I received an email from InformationWeek featuring some remarks by Mary Hayes Weier. I want to state at first that I take it that Mary Hayes Weier is supportive and encouraging of outsourcing and offshoring American jobs.
She provided some rather strong examples of the responses she had received – the two that I read had to do with ‘foreigners’, ‘Chinese tech workers’ and dolphins.
I should mention that the complaints she mentioned in the email were not really appropriate to receive at a business location but I am going to let that slide because of the gravity of what she wrote in response.
She wrote, “I'm sick--sick and tired--of such xenophobic comments, which are pretty easy to hide behind when using a made-up user name.”
I, personally, am sick and tired of hearing people who support offshoring tell me they are sick and tired.
Ms. Weier does a great job reporting on things like enterprise software, business intelligence, and RFID but her reporting on an explosive issue like this is apparently cluttered by her own opinions which appear, in this case, to be based on faulty and pie-in-the-sky information.
She picks out one item to attack : "...[we should] stop rewarding greedy corporations for their total insensitivity & lack of concern about the quality vs. the quantity."
That sound reasonable, doesn’t it? If a company like Mattel brings in billions of dollars worth of toys that are faulty and contain dangerous chemicals they should be punished for that, shouldn’t they? Mary should be very glad to hear that Mattel really hasn’t been punished for poisoning our children and actually made an apology to their Communist Chinese masters for embarrassing them in the United States . You see – in Communist China it is okay to fail but you aren’t allowed to talk about it.
Ms. Weier’s defense is : “If a company hires inexpensive yet poor quality customer service help--whether it's poor because of a language barrier with the company's customers, rudeness, or inability to understand the problem--than the customer should seriously consider taking her business elsewhere. Only then will a company learn.”
This item reads like something lifted out of a poorly written college textbook.
Let me paraphrase, “If a company in the United States contracts with a chemical company in Communist China that is poisoning the water supply in the countries in which it works it is the responsibility of the customer at Walmart that buys the cleaning fluid they make to shop elsewhere. This will teach those nasty chemical makers a lesson and they will go out of business.”
Ms. Weier does not acknowledge the army of lawyers, liars, artful deceivers, corrupt politicians and hoodlums who have loosely worked together to bring about the situation the lonely shopper at Walmart is supposed to correct by shopping elsewhere – in any case – many of the people that shop at Walmart can’t afford to shop anywhere else.
How does this fit into IT? If you can’t see the analogy I don’t know what to tell you but I shall continue.
What would Ms. Weier do about a foreign owned company in the United States who owns it own bank and performs its own arbitrage in order to ensure that the exchange rate is always in favor of it? What would Ms. Weier do about a foreign owned company who has hired a great many foreigners and then directs them to hire even more employees using the H1-B Visa system and other means for bringing in temporary workers – without even offering an opportunity to any Americans?
Ms. Weier then turns acidic and writes, “As one post says, "If there is a thinking that 'customer service' in a company exists because of morality or ethics, I can only call it 'naive'. ... 'customer service' is a competitive weapon to increase profits, not an 'ethics' or 'moral' responsibility. If and when that competitiveness depletes, irrespective of the ethics or morals, companies will move away from outsourcing or offshoring."
If someone could explain to me how competitiveness depletes I would appreciate it. Keep in mind that the United States is a competitive society – Communist China is not. India itself has deep roots in Anarchy – that is Anarchy with a capital ‘A’ - it is a political force. Their methods for doing business are not just different from the American way they are in many ways opposed to it.
If Ms. Weier thinks that the Communist Chinese are out for the American dream then she should write a letter to their ambassador and ask him how many nuclear-bomb tipped rockets they have pointed at us this year. Just recently a Chinese general made threats against the United States to perform a nuclear strike if we came to the defense of Taiwan if the Communists decided to invade it.
Ms. Weier talks about Xenophobia but she seems to be confusing it with what most Americans feel are in their own best interests. Most of the poor fools who are suffering now have a limited imagination and the only weapon they believe they have to fight with is sarcasm and nasty remarks. It’s too late and it’s their fault so they are complaining.
Lets talk about the continued blockade of Cuba . I assume as a good American Ms. Weier supports her government – she certainly supports it allowing our society to be undermined by foreign competition so lets assume she supports the blockade of Cuban goods into the United States .
Communist China is the second and some years the first largest importer of Cuban sugar.
So you see – by buying Chinese made candy you are assisting the Communists in undermining the embargo against Cuban sugar. You are directly putting Americans out of work and attacking your own nation and undermining the authority of your national, state and local governments. That is an example of global trade under Ms. Weier.
She does defend herself and states that one example she provides is of one company that moved call-center back from India to the United States because it wasn’t working for them. I know of several companies that took the sucker bet - some lost their shirt and others were so cash rich - like Ms. Weier’s example - that they just packed up and came home. Still others pack up and move off to another third world hole in the wall - there are a lot of poverty stricken islands in the South Pacific and they all have telephones.
She then goes off the deep end, however and states, “Indeed, anyone who believes any U.S.-based company owes them a job simply because they were born in America is delusional.”
It’s too bad that what she says is true. Twenty years ago when these problems first came to light we could have had laws that made foreign companies pay into our society for what they took out of it. We could have ensured that only Americans can only American soil instead of making it ready for sale for international companies or even other countries as in the case of some companies from China and Kuwait . We could have ensured our future in the global market instead of prostituting the nation but folks like Ms. Weier and an army of corrupt politicians and businessmen without conscience led us into the nightmare we have today.
Ms. Weier then rants, “First off, the term "globalization" is real: more U.S. companies are becoming multinational and selling to more regions throughout the world, and hiring and contracting more people globally. Of course they are going to look for the lowest cost resources they can. But that doesn't make them bad companies.”
Let’s take the first part first. As for globalization it is an old idea and has risen to prominence and fallen out of favor again and again and again in the last 150 years. It is also known as ‘Free Trade’. Free-Traders (often called Free Traitors) have insisted that free trade will solve all the world’s problems and bring peace and harmony.
Often it has preceded and in some cases caused war.
As for the second part of her assertion - that acting like dogs doesn’t make them bad companies - that is just plain wrong. These are bad companies and they are acting against the best interests of their neighbors and friends and the people that made them successful. They are stabbing their fellow Americans in the back and what they are doing will come back to them in spades - but for now - Free Trade has free reign. Free Trade, or globalization, is a big problem.
For example – two countries have free trade – then one realizes it is getting ripped off and plundered and they impose sanctions or rules of trade. A trade begins and eventually a shooting war follows closely. Such a scenario occurred between China and Great Britain .
How about one country doesn’t want free trade and another does?
The one that wants it attacks the other one to ensure that it gets it.
An example of that is the Spanish-American War and most recently the Iraq War (and occupation).
How about if two countries have free trade and a third wants to play but the first two won’t let it?
That is what is happening now between the ‘First World’ and the ‘ Third World ’.
We will see how that will play out but right now people in the Third World are starving to death while First Worlders take what they want. Now we want IT slaves and that is what we are taking.
Globalization is not fun. It’s not nice. The way it is being practiced now is a form of imperialism with large companies acting the part of little empires while the real powers in Washington and Beijing enjoy the show.
Ms. Weier then calms down a bit and hits us with the supermarket story : “"If the supermarket on one corner of your block sells you your weekly groceries at 10% less than the one on the other corner, where are you going to go? At 10% cheaper, you may also consider issues of quality, variety etc when deciding - but what happens when there's a 20%+ difference?"
Notice how that analogy starts off with a supermarket in your neighborhood, then introduces the number ’ten percent’ which in the last part jumps to ’20 percent’ without reason.
Even though the example she used there is a bit of logical nonsense I will answer it anyway – because anyone buying goods and services at steeply discounted prices that cannot be supported by normal market forces in our economy is probably a crook and is dealing on the black market.
Why we call the unfair business practices now being carried on between the United States , Europe, China , India and elsewhere ‘globalization’ or ‘free trade’ when it is really the Black Market and Piracy and Plundering may be because of the fundamental dishonesty that has come to infest our society and local communities.
Anyone who thinks that cheap labor leads to higher profits has traditionally been proven a fool.
At this time a majority of liquid credit financing the American economy is held by Russia and Communist China. The true impact of what is happening is beginning to be seen all around us.
Ms. Weier is defending what should not be defended but that is what she gets paid for.
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