They’re ‘new’! They are ‘cutting edge’!
They are the ‘New Republicans’!
They have faith on their side!
God is telling them what to do (through George W. Bush)!
They have been able to successfully combine socialism with ‘Conservative Christian Values’!
Everything is bright and shiny and new – or is it?
This administration has been talking about America as the ‘bright and shining city on a hill’ – but Ronald Reagan was talking about building it – he acknowledged it’s not here yet.
In fact many things are wrong and not what they seem and they all seem tied up with the present Bush Administration.
How can that be?
Let’s take a look.
An ‘obscurant’ is one who opposes intellectual advancement and political reform.
Obscurants tend to make things obscure.
In fact this bunch in the White House has its roots in the 1920’s – with flapper girls, prohibition and morality at another level all returned in another guise. Like their historical origins these individuals are footloose and fancy free. They are ordained by God to succeed and no logic or truth will turn them aside. They are quite sure of themselves just as they were before the Stock Market Crash and the black days of the Great Depression when children starved in the streets of our cities – as they do today.
They called it the ‘New Era’. Out of World War I came the vision of a new civilization – based on technology, efficiency, dreams of high wages, diffusion of ownership and a leadership of private management made up of enlightened individuals.
Back then, however, these men and women weren’t viewed as ‘Conservatives’ they were viewed as revolutionaries.
Invention will solve all problems. Standardization and a reduction in competition would provide a better living for all and a more spiritual life could be attained through industry, marketing and the stock market.
Anyone that feared their brazen attacks on our free enterprise system were labeled as stodgy, old fogies that just didn’t get the message.
Today they are labeled as ‘liberals’ or un-American – but it’s the same deal.
Today like then fewer and fewer people are enjoying real wealth that is rooted in hard work and has a proven rate of success. More and more people are being thrown out of work while money and attention is spilled on Communist China and taken out of the economy by ‘right-minded’ individuals intent on reaping their profit. Foreign drains on our capital, like Saudi Arabia and Great Britain, are tolerated and even encouraged by members of this administration whose family and friends seem to be profiting from them.
Will we enter a Great Depression?
It’s more likely we are already there. Do not look to Alan Greenspan for truth or even information – he is working day to day as his record shows but he hasn’t really fulfilled any of his assigned duties since the day he was given the job of Federal Reserve chairman. He has been busy making speeches while our banking and credit industry has deteriorated into a mess based on credit cards and buoyed up by dark hopes and malicious intentions.
Farms are being shut down and land taken away from private owners at a rate never before seen in our nation.
Foreign corporations expand their activities even within our borders while domestic companies sell out to them or go belly up through mismanagement or corruption. The ones that are left are assailed by government agencies fueled by special interests.
Mr. George W. Bush continues to live in his fantasy world where the great shining city on the hill has already been built – while the rest of live in the real world where we watch his mismanagement and bewildering weakness break off the few pieces of the foundation of that great city that we have worked so long to raise.
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