Condoleeza Rice has spoken of "Granddaddy Rice," who left the Alabama cotton fields in 1918 to attend college.
Born a Methodist he switched churches and became a Presbyterian. He had discovered that he could get a scholarship as a preacher from Stillman College. His parents had been house slaves and became tenant farmers after the War.
She tells the story that he was ‘reborn’ a Presbyterian. In fact he did it for personal gain. His son became a preacher as well.
Just as in China Christianity became the means to climb up the social and economic ladder.
Christian schools in China, like the Presbyterian in Alabama, were the 'right' schools. The "rice Christians" of China who joined the Church to get food and medicine were like Rice’s ancestors who joined the church to get money and power.
We can say that they are Rice Presbyterians who had once been ‘house slaves’. She now works in the White House.
The Presbyterian Church in the United States was the Southern branch of Presbyterianism in America. They ‘split’ from the Northern body over slavery before the Civil War.
Like Colin Powell, son of Jamaican immigrants whose parents may have been connected with Marcus Garvey, Condoleeza Rice is not, in my opinion, a responsible voice for the United States. If we say, however, she is manipulative and self-serving individual – it then becomes clear how she ended up with this Administration.
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