Saturday, December 18, 2004

Mike Rogers 1 - Michigan Representative

Mike Rogers (R- Brighton) talks a lot about Iraq.
He likes to talk about how closely he cooperates with ‘his’ president.
He doesn’t like to talk abut EBI – a company he helped to found in Michigan.
He doesn’t like to talk about the FBI either – a Federal Department he worked for before worming his way into the House of Representatives.
The work with EBI however is most interesting.
EBI is touted as being a private, home owned, home building operation.
But that’s news to the Detroit Water District on the financial responsibility offered for at least one water project.
It’s news to Westland where EBI-Detroit put in a bid of 62 million dollars to renovate their court.
It’s news to other southeast Michigan towns, cities and villages that EBI is just a little home owned business.
That’s because the reality seems to be that Representative Mike Rogers – whose own brother served in Iraq hasn’t seen fit to interest himself in supplying our soldiers with the equipment they need.
He hasn’t seen fit to take up the case of Michigan citizens against corrupt, overcharging, freeloading government contract companies either. Of course – if he is one of them – that explains it all – doesn’t it?
I think Mr. Rogers needs to explain just what sort of public service he is providing this state.
Just recently the Van Buren School District wanted to float over 180 billion in bonds to build one school.
Someone is up to something – is Mike Rogers involved?

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