Saturday, December 18, 2004

Dirty Dennis Hastert

Dirty Dennis Hastert
You know what I heard they say about Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House?
Back home they say, ‘Dennis Hastert? He is dirt. He’s all wet too - and that means his name is mud!’
I like that one, those Indiana folks sure got a good sense of humor.
How about this one?
Dennis Hastert pass a bill?
Why that old boy can’t pass a plate of pork or a piece of chocolate cake - what makes you think he’s gonna’ pass a bill?
They are too dang much!
Dirty Dennis Hastert
Mouth full of dust dirt
Took the reins of government
And stuffed them down his front shirt
All the farmers crying
The President is whining
Dennis is still dining
Eaten all the rindin’
Ain’t no time to sing a song
When Dennis comes along
Hurry away the fixins
Dennis is looking’ for pickins’
Sets down at your table
Gobbles it all up
When Dennis the Menace is here
No one else gonna’ sup
We love you, Dennis, but you about done, son.

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