I see celebrities beg on television for money to feed the children. There is the ‘Feed the Children’ charity which is competing with UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund ) to get money to feed children.
A disturbing figure I have seen is that 31 cents will feed a child three meals a day.
I wonder why celebrities are being broadcast on national television to ask people struggling to get by to send money to folks who are being wronged by an international system of fraud sponsored by crooked banks and stockbrokers working together to ensure that everything stays the way that it is. What’s up?
I give what I can - so don’t get me wrong. I am just wondering why someone earning 5 million dollars for one movie that takes three months to film (with guarantees for a share of future revenue) would go on national television and use their acting abilities to try and get me to feel guilty.
How many people would be fed with the money they throw away on television ads?
I am not the one burning mountains of wheat because I can’t get them to market or I can’t get the price I want for it. I am not the one destroying millions of eggs because the market won’t pay what I want for them. I am not the government who through absurd price supports has created a welfare system of gigantic farm management companies that kill livestock to control prices.
Why the Hollywood treatment?
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