Thursday, January 13, 2011

Giffords - Nogales International

The shooter in Arizona has been widely acknowledged as not being aligned with any party. Just a ‘nut’. It has been widely noted that he was been influenced by others.
One of the people he killed was a Federal Judge.
In any case consider words Representative Giffords sent to the Nogales International newspaper just the day before she was shot.
She wrote of concerns, “The first is of special concern to those of us in Southern Arizona: the continued inability of our federal government to secure our border with Mexico.”
“We must extend the stay of National Guard troops. We must increase the number of Border Patrol agents on the border.”
“The second threat is our dependence on imported oil – much of which comes from nations hostile to our principles.”
“The fourth, and most important, threat to our nation is our $14 trillion debt. This is why I introduced legislation on the first full day of the new session to cut the salaries of members of Congress by 5 percent.”The Department of Defense is the world’s largest consumer of energy. We must accelerate the production of biofuels for aviation, promote large-scale renewable energy projects at defense facilities, study the integration of hybrid technology into tactical vehicles and require the military to derive 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025.”
“We are a great nation, but these threats to our national security can leave us fragile. We cannot succumb to such menaces.”
Any questions?

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