Saturday, December 18, 2004

TH and GL

Tree Huggers and Grass Lickers
Grass Lickers love golf courses and parking lots.
Tree Huggers support logging, paper making, forestry, farming, conservation, American jobs, furniture making, carpentry, home building, the future.
Grass Lickers believe in NAFTA and that Americans must sacrifice for the good of Mexico.
Tree Huggers believe in the right of all Americans to work, earn a living wage, buy a home and raise a family.
Grass Lickers have no problem buying Fourth of July picnic items and American flags made in China.
Tree Huggers work hard for a living and expect trade agreements to be made to the advantage of Americans.
Grass Lickers believe the war on terror is best fought in Iraq while aiding and abetting Chechen baby killers and Saudi Arabian perverts with money and jobs.
Tree Huggers believe America comes first - not some deluded bunch of corrupt politicians thumping on the bible while they pick our pockets.

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