Thursday, January 06, 2011

Colin Firth, John Maynard Keynes and Eugenics

I wrote the above letter as a ‘Letter to the Editor’. I have some other things to add, though, as an addendum about Colin Firth and John Maynard Keynes.
First of all, I am amazed that an actor could rise to such a state in England that he would be honored by the British Broadcasting Company to be a guest editor. So Colin Firth had a wonderful opportunity to use the power of investigative reporting on any subject on earth and he chose what appears to be an experiment in eugenics.
Having said that about the BBC honoring an actor in this way, I realize that as an American you can point out the fact that Ronald Reagan was an actor. I can then point out to you that Ronald Reagan also had ties to John Maynard Keynes in that he believed in that man’s version of economics.
Colin Firth made another comment which I believe is an attempt at humor or scorn but it came across rather flat - at least on this side of the pond. He stated that he would like to try his brain scan experiment on some American politicians to see if they have any brain at all.
It is widely known that we do not send the best among us to do the work in Washington, DC. That is why it is often so shoddy.
For example - the war in Afghanistan drags on to no point. It seemed originally intended to be geared towards capturing Osama Bin Laden but after the Pakistanis hid him away the war changed into a ‘Kill the Taliban’ frenzy, which was accompanied by a parallel story line about ridding Afghanistan of Al-Queda.
Great Britain has had extensive experience in Afghanistan - what with setting it up as a buffer zone against Russia in the 19th century. Today the war in Afghanistan seems to have become an American nightmare of the British dream.
What do we need Afghanistan for when Mexico has been sending a steady stream of illegal aliens, weapons and drugs into the United States. At the same time Mexico has been draining off jobs and work from the United States.
It is believed that the drug trade through Mexico is financed by terrorist money and may in no small way be facilitated directly or indirectly by Communist China.
These threats are real while the imagined one in Afghanistan is made the focus of attention. Thankfully - Great Britain seems poised on leaving Afghanistan - but who can say what will happen tomorrow.
Suffice it to say we have some serious problems here in the United States and it is of no help whatsoever that the BBC should be foisting the likes of Colin Firth’s bizarre political views on the situation.
I am only calling attention to his behavior because of the general support he seems to have drawn from many other in Great Britain.
I was surprised and horrified to find that John Maynard Keynes had been the director of the British Eugenics Society during the period of 1937-1944. That corresponds to the same years that Great Britain was fighting against Nazi Germany whose own practice of eugenics was frowned upon.
The Nazi experiment was destroyed yet the British experiments apparently live on - taking new life from the resettlement schemes following World War I (which led directly to the deaths of at least hundreds of thousands while destroying the lives of millions) to the shuffling of governments, weapons, banking, money and mayhem from the day World War II ended up until the present day.
Take British Petroleum for the one fine example - starting as a scheme to move oil and gas out of Iran and Iraq it has turned into a huge international corporation. It’s activity have recently caused deadly explosions and deaths in Texas and Louisiana in the United States. When the American government moved to punish BP it found it was limited in what it could do because - BP is a major supplier of fuel to the United States Military. BP controls 80 percent of the oil production in Wyoming alone. It is half owner with the Japanese on the Alyaska pipeline in Alaska.
You see - Colin Firth has merely brought up some serious issues that need discussion. Will you discuss them? Would you allow an actor to have a reporter have a professor scan your brain with magnetic wave radiation?

The remark that Colin Firth made that offended me was the one about scanning the brains of some American politicians to see if they have any brains at all. This may seem like a funny item in passing, and, I have to agree, some American politicians do and say things which could be characterized as ‘brainless’. Often they are well meaning chumps who have not thought out what they were going to say or they are incompetent and these remarks assist us in ending their careers.
I was offended initially because Colin Firth specified ‘American’ politicians and did not broaden his attack. For example – under Colin Firth’s experiment extension then President Sarkozy (the Hungarian Prince who is the President of France) and those French Senators who support the sale of advanced tactical weapons to Russia would be likely candidates.
In general I am offended by his comments because of the wasted use of medical equipment, time and money to support his biased claims and junk science.
Which brings me then to the final point which reflects back on the fact that John Maynard Keynes was the director of the British Eugenics Society.
How did John Maynard Keynes get in this interaction with the repugnant actions of Colin Firth and the BBC? The institute that carried out this insane experiment for Colin Firth has a long association with the Galton Institute which used to be known as the British Eugenics Society.
John Maynard Keynes, as I have stated, was director of that Society between the years of 1937 and 1944. Those are the years that the British Empire was at war with Nazi Germany. In light of this it hard not to come to the conclusion that as Nazi Germany was instructing all levels of society in the dangerous black arts of eugenics that the elite in the British Empire was actually practicing it – and had been for some time.
Furthermore, considering the weight that ideas and concepts about ‘economics’ that John Maynard Keynes put forward and have been readily grasped and put into practice into the United Kingdom and the United States and elsewhere – I am calling into question the actual reason that these economic ideals and schemes have been put into place.
It is no great extension of logic to see that if the twisted ideas of eugenics are forced into the subject of economics that they would fit quite snuggly. The idea of ‘competition’ and the ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘culling the herd’ are all part and parcel of the modern market philosophy. But is it modern? Is it a philosophy or is something else at work here?
Consider this quote by Keynes, “The love of money as a possession — as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life — will be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semi-criminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease ... But beware! The time for all this is not yet. For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still. For only they can lead us out of the tunnel of economic necessity into daylight.”
If one believes, as some do, that this is a recipe for prosperity for all then one need reconsider what is written above and broaden the scope of study to get an understanding of what may be the true undercurrent here.
The result of all this bargaining, buying and selling and rearranging of national boundaries and the forced movement of human populations – what does it lead to?
Consider first of all the forced resettlement following World War I. It was supposed to be a scheme to reduce conflict. It turned out to be devastating for many and lethal for just as many. As peoples were forced out of their homelands and into new areas they died by the thousands of starvation and disease. As the world sunk into the Great Depression these peoples were lost to sight and so – out of sight, out of mind – they perished.
In eugenics this would be described as a culling. It would be described as ridding the general population of unwanted degenerates.
In reality it was referred to as resettlement.
In reality these actions born of eugenics were mass murder – that is, genocide.
Now move forward in examining these points – we come then to the quote by John Maynard Keynes about retaining avarice and usury as ‘our gods’ for a little longer. Why would anyone do that? To increase wealth? That certainly has not been what has been done with them.
Look around the world. International corporations backed by sovereign governments enter into rural and agrarian countries, secure contracts for raw materials or labor that are clearly unfair to the locals and the process begins. The local economy is thrown into disarray. Wealth accumulates to the invaders. Povery, famine and war proceed in the local area – while wealth continues to be extracted – and the local population declines.
Because of the resiliency of humankind these actions do not always denude the land of people – but they do introduce misery, hunger, disease and death for many. War becomes a tool to try to respond to the problems but is often used by locals against other locals as the armies and mercenaries fighting are armed by or financed by outside interests (that might be you).
All of this continues and is allowed to go and encouraged to go because many so-called responsible persons have totally agreed that avarice and usury are truly gods to them.
I am making a broad treatment here and I am going to cease attempting to explain it to you. It is new to me and I haven’t fully comprehended the horrible meaning behind the fact that John Maynard Keynes was the Director of the British Eugenics Society. The ramifications of it and the actions that followed from it and the behavior of people who believed these wicked ideals - it’s just a great tragedy….it’s one that you are taking part in now.
The difference is – now you have been informed of your part.
What are you going to do about it?

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