you may get the answer I got – ‘What do you mean?’

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