I was just watching CNN.
The newsman Thomas Roberts was announcing.
He was introducing the weather segment.
After noticing that snowstorms had covered the Midwest and the East Coast was experiencing mild temperatures – well above freezing – he stated, ‘It’s almost like there is a wall there between the Midwest and the East Coast.’
The weather woman came on next and told us about how snow had fallen in the Midwest but not on the East Coast – which was news to practically no one. The people in the Midwest are acutely aware that snow has fallen and the people on the East Coast were probably cognizant of the fact that it hadn’t snowed.
Considering the fact that CNN is a national broadcast, as USA Today is a national newspaper, perhaps I underestimate their impact – maybe people in California, Utah, Hawaii and Alaska need or are entertained by stories of snow and mild temperatures and want them provided to them every 20 minutes hour after hour.
That’s not what I am writing about. Personally – I like to know what the weather is around the globe – it figures in many things – transportation and agriculture spring to mind first and foremost. One cannot discount weather as a tool of peace either – because when bad weather arrives – armies and navies cease their murder and must wait out the storm – just like the rest of us.
What I am writing about is the remark that Thomas Roberts made.
‘It’s almost like there is a wall there between the Midwest and the East Coast.’
Why, yes, one could say that.
Is it a political wall, Mr. Roberts? Is it a case of the red states having severe weather today and the blue states having mild weather?
No – even though North Carolina is predominantly Democratic in nature and voting patterns – they were a red state in the past election – so the case for it being a political wall is discounted.
Is it an economic wall?
No – the economy of Arkansas is doing fine even though the economies of Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan are in dumpster so it’s not an economic wall.
Is it a religious or spiritual wall?
Well – no – even with all the name calling it is generally acknowledged that everyone in the United States are kind, loving and have a few extra cents for the poor – whether this is true or not is not at issue here.
The issue is that wall.
Now what kind of wall could there be that separates the Midwest from the East Coast?
A time zone!
No – that’s not it, Mr. Roberts, Michigan is in the eastern time zone and Illinois is in the central time zone and they are both experiencing severe weather.
It’s the Appalachian Mountains, Mr. Roberts. That’s the wall between the Midwest and the East Coast. They are string of mountains that stretches from the Canadian Coastline, though Maine all the way down to Georgia.
The massive string of mountains snakes along the eastern portion of the North American continent.
Today though – with planes, trains, automobiles and ships that can zip us from place to place without any thought other than buying a ticket at a counter and hopping on board it might be difficult to imagine things not always being like this.
With that sort of miscommunication going on – with that sort of historical confusion and geographical ignorance being not only tolerated but encouraged in our news media by people like Mr. Roberts about something as obvious as the weather and a major geographical feature on the face of our planet – we can begin to understand some of the reasons for the deeper misunderstandings that persist in our world.
Those deeper misunderstandings are like the invisible mountains that separate the Midwest from the East Coast for Mr. Roberts.
What other invisible geography is in our national makeup? The difference between north and south is one. Is there really a difference anymore? There used to be one. Some people insist that there is still one or try to make one. Just recently a young woman in Kentucky sued her county school board because she was not allowed to attend her high school prom while wearing a Confederate Battle Flag fashioned into an evening gown.
Zel Miller’s loud and outrageous behavior at the Republican Convention on behalf of Mr. Bush – even though he is supposed to be a Democrat – showed up some more of that ugly geology.
That difference can be said to be a mountain. No getting over it for some people.
What about the behavior of Mr. Blair of the United Kingdom? He has been welcomed with open arms by many of our elected leaders – and yet – he is from a country which still maintains a monarchy. The Commonwealth States of the United Kingdom is a shadow empire that continues to act like a parasite on many nations around the world – Iraq being the primary host at the moment.
Our political leaders – Mr. Bush being the most blatant example – embrace the ranting and general lunacy of Mr. Blair as if they were words being spilled from the Bible.
This invisible feature could be said to be an ocean – because there is a vast area of difference between this nation and the tiny kingdom which made slavery a household word.
We are not getting the news we deserve or the true rendition of events. We are getting impulsive responses to deep seated problems and skewed journalistic reports that collect responses from the extremes on an issue dumped on us.
The only thing that the large news corporations take time to prepare for and ensure are presented in a prompt manner are the advertisements.
There is more truth in a dishwashing liquid commercial than all of the lies, garbage and propaganda dumped on us since the Iraq War began – since indeed – Bush first pushed his way into the office of the Presidency.
Way to go Mr. Roberts – maybe his producer will buy him an atlas for his birthday – or at least a funny hat and a big, red, squeaky nose to wear – so that when we watch him it’s clear he's supposed to be an entertaining clown and not an informative newscaster.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Newmont - A New Standard in Disreputable Companies
Newmont Mining Corporation, the world's largest gold producer has been pumping tons of toxic mercury vapors into the air in Indonesia as well as dumping tons of it in a fishing bay.
A bay that until recently had provided fresh fish for the region.
Newmont is a Fortune 500 company based in Denver and is presenting this criminal action as a mishap and that the mercury they pumped in the air, dumped in the sea and poured over the earth could not be the source of chemical poisonings, birth defects and sicknesses that have swept the area.
Indonesian officials say they intend to prosecute the company for pollution, as well as accusations by former employees that Newmont willfully flouted environmental safeguards around the globe.
Newmont has repeatedly claimed that it regards American environmental standards as its measure overseas –but they certainly haven’t been running their operations overseas the way American companies run them here in the United States.
Two top executives denied that the company operations or the mercury harmed local people.
In 2001 Lawrence T. Kurlander, then a senior vice president and chief administrative officer, admonished his senior colleagues that Newmont had "told the world" it upheld American environmental rules abroad, when in fact it did not.
The company has behaved irresponsibly in Peru and Uzbekistan, as well as Indonesia.
Villagers at Buyat Bay, near the Newmont mine on the northern island of Sulawesi, have dizziness, difficult breathing, tumors and skin diseases, which they say began soon after Newmont started mining in 1996.
These are the symptoms of primary mercury poisoning and methylmercury – a byproduct of Newmont’s mining operations - formed when mercury is burned or starts to decompose in the soil or underwater after being dumped. Methylmercury will not show up in urine tests for plain mercury and so the company continues to insist that elevated levels of methylmercury –are no proof that they made it or that it showed up in the environment after they dumped their mercury.
About 33 tons of mercury that Indonesian officials say should have been collected and sent to a legal dump for toxic waste were dumped illegally over four years. About 17 tons were sent into the air and 16 more tons released into the bay.
David H. Francisco, executive vice president for operations, said of the totals. "Is there an impact, is it harmful, is it within the accepted limits we have as an industry, that governments have established? Yeah, I think there was an impact. On the other hand, no, it didn't negatively impact on the bay and the people."
In another instance of Newmont’s irresponsible and third rate mining techniques a subcontractor spilled some 330 pounds of mercury in 2000 along a road near a mine in Peru. Hundreds of villagers were made sick.
That incident involved 330 pounds of mercury – sickened an entire village and still the company insisted that the dizziness, difficult breathing, tumors, skin diseases and blindness were not caused by their company but happened spontaneously.
Newmont is a new standard for disreputable companies operating from home offices in the United States. It is because of companies like Newmont that the United States is viewed with distrust and hatred around the world.
A bay that until recently had provided fresh fish for the region.
Newmont is a Fortune 500 company based in Denver and is presenting this criminal action as a mishap and that the mercury they pumped in the air, dumped in the sea and poured over the earth could not be the source of chemical poisonings, birth defects and sicknesses that have swept the area.
Indonesian officials say they intend to prosecute the company for pollution, as well as accusations by former employees that Newmont willfully flouted environmental safeguards around the globe.
Newmont has repeatedly claimed that it regards American environmental standards as its measure overseas –but they certainly haven’t been running their operations overseas the way American companies run them here in the United States.
Two top executives denied that the company operations or the mercury harmed local people.
In 2001 Lawrence T. Kurlander, then a senior vice president and chief administrative officer, admonished his senior colleagues that Newmont had "told the world" it upheld American environmental rules abroad, when in fact it did not.
The company has behaved irresponsibly in Peru and Uzbekistan, as well as Indonesia.
Villagers at Buyat Bay, near the Newmont mine on the northern island of Sulawesi, have dizziness, difficult breathing, tumors and skin diseases, which they say began soon after Newmont started mining in 1996.
These are the symptoms of primary mercury poisoning and methylmercury – a byproduct of Newmont’s mining operations - formed when mercury is burned or starts to decompose in the soil or underwater after being dumped. Methylmercury will not show up in urine tests for plain mercury and so the company continues to insist that elevated levels of methylmercury –are no proof that they made it or that it showed up in the environment after they dumped their mercury.
About 33 tons of mercury that Indonesian officials say should have been collected and sent to a legal dump for toxic waste were dumped illegally over four years. About 17 tons were sent into the air and 16 more tons released into the bay.
David H. Francisco, executive vice president for operations, said of the totals. "Is there an impact, is it harmful, is it within the accepted limits we have as an industry, that governments have established? Yeah, I think there was an impact. On the other hand, no, it didn't negatively impact on the bay and the people."
In another instance of Newmont’s irresponsible and third rate mining techniques a subcontractor spilled some 330 pounds of mercury in 2000 along a road near a mine in Peru. Hundreds of villagers were made sick.
That incident involved 330 pounds of mercury – sickened an entire village and still the company insisted that the dizziness, difficult breathing, tumors, skin diseases and blindness were not caused by their company but happened spontaneously.
Newmont is a new standard for disreputable companies operating from home offices in the United States. It is because of companies like Newmont that the United States is viewed with distrust and hatred around the world.
The UN Must Prevail
Chinese weapons have been showing up in Sudan.
Both sides in the conflict avoid combat but continue to attack unarmed villages – raping, pillaging and running the inhabitants off.
Chinese oil prospectors have appeared all over the country – sometimes shortly after a village is destroyed.
The French and American governments through OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) recommended a high speed rail line to be extended from British Commonwealth member Kenya into southern Sudan near Juba.
A German investment company is teaming up with the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Sudanese Government (the ones that are fighting) to provide investment in the project.
The World Bank, International Monetary Fund and USAID are both heavily invested in the country and would like to get some of their money back – with interest.
The only thing holding them all back have a few million people that happened to be living on the land already.
A few years later by using guns, greed and dishonesty the industrial nations have a new source of oil and mineral wealth, a rail road line and low overhead.
The people of southern Sudan –who eat and love, get annoyed, get up every day to go to work, suffer, enjoy and have joy, laugh and cry and live and die – are being subjected in the 21st Century to the same inhuman treatment forced on the Native Americans during the conquest of North and South America.
This must be ripped up.
These are the reasons that the UN must prevail.
Both sides in the conflict avoid combat but continue to attack unarmed villages – raping, pillaging and running the inhabitants off.
Chinese oil prospectors have appeared all over the country – sometimes shortly after a village is destroyed.
The French and American governments through OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) recommended a high speed rail line to be extended from British Commonwealth member Kenya into southern Sudan near Juba.
A German investment company is teaming up with the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Sudanese Government (the ones that are fighting) to provide investment in the project.
The World Bank, International Monetary Fund and USAID are both heavily invested in the country and would like to get some of their money back – with interest.
The only thing holding them all back have a few million people that happened to be living on the land already.
A few years later by using guns, greed and dishonesty the industrial nations have a new source of oil and mineral wealth, a rail road line and low overhead.
The people of southern Sudan –who eat and love, get annoyed, get up every day to go to work, suffer, enjoy and have joy, laugh and cry and live and die – are being subjected in the 21st Century to the same inhuman treatment forced on the Native Americans during the conquest of North and South America.
This must be ripped up.
These are the reasons that the UN must prevail.
China is Getting More Aggressive
China is getting more aggressive.
Taking advantage of the rules of economic warfare laid down after World War II the Communist Chinese are turning up in America’s backyard more frequently.
As a third world nation ready to go to the ropes with the industrialized West China has few scruples of its own when considering business opportunities.
New factories are opening in Cuba which will produce millions of television sets. Since these sets cannot be sold in the United States they will either end up in Europe or back in China.
Meanwhile – Chinese workers continue to churn out television sets for the American market under the direction of American companies like Motorola or Japanese companies like Sony.
I wonder how this embargo against Cuba really works. I am not allowed to visit there for the weekend and go fishing but a company like Motorola can partner with the Communists to build cheap tv’s in China then share technology and financing so that the same or better tv’s can be built in Cuba for export to markets that are in direct competition with American interests.
We can watch on our Chinese televisions as Cuban workers take more American jobs.
China is also showing up in Canada, Peru and Sudan - taking contracts for oil and gas to be shipped to China to make television sets even though they can’t even feed, clothe, educate or care for their population properly – and there is no sign of their doing any of it for decades.
Taking advantage of the rules of economic warfare laid down after World War II the Communist Chinese are turning up in America’s backyard more frequently.
As a third world nation ready to go to the ropes with the industrialized West China has few scruples of its own when considering business opportunities.
New factories are opening in Cuba which will produce millions of television sets. Since these sets cannot be sold in the United States they will either end up in Europe or back in China.
Meanwhile – Chinese workers continue to churn out television sets for the American market under the direction of American companies like Motorola or Japanese companies like Sony.
I wonder how this embargo against Cuba really works. I am not allowed to visit there for the weekend and go fishing but a company like Motorola can partner with the Communists to build cheap tv’s in China then share technology and financing so that the same or better tv’s can be built in Cuba for export to markets that are in direct competition with American interests.
We can watch on our Chinese televisions as Cuban workers take more American jobs.
China is also showing up in Canada, Peru and Sudan - taking contracts for oil and gas to be shipped to China to make television sets even though they can’t even feed, clothe, educate or care for their population properly – and there is no sign of their doing any of it for decades.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Fourkiller and Homeland Security
Members of police departments around the country are being sent to Indiana or visited by this company in order to be trained by Fourkiller.
The officers may have come back with a little more training than bargained for.
It would probably be to your best interest to review the arrangements made for the training – including, but not limited to – the costs of transportation, lodging while away and the specific costs charged by Fourkiller for the training received. Lastly I suggest that you review any weapons purchases that were made and ask for a demonstration of any weapons purchased from Fourkiller.
The reason I am contacting you about this should be clear in the letter following.
Thank you for your time and attention and good luck to you.
If there is nothing out of order you will find you have become more familiar with your police department’s ability to carry out their duties.
You may however, come to the conclusion that they are beginning to take the law into their own hands and bringing to your city a type of police work that is more in line with paramilitary operations.
In any case – I would like to see his magic weapon in action.
Disgraced Police Captain Holsapple got the soft treatment. The 25-year veteran of the Kokomo Police Department admitted to forging the signatures of police officers on the county Drug Task Force, which he ran for eight years, according to court records. He is pleading guilty for five Class C felony forgery charges and one Class D felony theft charge.
Sentencing will be left to the discretion of Judge Lynn Murray who has already made the loving sounds of forgiveness that Kokomo residents should expect from a judge overseeing a case involving drug money and political corruption in her own backyard.
Mr. Holsapple's has another playmate - Mr. Fourkiller. Both 'captains' resigned practically upon instant knowledge of the appointment of Russell Ricks as police chief.
Smell something?
Fourkiller has questionable ex-officers from the Los Angeles Police Department working for him at his police attack training company :
It shows a lack of competence and leadership to let Holsapple slide. It is becoming all too common in American courts for drug dealers and crooked cops to get away with breaking the law.
Kokomo needs a good going over.
Mr. Fourkiller and his band of urban terrorists should not be allow to spread his personal brand of Justice to other small cities in this country.
These are men that have acted in a questionable manner while serving in a position of trust. Mr. Fourkiller is teaching large classes of students to invade homes and use high powered weapons in house to house combat.
The officers may have come back with a little more training than bargained for.
It would probably be to your best interest to review the arrangements made for the training – including, but not limited to – the costs of transportation, lodging while away and the specific costs charged by Fourkiller for the training received. Lastly I suggest that you review any weapons purchases that were made and ask for a demonstration of any weapons purchased from Fourkiller.
The reason I am contacting you about this should be clear in the letter following.
Thank you for your time and attention and good luck to you.
If there is nothing out of order you will find you have become more familiar with your police department’s ability to carry out their duties.
You may however, come to the conclusion that they are beginning to take the law into their own hands and bringing to your city a type of police work that is more in line with paramilitary operations.
In any case – I would like to see his magic weapon in action.
Disgraced Police Captain Holsapple got the soft treatment. The 25-year veteran of the Kokomo Police Department admitted to forging the signatures of police officers on the county Drug Task Force, which he ran for eight years, according to court records. He is pleading guilty for five Class C felony forgery charges and one Class D felony theft charge.
Sentencing will be left to the discretion of Judge Lynn Murray who has already made the loving sounds of forgiveness that Kokomo residents should expect from a judge overseeing a case involving drug money and political corruption in her own backyard.
Mr. Holsapple's has another playmate - Mr. Fourkiller. Both 'captains' resigned practically upon instant knowledge of the appointment of Russell Ricks as police chief.
Smell something?
Fourkiller has questionable ex-officers from the Los Angeles Police Department working for him at his police attack training company :
It shows a lack of competence and leadership to let Holsapple slide. It is becoming all too common in American courts for drug dealers and crooked cops to get away with breaking the law.
Kokomo needs a good going over.
Mr. Fourkiller and his band of urban terrorists should not be allow to spread his personal brand of Justice to other small cities in this country.
These are men that have acted in a questionable manner while serving in a position of trust. Mr. Fourkiller is teaching large classes of students to invade homes and use high powered weapons in house to house combat.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Bingo Democracy
Bingo Democracy was conducted recently in Iraq while soldiers were treated to another day of Rumsfeld Roulette.
The United Nations special envoy to Iraq, Ashraf Qazi, who was at one time Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States acted as toastmaster and pulled numbered ping pong balls from the drum as dozens of candidates looked on. The clear plastice drum is same type of contraption used to call out bingo numbers and resembles the crank boxes used by State Governments to call out Lotto numbers. A brightly dressed, attractive young woman turned the drum, completing the illusion of late night television Lotto results.
They were reduced to this so that Iraq’s electoral commission could determine the order of parties in the Jan. 30 election would be listed on ballots.
Nearly 256 separate political parties and individuals have signed up for election night. Nearly 7,700 in all which is even more than signed up to run for the office of California Governor ultimately won by Arnold Schwarzenegger – one time body builder and movie star.
The order they appear on the many pages of the ballot sheet is decided by lottery. This circus side show is being touted as the most reasonable way introduce chance into the election and the height of democracy as achieved by humanity over the course of ages.
"Today is a great day in the history of your great nation," Qazi told the crowd gathered in a room at a conference center that used to be part of Saddam Hussein palace complex as he plucked another ball out of the rotating plexiglass cylinder.
"It is truly in the interests of every Iraqi citizen, whatever their political views, to participate in this electoral process. It is the only way forward.", and he pulled out another numbered ping pong ball.
Iraq is a single electoral district. Voters will choose individuals, parties or special interest groups as candidates. The 275 seat National Assembly will be determined by proportional representation.
The system is supposed to encourage the formation of alliances and coalitions that try to appeal across Iraq's spread of ethnic and religious groups.
Bush is claiming that the inexperienced voters could be influenced by the order in which names appear on the ballot.
The candidates repeatedly interrupted the draw of the election bingo balls to demand officials explain the process. Rules regarding spinning the barrel and pulling balls out were repeated in several different dialects and languages. Balls were picked for everyone even those that failed to submit candidate lists on time.
"In challenging times ... it is natural for people to have major differences of opinion," Qazi said. "What you share is a massive stake in the successful establishment of democracy.", and then he pulled out another ping pong ball.
In the end, the Bush Administration has decreed that no matter what outcome pointed to by the ping pong balls, every third candidate will be a woman, to ensure they make up at least 25 percent of the new assembly.
Once elected, the assembly will appoint a new government and draft a constitution, before another set of elections a year later.
With the lives of thousands of American soldiers riding on the outcome will the Bill of Rights be arrived at by applying Rumsfeld’s Rules for Roulette, Dice and Cards or will the ping pong balls continue to form the bedrock of Iraqi democratic government?
The United Nations special envoy to Iraq, Ashraf Qazi, who was at one time Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States acted as toastmaster and pulled numbered ping pong balls from the drum as dozens of candidates looked on. The clear plastice drum is same type of contraption used to call out bingo numbers and resembles the crank boxes used by State Governments to call out Lotto numbers. A brightly dressed, attractive young woman turned the drum, completing the illusion of late night television Lotto results.
They were reduced to this so that Iraq’s electoral commission could determine the order of parties in the Jan. 30 election would be listed on ballots.
Nearly 256 separate political parties and individuals have signed up for election night. Nearly 7,700 in all which is even more than signed up to run for the office of California Governor ultimately won by Arnold Schwarzenegger – one time body builder and movie star.
The order they appear on the many pages of the ballot sheet is decided by lottery. This circus side show is being touted as the most reasonable way introduce chance into the election and the height of democracy as achieved by humanity over the course of ages.
"Today is a great day in the history of your great nation," Qazi told the crowd gathered in a room at a conference center that used to be part of Saddam Hussein palace complex as he plucked another ball out of the rotating plexiglass cylinder.
"It is truly in the interests of every Iraqi citizen, whatever their political views, to participate in this electoral process. It is the only way forward.", and he pulled out another numbered ping pong ball.
Iraq is a single electoral district. Voters will choose individuals, parties or special interest groups as candidates. The 275 seat National Assembly will be determined by proportional representation.
The system is supposed to encourage the formation of alliances and coalitions that try to appeal across Iraq's spread of ethnic and religious groups.
Bush is claiming that the inexperienced voters could be influenced by the order in which names appear on the ballot.
The candidates repeatedly interrupted the draw of the election bingo balls to demand officials explain the process. Rules regarding spinning the barrel and pulling balls out were repeated in several different dialects and languages. Balls were picked for everyone even those that failed to submit candidate lists on time.
"In challenging times ... it is natural for people to have major differences of opinion," Qazi said. "What you share is a massive stake in the successful establishment of democracy.", and then he pulled out another ping pong ball.
In the end, the Bush Administration has decreed that no matter what outcome pointed to by the ping pong balls, every third candidate will be a woman, to ensure they make up at least 25 percent of the new assembly.
Once elected, the assembly will appoint a new government and draft a constitution, before another set of elections a year later.
With the lives of thousands of American soldiers riding on the outcome will the Bill of Rights be arrived at by applying Rumsfeld’s Rules for Roulette, Dice and Cards or will the ping pong balls continue to form the bedrock of Iraqi democratic government?
Everything is Fine
Bush thinks the FDA is doing a spectacular job.
Talk to all the people harmed and killed from bad drugs to see if they will agree.
Bush thinks Rumsfeld is doing a great job.
Talk to all the soldiers, businessmen and even politicians who don’t think he’s even fit to be a bureaucrat let alone a director.
Bush thinks Kerik was a fine pick to head up the Department of Homeland Defense.
Talk to all the folks harmed and killed by organized crime during the last 20 years.
"I'm going to find somebody who knows something about intelligence," Bush said, "and capable and honest and ready to do the job."
Ha, ha, ha, laughs the media.
Bush will find somebody who knows something about intelligence.
That’s a good one.
The joke is on the American people however, as the clown prince continues his careen through 8 years of a presidency that looks like the beginning of the end for the United States of America as the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I think we are being guided into a national experiment to see if the Texas model of government will work for all 50 states. If so – look forward to more corruption, incompetence and horse feather tales.
Honesty, courage and competence are words that have no meaning for the Executive Branch in Washington, DC these days.
Talk to all the people harmed and killed from bad drugs to see if they will agree.
Bush thinks Rumsfeld is doing a great job.
Talk to all the soldiers, businessmen and even politicians who don’t think he’s even fit to be a bureaucrat let alone a director.
Bush thinks Kerik was a fine pick to head up the Department of Homeland Defense.
Talk to all the folks harmed and killed by organized crime during the last 20 years.
"I'm going to find somebody who knows something about intelligence," Bush said, "and capable and honest and ready to do the job."
Ha, ha, ha, laughs the media.
Bush will find somebody who knows something about intelligence.
That’s a good one.
The joke is on the American people however, as the clown prince continues his careen through 8 years of a presidency that looks like the beginning of the end for the United States of America as the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I think we are being guided into a national experiment to see if the Texas model of government will work for all 50 states. If so – look forward to more corruption, incompetence and horse feather tales.
Honesty, courage and competence are words that have no meaning for the Executive Branch in Washington, DC these days.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Rip Up 2
Up until that point in time that Billy Sunday began actively deriding Christians that believed in peace and not war Christians would go to war with a heavy heart. They knew that they were doing wrong but they knew they had a job to do that had to be done. When those soldiers and sailors returned from some such duties, their churches and their neighbors would open their arms and doors to them and welcome them back.
They would be congratulated and loved and honored for what they had done –what they had given up and sacrificed in order to preserve our union, our strength and our gallant nation.
When Billy Sunday began his vicious oratory and actually had military recruiting stations set up outside his tabernacles where he was preaching the line between church and state was crossed.
Billy Sunday once had a 16 year old Billy Graham in his audience – Sunday’s shrieking paranoia frightened the young Billy Graham – frightened him so much that the scared young boy has turned into a frightened old man. He is churning out the same message of hatred and anger and militarism disguised as faith that Sunday did.
It is time to rip up the line of hatred that was sown during World War I. It is time to rip up the clinging and grasping association of evangelical churches to our government. It is time to rip up the regimentation provided by the military which turns men into killing machines but is not able to turn them back into men.
A Christian can never be a soldier first.
Sometimes a Christian needs to suspend Christian beliefs and take up soldierly duties – but a Christian will never do those things willingly that a soldier needs to do.
When a man or woman returns to home – and this has happened more often since Korea and Vietnam – they never really come home. They are always in battle. There is no harbor for them to find shelter from the blasting winds of guilt or from the raging fires of fear.
They were sent off from their churches – who ‘remember’ them, and who ‘support’ them and who pretend they never really left and that all is well in the world.
It is time to rip up the paranoia and the shrill hatred that sends these men off to war and has no means of bringing them back.
The way things are now these men and women in Iraq will come back with their minds and souls shredded and many Christians will want to help them but they will find it to be impossible – because after all – they are Christian soldiers and can take care of themselves – all they need do is accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Men and women that joined the National Guard to find something interesting to do in their boring lives or to earn money for school were sent into the military and accepted there as doing their Christian duty.
Your Christian duty is to be a good Christian – not to earn money for school or fill in your spare time playing with guns.
So – there is a big job ahead of us.
This field of ours is filled with weeds – the weeds of hatred, and neglect, and sorrow, deceit and lies.
We must clear this field in the manner that we know in our hearts is the correct way.
We must clear out these noxious weeds and plant and let grow kindness, sincerity, forgiveness, patience, charity and love.
Else we shall all die of starvation and our churches will fall to the earth like so much powder – to be taken up by the mighty and the violent and stuffed into cannons that they will turn upon us in our homes.
There is a great work to do.
They would be congratulated and loved and honored for what they had done –what they had given up and sacrificed in order to preserve our union, our strength and our gallant nation.
When Billy Sunday began his vicious oratory and actually had military recruiting stations set up outside his tabernacles where he was preaching the line between church and state was crossed.
Billy Sunday once had a 16 year old Billy Graham in his audience – Sunday’s shrieking paranoia frightened the young Billy Graham – frightened him so much that the scared young boy has turned into a frightened old man. He is churning out the same message of hatred and anger and militarism disguised as faith that Sunday did.
It is time to rip up the line of hatred that was sown during World War I. It is time to rip up the clinging and grasping association of evangelical churches to our government. It is time to rip up the regimentation provided by the military which turns men into killing machines but is not able to turn them back into men.
A Christian can never be a soldier first.
Sometimes a Christian needs to suspend Christian beliefs and take up soldierly duties – but a Christian will never do those things willingly that a soldier needs to do.
When a man or woman returns to home – and this has happened more often since Korea and Vietnam – they never really come home. They are always in battle. There is no harbor for them to find shelter from the blasting winds of guilt or from the raging fires of fear.
They were sent off from their churches – who ‘remember’ them, and who ‘support’ them and who pretend they never really left and that all is well in the world.
It is time to rip up the paranoia and the shrill hatred that sends these men off to war and has no means of bringing them back.
The way things are now these men and women in Iraq will come back with their minds and souls shredded and many Christians will want to help them but they will find it to be impossible – because after all – they are Christian soldiers and can take care of themselves – all they need do is accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Men and women that joined the National Guard to find something interesting to do in their boring lives or to earn money for school were sent into the military and accepted there as doing their Christian duty.
Your Christian duty is to be a good Christian – not to earn money for school or fill in your spare time playing with guns.
So – there is a big job ahead of us.
This field of ours is filled with weeds – the weeds of hatred, and neglect, and sorrow, deceit and lies.
We must clear this field in the manner that we know in our hearts is the correct way.
We must clear out these noxious weeds and plant and let grow kindness, sincerity, forgiveness, patience, charity and love.
Else we shall all die of starvation and our churches will fall to the earth like so much powder – to be taken up by the mighty and the violent and stuffed into cannons that they will turn upon us in our homes.
There is a great work to do.
Neo-Con Safety Tips
While we try to make Neo-Con as safe and friendly as possible, there are still some things you need to know. If you are in any trouble with the Government or Neo-Con, talk things over with your local precinct adviser, election official or a cement contractor who will know what to do.
1. You need a valid e-mail address to sign up with Neo-Con. If you're 12 years old or younger, your email address is completely removed from our system once we send you the activation message. For users 13 or older, you'll also need to enter your e-mail address, as well as your first and last name, your social security number, your bank account number(s) and access to all of your personal credit cards to sign up. Please note that any other information we require from users is not personally identifiable (such as date of birth, gender, zip code, and country). If you're 13 or older, you also have the option of sending money if you want, but it's not required for you at first to enjoy Neo-Con. Remember - don't give out personal information about yourself like your phone number, pictures of you or your family, where you live, or where you go to school without asking your Republican Party Committee Chairman first. Also, use only your super-secret Homeland Security user name when posting on the message boards or sending messages through NeoMail.
2. Don't ever give out your password to anyone (on or off the Neo-Con site). Neo-Con staff members will not ask you for your password for using the site though we may ask you for access to your personal social security account, and we will NEVER e-mail or NeoMail you to get your password. Also, don't give anyone your Neodrive URL (because it shows your password). Watch out for fake log-in screens - some people are copying our login box and posting it on their personal web pages to trick people into entering their user names and passwords. Look at the URL - if it says anything other than www.Neo-Con.com, DO NOT enter your user information. If anyone does try to get you to reveal your password, please let us know immediately by calling us – an agent will be sent to their home and they will be arrested and sent away to a camp in Cuba.
3. Be careful who you talk to on the web. If somebody says something to you, sends you something, or you see something that makes you uncomfortable, like information regarding the United States Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, don't look at it or think about it. Get your Republican Party Commissar instead - they will know what to do. If this happens on the Neo-Con site, please let us know and we will take the necessary action. Remember that nothing you write on the web is truly private – we know about everything you do and say so be careful and think before you type!
4. All REAL Neo-Con activities and games are contained within the Neo-Con site. Delete e-mails, files, or web pages that you get from people you don't really know or trust especially anyone that did not vote for George W. Bush or does not believe that the end of the world is coming soon. Sometimes people post links to viruses around the Internet, including on the Neo-Con site, saying the links lead to other Neo-Con stuff. (For example, they claim the link is to a NeoHelper program, Neopoints.exe, or a Scorchy program.) Don't be fooled! Links like these go to nasty viruses that can seriously damage your computer. Also, beware of fake Neo-Con "competitions" and "trades." If they're not located within the Neo-Con site, then they are not endorsed by us and you are proceeding at your own risk. Don't Forget: no one needs your password to send you an item or for any other reason!
5. Be careful about in-person meetings. Meeting up with people you meet online is not always a great idea, but if you want to, there are 4 very important rules you should stick to.
Meet only people you feel you know well, have known for a long time, and only with your Republican Party Commissar’s knowledge and permission.
Meet in a public place, such as a church.
Go with a parent or 18+ sibling (even if you are an adult yourself)!
Make sure the person you're meeting is not alone either.
6. Neo-Con is completely FREE, but not everything we do is. You will need to pay, pay, pay in order to stay, stay, stay. Don't ever do anything on the Internet that could cost your family money unless your Republican Party Commissar is there to help you do it.
7. Always follow your party’s rules for the Internet. They're there to make sure you have fun and stay safe online.
About Us
Neo-Con began from an idea Adam had way back in the garden of Eden while sitting in a dingy little computer room, possibly while eating kebabs or pizza under the tree of Knowledge. The site was launched on November 15th 1999 by Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve). Our aim is to keep adding new and exciting games, puzzles and activities daily, and hopefully keep you all entertained!!! :)
Who's Who at Neo-Con :
Adam Powell - Adam took his last name from a popular Washington, DC family that’s in to just about everything and everyone! Adam is constantly busy coming up with plots, stories, Neopedia articles, and working on the Identity Card Game.
Do you know who you are today? Ha ha!
Donna Powell - Donna runs the daily news on the site, making sure that the news page is updated and that all the propaganda is correct! She also works on the merchandise side of the company, making sure that your Cybunny Plushie NeoWeapon doesn't have four heads and that your Shoyru Rocket NeoLauncher has two projectiles!
Donna currently has a 40,641 body count, more than you - haha!
Also working at NeoCon are :
The Phantom Orange-Shirt Guy (In Charge of Prisons)
Zim the Magic Chimp
Chris of the CIA
Maeve the Monster Boy from Muskegon
Tommy Blad
Keith (he's mental)
Damon Leper
Shish-Ka-Bob Robb
Matt the Angry Assassin
Matt the Bearded Assassin
Greg the Very Angry Assassin
Devananda (Goddess of Destruction)
Still can't get enough of us?
If you want to know more about Neo-Con or wish to take a look at our press kit, give us a call!
REMEMBER: NOBODY AT NEO-CON WILL EVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD!!! The Neo-Con user name is the Neo-Conteam and anybody else who claims to be staff is trying to trick you.
Neo-Con is the greatest Virtual Intelligence Site on the Internet. With your help, we have built a community of over 70 million virtually intelligent Republicans across the world! Neo-Con has many things to offer including over 160 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging, and much much more. Best of all, it's completely FREE!
Yes that’s right - FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE!
All you have to do is vote for George Bush again and we might let you have your Social Security check on time!
Today's Random Theme Is...
Garlic is extremely popular amongst the Neo-Con office and we decided it was about time we had an entire day devoted to it.
Advent Calendar!
Make sure you visit the Advent Calendar in Terror Mountain. Every day throughout the month of Celebrating there will be a different animation and a new prize for you to collect. As each day passes in the Easter season we will be pinpointing terrorist attacks across the nation and around the world!
Read All About It!
Issue 169 of the Neopian Times has just been launched. If you want to know all about the latest gossip, tips and jokes, you can't afford not to read it!
Plot Update!
The 13th part of our Hannibal and the Ice Caves plot has just gone live.
Someone say Food?!!?
Six of the most powerful terrorists in Neopia have sat down for dinner, whatever the outcome, it promises to be an interesting night!
Sign up with Neo-Con today! It's simple, fast and FREE!
While we try to make Neo-Con as safe and friendly as possible, there are still some things you need to know. If you are in any trouble with the Government or Neo-Con, talk things over with your local precinct adviser, election official or a cement contractor who will know what to do.
1. You need a valid e-mail address to sign up with Neo-Con. If you're 12 years old or younger, your email address is completely removed from our system once we send you the activation message. For users 13 or older, you'll also need to enter your e-mail address, as well as your first and last name, your social security number, your bank account number(s) and access to all of your personal credit cards to sign up. Please note that any other information we require from users is not personally identifiable (such as date of birth, gender, zip code, and country). If you're 13 or older, you also have the option of sending money if you want, but it's not required for you at first to enjoy Neo-Con. Remember - don't give out personal information about yourself like your phone number, pictures of you or your family, where you live, or where you go to school without asking your Republican Party Committee Chairman first. Also, use only your super-secret Homeland Security user name when posting on the message boards or sending messages through NeoMail.
2. Don't ever give out your password to anyone (on or off the Neo-Con site). Neo-Con staff members will not ask you for your password for using the site though we may ask you for access to your personal social security account, and we will NEVER e-mail or NeoMail you to get your password. Also, don't give anyone your Neodrive URL (because it shows your password). Watch out for fake log-in screens - some people are copying our login box and posting it on their personal web pages to trick people into entering their user names and passwords. Look at the URL - if it says anything other than www.Neo-Con.com, DO NOT enter your user information. If anyone does try to get you to reveal your password, please let us know immediately by calling us – an agent will be sent to their home and they will be arrested and sent away to a camp in Cuba.
3. Be careful who you talk to on the web. If somebody says something to you, sends you something, or you see something that makes you uncomfortable, like information regarding the United States Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, don't look at it or think about it. Get your Republican Party Commissar instead - they will know what to do. If this happens on the Neo-Con site, please let us know and we will take the necessary action. Remember that nothing you write on the web is truly private – we know about everything you do and say so be careful and think before you type!
4. All REAL Neo-Con activities and games are contained within the Neo-Con site. Delete e-mails, files, or web pages that you get from people you don't really know or trust especially anyone that did not vote for George W. Bush or does not believe that the end of the world is coming soon. Sometimes people post links to viruses around the Internet, including on the Neo-Con site, saying the links lead to other Neo-Con stuff. (For example, they claim the link is to a NeoHelper program, Neopoints.exe, or a Scorchy program.) Don't be fooled! Links like these go to nasty viruses that can seriously damage your computer. Also, beware of fake Neo-Con "competitions" and "trades." If they're not located within the Neo-Con site, then they are not endorsed by us and you are proceeding at your own risk. Don't Forget: no one needs your password to send you an item or for any other reason!
5. Be careful about in-person meetings. Meeting up with people you meet online is not always a great idea, but if you want to, there are 4 very important rules you should stick to.
Meet only people you feel you know well, have known for a long time, and only with your Republican Party Commissar’s knowledge and permission.
Meet in a public place, such as a church.
Go with a parent or 18+ sibling (even if you are an adult yourself)!
Make sure the person you're meeting is not alone either.
6. Neo-Con is completely FREE, but not everything we do is. You will need to pay, pay, pay in order to stay, stay, stay. Don't ever do anything on the Internet that could cost your family money unless your Republican Party Commissar is there to help you do it.
7. Always follow your party’s rules for the Internet. They're there to make sure you have fun and stay safe online.
About Us
Neo-Con began from an idea Adam had way back in the garden of Eden while sitting in a dingy little computer room, possibly while eating kebabs or pizza under the tree of Knowledge. The site was launched on November 15th 1999 by Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve). Our aim is to keep adding new and exciting games, puzzles and activities daily, and hopefully keep you all entertained!!! :)
Who's Who at Neo-Con :
Adam Powell - Adam took his last name from a popular Washington, DC family that’s in to just about everything and everyone! Adam is constantly busy coming up with plots, stories, Neopedia articles, and working on the Identity Card Game.
Do you know who you are today? Ha ha!
Donna Powell - Donna runs the daily news on the site, making sure that the news page is updated and that all the propaganda is correct! She also works on the merchandise side of the company, making sure that your Cybunny Plushie NeoWeapon doesn't have four heads and that your Shoyru Rocket NeoLauncher has two projectiles!
Donna currently has a 40,641 body count, more than you - haha!
Also working at NeoCon are :
The Phantom Orange-Shirt Guy (In Charge of Prisons)
Zim the Magic Chimp
Chris of the CIA
Maeve the Monster Boy from Muskegon
Tommy Blad
Keith (he's mental)
Damon Leper
Shish-Ka-Bob Robb
Matt the Angry Assassin
Matt the Bearded Assassin
Greg the Very Angry Assassin
Devananda (Goddess of Destruction)
Still can't get enough of us?
If you want to know more about Neo-Con or wish to take a look at our press kit, give us a call!
REMEMBER: NOBODY AT NEO-CON WILL EVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD!!! The Neo-Con user name is the Neo-Conteam and anybody else who claims to be staff is trying to trick you.
Neo-Con is the greatest Virtual Intelligence Site on the Internet. With your help, we have built a community of over 70 million virtually intelligent Republicans across the world! Neo-Con has many things to offer including over 160 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging, and much much more. Best of all, it's completely FREE!
Yes that’s right - FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE!
All you have to do is vote for George Bush again and we might let you have your Social Security check on time!
Today's Random Theme Is...
Garlic is extremely popular amongst the Neo-Con office and we decided it was about time we had an entire day devoted to it.
Advent Calendar!
Make sure you visit the Advent Calendar in Terror Mountain. Every day throughout the month of Celebrating there will be a different animation and a new prize for you to collect. As each day passes in the Easter season we will be pinpointing terrorist attacks across the nation and around the world!
Read All About It!
Issue 169 of the Neopian Times has just been launched. If you want to know all about the latest gossip, tips and jokes, you can't afford not to read it!
Plot Update!
The 13th part of our Hannibal and the Ice Caves plot has just gone live.
Someone say Food?!!?
Six of the most powerful terrorists in Neopia have sat down for dinner, whatever the outcome, it promises to be an interesting night!
Sign up with Neo-Con today! It's simple, fast and FREE!
The paranoid boys over in Washington are pulling at the bit.
They say that being less structured doesn't mean the terrorists are less dangerous or easier to stop. The smaller the fish, the tighter the net needs to be to catch it.
"We take every case seriously now precisely because there is no pattern," one German investigator said.
George W. Bush has to admit that 3 1/2 years after 9/11, he knows next to nothing about the motives of Islamic terrorists or that he is hiding from us what he does know.
Not knowing means they might be able to figure it out. They are still trying. Hiding information from us makes him our enemy – and us a target.
Would Americans allow their families to be subject to daily hunger?
Nearly half of all of our children go to be hungry ever night.
Would Americans would not allow their society to be ravaged by disease?
Diseases is rampant in our nation – especially in the rural areas.
Would Americans would stand up against greed?
This country has been taken over by foreign interest and is run by greedy men and women who appear on televisions in our living rooms ever night.
Would Americans wouldn’t tolerate murder in their streets?
Murder rates here are the highest in the world.
Hunger, disease, greed and murder are the motives of the terrorists.. They don’t want what we have– they hate us because we have it while their children are dying.
How’s that for motive?
They say that being less structured doesn't mean the terrorists are less dangerous or easier to stop. The smaller the fish, the tighter the net needs to be to catch it.
"We take every case seriously now precisely because there is no pattern," one German investigator said.
George W. Bush has to admit that 3 1/2 years after 9/11, he knows next to nothing about the motives of Islamic terrorists or that he is hiding from us what he does know.
Not knowing means they might be able to figure it out. They are still trying. Hiding information from us makes him our enemy – and us a target.
Would Americans allow their families to be subject to daily hunger?
Nearly half of all of our children go to be hungry ever night.
Would Americans would not allow their society to be ravaged by disease?
Diseases is rampant in our nation – especially in the rural areas.
Would Americans would stand up against greed?
This country has been taken over by foreign interest and is run by greedy men and women who appear on televisions in our living rooms ever night.
Would Americans wouldn’t tolerate murder in their streets?
Murder rates here are the highest in the world.
Hunger, disease, greed and murder are the motives of the terrorists.. They don’t want what we have– they hate us because we have it while their children are dying.
How’s that for motive?
The Yezidi Kurds worship Malek. This god is known as Moloch in the bible.
In Hebrew Molech means king.
Moloch's worship among the Jews was apparently the sacrifice of children. The description of that sacrifice was "to pass through the fire", a rite carried out after the victims had been put to death.
The centre of atrocities was just outside of Jerusalem, at a place called Tophet (probably "place of abomination"), in the valley of Geennom.
From III (I) Kings, xi, 7, Solomon erected "a temple" for Moloch "on the hill over against Jerusalem", and on this account he is at times considered as the monarch who introduced the impious cult into Israel.
According to Deut., xii, 29-31; xviii, 9-14, the passing of children through fire was of Canaanite origin [cf. IV (II) Kings, xvi, 3].
A preacher from the First Baptist Church in Tallapoosa, Georgia visited the Kurds. He was there to ‘save souls’. He believed he had saved souls and brought a village to Christ even though the Yezidi clearly told him that their worship of this god is to ensure them a place he is redeemed not them.
The preacher returned home bringing the work of Satan with him.
The offerings by fire, the identity of Moloch with Baal clearly show this to be a foreign civilization. By mixing with it US morals are eroded.
Bush and Rumsfeld have, instead of stemming the tide of evil, removed the final restraints and set it free into the world.
In Hebrew Molech means king.
Moloch's worship among the Jews was apparently the sacrifice of children. The description of that sacrifice was "to pass through the fire", a rite carried out after the victims had been put to death.
The centre of atrocities was just outside of Jerusalem, at a place called Tophet (probably "place of abomination"), in the valley of Geennom.
From III (I) Kings, xi, 7, Solomon erected "a temple" for Moloch "on the hill over against Jerusalem", and on this account he is at times considered as the monarch who introduced the impious cult into Israel.
According to Deut., xii, 29-31; xviii, 9-14, the passing of children through fire was of Canaanite origin [cf. IV (II) Kings, xvi, 3].
A preacher from the First Baptist Church in Tallapoosa, Georgia visited the Kurds. He was there to ‘save souls’. He believed he had saved souls and brought a village to Christ even though the Yezidi clearly told him that their worship of this god is to ensure them a place he is redeemed not them.
The preacher returned home bringing the work of Satan with him.
The offerings by fire, the identity of Moloch with Baal clearly show this to be a foreign civilization. By mixing with it US morals are eroded.
Bush and Rumsfeld have, instead of stemming the tide of evil, removed the final restraints and set it free into the world.
What are we doing in Iraq?
Iraqis now wait in line for kerosene at service stations in Baghdad as a fuel shortage worsened and left homes cold and dark.
On December, 13 a rebel bomber killed nine at the entrance to Baghdad's Green Zone. Nineteen people were wounded.
Most of the victims were locals lining up to enter the Green Zone to go to work.
The attack was at Saddam Hussein's presidential palace. It is used by several embassies and is the headquarters of the American-backed government.
Rebels fired rocket-propelled grenades and mortar rounds at an Iraqi National Guard patrol.
The attacks came a day after four police officers were killed in two attacks in central and northern Iraq. The rebels have continued attacking anyone who cooperates with the Americans.
Many attacks have been in Baghdad, where rebels strike at will.
The British and American Embassies do not allow employees to use the airport road.
In Samarra, rebel attacks have become commonplace. A rocket-propelled grenade exploded near an Iraqi Army post on Sunday. Two civilians were wounded.
At Tikrit rebels detonated a car as they approached a tank.
Near Baquba American troops detained more than 50 suspected rebels in a series of raids.
In the city of Erbil, a car bomb exploded recently in the Kurdish territories.
During the weekend separate attacks killed seven marines.
Meanwhile, Iraqi policemen loyal to the Americans in Umm Qasr arrested men on December 12th accused of trying to smuggle sheep into Saudi Arabia.
What are we doing in Iraq, again?
On December, 13 a rebel bomber killed nine at the entrance to Baghdad's Green Zone. Nineteen people were wounded.
Most of the victims were locals lining up to enter the Green Zone to go to work.
The attack was at Saddam Hussein's presidential palace. It is used by several embassies and is the headquarters of the American-backed government.
Rebels fired rocket-propelled grenades and mortar rounds at an Iraqi National Guard patrol.
The attacks came a day after four police officers were killed in two attacks in central and northern Iraq. The rebels have continued attacking anyone who cooperates with the Americans.
Many attacks have been in Baghdad, where rebels strike at will.
The British and American Embassies do not allow employees to use the airport road.
In Samarra, rebel attacks have become commonplace. A rocket-propelled grenade exploded near an Iraqi Army post on Sunday. Two civilians were wounded.
At Tikrit rebels detonated a car as they approached a tank.
Near Baquba American troops detained more than 50 suspected rebels in a series of raids.
In the city of Erbil, a car bomb exploded recently in the Kurdish territories.
During the weekend separate attacks killed seven marines.
Meanwhile, Iraqi policemen loyal to the Americans in Umm Qasr arrested men on December 12th accused of trying to smuggle sheep into Saudi Arabia.
What are we doing in Iraq, again?
This Great Work
It’s time to continue the trek west.
The western lands should be open for new colonization and settling.
Most of the western farms haven’t matured into anything other than parasites on the Federal Government. Many of the western states - like Montana - provide very little good for the general welfare and most of its land stands empty and unused.
The same can be said for Nevada, Arizona, Nebraska and large portions of southern Indiana.
It is time for the government to start land grants again and open up the west for settlers and development.
The settling of this country is not over - not by a longshot. It’s time to move those corporate farms that are raking in government subsidies out of the way so that Americans can take the land and do something meaningful and useful with it.
Packing millions into the cities in order to bilk them out of a weekly pay check isn’t working.
The western settlers were supposed to settle their land and raise up towns and cities.
Because of laziness and ignorance - many of the original dreams of the settlers that went out there have deteriorated into dustbowl towns and havens for freeloading government handout programs.
It is time to conquer our frontier and settle the new lands and raise cities from the broken lands and out of the dust which blows across forlorn wastes - abandoned by cowards and bureaucrats.
The land belongs to us and it is time it is made available - along with access to raw materials to make this great work come true.
The western lands should be open for new colonization and settling.
Most of the western farms haven’t matured into anything other than parasites on the Federal Government. Many of the western states - like Montana - provide very little good for the general welfare and most of its land stands empty and unused.
The same can be said for Nevada, Arizona, Nebraska and large portions of southern Indiana.
It is time for the government to start land grants again and open up the west for settlers and development.
The settling of this country is not over - not by a longshot. It’s time to move those corporate farms that are raking in government subsidies out of the way so that Americans can take the land and do something meaningful and useful with it.
Packing millions into the cities in order to bilk them out of a weekly pay check isn’t working.
The western settlers were supposed to settle their land and raise up towns and cities.
Because of laziness and ignorance - many of the original dreams of the settlers that went out there have deteriorated into dustbowl towns and havens for freeloading government handout programs.
It is time to conquer our frontier and settle the new lands and raise cities from the broken lands and out of the dust which blows across forlorn wastes - abandoned by cowards and bureaucrats.
The land belongs to us and it is time it is made available - along with access to raw materials to make this great work come true.
The Bush Bunch
The Bush bunch.
They are against abortion!
As if any thinking person would be in favor of it.
They don’t mention the girl who has been raped by her father and what she may decide or need to do. Incest is illegal in this land. They are only concerned with the law when caught breaking it.
They don’t talk about the fetus developing with a brain outside of the skull, or lungs outside of the body and skip the heart stilled in the womb. Or will they have the mother die?
They don’t talk about pollution that causes birth defects. That would annoy their corporate sponsors.
They don’t talk about endemic poverty – that would violate their bizarre assertion that states only heathens help others.
They talk about Iraq.
How will this end?
Will this society that has asserted a home is a castle, did not allow government interference in family affairs, proclaimed the right of the individual to regulate personal habits and rear children in accordance with conscience and of love, now become subject to a heretical tyranny which interferes in the smallest concerns of life from birth to death? Will we endure hypocritical despotism the likes of which have provoked rebellion in earlier times?
We’ll eventually knock them out. Freedom to live one’s own life, limited only by not hurting the rights of others, will again be held important.
Liberty will prevail in the United States but will Bush have destroyed our national government?
Iraq is an empty prize.
They are against abortion!
As if any thinking person would be in favor of it.
They don’t mention the girl who has been raped by her father and what she may decide or need to do. Incest is illegal in this land. They are only concerned with the law when caught breaking it.
They don’t talk about the fetus developing with a brain outside of the skull, or lungs outside of the body and skip the heart stilled in the womb. Or will they have the mother die?
They don’t talk about pollution that causes birth defects. That would annoy their corporate sponsors.
They don’t talk about endemic poverty – that would violate their bizarre assertion that states only heathens help others.
They talk about Iraq.
How will this end?
Will this society that has asserted a home is a castle, did not allow government interference in family affairs, proclaimed the right of the individual to regulate personal habits and rear children in accordance with conscience and of love, now become subject to a heretical tyranny which interferes in the smallest concerns of life from birth to death? Will we endure hypocritical despotism the likes of which have provoked rebellion in earlier times?
We’ll eventually knock them out. Freedom to live one’s own life, limited only by not hurting the rights of others, will again be held important.
Liberty will prevail in the United States but will Bush have destroyed our national government?
Iraq is an empty prize.
The difficulties posed to Americans these days by the Self-Righteous Conservatives in this nation is that they have been insisting the same thing for such a long time that some people believe that it is true and others are frustrated by the bald face lies.
A way in which this can be corrected is to look at what they are saying in a different light – from a different angle.
From this new perspective we will gain a new understanding.
The problems belong to them. The solutions belong to us.
If we look at the history of evangelical theorists and the enthusiastic politicians – like Billy Graham and George W. Bush – we see that it has its roots in circus tents – not the pages of the Bible.
When these people put the problem of abortion at the feet of Democrats or Republicans they are not really concerned about the issue. It’s just a prop. Like a hoop for you to jump through or a trapeze swing for you to swing on.
The real problems that make abortion necessary in some circumstances – like birth defects, rape, physical abuse, malnutrition, disease, drug abuse – are ignored. They are not part of the show.
The Self-Righteous Circus demands that the performers be completely self reliant – work without a net, for example – or with only the Bible to hold them up.
Let’s take a look at it from another view – George W. Bush blames liberals for abortion. He never admits that his grandfather helped to found Planned Parenthood and that his family believes that population growth in third world nations is the most potent danger to the United States – that’s not exciting for his audience.
He also avoids the problems of poverty – by giving tax breaks to the rich, for example.
He avoids the problem of drug abuse – sending the army to Iraq for example while the southern border is left unguarded.
Will you ever get him to admit these things?
Just as you would not get a circus performer to admit his personal secrets or a magician to explain their magic.
It takes away the allure – and the paying customers want him to entertain – to produce – to bedazzle.
They are bored, and so, they have invented their own monsters – and because those monsters are their neighbors they can be entertained by them every day.
With Billy Graham and George W. Bush insisting that you must believe in Jesus Christ in order to be saved – they will not listen to a call for pity, help, assistance, love, action, or real work. They will, in short, not behave like Americans and free men because they are convinced that they deserve what they have because God gave it to them and you need help because you are in league with the Devil.
And if that’s not enough – ladies and gentleman – direct your attention to the center ring where 150,000 men will risk their lives in defense of your freedom – they will walk through flames, leap gaping chasms and perform all those amazing feats of strength and wonder that those Supermen of Yesteryear performed on the beaches of France, in the Jungles of the Phillipines, the skies above England – the one, the only – Iraq War!
The problems belong to them. The solutions belong to us.
They are the problem. Americans are the solution.
A way in which this can be corrected is to look at what they are saying in a different light – from a different angle.
From this new perspective we will gain a new understanding.
The problems belong to them. The solutions belong to us.
If we look at the history of evangelical theorists and the enthusiastic politicians – like Billy Graham and George W. Bush – we see that it has its roots in circus tents – not the pages of the Bible.
When these people put the problem of abortion at the feet of Democrats or Republicans they are not really concerned about the issue. It’s just a prop. Like a hoop for you to jump through or a trapeze swing for you to swing on.
The real problems that make abortion necessary in some circumstances – like birth defects, rape, physical abuse, malnutrition, disease, drug abuse – are ignored. They are not part of the show.
The Self-Righteous Circus demands that the performers be completely self reliant – work without a net, for example – or with only the Bible to hold them up.
Let’s take a look at it from another view – George W. Bush blames liberals for abortion. He never admits that his grandfather helped to found Planned Parenthood and that his family believes that population growth in third world nations is the most potent danger to the United States – that’s not exciting for his audience.
He also avoids the problems of poverty – by giving tax breaks to the rich, for example.
He avoids the problem of drug abuse – sending the army to Iraq for example while the southern border is left unguarded.
Will you ever get him to admit these things?
Just as you would not get a circus performer to admit his personal secrets or a magician to explain their magic.
It takes away the allure – and the paying customers want him to entertain – to produce – to bedazzle.
They are bored, and so, they have invented their own monsters – and because those monsters are their neighbors they can be entertained by them every day.
With Billy Graham and George W. Bush insisting that you must believe in Jesus Christ in order to be saved – they will not listen to a call for pity, help, assistance, love, action, or real work. They will, in short, not behave like Americans and free men because they are convinced that they deserve what they have because God gave it to them and you need help because you are in league with the Devil.
And if that’s not enough – ladies and gentleman – direct your attention to the center ring where 150,000 men will risk their lives in defense of your freedom – they will walk through flames, leap gaping chasms and perform all those amazing feats of strength and wonder that those Supermen of Yesteryear performed on the beaches of France, in the Jungles of the Phillipines, the skies above England – the one, the only – Iraq War!
The problems belong to them. The solutions belong to us.
They are the problem. Americans are the solution.
Rohrabacher 2
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been an outspoken advocate of allowing foreign born citizens to become President of the United States – something which is now barred by the United States Constitution.
Schwarzenegger’s backers in his campaign to unseat the California Governor are notable.
Representative Issa, an Arab-American leads up the troop.
William Armsted Robinson, founder of the DHL courier service, is a top donor of Gov. Armold Schwarzenegger, forming a triumvirate with real estate developer Alex Spanos and Spanish-language TV executive Jerry Perenchio.
Spanos, a Greek immigrant, owns the San Diego Chargers. He uses his billions to influence and pay for representation through the Republican Party.
Perenchio heads Univision, a Spanish speaking television station that is dedicated to profit and whose content is targeted at hispanic immigrants.
DHL was recently sold off to a company by the name of ASTAR.
A court battle ended with the Bush Administration having the Department of Transportation certifying ASTAR as an American company even though it is based in Belgium and owned by Deutsch Post – a German company.
ASTAR through DHL handles deliveries to and from Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and elsewhere for the Department of Defense.
Representative Rohrabacher of California sponsored an Amendment to the Constitution to allow foreign born citizens to become president.
The Arnold Amendment.
Orrin Hatch proposed the Amendment in the Senate.
Rohrabacher has called the Taliban in the November/December 1996 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, a pro-Muslim broadsheet “devout traditionalists – not terrorists or revolutionaries.”
Schwarzenegger’s backers in his campaign to unseat the California Governor are notable.
Representative Issa, an Arab-American leads up the troop.
William Armsted Robinson, founder of the DHL courier service, is a top donor of Gov. Armold Schwarzenegger, forming a triumvirate with real estate developer Alex Spanos and Spanish-language TV executive Jerry Perenchio.
Spanos, a Greek immigrant, owns the San Diego Chargers. He uses his billions to influence and pay for representation through the Republican Party.
Perenchio heads Univision, a Spanish speaking television station that is dedicated to profit and whose content is targeted at hispanic immigrants.
DHL was recently sold off to a company by the name of ASTAR.
A court battle ended with the Bush Administration having the Department of Transportation certifying ASTAR as an American company even though it is based in Belgium and owned by Deutsch Post – a German company.
ASTAR through DHL handles deliveries to and from Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and elsewhere for the Department of Defense.
Representative Rohrabacher of California sponsored an Amendment to the Constitution to allow foreign born citizens to become president.
The Arnold Amendment.
Orrin Hatch proposed the Amendment in the Senate.
Rohrabacher has called the Taliban in the November/December 1996 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, a pro-Muslim broadsheet “devout traditionalists – not terrorists or revolutionaries.”
Rip Up
That’s where the evil begins.
That’s where it has its roots.
In the works and words of Billy Sunday.
That is what we will rip up.
This damaged and diseased vine which has reached us through time.
We will throw the ringmaster out of the church and let him land on his arse back in the circus where he belongs.
It is the rank and stinking words of Billy Graham and his children’s crusade that we will rip up.
It is the horrible and dark places of the prostitutes where Jimmy Swaggart played that we will rip up.
It is the counting houses and the banks that Jim and Tammy Bakker worshiped in that we will rip up.
It is in the crystal palace of Schuler - where he hides from Christ in a blinding light - like that of the offending angel and evil spirit clothed in whiteness in order to disguise his soiled and polluted soul that we will rip up.
We must rip them up - all of the ideas and stinking lies that have permeated our nation.
We must rip them up to cleanse our souls.
We must rip up the belief that aborting a mass of flesh without a brain, or arms and legs and saving the mother is a crime against God.
We must rip up the notion that says that raping a three year old girl is God’s will.
We must rip up the tangled idea that a father has a right rape his daughters in order to control them.
We must rip up the men and women who live lavishly and with full and fat bellies like the Texas President and his Cowgirl Wife, while children are going hungry.
We must rip it up out of the ground which it fouls.
Not tearing and rending like some beast - like a mean spirited Billy Sunday or a foul mouthed braggart like Swaggart - or like a wienie like Cheney - but like a caring farmer - seeking to care and love his sheep and land that has been entrusted to him by God.
We must rip them up and cast them aside to rot on the vegetable pile of manure from which they came.
These weeds and powerful smoking stenches that fill the nostrils until the stomach is overcome.
We must rip up the visions cast upon our nation’s freedom that fall like shadows from the mouths of the Ministers and Preachers whose empty churches have turned them out into politicians and businessmen with grasping fingers and greed.
We must rip up the belief in the Devil which has enriched them to the point of making crime in business some holy objective - where we see men like Donald Trump being worshipped on tv even as his slothful company lies in bankruptcy.
We must rip up the men like Tom DeLay of Texas, who, in order to please his masters would stand behind a war that binds this nation with godless heathens and bigamous sheiks in Saudi Arabia.
We must rip them up and sow a new seed in this land of ours - a land of freedom and goodness and light.
It is time to cast out the ignorant and the blasphemers from their high places and return Jesus to His.
That’s where it has its roots.
In the works and words of Billy Sunday.
That is what we will rip up.
This damaged and diseased vine which has reached us through time.
We will throw the ringmaster out of the church and let him land on his arse back in the circus where he belongs.
It is the rank and stinking words of Billy Graham and his children’s crusade that we will rip up.
It is the horrible and dark places of the prostitutes where Jimmy Swaggart played that we will rip up.
It is the counting houses and the banks that Jim and Tammy Bakker worshiped in that we will rip up.
It is in the crystal palace of Schuler - where he hides from Christ in a blinding light - like that of the offending angel and evil spirit clothed in whiteness in order to disguise his soiled and polluted soul that we will rip up.
We must rip them up - all of the ideas and stinking lies that have permeated our nation.
We must rip them up to cleanse our souls.
We must rip up the belief that aborting a mass of flesh without a brain, or arms and legs and saving the mother is a crime against God.
We must rip up the notion that says that raping a three year old girl is God’s will.
We must rip up the tangled idea that a father has a right rape his daughters in order to control them.
We must rip up the men and women who live lavishly and with full and fat bellies like the Texas President and his Cowgirl Wife, while children are going hungry.
We must rip it up out of the ground which it fouls.
Not tearing and rending like some beast - like a mean spirited Billy Sunday or a foul mouthed braggart like Swaggart - or like a wienie like Cheney - but like a caring farmer - seeking to care and love his sheep and land that has been entrusted to him by God.
We must rip them up and cast them aside to rot on the vegetable pile of manure from which they came.
These weeds and powerful smoking stenches that fill the nostrils until the stomach is overcome.
We must rip up the visions cast upon our nation’s freedom that fall like shadows from the mouths of the Ministers and Preachers whose empty churches have turned them out into politicians and businessmen with grasping fingers and greed.
We must rip up the belief in the Devil which has enriched them to the point of making crime in business some holy objective - where we see men like Donald Trump being worshipped on tv even as his slothful company lies in bankruptcy.
We must rip up the men like Tom DeLay of Texas, who, in order to please his masters would stand behind a war that binds this nation with godless heathens and bigamous sheiks in Saudi Arabia.
We must rip them up and sow a new seed in this land of ours - a land of freedom and goodness and light.
It is time to cast out the ignorant and the blasphemers from their high places and return Jesus to His.
Republican Conference Rule Change
On November 17th, 2004, by voice vote, the House Republican Conference decided that a party committee of several dozen members would review any felony indictment of a party leader and recommend at that time whether the leader should step aside.
The current party rule in this area requires House Republican leaders and the heads of the various committees to relinquish their positions if indicted for a crime that could bring a prison term of at least two years. It makes no distinction between a federal and state indictment. Three of DeLay's political associates already have been indicted by that Texas grand jury.
Rep. Henry Bonilla, R-Texas, said that under the change embraced Wednesday, the House Republican Steering Committee would have 30 legislative days to review a felony indictment and recommend to all House Republicans whether a lawmaker who is charged could remain as a committee chairman or leader.
Expect more of the same from the Texas lawmaker and his cronies.
It’s only a rule they say.
Rules were made to be broken.
But this rule wasn’t broken. Merely changed. DeLay hasn’t been indicted yet. The rules were changed in order to be prepared for DeLay to get indicted. In the future we can probably expect no further delay for DeLay from Bonilla.
As efficient as they are I believe its safe to say that in the future when a House Republican (or the President) needs to do something illegal on Thursday the law will promptly be changed on Wednesday.
The current party rule in this area requires House Republican leaders and the heads of the various committees to relinquish their positions if indicted for a crime that could bring a prison term of at least two years. It makes no distinction between a federal and state indictment. Three of DeLay's political associates already have been indicted by that Texas grand jury.
Rep. Henry Bonilla, R-Texas, said that under the change embraced Wednesday, the House Republican Steering Committee would have 30 legislative days to review a felony indictment and recommend to all House Republicans whether a lawmaker who is charged could remain as a committee chairman or leader.
Expect more of the same from the Texas lawmaker and his cronies.
It’s only a rule they say.
Rules were made to be broken.
But this rule wasn’t broken. Merely changed. DeLay hasn’t been indicted yet. The rules were changed in order to be prepared for DeLay to get indicted. In the future we can probably expect no further delay for DeLay from Bonilla.
As efficient as they are I believe its safe to say that in the future when a House Republican (or the President) needs to do something illegal on Thursday the law will promptly be changed on Wednesday.
Moroun 1 Ambassador Bridge
A political action committee funded by U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick and the Ambassador Bridge owner, Arab-American Manuel Moroun, has spent more on the congresswoman's family and friends -- including a $350 wedding gift -- than it has on political candidates.
Cheeks Kilpatrick spokeswoman said the congresswoman is on vacation and would not be available until Congress is back in session.
Manuel Moroun's secretary referred all questions to Dan Stamper, president of Moroun's Detroit International Bridge Co.
Moroun, his son, and daughter-in-law, had each contributed $5,000 to the PAC.
The congresswoman's son, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick shortly thereafter then chose the Moroun-owned Michigan Central Depot for a new police headquarters. The 91-year-old building has been an abandoned eyesore since closing in 1988.
Records show the PAC spending more than $27,000. The only money given to a political candidate was $200 given to Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson in 2003.
$300 donation for her niece Jamila Evans' college expenses
$350 for a wedding gift to Akua Bragg, a relative
Bragg's mother, Andrea, got $159 in January to reimburse her for funeral flowers. Andrea Bragg is Cheeks Kilpatrick's executive assistant.
$1,000 on college expenses for Taniesha Fordham, a former member of the congresswoman's staff
$1,000 to help a supporter, Cheryl Cherry, pay her rent
$232 on car repairs at a dealership in Virginia.
Money was lavished on receptions, given charities and spent on membership fees.
Donations were recorded to the National Kidney Fund, Oak Grove African Methodist Episcopal Church, where the congresswoman is a member
Money went to the Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse of Detroit, where her grandsons were students. (Nataki Talibah is a charter school. One of it’s founders - George N’Namdi has this to say about his management style : “The universe directs me in doing things. I don’t do that formal business-planning kind of approach.” The school is named after his daughter who on Nov. 3, 1974, died of accidental strangulation in her crib. She was 14 months old.)
$561 went to reimburse Ayanna Kilpatrick, the congresswoman's daughter, for photo expenses.
The PAC has missed deadlines for responding to three requests for more information from the Attorney General’s office.
Another person who would like more information about the PAC's expenditures is the congresswoman's nephew, Kamal Cheeks, who said he did not get $350 the PAC said it sent him last year for college expenses.
Asked about the 21st Leaders PAC, Kamal Cheeks said: "I never heard of them till this year."
Cheeks Kilpatrick spokeswoman said the congresswoman is on vacation and would not be available until Congress is back in session.
Manuel Moroun's secretary referred all questions to Dan Stamper, president of Moroun's Detroit International Bridge Co.
Moroun, his son, and daughter-in-law, had each contributed $5,000 to the PAC.
The congresswoman's son, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick shortly thereafter then chose the Moroun-owned Michigan Central Depot for a new police headquarters. The 91-year-old building has been an abandoned eyesore since closing in 1988.
Records show the PAC spending more than $27,000. The only money given to a political candidate was $200 given to Detroit City Councilwoman JoAnn Watson in 2003.
$300 donation for her niece Jamila Evans' college expenses
$350 for a wedding gift to Akua Bragg, a relative
Bragg's mother, Andrea, got $159 in January to reimburse her for funeral flowers. Andrea Bragg is Cheeks Kilpatrick's executive assistant.
$1,000 on college expenses for Taniesha Fordham, a former member of the congresswoman's staff
$1,000 to help a supporter, Cheryl Cherry, pay her rent
$232 on car repairs at a dealership in Virginia.
Money was lavished on receptions, given charities and spent on membership fees.
Donations were recorded to the National Kidney Fund, Oak Grove African Methodist Episcopal Church, where the congresswoman is a member
Money went to the Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse of Detroit, where her grandsons were students. (Nataki Talibah is a charter school. One of it’s founders - George N’Namdi has this to say about his management style : “The universe directs me in doing things. I don’t do that formal business-planning kind of approach.” The school is named after his daughter who on Nov. 3, 1974, died of accidental strangulation in her crib. She was 14 months old.)
$561 went to reimburse Ayanna Kilpatrick, the congresswoman's daughter, for photo expenses.
The PAC has missed deadlines for responding to three requests for more information from the Attorney General’s office.
Another person who would like more information about the PAC's expenditures is the congresswoman's nephew, Kamal Cheeks, who said he did not get $350 the PAC said it sent him last year for college expenses.
Asked about the 21st Leaders PAC, Kamal Cheeks said: "I never heard of them till this year."
Mike Rogers 3 - Michigan Representative
Mike Rogers – used to be an FBI Agent until he wormed himself into office as a Republican Representative from Brighton Michigan.
His wife works for a foreign automotive company – so even though they have auto manufacturing contacts – they certainly aren’t American.
The company she works for is violently anti-union and is poised to take over much of General Motor’s wiring business.
His own brother was in the Middle East fighting when he went on a ‘fact finding’ mission to Iraq. While there he apparently did not see nor even attempt to contact his brother.
His brother’s unit was short of body armor and apparently – they still are.
This ‘fact finding’ mission boiled down to a business scouting opportunity for Arab businessmen living and working in Detroit.
EBI-Detroit, a large city contractor, led by , is looking for contracts in water treatment and waste disposal.
Mike Rogers helped to found E.B.I. Builders, in Brighton, Michigan.
Mr. Rogers spends much of his time away from home.
He has a wife and children – but apparently he doesn’t spend that much time with them.
He has a brother – but he hasn’t done much to assure our victory in Iraq.
From FBI to Congressman – Mike Rogers hasn’t done much for Americans but has held a strong hand out to Arab businessmen looking for a ticket to the Iraq circus.
If he treats his family this way – what makes you think he’s treating you any better?
The only person Mike Rogers represents is Mike Rogers.
His wife works for a foreign automotive company – so even though they have auto manufacturing contacts – they certainly aren’t American.
The company she works for is violently anti-union and is poised to take over much of General Motor’s wiring business.
His own brother was in the Middle East fighting when he went on a ‘fact finding’ mission to Iraq. While there he apparently did not see nor even attempt to contact his brother.
His brother’s unit was short of body armor and apparently – they still are.
This ‘fact finding’ mission boiled down to a business scouting opportunity for Arab businessmen living and working in Detroit.
EBI-Detroit, a large city contractor, led by , is looking for contracts in water treatment and waste disposal.
Mike Rogers helped to found E.B.I. Builders, in Brighton, Michigan.
Mr. Rogers spends much of his time away from home.
He has a wife and children – but apparently he doesn’t spend that much time with them.
He has a brother – but he hasn’t done much to assure our victory in Iraq.
From FBI to Congressman – Mike Rogers hasn’t done much for Americans but has held a strong hand out to Arab businessmen looking for a ticket to the Iraq circus.
If he treats his family this way – what makes you think he’s treating you any better?
The only person Mike Rogers represents is Mike Rogers.
Mike Rogers 2 - Michigan Representative
Nafa Khalaf has a company called EBI-Detroit, Inc.
He works on projects like sewage disposal and water treatment plants.
Mike Rogers – (R-Brighton, MI) has a company called EBI Builders.
Nafa Khalaf wants to get some contracts in Iraq from large companies like Bechtel. The large companies only have to complete 10 percent of the work on their own – the rest gets subcontracted.
Nafa Khalaf is an Arab-American.
Mike Rogers U.S., after returning from a special fact-finding mission in Iraq, (which didn’t include any facts about a lack of troops, corruption, failure to complete work, fraud, lost trucks, dead Americans and lack of body armor) hoped some of the contracts would land in the hands of local Arab-American companies.
"They are well-suited for it," said Rogers, who toured Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq during his trip to the Middle East. "They understand the culture. They understand the language. I think they will be well-suited in completing the contacts give the opportunity."
Of course it would be helpful for these companies to have an inside contact – say an ex-FBI agent with an affiliated construction company who also happens to be a Republican Representative in the Congress of the United States of America.
Now who do you think that would be?
He works on projects like sewage disposal and water treatment plants.
Mike Rogers – (R-Brighton, MI) has a company called EBI Builders.
Nafa Khalaf wants to get some contracts in Iraq from large companies like Bechtel. The large companies only have to complete 10 percent of the work on their own – the rest gets subcontracted.
Nafa Khalaf is an Arab-American.
Mike Rogers U.S., after returning from a special fact-finding mission in Iraq, (which didn’t include any facts about a lack of troops, corruption, failure to complete work, fraud, lost trucks, dead Americans and lack of body armor) hoped some of the contracts would land in the hands of local Arab-American companies.
"They are well-suited for it," said Rogers, who toured Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq during his trip to the Middle East. "They understand the culture. They understand the language. I think they will be well-suited in completing the contacts give the opportunity."
Of course it would be helpful for these companies to have an inside contact – say an ex-FBI agent with an affiliated construction company who also happens to be a Republican Representative in the Congress of the United States of America.
Now who do you think that would be?
Mike Rogers 1 - Michigan Representative
Mike Rogers (R- Brighton) talks a lot about Iraq.
He likes to talk about how closely he cooperates with ‘his’ president.
He doesn’t like to talk abut EBI – a company he helped to found in Michigan.
He doesn’t like to talk about the FBI either – a Federal Department he worked for before worming his way into the House of Representatives.
The work with EBI however is most interesting.
EBI is touted as being a private, home owned, home building operation.
But that’s news to the Detroit Water District on the financial responsibility offered for at least one water project.
It’s news to Westland where EBI-Detroit put in a bid of 62 million dollars to renovate their court.
It’s news to other southeast Michigan towns, cities and villages that EBI is just a little home owned business.
That’s because the reality seems to be that Representative Mike Rogers – whose own brother served in Iraq hasn’t seen fit to interest himself in supplying our soldiers with the equipment they need.
He hasn’t seen fit to take up the case of Michigan citizens against corrupt, overcharging, freeloading government contract companies either. Of course – if he is one of them – that explains it all – doesn’t it?
I think Mr. Rogers needs to explain just what sort of public service he is providing this state.
Just recently the Van Buren School District wanted to float over 180 billion in bonds to build one school.
Someone is up to something – is Mike Rogers involved?
He likes to talk about how closely he cooperates with ‘his’ president.
He doesn’t like to talk abut EBI – a company he helped to found in Michigan.
He doesn’t like to talk about the FBI either – a Federal Department he worked for before worming his way into the House of Representatives.
The work with EBI however is most interesting.
EBI is touted as being a private, home owned, home building operation.
But that’s news to the Detroit Water District on the financial responsibility offered for at least one water project.
It’s news to Westland where EBI-Detroit put in a bid of 62 million dollars to renovate their court.
It’s news to other southeast Michigan towns, cities and villages that EBI is just a little home owned business.
That’s because the reality seems to be that Representative Mike Rogers – whose own brother served in Iraq hasn’t seen fit to interest himself in supplying our soldiers with the equipment they need.
He hasn’t seen fit to take up the case of Michigan citizens against corrupt, overcharging, freeloading government contract companies either. Of course – if he is one of them – that explains it all – doesn’t it?
I think Mr. Rogers needs to explain just what sort of public service he is providing this state.
Just recently the Van Buren School District wanted to float over 180 billion in bonds to build one school.
Someone is up to something – is Mike Rogers involved?
Methodist Witch Hunt
A 21st century witch trial has just been concluded in Pennsylvania. A public trial was held by the United Methodist Church. A minister was denounced for being a lesbian and defrocked.
The 13 enthusiasts voted 12-1 that Irene Elizabeth Stroud had violated the church's Book of Discipline that says homosexuality is incompatible with being a minister.
The 13 then voted 7-6 to withdraw Stroud's ministerial credentials at the First United Methodist Church of Germantown in Philadelphia.
Stroud, associate pastor at the church, was accused of violating church law by being an "a self-avowed practicing homosexual". They stopped short of publicly declaring that she had been visited by familiar spirits such as black cats, talking cows and wolves with burning eyes that speak only Greek.
"I feel a lot of sadness but I also feel hope for the future of the church," Stroud said. "I feel that this is a teaching moment for the church."
Silas Comfort (1808 - 1868) was a courageous anti-slavery Methodist and member of the Genesee, Oneida and Missouri Conferences. While in St. Louis, he admitted as evidence in a church trial the testimony of a Negro – which was forbidden in public trials in Missouri. He was censured by his Conference, but that was overturned by the 1840 General Conference – which then bowed to Southern pressure and passed a resolution prohibiting the testimony of Negroes in church trials within states that forbade such testimony in public trials. That resolution was rescinded in1844.
We need Silas now.
The 13 enthusiasts voted 12-1 that Irene Elizabeth Stroud had violated the church's Book of Discipline that says homosexuality is incompatible with being a minister.
The 13 then voted 7-6 to withdraw Stroud's ministerial credentials at the First United Methodist Church of Germantown in Philadelphia.
Stroud, associate pastor at the church, was accused of violating church law by being an "a self-avowed practicing homosexual". They stopped short of publicly declaring that she had been visited by familiar spirits such as black cats, talking cows and wolves with burning eyes that speak only Greek.
"I feel a lot of sadness but I also feel hope for the future of the church," Stroud said. "I feel that this is a teaching moment for the church."
Silas Comfort (1808 - 1868) was a courageous anti-slavery Methodist and member of the Genesee, Oneida and Missouri Conferences. While in St. Louis, he admitted as evidence in a church trial the testimony of a Negro – which was forbidden in public trials in Missouri. He was censured by his Conference, but that was overturned by the 1840 General Conference – which then bowed to Southern pressure and passed a resolution prohibiting the testimony of Negroes in church trials within states that forbade such testimony in public trials. That resolution was rescinded in1844.
We need Silas now.
Moroun 2 Ambassador Bridge
The Ambassador Bridge is Detroit's lifeline to Canada. Sept. 11 turned the border crossing choke point into a major security risk.
The bridge crosses where the Detroit River bisects the U.S. and Canadian auto industries. It is 47 feet wide and less than 2 miles long, laid on suspended steel joists. It is 75 years, out-of-date, only has two lanes in each direction, sways in the breeze and its approach too steep.
None of the 130 other crossings to Canada is so perfectly placed. For tractor-trailers, the closest bridge is two hours north. $100 billion of goods go across the Ambassador every year--a quarter of the $400 billion in total trade with Canada; 40% of all truck shipments from the U.S. to Canada cross this span.
The story of why nothing has been done about it and it remains a prime target for terrorists is because of one man.
Matty Moroun is 77 years old, short and fat. His name is Manuel Moroun. He is 77 years old, short and fat. His Arab parents emigrated to Canada from Argentina and then slipped into the United States.
After 9/11 within days hundreds of National Guardsmen, police volunteers and U.S. customs and immigration agents descended on the bridge, forcing trucks to wait in line for up to 12 hours to be searched for any signs of terror. Traffic backed up for 15 miles. Yet even after the terror alert levels fell off, the jams have persisted.
His relationship with our national government? He has tied up one court case against the General Services Administration for 25 years.
Delays at the Ambassador and other crossings into Canada cost $800 million a month. If terrorists knocked out the Ambassador completely, the Michigan and Ontario economies could lose $3 billion a month. Losing only 800 million is considered a cost savings and a victory for the terrorists and Maroun who puts his own interests ahead of those of our great nation.
The Ambassador Bridge is a small but critical piece of Manuel Moroun's transportation empire, which include truck companies, logistics and customs brokerages. He also handles real estate, banking and insurance interests for properties near the bridge. His company’s name is CenTra.
Here are some parts :
Truckload shipping (Central Transport)
Revenue: $400 million
Full-truckload shipping (Mason-Dixon, Universal Am-Can, others)*
Revenue: $300 million
Freight coordination services (Logistics Insights)
Revenue: $250 million
Ambassador Bridge
Revenue: $60 million
Duty-free stores, gas station, other bridge-related income
Revenue: $40 million
Insurance, banking, customs brokerage
Revenue: unknown
He also holds a 40% stake in publicly traded PAM Transportation Services, with 2003 revenue of $294 million.
See how terrorism works now?
It’s very profitable for men like Manuel Moroun.
Visit these sites to see what your Homeland Security taxes pays for :
The bridge crosses where the Detroit River bisects the U.S. and Canadian auto industries. It is 47 feet wide and less than 2 miles long, laid on suspended steel joists. It is 75 years, out-of-date, only has two lanes in each direction, sways in the breeze and its approach too steep.
None of the 130 other crossings to Canada is so perfectly placed. For tractor-trailers, the closest bridge is two hours north. $100 billion of goods go across the Ambassador every year--a quarter of the $400 billion in total trade with Canada; 40% of all truck shipments from the U.S. to Canada cross this span.
The story of why nothing has been done about it and it remains a prime target for terrorists is because of one man.
Matty Moroun is 77 years old, short and fat. His name is Manuel Moroun. He is 77 years old, short and fat. His Arab parents emigrated to Canada from Argentina and then slipped into the United States.
After 9/11 within days hundreds of National Guardsmen, police volunteers and U.S. customs and immigration agents descended on the bridge, forcing trucks to wait in line for up to 12 hours to be searched for any signs of terror. Traffic backed up for 15 miles. Yet even after the terror alert levels fell off, the jams have persisted.
His relationship with our national government? He has tied up one court case against the General Services Administration for 25 years.
Delays at the Ambassador and other crossings into Canada cost $800 million a month. If terrorists knocked out the Ambassador completely, the Michigan and Ontario economies could lose $3 billion a month. Losing only 800 million is considered a cost savings and a victory for the terrorists and Maroun who puts his own interests ahead of those of our great nation.
The Ambassador Bridge is a small but critical piece of Manuel Moroun's transportation empire, which include truck companies, logistics and customs brokerages. He also handles real estate, banking and insurance interests for properties near the bridge. His company’s name is CenTra.
Here are some parts :
Truckload shipping (Central Transport)
Revenue: $400 million
Full-truckload shipping (Mason-Dixon, Universal Am-Can, others)*
Revenue: $300 million
Freight coordination services (Logistics Insights)
Revenue: $250 million
Ambassador Bridge
Revenue: $60 million
Duty-free stores, gas station, other bridge-related income
Revenue: $40 million
Insurance, banking, customs brokerage
Revenue: unknown
He also holds a 40% stake in publicly traded PAM Transportation Services, with 2003 revenue of $294 million.
See how terrorism works now?
It’s very profitable for men like Manuel Moroun.
Visit these sites to see what your Homeland Security taxes pays for :
Living With Chickens
Picking on others is what makes a Republican Representative a Republican Representative.
From the time they are elected Republican Representatives know how to use their hands to grab money and spend it. Perhaps because their own constituents and those of their cronies look something like suckers corruption is sometimes a problem during the first term.
The potential for the problem does not go away during the second or third time – as can be seen with DeLay. The head, neck and the pockets are the first spots that Republican Representatives will try to pick on their cronies under certain cirumstances. The results can become bloody in a very short time.
If you notice money missing from your local community it could be incompetence, or that Tom DeLay has been on their back doing his ‘job’. If you suspect corruption, however, there are a couple of things you can try.
The reason for corruption can be related to cash flow of the Republican Representative, lack of content in their thinking, religious fanaticism and the stress of being just another Conservative in an overcrowded field.
In the end, however, corruption can be traced to boredom. To say that a Republican Representative is bored may seem strange – but Republican Representatives started out as Americans and so are prone to be curious, active and industrious.
During a normal day in Washington, DC, they might read, write, fold things, put things in their drawers, take them out again, answer the phone and sometimes talk on it.
When they are confined to their seat in Congress however with more than 300 cellmates and nothing to talk about except what they are told to discuss by Tom DeLay, you could imagine that they will be led to fill their time with whatever diversion they can find.
To help reduce the possibility of corruption in your Republican Representative let it get out as much as possible. Take it around to local garbage dumps, hospitals, schools, have them look at your roadways, waste treatment plants, waterways, land and take samples of the air.
Have them learn a little science and give them books other than the Bible to read – many of them don’t live by it anyway.
If you can find a particular offender or ringleader, remove it to solitary confinement or the stew pot – though, I’ll tell you now – they don’t make good eating.
Provide toys to your Republican Representative. Many of them can read english and can recognize shapes in photographs. Send them pictures of the soldiers who have been killed or wounded from your State. Have them look at pictures of the mansions that many farmers live in while many of their constituents have to get food stamps to live.
Have them visit your local plastic surgeon to say hello to their friends and then bring them over to the local hospital where children are turned away or over to the charity of the Shriners because they have no insurance.
Republican Representatives like to reach beyond their means, pick on others and shread just about anything that comes near them. Use these talents for good and you will get your money’s worth out of your Republican Representative for sure.
If this doesn’t solve the corruption problem you have some other options.
There are a number of devices you can attach to your Republican Representative and though most can only be attached after a lengthy trial and a guilty verdict, they might be worthwhile in your instance.
One device attaches to the ankle by a chain and carries with it a large iron ball.
You can put clothes on them to camouflage them from the cash rich special interests – these clothes usually come in alternating stripes of black and white. In the more southerly states a preference for bright orange has been used to great advantage when dealing with Republican Representatives.
Rose colored glasses also do very well. Especially those that are colored green. You see – the flash of green will often drive a Republican Representative to wild abandon. They are capable of anything – approving a drug that is dangerous for example. The green glasses make it more difficult for your Republican Representative to distinguish between the cash flashed at them and the letters that you write to them. It’s not a great solution – but it certainly will work in your favor.
A simple way to deal with this is to put a red light in front of a picture of Tom DeLay in your Republican Representatives office. Some of the Representatives may be attracted to the red light – but this will only help you in finding out what kind of Representative you really have.
There are also ointments and preparations that you can put on special interest bills that will make them taste terrible to your Republican Representative. This is also a good way to showing you what kind of Representative you have as well. For example – by placing a sticky substance on legislation that would cost you money or cause hurt in your area – you will be able to see if your Representative tried to consume it. This is also a good way to gather a bunch of bad ones at once – sort of like using fly paper.
Certain states allow electronic voting machines and these computers have been used by some organizations to ‘stack the deck’ and pollute entire flocks of legislators with the wrong kind of Republican Representatives that we have been discussing.
The best way to deal with that particular threat is to pull the plug on the gambling industry in your state – the industry that manufactures, distributes and sells those machines.
A drastic measure, but one that will be sure to work – is to vote them out of office.
From the time they are elected Republican Representatives know how to use their hands to grab money and spend it. Perhaps because their own constituents and those of their cronies look something like suckers corruption is sometimes a problem during the first term.
The potential for the problem does not go away during the second or third time – as can be seen with DeLay. The head, neck and the pockets are the first spots that Republican Representatives will try to pick on their cronies under certain cirumstances. The results can become bloody in a very short time.
If you notice money missing from your local community it could be incompetence, or that Tom DeLay has been on their back doing his ‘job’. If you suspect corruption, however, there are a couple of things you can try.
The reason for corruption can be related to cash flow of the Republican Representative, lack of content in their thinking, religious fanaticism and the stress of being just another Conservative in an overcrowded field.
In the end, however, corruption can be traced to boredom. To say that a Republican Representative is bored may seem strange – but Republican Representatives started out as Americans and so are prone to be curious, active and industrious.
During a normal day in Washington, DC, they might read, write, fold things, put things in their drawers, take them out again, answer the phone and sometimes talk on it.
When they are confined to their seat in Congress however with more than 300 cellmates and nothing to talk about except what they are told to discuss by Tom DeLay, you could imagine that they will be led to fill their time with whatever diversion they can find.
To help reduce the possibility of corruption in your Republican Representative let it get out as much as possible. Take it around to local garbage dumps, hospitals, schools, have them look at your roadways, waste treatment plants, waterways, land and take samples of the air.
Have them learn a little science and give them books other than the Bible to read – many of them don’t live by it anyway.
If you can find a particular offender or ringleader, remove it to solitary confinement or the stew pot – though, I’ll tell you now – they don’t make good eating.
Provide toys to your Republican Representative. Many of them can read english and can recognize shapes in photographs. Send them pictures of the soldiers who have been killed or wounded from your State. Have them look at pictures of the mansions that many farmers live in while many of their constituents have to get food stamps to live.
Have them visit your local plastic surgeon to say hello to their friends and then bring them over to the local hospital where children are turned away or over to the charity of the Shriners because they have no insurance.
Republican Representatives like to reach beyond their means, pick on others and shread just about anything that comes near them. Use these talents for good and you will get your money’s worth out of your Republican Representative for sure.
If this doesn’t solve the corruption problem you have some other options.
There are a number of devices you can attach to your Republican Representative and though most can only be attached after a lengthy trial and a guilty verdict, they might be worthwhile in your instance.
One device attaches to the ankle by a chain and carries with it a large iron ball.
You can put clothes on them to camouflage them from the cash rich special interests – these clothes usually come in alternating stripes of black and white. In the more southerly states a preference for bright orange has been used to great advantage when dealing with Republican Representatives.
Rose colored glasses also do very well. Especially those that are colored green. You see – the flash of green will often drive a Republican Representative to wild abandon. They are capable of anything – approving a drug that is dangerous for example. The green glasses make it more difficult for your Republican Representative to distinguish between the cash flashed at them and the letters that you write to them. It’s not a great solution – but it certainly will work in your favor.
A simple way to deal with this is to put a red light in front of a picture of Tom DeLay in your Republican Representatives office. Some of the Representatives may be attracted to the red light – but this will only help you in finding out what kind of Representative you really have.
There are also ointments and preparations that you can put on special interest bills that will make them taste terrible to your Republican Representative. This is also a good way to showing you what kind of Representative you have as well. For example – by placing a sticky substance on legislation that would cost you money or cause hurt in your area – you will be able to see if your Representative tried to consume it. This is also a good way to gather a bunch of bad ones at once – sort of like using fly paper.
Certain states allow electronic voting machines and these computers have been used by some organizations to ‘stack the deck’ and pollute entire flocks of legislators with the wrong kind of Republican Representatives that we have been discussing.
The best way to deal with that particular threat is to pull the plug on the gambling industry in your state – the industry that manufactures, distributes and sells those machines.
A drastic measure, but one that will be sure to work – is to vote them out of office.
Liberty Dogs
Remember ‘Freedom Fries’?
Looks like the Bushmen aren’t as imaginative as they seem - except when it comes to spending our tax money.
In World War I anti-German propaganda fueled support for the war and set off intolerance on the home front.
Dachshunds were renamed liberty dogs.
German measles were renamed liberty measles.
The City University of New York reduced by one credit every course in German.
Fourteen states banned the speaking of German in public schools.
In Van Houten, New Mexico, an angry mob accused an immigrant miner of supporting Germany and forced him to kneel before them, kiss the flag, and shout "To hell with the Kaiser."
Over in Illinois, a group of zealous patriots accused Robert Prager, a German coal miner, of hoarding explosives. Though Prager asserted his loyalty to the very end, he was lynched by the angry mob. Explosives were never found.
Several rich men became very much richer.
Several million innocent people had their lives ripped apart.
Today - several rich men are becoming very much richer.
Several billion innocent people are having their lives juggled by clowns like Frist, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Somewhere along the line here why don’t we throw him out of office and let prosperity and freedom return to the United States of America?
Looks like the Bushmen aren’t as imaginative as they seem - except when it comes to spending our tax money.
In World War I anti-German propaganda fueled support for the war and set off intolerance on the home front.
Dachshunds were renamed liberty dogs.
German measles were renamed liberty measles.
The City University of New York reduced by one credit every course in German.
Fourteen states banned the speaking of German in public schools.
In Van Houten, New Mexico, an angry mob accused an immigrant miner of supporting Germany and forced him to kneel before them, kiss the flag, and shout "To hell with the Kaiser."
Over in Illinois, a group of zealous patriots accused Robert Prager, a German coal miner, of hoarding explosives. Though Prager asserted his loyalty to the very end, he was lynched by the angry mob. Explosives were never found.
Several rich men became very much richer.
Several million innocent people had their lives ripped apart.
Today - several rich men are becoming very much richer.
Several billion innocent people are having their lives juggled by clowns like Frist, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Somewhere along the line here why don’t we throw him out of office and let prosperity and freedom return to the United States of America?
Let us imagine for a minute that the founders of our nation determined that this was going to be not only a democratic and republican government but that it would be primarily Christian as well.
That’s not the way it is, of course, that was made up by men like Billy Sunday and his followers, Billy Graham and Pat Robertson early in the 20th century, but let’s imagine.
For all the immigrants coming in we would want to make sure that every one of them was a Christian or would become one shortly after arrival.
For that we would need to educate them liberally in our religious manners and behaviors.
It would not do to have them not participate fully in our Christian endeavors which means they would need to donate money every week on Sunday to a pastor to which they had been assigned for ‘spiritual guidance’.
If they chose not to participate in this our great land of freedom and liberty by joining one of the churches or – if one of the present church members decided to leave and cease to pay their weekly dues we would need to do something about it. They can’t just quit – can they?
So they would get kicked out of the country.
There would be only one color in all religious life.
There would be only one religion in our country and freedom of religion would mean that you were free to be a Christian…or else.
Picture in your mind an American forest. See it now in glorious green of spring and heavy leaf in summer. Then as autumn fills in we begin to see different colored leaves. But our Christian Evangelist God will not tolerate these different colors – He doesn’t care for them and so – off go the yellow leaves. Then the red leaves. Then the orange leaves and, of course, the pink leaves will be scattered to the four winds. No brown leaves either – they must be removed.
All that would be left would be good solid wood – something you could slap your hand on.
There – now the forest is all uniform.
There is nothing out of place.
The trees are all bare and the winter has set in.
But the winter will not lift.
It is the winter of hearts gone cold in their love of God and it has come because it shut out the warmth of God’s love.
The words ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ were not written for Christians alone but for Americans and all people everywhere.
So cut down your own trees, if you will, and blow the leaves off your sidewalk.
I’ll keep my yard filled up with all the colors of a mighty God’s promise of a fuller and more glorious year to come.
Come to think of it – that’s the Christian thing to do – isn’t it?
That’s not the way it is, of course, that was made up by men like Billy Sunday and his followers, Billy Graham and Pat Robertson early in the 20th century, but let’s imagine.
For all the immigrants coming in we would want to make sure that every one of them was a Christian or would become one shortly after arrival.
For that we would need to educate them liberally in our religious manners and behaviors.
It would not do to have them not participate fully in our Christian endeavors which means they would need to donate money every week on Sunday to a pastor to which they had been assigned for ‘spiritual guidance’.
If they chose not to participate in this our great land of freedom and liberty by joining one of the churches or – if one of the present church members decided to leave and cease to pay their weekly dues we would need to do something about it. They can’t just quit – can they?
So they would get kicked out of the country.
There would be only one color in all religious life.
There would be only one religion in our country and freedom of religion would mean that you were free to be a Christian…or else.
Picture in your mind an American forest. See it now in glorious green of spring and heavy leaf in summer. Then as autumn fills in we begin to see different colored leaves. But our Christian Evangelist God will not tolerate these different colors – He doesn’t care for them and so – off go the yellow leaves. Then the red leaves. Then the orange leaves and, of course, the pink leaves will be scattered to the four winds. No brown leaves either – they must be removed.
All that would be left would be good solid wood – something you could slap your hand on.
There – now the forest is all uniform.
There is nothing out of place.
The trees are all bare and the winter has set in.
But the winter will not lift.
It is the winter of hearts gone cold in their love of God and it has come because it shut out the warmth of God’s love.
The words ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ were not written for Christians alone but for Americans and all people everywhere.
So cut down your own trees, if you will, and blow the leaves off your sidewalk.
I’ll keep my yard filled up with all the colors of a mighty God’s promise of a fuller and more glorious year to come.
Come to think of it – that’s the Christian thing to do – isn’t it?
Just who are the Kurds and what are they fighting for?
They have several different types of worship. The central figure is an angel.
An angel at odds with God.
Among the Kurds are the Yezidi. The core religion is worshipped by about 200,000 of them worldwide. They mainly live in North Iraq. Other clerics are scattered throughout Turkey, Armenia, Yemen and Iran. About thirty thousand of them went to Germany for work and because the Turks were killing them.
The Kurds had it bad all around – then along came Bush. If they could give George Bush what he wanted – Iraq – then he would give them what they wanted – money and power.
The Yezidi link four beings with the ‘elements’, water, fire, air and earth.
It is forbidden to beat or spit on he earth, to spit into water or fire, to drink water in such a way that it makes a gurgling noise, or to throw impure matter into fire (Kreyenbroek 148).
Some foods are forbidden, like lettuce; fish; pumpkin; broad beans; cabbage; bamiyye and the meat of gazelle (Sever 94).
They believe that they were created before Eve from the body of Adam.
The angel they worship is the Peacock Angel. That angel said, they believe, ‘Look at the children of Adam. They will become numerous on the earth.’
That angel then went to Adam and offered him the knowledge of the planting of wheat.
We call the dark angel that George Bush’s Kurdish friends worship – Satan.
They have several different types of worship. The central figure is an angel.
An angel at odds with God.
Among the Kurds are the Yezidi. The core religion is worshipped by about 200,000 of them worldwide. They mainly live in North Iraq. Other clerics are scattered throughout Turkey, Armenia, Yemen and Iran. About thirty thousand of them went to Germany for work and because the Turks were killing them.
The Kurds had it bad all around – then along came Bush. If they could give George Bush what he wanted – Iraq – then he would give them what they wanted – money and power.
The Yezidi link four beings with the ‘elements’, water, fire, air and earth.
It is forbidden to beat or spit on he earth, to spit into water or fire, to drink water in such a way that it makes a gurgling noise, or to throw impure matter into fire (Kreyenbroek 148).
Some foods are forbidden, like lettuce; fish; pumpkin; broad beans; cabbage; bamiyye and the meat of gazelle (Sever 94).
They believe that they were created before Eve from the body of Adam.
The angel they worship is the Peacock Angel. That angel said, they believe, ‘Look at the children of Adam. They will become numerous on the earth.’
That angel then went to Adam and offered him the knowledge of the planting of wheat.
We call the dark angel that George Bush’s Kurdish friends worship – Satan.
Keeping Government Small
It seems to me that after the Intelligence Departments are finally rolled into one that other Departments need to be fixed.
Consider for example :
Studies by the Department of Energy on the growth rate of chickens even though the growth rate of chickens has been extensively studied by the USDA.
The USDA has also been involved in breeding mutant cattle that will have more muscle but require less exercise. They have financed mapping out the genetic code of one species of cotton plant at a cost over tens of millions of dollars.
The United States Geological Survey has conducted a study on the development of tadpoles and birth defects in frogs. In the second case the frogs and tadpole deformities could best be studied by the EPA or the Forestry Service.
The EPA encourages high pressure injection toxic waste wells to handle industrial chemical waste by squirting it into the ground. The USGS and the DOE have both admonished the EPA for continuing this dangerous practice and the EPA has interfered with the chemical reclamation industry while enriching garbage corporations.
Nuclear rocket platform tests by NASA. The Air Force is spending NASA dollars on weapons development.
Advanced mapping techniques being developed by the Forestry Service even though the maps being developed by the Foresty Service already exist at the USGS.
If Mr. Bush were serious about keeping government small – he would keep it small. These few examples represent tens of billions of dollars in misspent money, effort and time.
Consider for example :
Studies by the Department of Energy on the growth rate of chickens even though the growth rate of chickens has been extensively studied by the USDA.
The USDA has also been involved in breeding mutant cattle that will have more muscle but require less exercise. They have financed mapping out the genetic code of one species of cotton plant at a cost over tens of millions of dollars.
The United States Geological Survey has conducted a study on the development of tadpoles and birth defects in frogs. In the second case the frogs and tadpole deformities could best be studied by the EPA or the Forestry Service.
The EPA encourages high pressure injection toxic waste wells to handle industrial chemical waste by squirting it into the ground. The USGS and the DOE have both admonished the EPA for continuing this dangerous practice and the EPA has interfered with the chemical reclamation industry while enriching garbage corporations.
Nuclear rocket platform tests by NASA. The Air Force is spending NASA dollars on weapons development.
Advanced mapping techniques being developed by the Forestry Service even though the maps being developed by the Foresty Service already exist at the USGS.
If Mr. Bush were serious about keeping government small – he would keep it small. These few examples represent tens of billions of dollars in misspent money, effort and time.
John Wayne Long
‘The Conqueror’ is a Hollywood movie. It was financed by billionaire Howard Hughes. It stars John Wayne as Temujin aka Genghis Khan.
It didn’t do very well at the box office but it’s a decent movie.
‘The Conqueror’ though has terrible legacy.
Most of its stars died earlier than one would expect. Pedro Armendariz died of suicide and Lee Van Cleef of natural causes. I’m not talking about them. Three leads and its actor turned director died - Susan Hayward, Dick Powell, Agnes Moorehead and the duke himself, John Wayne, all died from cancer.
Only a coincidence or was something else the cause?
The movie was made in 1954 in St. George, Utah.
Hollywood dollars took the town's mind off of other recent problems.
Local prospectors reported radiation readings from geiger counters that indicated large caches of uranium. Only when the miners went to dig – they didn’t find any uranium.
Local ranchers had reported a rash of mysterious livestock deaths.
Many suspected the livestock losses were caused by atomic bomb tests at nearby Yucca Flats in Nevada. The Atomic Energy Commission assured locals the tests were perfectly safe. Any fallout would be minimal and dissipate quickly.
Alien encounters?
Not quite.
The "Dirty Harry" 32 kiloton atomic bomb was exploded May 19, 1953.
This is the bomb that tainted Snow Canyon movie location.
The bomb exploded about 100 miles away from St. George. It was just one of 126 exploded on the Nevada range from 1951 to 1963.
Cedar City and St. George had been pummeled by 1230 times the permissible fallout level and had stayed that way for more than 16 days.
Sheep began to die. Cattleman were alarmed.
The AEC gave Utah Congressman Douglas Stringfellow a tour of the 1350 square mile test site. Stringfellow told residents the tests posed no danger to the citizens of southern Utah.
The day after Dirty Harry, downwind residents barraged the AEC with complaints. "Reverberations from the atomic tests in Nevada Tuesday echoed in Washington Wednesday as Southern Utah residents protested to Representative Douglas R. Stringfellow (R-Utah) about radiation contamination in the area," narrated The (Salt Lake) Tribune.[93]
Congressman Stringfellow followed up by asking the AEC to stop the Nevada test program because of fallout. The AEC refused.
Stringfellow had been elected in 1952 to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Republican. His candidacy lay in his decorated past as a hero during World War Two. He used this past during his revival-style campaign speeches.
According to him, he had served as an agent of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during the war. This was the agency that later turned into the CIA. He claimed that at one point he had participated in a top-secret mission to rescue a German atomic physicist, Otto Hahn, from behind enemy lines and transport him to England. He also claimed that he had been captured by the Germans and held in Belsen prison, where he had been brutally tortured, causing him to become a paraplegic. He said that while lying wounded he had undergone an intense religious experience, and it was through this new-found faith, as well as the aid of the anti-Nazi underground, that he had escaped from the prison. He claimed the Silver Star for his services.
He was widely acclaimed in the media. It even aired on the national television show ‘This is Your Life’. Stringfellow also frequently travelled around Utah preaching about his wartime religious experience with the blessing of the Mormon church.
When running for reelection in 1954 his past was exposed as a fraud. They revealed that Stringfellow actually wasn't a paraplegic at all. He had been wounded from a mine explosion during a routine mission in France and could walk with the aid of a cane.
Stringfellow had not worked for the OSS. He had been a private in the Army Air Forces, and he had never won the Silver Star. Nearly his entire military career was made up. Stringfellow claimed he attended Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati, but neither institution had any record of his attendance.
The Mormon church ordered Stringfellow to make a public confession, which he did. He was replaced just sixteen days before the election by Henry Aldous Dixon.
He ended up as a radio announcer and died at the young age of 44.
When producers considered shooting The Conqueror in southern Utah they were concerned about about nuclear fallout. Government experts assured Powell and the producers that radiation levels were safe. The script called for several giant battle scenes. Electric fans were set up to insure the fight scenes had a certain wind-blown realism. The film-makers did not want to cover the cast and crew with radioactive dust.
Hayward brought her nine-year-old twins. Wayne arrived with his two sons, Michael and Patrick. Cast and extras rolled in the dirt, and were hit by dust clouds from the giant wind machines. It was such a constant that the food provided by craft services (a kind of traveling cafe for the crew) was coated with dust. Because of the seal of approval, no one worried about the soil. It seemed to work its way into the hair, clothing and bodies of everyone working on the film. It contained Strontium 90, cesium 137, radio iodine, and plutonium.
Some shots needed to complete the movie after shooting in St. George finished. To match the location, Hughes shipped over 60 tons of Utah dirt to Hollywood, contaminating some Los Angeles studio.
And now – the death parade :
Pedro Armendariz was guest of honor at a June 9 party given by the film producers. Nine days later, Armendariz shot himself in his bed at the UCLA Medical Center. The actor had committed suicide rather than face a protracted death from lymph cancer. Armendariz had co-starred with John Wayne in The Conqueror.
Six months earlier, Dick Powell had succumbed to stomach cancer. The popular actor had served as director on The Conqueror. He was producing the popular TV show that bore his name at the time.
Agnes Moorehead died of uterine cancer in 1974.
Susan Hayward contracted brain and lung cancer in 1972. She would battle the disease until finally dying in 1975.
John Wayne spent many years battling lung cancer. He had his first cancer operation in 1964. Having thought he beat "the big C," the Duke would go onto to make films for a decade and a half. Ironically, his last film was "The Shootist." Made in 1976, it was the story of an aging gunfighter who discovers he has cancer. Wayne finally gave up the ghost on June 11, 1979, the last of the major players from "The Conqueror." Wayne had smoked four packs of unfiltered Camels a day, while Hayward had a two-pack-a-day habit. However, the release of AEC documents through the Freedom of Information Act shed more light on the cause of all these cancer deaths.
The southern Utahn downwinders suit against the AEC caused people to take a second look at "The Conqueror." A 1980 report reveals that 91 crew members contracted cancer and nearly half of them had died from the disease.
This doesn’t include the indian extras that had subbed for the Mongol horde. No one has ever studied their cancer death rate.
The Atomic Energy Commission spent years covering up the alarming cancer rates around the Yucca Flats test range. Over 15,000 cancer deaths could be related to the 11 years of open air atomic bomb tests in Nevada, according to a recent Department of Health report. Another 20,000 non-fatal cancer cases may also be related.
The toll was not only among the stars of "The Conqueror." Wayne's sons, Michael and Patrick also developed health problems that may be related to the tests. Patrick had a benign tumor removed and Michael suffered, but recovered from skin cancer. Both were instrumental in setting up the John Wayne Cancer Institute. On April 5, 2003, Michael Wayne died following a operation. He had the disease Lupus. "The Conqueror" death toll keeps mounting.
John Wayne once noted, "land and money, the two things that drive men mad."
Take a look at some movies of what the United States Department of Energy considers to be good science :
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
It didn’t do very well at the box office but it’s a decent movie.
‘The Conqueror’ though has terrible legacy.
Most of its stars died earlier than one would expect. Pedro Armendariz died of suicide and Lee Van Cleef of natural causes. I’m not talking about them. Three leads and its actor turned director died - Susan Hayward, Dick Powell, Agnes Moorehead and the duke himself, John Wayne, all died from cancer.
Only a coincidence or was something else the cause?
The movie was made in 1954 in St. George, Utah.
Hollywood dollars took the town's mind off of other recent problems.
Local prospectors reported radiation readings from geiger counters that indicated large caches of uranium. Only when the miners went to dig – they didn’t find any uranium.
Local ranchers had reported a rash of mysterious livestock deaths.
Many suspected the livestock losses were caused by atomic bomb tests at nearby Yucca Flats in Nevada. The Atomic Energy Commission assured locals the tests were perfectly safe. Any fallout would be minimal and dissipate quickly.
Alien encounters?
Not quite.
The "Dirty Harry" 32 kiloton atomic bomb was exploded May 19, 1953.
This is the bomb that tainted Snow Canyon movie location.
The bomb exploded about 100 miles away from St. George. It was just one of 126 exploded on the Nevada range from 1951 to 1963.
Cedar City and St. George had been pummeled by 1230 times the permissible fallout level and had stayed that way for more than 16 days.
Sheep began to die. Cattleman were alarmed.
The AEC gave Utah Congressman Douglas Stringfellow a tour of the 1350 square mile test site. Stringfellow told residents the tests posed no danger to the citizens of southern Utah.
The day after Dirty Harry, downwind residents barraged the AEC with complaints. "Reverberations from the atomic tests in Nevada Tuesday echoed in Washington Wednesday as Southern Utah residents protested to Representative Douglas R. Stringfellow (R-Utah) about radiation contamination in the area," narrated The (Salt Lake) Tribune.[93]
Congressman Stringfellow followed up by asking the AEC to stop the Nevada test program because of fallout. The AEC refused.
Stringfellow had been elected in 1952 to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Republican. His candidacy lay in his decorated past as a hero during World War Two. He used this past during his revival-style campaign speeches.
According to him, he had served as an agent of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during the war. This was the agency that later turned into the CIA. He claimed that at one point he had participated in a top-secret mission to rescue a German atomic physicist, Otto Hahn, from behind enemy lines and transport him to England. He also claimed that he had been captured by the Germans and held in Belsen prison, where he had been brutally tortured, causing him to become a paraplegic. He said that while lying wounded he had undergone an intense religious experience, and it was through this new-found faith, as well as the aid of the anti-Nazi underground, that he had escaped from the prison. He claimed the Silver Star for his services.
He was widely acclaimed in the media. It even aired on the national television show ‘This is Your Life’. Stringfellow also frequently travelled around Utah preaching about his wartime religious experience with the blessing of the Mormon church.
When running for reelection in 1954 his past was exposed as a fraud. They revealed that Stringfellow actually wasn't a paraplegic at all. He had been wounded from a mine explosion during a routine mission in France and could walk with the aid of a cane.
Stringfellow had not worked for the OSS. He had been a private in the Army Air Forces, and he had never won the Silver Star. Nearly his entire military career was made up. Stringfellow claimed he attended Ohio State University and the University of Cincinnati, but neither institution had any record of his attendance.
The Mormon church ordered Stringfellow to make a public confession, which he did. He was replaced just sixteen days before the election by Henry Aldous Dixon.
He ended up as a radio announcer and died at the young age of 44.
When producers considered shooting The Conqueror in southern Utah they were concerned about about nuclear fallout. Government experts assured Powell and the producers that radiation levels were safe. The script called for several giant battle scenes. Electric fans were set up to insure the fight scenes had a certain wind-blown realism. The film-makers did not want to cover the cast and crew with radioactive dust.
Hayward brought her nine-year-old twins. Wayne arrived with his two sons, Michael and Patrick. Cast and extras rolled in the dirt, and were hit by dust clouds from the giant wind machines. It was such a constant that the food provided by craft services (a kind of traveling cafe for the crew) was coated with dust. Because of the seal of approval, no one worried about the soil. It seemed to work its way into the hair, clothing and bodies of everyone working on the film. It contained Strontium 90, cesium 137, radio iodine, and plutonium.
Some shots needed to complete the movie after shooting in St. George finished. To match the location, Hughes shipped over 60 tons of Utah dirt to Hollywood, contaminating some Los Angeles studio.
And now – the death parade :
Pedro Armendariz was guest of honor at a June 9 party given by the film producers. Nine days later, Armendariz shot himself in his bed at the UCLA Medical Center. The actor had committed suicide rather than face a protracted death from lymph cancer. Armendariz had co-starred with John Wayne in The Conqueror.
Six months earlier, Dick Powell had succumbed to stomach cancer. The popular actor had served as director on The Conqueror. He was producing the popular TV show that bore his name at the time.
Agnes Moorehead died of uterine cancer in 1974.
Susan Hayward contracted brain and lung cancer in 1972. She would battle the disease until finally dying in 1975.
John Wayne spent many years battling lung cancer. He had his first cancer operation in 1964. Having thought he beat "the big C," the Duke would go onto to make films for a decade and a half. Ironically, his last film was "The Shootist." Made in 1976, it was the story of an aging gunfighter who discovers he has cancer. Wayne finally gave up the ghost on June 11, 1979, the last of the major players from "The Conqueror." Wayne had smoked four packs of unfiltered Camels a day, while Hayward had a two-pack-a-day habit. However, the release of AEC documents through the Freedom of Information Act shed more light on the cause of all these cancer deaths.
The southern Utahn downwinders suit against the AEC caused people to take a second look at "The Conqueror." A 1980 report reveals that 91 crew members contracted cancer and nearly half of them had died from the disease.
This doesn’t include the indian extras that had subbed for the Mongol horde. No one has ever studied their cancer death rate.
The Atomic Energy Commission spent years covering up the alarming cancer rates around the Yucca Flats test range. Over 15,000 cancer deaths could be related to the 11 years of open air atomic bomb tests in Nevada, according to a recent Department of Health report. Another 20,000 non-fatal cancer cases may also be related.
The toll was not only among the stars of "The Conqueror." Wayne's sons, Michael and Patrick also developed health problems that may be related to the tests. Patrick had a benign tumor removed and Michael suffered, but recovered from skin cancer. Both were instrumental in setting up the John Wayne Cancer Institute. On April 5, 2003, Michael Wayne died following a operation. He had the disease Lupus. "The Conqueror" death toll keeps mounting.
John Wayne once noted, "land and money, the two things that drive men mad."
Take a look at some movies of what the United States Department of Energy considers to be good science :
Office of Scientific and Technical Information
George As Teddy
Georgie-Porgie W. Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut, Kennebunkport, Maine and Houston, Texas on July 6, 1946. He was one of a litter of children of wealthy oil businessman, Georgie-Porgie H.W. Bush and his wife, a white haired matron from Texas, Georgia and Alabama. During Korean and Vietnam Wars, Mr. Bush’s brothers never fought for the United States and spent their time boozing and investing in shady land deals. Young Georgie-Porgie was a dreamless, empty spirited, spoiled child who was tutored at home. He didn’t and says he still does not like to read.
Because of his frequent drinking bouts, he also loved the outdoors and fresh air. He often today wanders aimlessly on his barren ranch in Texas chopping brush that is burned in large piles. As the sparks fly up to the sky he often wonders why he cut it in the first place – nothing else grows on the barren land.
He had a strong interest in everyone else’s business that fascinates him and he always takes numerous trips. When Bush was twelve, his father challenged him to develop his spiritual stature and a church was built at their home where the young man spent hours developing his arms and knees. It was said that he could out pray the Catholics, Luthers and Presbyterians at the same time. He believes in praying effectively and often will spur slipshod prayers.
In 1975, the family purchased a summer home at Chesapeake Bay in Virginia that became a treasured retreat for the family and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Bush entered Yale College, originally majoring in science, but during his last two years there he turned to praying. He did engage in club and literary pursuits, except for ‘Skul and Bones’. He was very devout, praying, begging and chastising his fellow students. In 1978, he met Laura, his wife, running away from a traffic accident in which her ex-boyfriend was killed. She was the daughter of a prominent Texas family that had been lost in the wilderness for over 100 years. They had subsisted by clearing brush, burning it and then claiming the land from those they burned off – or as they like to say – ‘Relocated to Heaven’s Gate’.
He started his first book, The Children’s Crusade, while he was a senior and he graduated in 1980. After graduation, Bush started Harvard Law School after skipping out on his National Guard duty.
Bush suffered from something called ‘Breakaway Effect’ which occurs in many pilots that fly above 36,000 feet alone. He found he did not enjoy it, deciding in the summer of 1981 to take his new bride on a tour of Europe and while there, he climbed the Matterhorn.
Upon returning home from Europe in the fall, Bush thrust into politics, becoming the nominee of his local Republican club for Governor of Texas. He had joined the club the previous year and they were a disruptive group that met over a saloon. Despite his youth, his Harvard accent and his high squeaky voice, he won the respect of his fellow legislators by arranging to nominate a corrupt Supreme Court justice who later ensured that Bush would become President.
On November 2, 2004, Bush’s world fell apart when both his war in Afghanistan and Iraq didn’t work out the way he wanted.
While visiting the West, Bush had purchased a ranch in Texas that became the Burning Brush Ranch on the Little Berlin River. After the Convention, still suffering from his grief, he moved to the ranch to try the life of a cowboy. For the next several years, he became a sheriff, took part in the capture of three Americans and provided for the care and feeding of over 5 million illegal immigrants from Mexico. It was during this time that he sold Texas back to Mexico.
He now spends his time burning books and making fun of magazine articles.
Shortly after the beginning of his second term Georgie-Porgie Bush will be named Pope of all Christendom. Bush will have the titles combined so that President Pope Georgie-Porgie Bush will be able to better rule over Socialist Mexico and the United States. This will be accomplished by a suspension of the Constitution of the United States.
Georgie-Porgie Bush continues his prayer exercises every day. He kneels and folds his hands over 100 times every morning before heading into his office where he prays for another 15 minutes before entering his ‘Trance of God’. At this time he performs feats of magic – like suspending an ashtray 5 inches above his desk using only his hands.
The rest of the day is taken up with prayer meetings and signing things. Mr. Bush believes that the pulse of government can be quickened by the simple expedient of not reading anything. He fully believes in the sanctity and trust of God that nothing that should not sent to his desk will not be.
The reason he gives for not using his veto power is that if God had intended any of these laws to be vetoed they would never have reached his desk.
Georgie-Porgie Bush looks forward to his Last Days, which, coincidentally, are the Last Days of all mankind with the fervent hope that when Jesus arrives in his second coming he will stop by the White House or at least visit the ranch for a little brush burning and barbecue.
Because of his frequent drinking bouts, he also loved the outdoors and fresh air. He often today wanders aimlessly on his barren ranch in Texas chopping brush that is burned in large piles. As the sparks fly up to the sky he often wonders why he cut it in the first place – nothing else grows on the barren land.
He had a strong interest in everyone else’s business that fascinates him and he always takes numerous trips. When Bush was twelve, his father challenged him to develop his spiritual stature and a church was built at their home where the young man spent hours developing his arms and knees. It was said that he could out pray the Catholics, Luthers and Presbyterians at the same time. He believes in praying effectively and often will spur slipshod prayers.
In 1975, the family purchased a summer home at Chesapeake Bay in Virginia that became a treasured retreat for the family and the Central Intelligence Agency.
Bush entered Yale College, originally majoring in science, but during his last two years there he turned to praying. He did engage in club and literary pursuits, except for ‘Skul and Bones’. He was very devout, praying, begging and chastising his fellow students. In 1978, he met Laura, his wife, running away from a traffic accident in which her ex-boyfriend was killed. She was the daughter of a prominent Texas family that had been lost in the wilderness for over 100 years. They had subsisted by clearing brush, burning it and then claiming the land from those they burned off – or as they like to say – ‘Relocated to Heaven’s Gate’.
He started his first book, The Children’s Crusade, while he was a senior and he graduated in 1980. After graduation, Bush started Harvard Law School after skipping out on his National Guard duty.
Bush suffered from something called ‘Breakaway Effect’ which occurs in many pilots that fly above 36,000 feet alone. He found he did not enjoy it, deciding in the summer of 1981 to take his new bride on a tour of Europe and while there, he climbed the Matterhorn.
Upon returning home from Europe in the fall, Bush thrust into politics, becoming the nominee of his local Republican club for Governor of Texas. He had joined the club the previous year and they were a disruptive group that met over a saloon. Despite his youth, his Harvard accent and his high squeaky voice, he won the respect of his fellow legislators by arranging to nominate a corrupt Supreme Court justice who later ensured that Bush would become President.
On November 2, 2004, Bush’s world fell apart when both his war in Afghanistan and Iraq didn’t work out the way he wanted.
While visiting the West, Bush had purchased a ranch in Texas that became the Burning Brush Ranch on the Little Berlin River. After the Convention, still suffering from his grief, he moved to the ranch to try the life of a cowboy. For the next several years, he became a sheriff, took part in the capture of three Americans and provided for the care and feeding of over 5 million illegal immigrants from Mexico. It was during this time that he sold Texas back to Mexico.
He now spends his time burning books and making fun of magazine articles.
Shortly after the beginning of his second term Georgie-Porgie Bush will be named Pope of all Christendom. Bush will have the titles combined so that President Pope Georgie-Porgie Bush will be able to better rule over Socialist Mexico and the United States. This will be accomplished by a suspension of the Constitution of the United States.
Georgie-Porgie Bush continues his prayer exercises every day. He kneels and folds his hands over 100 times every morning before heading into his office where he prays for another 15 minutes before entering his ‘Trance of God’. At this time he performs feats of magic – like suspending an ashtray 5 inches above his desk using only his hands.
The rest of the day is taken up with prayer meetings and signing things. Mr. Bush believes that the pulse of government can be quickened by the simple expedient of not reading anything. He fully believes in the sanctity and trust of God that nothing that should not sent to his desk will not be.
The reason he gives for not using his veto power is that if God had intended any of these laws to be vetoed they would never have reached his desk.
Georgie-Porgie Bush looks forward to his Last Days, which, coincidentally, are the Last Days of all mankind with the fervent hope that when Jesus arrives in his second coming he will stop by the White House or at least visit the ranch for a little brush burning and barbecue.
Frisky Frist
The namby-pamby Doctor Man
Yellin’ and screamin’
As best as he can
Senator Frist has got a list
Filled with beer and sand
He’ll tell you what you want to hear
Then take it all back with the other hand
He’s a soft old boy
From East Tennessee
He’ll take what he wants
From you and me
Senator Frist
Went out one day
I’ll get it done
Is all he would say
When he got back
His pockets were fat
The country was bleedin’
Cause Frist was leadin’
Yellin’ and screamin’
As best as he can
Senator Frist has got a list
Filled with beer and sand
He’ll tell you what you want to hear
Then take it all back with the other hand
He’s a soft old boy
From East Tennessee
He’ll take what he wants
From you and me
Senator Frist
Went out one day
I’ll get it done
Is all he would say
When he got back
His pockets were fat
The country was bleedin’
Cause Frist was leadin’
Foreign Relations
According to our nation’s laws the President is the point man when it comes to international relations.
The Senate and the House are the power brokers internally for our nation of laws.
Mr. Bush has it within his power to declare war – with the assent of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
He didn’t actually declare war on Iraq – but he sort of sent the Marines first – so he didn’t actually follow the law – but neither did his father and like father, like son.
His powers in relating with other nations are broad but they are not a license to do whatever he feels like.
For example – he can give a carton of apples to the King of Spain but he can’t sell Washington State to him.
He can arrange for special purchases of oil from Iraq (well – he can take it these days) but he can’t give away large parcels of Wyoming to a foreign nation.
So the arrangements for the Alaska Pipeline with Japan and Great Britain and the dominance of British Petroleum over the State of Wyoming are both problems.
Well – examples – because you would expect him to solve problems – but that’s not going to happen.
Now we come to CAFTA and NAFTA and FTAA.
It’s okay for him to sign treaties with other countries – but when they touch us in our homes and churches – taint our food and steal our jobs without our knowledge or agreement – then he’s gone too far.
Way too far.
The Senate and the House are the power brokers internally for our nation of laws.
Mr. Bush has it within his power to declare war – with the assent of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
He didn’t actually declare war on Iraq – but he sort of sent the Marines first – so he didn’t actually follow the law – but neither did his father and like father, like son.
His powers in relating with other nations are broad but they are not a license to do whatever he feels like.
For example – he can give a carton of apples to the King of Spain but he can’t sell Washington State to him.
He can arrange for special purchases of oil from Iraq (well – he can take it these days) but he can’t give away large parcels of Wyoming to a foreign nation.
So the arrangements for the Alaska Pipeline with Japan and Great Britain and the dominance of British Petroleum over the State of Wyoming are both problems.
Well – examples – because you would expect him to solve problems – but that’s not going to happen.
Now we come to CAFTA and NAFTA and FTAA.
It’s okay for him to sign treaties with other countries – but when they touch us in our homes and churches – taint our food and steal our jobs without our knowledge or agreement – then he’s gone too far.
Way too far.
First Sermon
Jesus in the freezer.
They have put Jesus in the freezer.
That have stuffed Jesus in the freezer and nailed the lid down shut.
The Republicans have stuffed Jesus into a dark, airless and stinking box and left him there to die.
Jesus is our brother. We are brothers to Jesus and our Father is in heaven.
We have learned a long, hard time how to read and write and perform mathematics.
We know there are tens of thousands of fertilized embryos - who - frozen by monster Republican scientists - hang in partial remnants. They are dead. They have been killed through neglect.
Millions of Americans know this - but do not take responsibility.
They turn away.
Here are these soldiers of Christ - given up in solemn death - and the Republicans keep them in the freezer. They keep them in the freezer with Jesus. They bang them up tight with Jesus and won’t let them out.
Their millions in Republican cash - which finances cotton plants and corn plants and soybean plants - things that we eat and wear - their military science makes these plants monsters - they are stronger not to feed us - they are stronger not to help us but to help the freeloading farmers with their corporate farms because those genetic inbred, filthy abominations are bred in order to be stronger against weed killers. They breed them with insecticides in their leaves and in their fruits and George W. Bush serves them up on your table from coast to coast - border to border.
Now where is this frozen Jesus?
He’s right close by.
He’s on the same shelf with the frozen mice that have the cells of human brains in their tiny skulls. He’s next to the plastic wrapped ham and pig skins that have human blood coagulated in their veins. Jesus is right next to the monsters of depravity that George W. Bush eats, and handles, and sells, and offers to our children as school lunches in their cafeterias.
But the soldiers of Christ are denied their heroism to the human race and to the greater glory and service of God - George Bush says - ‘No stem cells’ - because he can’t make a dollar off it. Dick Cheney doesn’t get a royalty pay check so they step in the way.
True religion and true Godly manner is defied by these Republican blasphemers.
And each day he counts the dead and frozen embryos - the soldiers of Christ - who will never help anyone or play a part in this world. Because George W. Bush does not want to see the crippled boy walk. He does not want to lift the shroud of insanity from old ladies and old gents.
He wants to shut down tight the lid on the light of knowledge - and he comes with his maniacal sneer from the same black hole that Billy Sunday crawled out of - that book burning lunatic that stole the very bread from starving children during the Great Depression.
He is like the salivating Billy Graham who will give you a new soul for two dollars and fifty cents.
He is like Jimmy Swaggarts with the prostitutes in the hell streets of Louisiana bayous - dark streets where no one can see what he does to Jesus.
Where no one can see and no one cares - not in in Indiana, Idaho, Nevada, Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma or Kansas.
There are hot tears for Jesus and his soldiers are coming on now - to beat down this backward, pick pocket, pandering, stiff necked bunch and to drive them out of this our promised land and free nation.
…and Jesus will be set free because none can stand before the power of Almighty God and deny Him.
They have put Jesus in the freezer.
That have stuffed Jesus in the freezer and nailed the lid down shut.
The Republicans have stuffed Jesus into a dark, airless and stinking box and left him there to die.
Jesus is our brother. We are brothers to Jesus and our Father is in heaven.
We have learned a long, hard time how to read and write and perform mathematics.
We know there are tens of thousands of fertilized embryos - who - frozen by monster Republican scientists - hang in partial remnants. They are dead. They have been killed through neglect.
Millions of Americans know this - but do not take responsibility.
They turn away.
Here are these soldiers of Christ - given up in solemn death - and the Republicans keep them in the freezer. They keep them in the freezer with Jesus. They bang them up tight with Jesus and won’t let them out.
Their millions in Republican cash - which finances cotton plants and corn plants and soybean plants - things that we eat and wear - their military science makes these plants monsters - they are stronger not to feed us - they are stronger not to help us but to help the freeloading farmers with their corporate farms because those genetic inbred, filthy abominations are bred in order to be stronger against weed killers. They breed them with insecticides in their leaves and in their fruits and George W. Bush serves them up on your table from coast to coast - border to border.
Now where is this frozen Jesus?
He’s right close by.
He’s on the same shelf with the frozen mice that have the cells of human brains in their tiny skulls. He’s next to the plastic wrapped ham and pig skins that have human blood coagulated in their veins. Jesus is right next to the monsters of depravity that George W. Bush eats, and handles, and sells, and offers to our children as school lunches in their cafeterias.
But the soldiers of Christ are denied their heroism to the human race and to the greater glory and service of God - George Bush says - ‘No stem cells’ - because he can’t make a dollar off it. Dick Cheney doesn’t get a royalty pay check so they step in the way.
True religion and true Godly manner is defied by these Republican blasphemers.
And each day he counts the dead and frozen embryos - the soldiers of Christ - who will never help anyone or play a part in this world. Because George W. Bush does not want to see the crippled boy walk. He does not want to lift the shroud of insanity from old ladies and old gents.
He wants to shut down tight the lid on the light of knowledge - and he comes with his maniacal sneer from the same black hole that Billy Sunday crawled out of - that book burning lunatic that stole the very bread from starving children during the Great Depression.
He is like the salivating Billy Graham who will give you a new soul for two dollars and fifty cents.
He is like Jimmy Swaggarts with the prostitutes in the hell streets of Louisiana bayous - dark streets where no one can see what he does to Jesus.
Where no one can see and no one cares - not in in Indiana, Idaho, Nevada, Alabama, Mississippi, Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma or Kansas.
There are hot tears for Jesus and his soldiers are coming on now - to beat down this backward, pick pocket, pandering, stiff necked bunch and to drive them out of this our promised land and free nation.
…and Jesus will be set free because none can stand before the power of Almighty God and deny Him.
National Science Foundation
In September of 2001 between 15 and 20 million dollars was set aside by the National Science Foundation to study earthquakes under the name of the name of the ‘George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES)’.
It is supposed to provide a national resource that will shift the emphasis of earthquake engineering research from current reliance on physical testing to integrated experimentation, computation, theory, databases, and model-based simulation.
NEES was supposed to :
Include approximately 20 major earthquake engineering experimental research equipment installations networked through the high performance Internet.
Be developed by September 30, 2004.
Be operational through September 30, 2014.
December 2004 is upon us and we can look at the awards list at :
What is shown there are monies for ‘shake tables’ that were purchased around the country – each one cost about 2,000 dollars.
For the University of Illinois at Urbana, however, one Thomas I. Prudhomme has taken a charge for exactly 10 million dollars.
A ‘consortium’ of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, made up of one Robert Reitherman is taking a charger for about 10 dollars below 2 million.
What are these men up to? Apparently their award is based on their promise that they will spend the money.
British Petroleum is preparing to investigate the feasibility of operating carbon dioxide deep injection wells throughout Texas. Why hasn’t anyone looked again at the evidence of earthquakes being caused by High Pressure Injection Wells?
For more than 30 years the Environmental Protection Agency has been running a business by arranging permits for Type I injection wells around the country. Over 700,000 injection wells are in operation at this time.
Hundreds of them are injecting highly toxic chemical waste into the earth.
About 8% of them have failed and a number of them have produced earthquakes.
The National Science Foundation is allowing tens of millions of dollars to be stolen off the table for what? To shake some tables and put the results on the internet?
I think these two projects need to be reviewed very closely.
The National Science information is at : http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2001/nsf01164/nsf01164.html
The awards information is at :
The EPA Underground Injection Control Program is at :
It is supposed to provide a national resource that will shift the emphasis of earthquake engineering research from current reliance on physical testing to integrated experimentation, computation, theory, databases, and model-based simulation.
NEES was supposed to :
Include approximately 20 major earthquake engineering experimental research equipment installations networked through the high performance Internet.
Be developed by September 30, 2004.
Be operational through September 30, 2014.
December 2004 is upon us and we can look at the awards list at :
What is shown there are monies for ‘shake tables’ that were purchased around the country – each one cost about 2,000 dollars.
For the University of Illinois at Urbana, however, one Thomas I. Prudhomme has taken a charge for exactly 10 million dollars.
A ‘consortium’ of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering, made up of one Robert Reitherman is taking a charger for about 10 dollars below 2 million.
What are these men up to? Apparently their award is based on their promise that they will spend the money.
British Petroleum is preparing to investigate the feasibility of operating carbon dioxide deep injection wells throughout Texas. Why hasn’t anyone looked again at the evidence of earthquakes being caused by High Pressure Injection Wells?
For more than 30 years the Environmental Protection Agency has been running a business by arranging permits for Type I injection wells around the country. Over 700,000 injection wells are in operation at this time.
Hundreds of them are injecting highly toxic chemical waste into the earth.
About 8% of them have failed and a number of them have produced earthquakes.
The National Science Foundation is allowing tens of millions of dollars to be stolen off the table for what? To shake some tables and put the results on the internet?
I think these two projects need to be reviewed very closely.
The National Science information is at : http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2001/nsf01164/nsf01164.html
The awards information is at :
The EPA Underground Injection Control Program is at :
Dirty Dennis Hastert
Dirty Dennis Hastert
You know what I heard they say about Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House?
Back home they say, ‘Dennis Hastert? He is dirt. He’s all wet too - and that means his name is mud!’
I like that one, those Indiana folks sure got a good sense of humor.
How about this one?
Dennis Hastert pass a bill?
Why that old boy can’t pass a plate of pork or a piece of chocolate cake - what makes you think he’s gonna’ pass a bill?
They are too dang much!
Dirty Dennis Hastert
Mouth full of dust dirt
Took the reins of government
And stuffed them down his front shirt
All the farmers crying
The President is whining
Dennis is still dining
Eaten all the rindin’
Ain’t no time to sing a song
When Dennis comes along
Hurry away the fixins
Dennis is looking’ for pickins’
Sets down at your table
Gobbles it all up
When Dennis the Menace is here
No one else gonna’ sup
We love you, Dennis, but you about done, son.
You know what I heard they say about Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House?
Back home they say, ‘Dennis Hastert? He is dirt. He’s all wet too - and that means his name is mud!’
I like that one, those Indiana folks sure got a good sense of humor.
How about this one?
Dennis Hastert pass a bill?
Why that old boy can’t pass a plate of pork or a piece of chocolate cake - what makes you think he’s gonna’ pass a bill?
They are too dang much!
Dirty Dennis Hastert
Mouth full of dust dirt
Took the reins of government
And stuffed them down his front shirt
All the farmers crying
The President is whining
Dennis is still dining
Eaten all the rindin’
Ain’t no time to sing a song
When Dennis comes along
Hurry away the fixins
Dennis is looking’ for pickins’
Sets down at your table
Gobbles it all up
When Dennis the Menace is here
No one else gonna’ sup
We love you, Dennis, but you about done, son.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) isthe central research and development organization for the Department of Defense(DoD).
They have created a self-healing, self-hopping landminenetwork.
The mines are provided with an ability to reform theirbarrier by jumping up to 90 feet at a time after the minefield is penetrated.
For example – during the Iran-Iraq war, in Vietnam, in Afghanistan and other wars –soldiers would take children or prisoners and walk them ahead into a mine fieldto clear it.
DARPA developed the mines for three reasons:
1. Stop troops from marching througha breach in a minefield
2. Double use out of anti-tank mines asanti-personnel mines
3. They are cheap and easy todeploy. They use the same technology employed in department stores to connectcash registers together
Some of the mines use rockets to move while others have a hoppingmechanism that will allow them to hop over 100 times.
"Since the minefield is no longer a static obstacle, an open breachcannot be maintained," DARPA has posted on their web site. "TheSelf-Healing Minefield forces the enemy to attack the minefield and deplete theantitank mines surrounding the breaching lane by either repeated assaults or awide area breach/clearance."
There is an animation at this web site :
DARPA has already run tests with the hopping mines and wants to the U.S.Army to use them.
These mine fields can be fooled with a five dollar piece of equipment fromRadio Shack.
They have created a self-healing, self-hopping landminenetwork.
The mines are provided with an ability to reform theirbarrier by jumping up to 90 feet at a time after the minefield is penetrated.
For example – during the Iran-Iraq war, in Vietnam, in Afghanistan and other wars –soldiers would take children or prisoners and walk them ahead into a mine fieldto clear it.
DARPA developed the mines for three reasons:
1. Stop troops from marching througha breach in a minefield
2. Double use out of anti-tank mines asanti-personnel mines
3. They are cheap and easy todeploy. They use the same technology employed in department stores to connectcash registers together
Some of the mines use rockets to move while others have a hoppingmechanism that will allow them to hop over 100 times.
"Since the minefield is no longer a static obstacle, an open breachcannot be maintained," DARPA has posted on their web site. "TheSelf-Healing Minefield forces the enemy to attack the minefield and deplete theantitank mines surrounding the breaching lane by either repeated assaults or awide area breach/clearance."
There is an animation at this web site :
DARPA has already run tests with the hopping mines and wants to the U.S.Army to use them.
These mine fields can be fooled with a five dollar piece of equipment fromRadio Shack.
The political crank and modern deceiver has a single and invariable method of procedure.
Magnifying the wickedness and sufferings of mankind and attribute them all to the object of his special malediction. Compare the Prohibition propaganda with the Bush drivel against mysterious ‘libs’ and Democrats or anyone that does not agree with him.
The Prohibition literature stated that all vice, crime, poverty, and human agony were directly chargeable to Demon Rum. He was the devil incarnate who produced virginal incontinence, marital infelicity, theft, arson, rape, robbery and murder. His remorseless hands, holding the white throat of innocent females in an iron grasp and at the same time robbing the masculinity of men, were dragging hordes of unfortunates to untimely graves and condemning them to the fires of hell. Demon Rum filled the jails and penitentiaries with pitiable creatures who otherwise would have stood resplendent as pillars of the state and ornaments of society.
The result of Prohibition was the empowerment of gangsters, rapists and murderers.
Wherever these modern loudmouth, self-centered bullies get their way again folks are up to their armpits in drug dealers and corrupt politicians. Take a look at Florida and Kansas.
Their words and attack patterns are always the same. Endless repetition of angry and empty words. They think nothing of bossing a person even if they had just met them.
Their idea of freedom is that of the pig, the rat or the marauding wild dog rooting through the trash for its next meal.
Magnifying the wickedness and sufferings of mankind and attribute them all to the object of his special malediction. Compare the Prohibition propaganda with the Bush drivel against mysterious ‘libs’ and Democrats or anyone that does not agree with him.
The Prohibition literature stated that all vice, crime, poverty, and human agony were directly chargeable to Demon Rum. He was the devil incarnate who produced virginal incontinence, marital infelicity, theft, arson, rape, robbery and murder. His remorseless hands, holding the white throat of innocent females in an iron grasp and at the same time robbing the masculinity of men, were dragging hordes of unfortunates to untimely graves and condemning them to the fires of hell. Demon Rum filled the jails and penitentiaries with pitiable creatures who otherwise would have stood resplendent as pillars of the state and ornaments of society.
The result of Prohibition was the empowerment of gangsters, rapists and murderers.
Wherever these modern loudmouth, self-centered bullies get their way again folks are up to their armpits in drug dealers and corrupt politicians. Take a look at Florida and Kansas.
Their words and attack patterns are always the same. Endless repetition of angry and empty words. They think nothing of bossing a person even if they had just met them.
Their idea of freedom is that of the pig, the rat or the marauding wild dog rooting through the trash for its next meal.
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