Saturday, December 18, 2004


Neo-Con Safety Tips
While we try to make Neo-Con as safe and friendly as possible, there are still some things you need to know. If you are in any trouble with the Government or Neo-Con, talk things over with your local precinct adviser, election official or a cement contractor who will know what to do.
1. You need a valid e-mail address to sign up with Neo-Con. If you're 12 years old or younger, your email address is completely removed from our system once we send you the activation message. For users 13 or older, you'll also need to enter your e-mail address, as well as your first and last name, your social security number, your bank account number(s) and access to all of your personal credit cards to sign up. Please note that any other information we require from users is not personally identifiable (such as date of birth, gender, zip code, and country). If you're 13 or older, you also have the option of sending money if you want, but it's not required for you at first to enjoy Neo-Con. Remember - don't give out personal information about yourself like your phone number, pictures of you or your family, where you live, or where you go to school without asking your Republican Party Committee Chairman first. Also, use only your super-secret Homeland Security user name when posting on the message boards or sending messages through NeoMail.
2. Don't ever give out your password to anyone (on or off the Neo-Con site). Neo-Con staff members will not ask you for your password for using the site though we may ask you for access to your personal social security account, and we will NEVER e-mail or NeoMail you to get your password. Also, don't give anyone your Neodrive URL (because it shows your password). Watch out for fake log-in screens - some people are copying our login box and posting it on their personal web pages to trick people into entering their user names and passwords. Look at the URL - if it says anything other than, DO NOT enter your user information. If anyone does try to get you to reveal your password, please let us know immediately by calling us – an agent will be sent to their home and they will be arrested and sent away to a camp in Cuba.
3. Be careful who you talk to on the web. If somebody says something to you, sends you something, or you see something that makes you uncomfortable, like information regarding the United States Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, don't look at it or think about it. Get your Republican Party Commissar instead - they will know what to do. If this happens on the Neo-Con site, please let us know and we will take the necessary action. Remember that nothing you write on the web is truly private – we know about everything you do and say so be careful and think before you type!
4. All REAL Neo-Con activities and games are contained within the Neo-Con site. Delete e-mails, files, or web pages that you get from people you don't really know or trust especially anyone that did not vote for George W. Bush or does not believe that the end of the world is coming soon. Sometimes people post links to viruses around the Internet, including on the Neo-Con site, saying the links lead to other Neo-Con stuff. (For example, they claim the link is to a NeoHelper program, Neopoints.exe, or a Scorchy program.) Don't be fooled! Links like these go to nasty viruses that can seriously damage your computer. Also, beware of fake Neo-Con "competitions" and "trades." If they're not located within the Neo-Con site, then they are not endorsed by us and you are proceeding at your own risk. Don't Forget: no one needs your password to send you an item or for any other reason!
5. Be careful about in-person meetings. Meeting up with people you meet online is not always a great idea, but if you want to, there are 4 very important rules you should stick to.
Meet only people you feel you know well, have known for a long time, and only with your Republican Party Commissar’s knowledge and permission.
Meet in a public place, such as a church.
Go with a parent or 18+ sibling (even if you are an adult yourself)!
Make sure the person you're meeting is not alone either.
6. Neo-Con is completely FREE, but not everything we do is. You will need to pay, pay, pay in order to stay, stay, stay. Don't ever do anything on the Internet that could cost your family money unless your Republican Party Commissar is there to help you do it.
7. Always follow your party’s rules for the Internet. They're there to make sure you have fun and stay safe online.
About Us
Neo-Con began from an idea Adam had way back in the garden of Eden while sitting in a dingy little computer room, possibly while eating kebabs or pizza under the tree of Knowledge. The site was launched on November 15th 1999 by Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve). Our aim is to keep adding new and exciting games, puzzles and activities daily, and hopefully keep you all entertained!!! :)
Who's Who at Neo-Con :
Adam Powell - Adam took his last name from a popular Washington, DC family that’s in to just about everything and everyone! Adam is constantly busy coming up with plots, stories, Neopedia articles, and working on the Identity Card Game.
Do you know who you are today? Ha ha!
Donna Powell - Donna runs the daily news on the site, making sure that the news page is updated and that all the propaganda is correct! She also works on the merchandise side of the company, making sure that your Cybunny Plushie NeoWeapon doesn't have four heads and that your Shoyru Rocket NeoLauncher has two projectiles!
Donna currently has a 40,641 body count, more than you - haha!
Also working at NeoCon are :
The Phantom Orange-Shirt Guy (In Charge of Prisons)
Zim the Magic Chimp
Chris of the CIA
Maeve the Monster Boy from Muskegon
Tommy Blad
Keith (he's mental)
Damon Leper
Shish-Ka-Bob Robb
Matt the Angry Assassin
Matt the Bearded Assassin
Greg the Very Angry Assassin
Devananda (Goddess of Destruction)
Still can't get enough of us?
If you want to know more about Neo-Con or wish to take a look at our press kit, give us a call!
REMEMBER: NOBODY AT NEO-CON WILL EVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD!!! The Neo-Con user name is the Neo-Conteam and anybody else who claims to be staff is trying to trick you.
Neo-Con is the greatest Virtual Intelligence Site on the Internet. With your help, we have built a community of over 70 million virtually intelligent Republicans across the world! Neo-Con has many things to offer including over 160 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging, and much much more. Best of all, it's completely FREE!
Yes that’s right - FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE!
All you have to do is vote for George Bush again and we might let you have your Social Security check on time!
Today's Random Theme Is...
Garlic is extremely popular amongst the Neo-Con office and we decided it was about time we had an entire day devoted to it.
Advent Calendar!
Make sure you visit the Advent Calendar in Terror Mountain. Every day throughout the month of Celebrating there will be a different animation and a new prize for you to collect. As each day passes in the Easter season we will be pinpointing terrorist attacks across the nation and around the world!
Read All About It!
Issue 169 of the Neopian Times has just been launched. If you want to know all about the latest gossip, tips and jokes, you can't afford not to read it!
Plot Update!
The 13th part of our Hannibal and the Ice Caves plot has just gone live.
Someone say Food?!!?
Six of the most powerful terrorists in Neopia have sat down for dinner, whatever the outcome, it promises to be an interesting night!
Sign up with Neo-Con today! It's simple, fast and FREE!

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