Saturday, December 18, 2004


The political crank and modern deceiver has a single and invariable method of procedure.
Magnifying the wickedness and sufferings of mankind and attribute them all to the object of his special malediction. Compare the Prohibition propaganda with the Bush drivel against mysterious ‘libs’ and Democrats or anyone that does not agree with him.
The Prohibition literature stated that all vice, crime, poverty, and human agony were directly chargeable to Demon Rum. He was the devil incarnate who produced virginal incontinence, marital infelicity, theft, arson, rape, robbery and murder. His remorseless hands, holding the white throat of innocent females in an iron grasp and at the same time robbing the masculinity of men, were dragging hordes of unfortunates to untimely graves and condemning them to the fires of hell. Demon Rum filled the jails and penitentiaries with pitiable creatures who otherwise would have stood resplendent as pillars of the state and ornaments of society.
The result of Prohibition was the empowerment of gangsters, rapists and murderers.
Wherever these modern loudmouth, self-centered bullies get their way again folks are up to their armpits in drug dealers and corrupt politicians. Take a look at Florida and Kansas.
Their words and attack patterns are always the same. Endless repetition of angry and empty words. They think nothing of bossing a person even if they had just met them.
Their idea of freedom is that of the pig, the rat or the marauding wild dog rooting through the trash for its next meal.

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