How they prattle on.
The talk about the fact that Bush won.
A fact that no one disputes.
They cry and whine about Clinton - who has been out of office these past 5 years.
He did tolerably well while in office as well - there was work, no war and not so many Mexicans.
But still these New Republican prattle on.
Like children that cannot believe that they have been allowed to have their ice cream.
The talk about it so much that it melts before them and is gone before they know it.
As they breeze past it their ice cream turns into a soggy cone - good for nothing.
The grab and grasp at everything and let the robbers steal us blind.
They run after every glittering object dangled before them and in their egghead world -wrapped up in theories and ideas that were blown by the wayside long ago - they are led from empty well to polluted trough and back again.
How they prattle on.
Will there be no work from them or only worldly dreaming?
The egghead Republicans on the radio and tv - each one screaming some far out idea or another - and not a one of them fit for a good days work - are doing more harm to this nation than 1,000 bin Ladens.
Look at Billy Graham who in his intellectual stabbing at Christ will have us believe that a 14 year old girl raped by a criminal is the equal of Osama Bin Laden because she wants to rid her body of the pollution of Satan.
Look at them - clawing at our pocketbooks and beating each other the heads with their bibles. This one calls itself a Presbyterian - that one a Baptist - that one a Catholic - and all urged on by the same mindless intellectual games that allow them to trash our nation’s history and dishonor our military by their cowardice and eagerness for earthly power.
Abomination! Jimmy Swaggart in the street with the whores!
Billy Graham on the mountain - alone with his son and young men!
George Bush - crying to the Pope and turning to the Catholics to help him oppress us and steal our nation from us!
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