Monday, January 31, 2011

Pakistan Nuclear Weapons

President Obama signed a nuclear treaty with Russia. It did not change the number of nuclear warheads in the world - just the way the United States and Russia counts them. For example - the Russian Tu-160 can carry 5 nuclear bombs but according to the treaty there is only one weapon. That is how the numbers were ‘reduced’. At the end of 2008, by the way, two of those planes flew into Venezuela.
It was recently revealed that Pakistan now has about 100 nuclear bombs.
They are not only religious fanatics they are racists. They are conducting a genocide in their ‘Tribal Areas’. The army kills or drives people from their homes and then Pakistanis come and take their land.
Pakistan’s borders were drawn, along with Afghanistan’s by England long before any of this happened. The border cut off a large part of Aghanistan in the northeast and cut off its access to the ocean.
Like Egypt the state religion is Islam.
The name of the country is ‘The Islamic Republic of Pakistan’. The name of Egypt is ‘The Islamic Republic of Egypt’.
It is in Pakistan, violent, repressed, murderous - that there are 100 operational nuclear bombs. It is in Pakistan that the United States is using some of the most highly efficient and scientifically advanced remote controlled missiles and rockets to kill ‘terrorists’ - many of them fingered by the Pakistani government.
There are 100 more explosive reasons for the United States to leave Afghanistan right now.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cotton Incorporated and American Textiles

What you are going to read here may cause you some discomfort, as it presents information about a wrong that has gone on so long, it has nearly taken on the appearance of being right. Millions of children are involved, and our entire American textile industry.
Almost 40 years ago there was a crisis in the United States for cotton farmers. Manmade fibers were making inroads into the textile business. The cotton farmers were provided relief by the Federal Government. They were allowed to take one dollar from every bale produced and put it into a pool.
What happened before this plan got off the ground is quite astounding. Americans from coast to coast became aware of the problems associated with the manmade fabrics. Keeping them clean, uncomfortable wear in cold and hot weather and the danger of fire as they melt into human flesh. So, without prompting, Americans stopped buying the manmade fibers, and within 2 years, cotton was once again taking a large market share of the fiber market.
A company named Cotton Incorporated was formed and took responsibility for the turnaround.
For 20 years the company concerned itself with advertising and quiet dealings with mall owners.
Then a change came. 20 years and over 1.2 billion dollars later, cotton prices are as low as ever. In fact, they are so low, that the Federal Government has to pay out price support payments to keep the farmers planting, even while they force a cap on contract prices.
Cotton Incorporated is a failure for the farmers and American consumers.
The farmers are planting more than ever, and more than half of the crop is exported. A Federal price support program, set up to benefit farmers and domestic mills is benefiting countries like communist China, which annually takes nearly a quarter and sometimes nearly half of our cotton crop at artificially low prices. They process the cotton into yarn, fabric and finished goods and dump them back into our economy at unrealistic prices. Recently there has been a 26 to 30 percent drop in average prices of goods originating from Asia. In a further bizarre twist, every time this happens, Cotton Incorporated and the National Cotton Council receive cash from an import duty imposed on the cotton goods coming back into the United States. They are in no hurry to reverse this trend. The result is a loss of 60,000 American jobs, just last year. The total number of jobs lost has been in the hundreds of thousands over just the past few years as this destructive economic engine con
tinues to tear at the fabric of our nation?s economy.
In spite of scientific evidence that cottonseed oil, cottonseed meal and cottonseed itself are more suitable for uses such as the manufacture of shoe polish, fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, dyes and explosives, the material is finding its way into more and more foods on grocery shelves in greater and greater quantities. Cottonseed contains a chemical called gossypol. This chemical causes sterility in animals - it doesn?t take much. Cotton Incorporated has been pushing roasted cottonseed as a feed additive for dairy farmers. The cottonseed needs to be roasted in order to assure that there is little aflatoxin left, as cottonseed meal is prone to contamination of this sort. Often, information is not provided to the farmer that strict guidelines must be followed in order to avoid sexual sterility in the animals fed, and to ensure that the milk is not altered so as to produce a butter that more closely resembles a plastic than a food. Losses have been recorded on a reg
ular basis.
Cottonseed oil is now showing up in school lunch programs. It has historically been used as a base for soaps, shoe polish, floor wax, insecticides and herbicides.
Cotton is the most heavily chemically treated crop in the United States. The cotton plant itself could reduce the amount of manmade herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers used in its culture if the chemicals present in cottonseed, hulls and stalks were put to better use. It has proven advantageous to the USDA to push the Federal Government into allowing more cottonseed oil into the marketplace because they monitor foods, not industrial products. Everyone in this little scheme profits at the expense of the cotton farmers and American taxpayers. Many scientists consider it dangerous to feed cottonseed oil to children because it contains complex fats, phenols and gossypol. In spite of this knowledge and the real danger it poses it is being fed to children in ever increasing frequency in a dizzying array of foods. Farmers, in the meantime, are cautioned not to feed it to pigs.
Pigs that eat cottonseed will die. Cattle become sterile. Chickens lay eggs with enlarged, green yolks. There is a town in China where no children were born for nearly a decade. The cause was traced to cottonseed oil that was widely used for cooking in the town. China is using gossypol as a male contraceptive, which is just another name in that country for male sterilization. Women are also effected by gossypol. Their menstrual cycle will become erratic or stop altogether.
The increased availability of the noxious cottonseed oil is beginning to impact the corn oil, soybean oil and canola oil markets.
Cotton Incorporated, for some time, has also been developing software to assist mills in mixing their cotton, accepting it, warehousing it, and exchanging market data with other companies, and in many cases assisting with sales. The software is called, EFS, the ?Engineered Fiber Selection System?, which is a cleverly disguised averaging program to determine which bales of cotton to use in a warehouse. It includes a random number generator in order to use up bales outside normal parameters.
This is clearly unfair competition to private software companies. They cannot compete with the price offered by this pseudo-government agency and lack the contacts to break the stranglehold. Cotton Incorporated leases the software, and so, avoids detection by not selling the product. The company leases the software to anyone that promises to use at least 50% of American cotton in their product. It is impossible to prove or disprove this assertion by a mill, especially a foreign mill unless the people at Cotton Incorporated have access to this vital market data, and even if they make one product which contains 50% American cotton, there is nothing to stop them from using it to make products that do not contain American fiber. If they have this information, and they clearly have the means and reason to get it, they would be able to predict market fluctuations. A general investigation of the financial situation and financial activities of all of the employees of Cotton Incorp
orated and the National Cotton Council, the Cotton Council International and the Cotton Board should be carried out immediately. They are barred from profiting from their information not only by the nature of their business but by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
In practice, Cotton Incorporated apparently offers this software to anyone with money in hand and the right connections. They are also running an information exchange program ? the CI~EDI system which sends and receives confidential shipment information from mill to shipper and back again. There is a serious question as to the involvement of the company at this level of cotton transactions. They are supposed to be a marketing company ? not a cotton market ? but that is apparently exactly what they are doing. They are not assisting in trade, they are carrying it out to the disadvantage of private firms.
The practice results in foreign textile firms with an advantage over American firms. Some are located in the jungles of the Phillipines, in Ireland, Bogota, Columbia (cocaine capital of the world), Mexico, and several European countries. They are being given free access to a portion of the American market that they should not have so readily and so easily without working for it. Foreign textile firms are able to produce fabric that mimics fabrics produced in the United States because they are using technology developed in the United States. American textile firms are further assaulted. A textile mill in the jungles of the Phillipines does not have the overhead of even the worst paying American mill. They have no health benefits to attend to, no pollution controls to worry about. There is only the matter of shipping the material to the United States, which again, is assisted in a big way by Cotton Incorporated, the National Cotton Council, the Cotton Council Internationa
l and the Cotton Board.
That is correct, no less than 4 entities with uncomfortably close government connections exist that are actively providing unfair access to American textile know-how. They freely provide contact information to foreign mills, importers, exporters and shippers. Each year foreign countries violate the import quotas of the United States. Each year a flood of illegal drugs is pouring into this nation and destroying the fiber of our nation. The next time you go to a department store, take a look at the labels, and even if they have the cotton logo on them you will notice that a vast majority of the materials for sale are NOT made in the USA. The main export of the United States these days appears to be paper money. For every dollar coming in, if fifty go out, that is not advantageous to the United States. The economy is bleeding at a rate that cannot be sustained.
Cotton Incorporated also maintains an unhealthy relationship with mall owners across the nation. Just a few years ago the American Textile Association invented a device that allows consumers to be measured by light, and then order custom clothing whenever they choose, either through the internet, from catalog or over the phone. The clothes would always fit perfectly and would be made custom at a cheaper price than is now available in stores ? because rents would be a lot lower for stores that only need house the light machines. Shipping would be direct from the textile mills ? which now would effectively be tailors. This technology threatens Cotton Incorporated and the ?work? it does in making fabric suggestions to the mills and the marketing favors they perform on a daily basis for mall owners around the nation. The resurgence of the American Main Street is being held hostage by companies associating with Cotton Incorporated. Small business is suffering.
Our enemies are waiting for the day when we don?t produce even our own underwear in this nation. When we depend solely upon them for our clothing and textile needs. Just recently it was revealed that the communist Chinese, the same people that scurried over here to buy the wreckage of the World Trade Center and who are in business with our enemies, like Iraq and Libya, had the contract to manufacture the berets for the United States Army.
In Texas, the cotton farmers earn more money some years from drought or flooding than they do from bringing in a successful crop because of the liberal farm crop insurance system in the State of Texas.
Even the President of the United States has declared that better opportunities have to be found for American textile exports ? that is going to be hard to do if no one is making any American textiles to export.
It is time for Cotton Incorporated to be set out to pasture, along with the Cotton Board and the Cotton Council International and the National Cotton Council. The money that each farmer makes belongs to each farmer. The money is not supposed to be taken from them anymore ? the Supreme Court has declared it unconstitutional. In spite of this and in defiance of the Supreme Court and the Constitution of the United States of America, these people, who are little more than agents of foreign nations are going to try and take the money again.
A few years ago, a group of cotton producers won a court case and forced Cotton Incorporated to be audited. The resulting audit was sealed when it was completed. So ? the producers got the audit they wanted ? but they were never allowed to see the result.
The CEO of Cotton Incorporated, Berrye Worsham, like Spencer Abraham of the Department of Energy, had little scientific knowledge of the group to which he was appointed leadership. His background was initially announced as that of a Certified Public Accountant at Case International, a maker of agricultural equipment, but is now touted on the Cotton Incorporated web site as having been a marketing leader at that same company. The only thing that is certain is that Case International now markets heavily to the cotton producers in the United States, even though many people recognize the inferiority of their machines to those manufactured by the John Deere Company. The point being, that, as director of Cotton Incorporated, Berrye Worsham has access to the personal information of the cotton producers, such as name, address, and is even close to production and earnings information ? all he has to do is reach out to get it. This should not be allowed and the company has become al
l too enmeshed in a portion of the economy that they were never intended to enter.
Almost half a century ago, a man by the name of Sasser invented a little spring that enabled a device known as a strength tester to be operated thousands of times within a very tiny window of tolerance. This device has been used by mills around the world and by the USDA to test and classify cotton strength. It is a funny little device, invented by a company headquartered in Texas, but which has transferred the technology to a foreign company. It is a funny little device, because after studying it, one comes to the conclusion that it is little more than a toy. First of all, the device destroys the sample it is testing. Second of all, cotton is and has been produced within a narrow frame of standards for nearly two hundred years. It is amazing to see how closely cotton of today resembles cotton of fifty years ago. In any case, Dr. Sasser had been in line to succeed Mr. Hahn, however, was passed over by the younger, lesser known Berrye Worsham. Dr. Sasser claims vociferou
sly that he is of no relation to Mr. Sasser ? ex-ambassador to China, an office that has also been held by ex-President Bush.
Political power was brought to bear in California a few years ago, when a woman by the name of Sally Fox was popularizing colored cotton. Cotton, being made of cellulose makes fibers in many different colors, red, green, violet, brown, orange, yellow ? and gossypol actually forms a brilliant blue pigment, discovered in the 1930?s that has never been pursued commercially. The reason that political muscle was brought to bear is that the cotton farmers in the San Joaquin Valley did not want to have their cotton cross pollinated with the colored cotton. You see ? colored cotton is not covered under current government payment programs. So ? as an indirect result of government interference an agricultural advance that should push America forward has been forced to hide in a remote valley in the SouthWest. Colored cotton was spun at Cotton Incorporated headquarters in North Carolina and the fabric was fine and produced excellent color. However ? as they were using Japanese and
German spinning frames that could not handle the fiber they declared the fiber unfit for mass production. This fiber has been successfully spun and woven in other locations. The report Cotton Incorporated provided should be revisited.
A cold weather strain was unexpectedly discovered while an experiment was being conducted on early fruiting cotton plants. The plants will grow as far north as North Dakota and provide good fiber. This information has likewise been suppressed.
Cotton Incorporated reported another stilted view of another ?study? they conducted. A mixture of cotton and American Hemp was run that produced a cloth superior in every way to 100% cotton and cotton/manmade fiber blends. It is stronger, moisture resistant, color fast and just plain beautiful to look at. Cotton Incorporated once again reported it was not fit to manufacture because their Japanese and German machines had difficulty with it.
The textile industry itself cannot avoid responsibility. For example, anyone with an Excel Spreadsheet program or an Access program and a little textile know-how can create a process superior to the Engineered Fiber Selection System, and yet, incredibly, the textile executives don?t realize they have the power to defeat these people ? it lies within their American employees. They must demand these raw materials in order to get them, and they must stop moving their manufacturing equipment out of the United States into Mexico and other Latin American countries in a frantic pursuit of cheaper labor. It only proves to be more expensive because they are less educated and less willing to work. Americans now see the cheating form of government that has been at work in Texas and people outside the United States now know why American companies want to employ them, and they don?t appreciate it. No one wants to work at jobs that are here today and gone tomorrow, and pay only enough
to get you a tin house. Would you want that?
By merely rejecting Cotton Incorporated?s interference, which now should be clear, American capital can finally be brought to bear against backward thinking politicians who call themselves American but act on the behalf of foreign interests. Like those in Alabama, who continue to fight against American Hemp because it suits their interests while opening the door to Japanese car companies to assault our manufacturing industries.
American ingenuity and know-how can create the devices necessary to work with the fibers discussed here. They can no longer be shackled by ignorant lawmakers and pseudo-governmental agencies that are more concerned with their retirement funds and cocktails rather than the security and economic well being of the United States of America.
I don?t want to live in a Mexican colony or in a Chinese protectorate.
Do you?
The false politicians are decrying governmental interference. They constantly whine and complain about the dangers of big government and all the while they are growing things like Cotton Incorporated and the National Cotton Council, and the two other parasitic appendages to the cotton plant, the Cotton Council International and the Cotton Board.
Let us see if Cotton Incorporated can exist on its own for five years without government support. I suggest five years, because, most likely the first year they will support themselves from either the missing money or through contacts at the National Cotton Council and shippers like Dunavant Enterprises ? until it is apparent to these entities that Cotton Incorporated just isn?t worth it.
Let the textile industry take care of itself. Stop these people from giving away our secrets to our enemies and stop the tyranny. Cotton Incorporated is NOT a non-profit organization, each year it and the other bodies mentioned above operate with a considerable surplus which is never refunded to the farmers, but, rather, invested without consulting the farmers. It is common sense that if you take something from someone for one purpose and use it for something other than that which you promised, and profit from it, that it is theft.
The proceeds never return to the farmers. Every once in a while a bunch of them are flown to North Carolina, paraded around the brand new, unnecessary Cotton Incorporated ?headquarters?, where they get to see a few pieces of spinning and weaving machinery. They are then whisked back to the airport and on back home.
Investigate their finances to bring out the particulars.
By the many years it has existed and drained down support unfairly from cotton farmers and cotton importers ? Cotton Incorporated is playing the role of a government agency. The fraud must be brought to an end immediately.

Reduce the Boot Print

Feel betrayed?
During President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union address he talked about increasing energy efficiency. It’s the propaganda our children get - reduce your carbon footprint.
I encourage my friends and neighbors to be conscious of what they consume. Part of my patriotic duty to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and do my bit to reduce the deficit. I thought it a way to support our troops and the country.
I understand President Barack Husein Obama has been giving President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak of Egypt over 1.2 billion dollars a year.
So much for saving.
They convince our children to live their lives in such a way so that when they die it is as if they never lived. Can you imagine what this country would have been like if all our heroes had done as little as possible?
Our heroes are reduced to zeros.
In 2010 he said, “We're working with Muslim communities around the world to promote science and education and innovation.”
Part 1, Article 1 of the Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt states, “Islam is the religion of the state and Arabic its official language. Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation.”
Obama has routinely given 1.2 billion dollars a year of our tax money to Egypt whose government is based on intolerance and oppression religious laws.
Do you think we have any reason to be messing around at all with Egypt?

What can make President Obama reduce his boot print?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tyrants in Egypts and Elsewhere

I have been reading about the violence in Egypt.
I hope everything works out for them.
I do not want to see any American military forces in Egypt.
I do not want any United States involvement in the internal affairs of Egypt at all.
Why have our embassy staff not been recalled?
I am outraged that President Barack Husein Obama has been quietly handing over 1.2 billion dollars a year to President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
I am disgusted that while American children are going hungry that my tax money has been sent to the vicious and sadistic “security” forces of Egypt.
Americans have to get loans from banks to go to college and yet Egypt is given - 1.2 billion dollars to run a dictatorship.
Secretary of State Clinton urged the people of Egypt to ‘express themselves peacefully’.
If an Egyptian were to write a letter to a newspaper or to anyone - even a relative - they might reasonably expect a knock at the door in the middle of the night and never be seen again.
1.2 billion to Egypt is bad enough.
I pay taxes for American roads, defense, water, sewer - not to finance torture cells at the local Egyptian police station.
When will this stop?
Into the pockets of how many other tyrants is he stuffing cash?
Egypt is none of our business.
The fight in Egypt is their fight. No Americans have any business in Egypt.
How many other tyrants is Obama financing?

Al-Taqiya the Alligator

What is going on in the world today?
What war is being fought and why?
What is the ‘War on Terror’?
I often say ‘Afghanistan is a mistake’ but without backing it up people look at me funny.
They tell me the ‘War on Terror’ must be taken to the enemy.
I had no answer. Now I have one.
How is it that small groups of Arabs have been able to successfully dominate the cultures of nations far larger than them? Take for example North Africa - most of the North Africans are NOT Arabs but their ‘leaders’ (dictators) have been for centuries. Even when the Europeans ruled them in Empire briefly in the 19th and 20th century the Arab traders still ran the show.
How did they do that? How did a small band of desert nomads come to settle in the ruling houses across the Middle East?
A political technique called ‘Al-Taqiya’.
The word comes from the root ‘Ittaqu’. Sound it out in English and it is kind of like ‘I attack you’ doesn’t it?
This is the method that Mohammed and later rulers used to spread their oppressive governments. They would send soldier-spies who were often trained in religion and presented themselves as ’Imams’ into war zones or areas they wished to annex.
These spies were trained to plant the seeds of discord and sedition.
They were mujahedeen trained to undermine the enemy's resistance and mobilization.
The main objective and the one I am focusing on was to cause a split in the enemy's camp.
They worked to convince their targets that the Jihad, or Holy War, was not aimed at them and that the general population were not targeted only the corrupt government that made them suffer.
At a higher level they convinced Jews that they would protect them from Christians, whom they consider pagans, while at the same time telling Christian leaders that they would take care of the Jews for them.
It is historical fact that they signed peace treaties separately with each enemy promising each side they would solve all the problems if they would just subject themselves to their authority - without war.
So the despots were established and rule to this day across the Middle East and stretching even into Asia.
The basic concept of this can be called ‘divide and conquer’. The method is the use of ‘Terror’.
The ‘Terror’ is not of the enemy, however, the ‘Terror’ they use is to convince us to be afraid of each other. When we fear each other we become weak and they become strong.
They have a problem with the United States, however, because our motto is ‘From Many, One’.
Do you believe that creed or will you allow these monsters to drive us into panic and flow over us like the fetid wind that has withered thought and science and life across the entire northern part of Africa for centuries?
Think about that as you consider whether or not to allow clerics like Feisal Abdul Rauf.
He is touring the United States with words that appear to be of peace and understanding but his speeches change as he addresses crowds of different religions or political beliefs - he adapts his lies to fit his needs and appears to be the only solution to the dramatic events that are in motion.
In the ‘Art of War’ Sun-Tzu states, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
The product of ‘Al-Taqiya’ has been the Second Dark Ages. Using that technique these men have drawn blinders over some of the brightest civilizations on Earth, from Egypt to Iran to the Far East. Will you succumb to their lies and deceit as well? Are you so afraid of your neighbors and friends that you will allow a stranger from a strange land to take over your nation and dictate your destiny?
The final result of ‘Al-Taqiya’ is being seen in Tunisia and Egypt. God help us if ‘Al-Taqiya’ will being used again to subvert and strangle freedom as it struggles to release the hearts and minds of peoples who have been enslaved by despots and dictators by the simple art of teaching them to be afraid of each other.
They are not seeking to make us afraid of them - they seek to make us terrified of our neighbors and friends and allies. They are not seeking to terrorize us directly - they want us to terrorize each other.
Please keep in mind that "A house divided against itself cannot stand.".
Those are the words of Abraham Lincoln and they take on an ominous tone in this modern world as radical religious fanatics roam among us claiming we are divided and that we should succumb to fear and obey their confusing and baseless commands.
…having said all this and not wishing to alienate anyone, and I mean that most sincerely, I will bring your attention to the words of Jesus in the New Testament. I ask that those of faiths other than Christian allow me this quote because it is drawn from ancient wisdom and is apt here, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”
Finally, recall the American oath of allegiance, ‘I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”
‘We the People of the United States of America’ have the tools and brains and ability to see, understand and reject the cruel and nasty intent of ‘Al-Taqiya’. I will not fear my fellow Americans nor will I allow my enemies to sow discord among us or entertain their corrupt attempts to undermine our free government with a call to heed a false god or prophets.
Whatever happens in North Africa, may God help them all, the fact that those people are fighting against the pigs that have crushed their faces into the dirt with the boot of oppression for centuries should be a light to the world and a wake-up call to us all.
Keep well guarded the ramparts of our nation by keeping your heart clean and free from the fear of your neighbors - which is only a fear of yourself. We face a common enemy and it is dressed in sheep’s clothing.
Did you know that an alligator can mimic the sounds of other animals - like chickens? It lies in the water waiting, clucking and waiting…slowly the chicken comes along pecking at the ground, afraid of everything around it, wary - even of other chickens. It moves along - nervously - until it is close enough and then - the alligator eats it.
Beware of Al-Taqiya the Alligator.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Illegal Immigrants from Mexico are Refugees

Recently Secretary of State Clinton visited Mexico for what was believed to be talks about Mexico’s exploding drug trade violence.
She was to meet Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa in Guanajuato and then speak with President Felipe Calderon.
Calderon reportedly ordered attacks on ‘drug cartels‘ using the Mexican Army starting in 2006.
Five years later, there is an increasing flood of refugees crossing the border from Mexico into the United States. Unlike the heady years when Ronald Reagan and William Clinton were in offices the people making the desperate crossing carrying few goods and even infants are not seeking a better life in the United States - they are trying to save their life by escaping from war ravaged Mexico.
These people are not immigrants - they are refugees and must be returned to their nation under international law after their country is stabilized.
Using the Mexican military turned out to be a very bad idea.
Weapons, training and ammunition - much of it supplied by the United States are involved. It is not clear what the Mexican Army is doing.
"Certainly this is a national security threat." State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley was reported to have said about the situation.
"One of the key elements of sovereignty in any context is a monopoly on the use of violence.“, he continued, "These international criminal organizations -- they have assets and weapons and people that certainly can challenge any security force."
When can our Army leave Afghanistan and clean up Mexico?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sergeant Hurley of Hartford, Michigan

Sergeant Hurley of Hartford, Michigan lost his small Michigan house in direct violation of a law intended to protect active military personnel from predatory creditors.
Deutsche Bank agents forced Sergeant Hurley’s wife, Brandie, and her two young children to get out and find shelter elsewhere.
This all happened while he was fighting in Iraq as a member of the Michigan National Guard - for you.
Your soldier, honor and duty bound to protect you, who offered up his life for you and left his wife and children here in your protection had his American land stolen and family thrown out into a Michigan winter by a German bank who sold it to a greedy developer from Chicago, Illinois for $76,000.
When Sergeant Hurley returned to the United States of America, land that I love, in December of 2005 he found himself driving past the deep, wooded property on the banks of a river near Hartford. He reportedly could see the little home he had put there but the land had been sold to some guy from Chicago.
Sergeant Hurley has been patiently moving through the court ‘system’.
Federal court said it was against the law.
Deutsche Bank Trust Company and its co-defendant, a Morgan Stanley subsidiary named Saxon Mortgage Services have been disputing any payments ordered for Sergeant Hurley.
Over 100 other military mortgages have been raided by Deutsche Bank over the same time.
I respect our military.
Do you?
It is my opinion that Sergeant Hurley needs to have his property returned to him immediately - regardless of any red tape, lawyerly notices, bank notes, lying contracts, international agreements, free trade or anything else.
It boils down to this - are you going to allow a Michigan Citizen Soldier of the United States of America to be thrown off his own land, against the law, by a foreign national bank and their buddies in New York City?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Davos and World Economic Forum and Powder

Shortly the World Economic Forum will meeting Davos, Switzerland.
They are going to discuss whether or not global economic growth is to meet consensus forecasts.
What does that mean to you?
That means that if you are getting forced out of your home by a bank you will still have to leave. If you are out of work you will probably remain out of work. If you are hungry – keep looking for food. It means General Electric will be allowed to give Communist China access to advanced gas turbines and jet engines because they want to and because Obama is out of touch with American reality.
It means more of the same and a little more of the worse.
"Globally, financial protectionism may constrain cross-border financing, a key to the provision of sufficient credit in the next decade, as global imbalances persist," the World Economic Forum said.
That’s the sort of talk that allowed banks to cross state lines in the United States and eventually become concentrated in New “Sodom and Gomorrah” York and ultimately lead to our present business problems.
These business problems won’t be solved by pandering to the people that cause them.
So – let’s hit the powder! Davos – an extraordinary ski resort.
Lately there’s been plenty of new precipitation and the snow down already has been packed hard. 58 of 58 ski lifts are open and over 277 kilometers and ski trails await the enjoyment of bankers and stockbrokers intent on stealing what little you have left.

Solar Panels

In the town where I work there are many large buildings with flat roofs.
They are ideal for solar panel installations – especially the kind that is mounted on layers of Styrofoam and glued to the roof. The panels are then interconnected into a grid. The roof gets an additional layer of insulation while at the same time providing electricity to the structure – enough to power all the lights, computers and equipment in the building.
In the town where I work such installations are frowned upon because they could ‘detract from the architectural plan approved on by the planning commission’.
In the town where I work there is a very large company that has instructed its workers to avoid use of the elevators. This is a plan arrived at by “forward thinking” executives to reduce the use of electricity.
This is a perfectly good example of ‘penny-wise, pound foolish’.
Let me use another example.
A person has ten thousand dollars.
The same person has a deadly disease that is killing them.
They go to the doctor for treatment.
The doctor refuses to treat the disease because the result would not ‘look nice’ but offers a face lift for the same price.
You have a choice in your home if not at your place of business.
You can remain chained to local utilities who are using technology from the 1800’s or you can get more bang for your buck and modernize your house.
Why would you keep yourself in a losing position?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Willandra Lakes Region - Australia

I read that the Willandra Lakes Region had been put on the United Nation’s ‘World Heritage List’.
This was done because it seems there have been humans living there for more than 45,000 years.
Not only that there of items that were imported to the area where they are not found naturally.
Sadly I discovered the descendants of the people that lived at that location for 45,000 years were packed up and sent to a reservation because sheep herders wanted their land. Some of those people then having their children taken away to join the ‘Stolen Generation’.
At this time Australia is fighting in Afghanistan helping to kill sheepherders that have the mistaken idea that their country belongs to them.
Considering these things I cannot understand why Australians are standing by mutely while the United States is steadily arming Communist China.
China is a non-market economy with an occupying army sitting in Tibet committing atrocities and carrying out genocide and using North Korea to threaten nuclear attack.
It is a repressive and aggressive society.
Even so the U.S. is allowing and encouraging General Electric to provide them with super-powerful gas turbines, jet engines (which can be adapted for use in rockets) and other advanced technology easily adapted to weaponry.
Does Australia have any national interest other than trying to defend the wool market from cave men in Afghanistan?
Isn’t a heavily armed Communist China being supported by an naïve President in the United States cause for even a little concern?

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry

I salute Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
First American slain in the undeclared Second War With Mexico.
It is a dishonor to the Border Patrol and all of the arms of the military serving the United States of America that one full month after this heinous and cowardly act on American soil that the prosecutors still have not taken the simple steps necessary to charge the murdering bandits that did this.
Because of the nature of this present undeclared war between the United States of America and the United Mexican states it seems that local prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies are either afraid or unwilling to carry out their sworn duties.
The idea that local law enforcement should not enforce immigration law and arrest criminals and assist the flood of refugees is more than distasteful to me. Here in Michigan local law enforcement routinely, brazenly and cowardly (if the two can co-exist) actually REFUSE to do their duty and defend this nation from attack.
In Arizona the disease is clearly illustrated by Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada who is quoted as having said, “It's a cat and mouse game that we're playing here on a daily basis. The border is secure, but the border is not sealed, because you cannot seal the border. I don't care what party comes in, Republicans, Democrats, it'll be the same thing. They'll say they can secure the border, and when the time comes, they will find out that they cannot stop everything."
This is why the United States Army needs to return from Afghanistan and enter Mexico and destroy the evil and corrupt government that has grown up there.
Ex-President Fox has been touring the United States encouraging the legalization of drugs - I guess so his friends can overrun the United States the way they have destroyed Mexico.
War is not pretty but sometimes it is necessary.
It is necessary now.
Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is a hero.
An American hero.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The United States of China-America

I was born in the United States. I think of myself as ‘American’ - as unpopular as that might sound these days.
My passport says I am American.
I was schooled in the United States so maybe my geography teacher goofed.
I have been reading stories about Chinese-Americans, Italian-Americans, German-Americans, Irish-Americans, Latin-Americans and my favorite - Mexican-Americans.
I looked on the map and I can’t seem to find the United States of China-America. I figured if I could find the United States of Italy-America or the United States of German-America I could work my way around to the United States of Ireland-America but I haven’t been able to find any of them.
I tried several times to find the United States of Mexico-America but I always end up laughing too hard and my wife tells me to stop.
I believe one day that the United States of America and the United Mexican States will one day form a nation that is powerful to our enemies and strong and prosperous for all of its citizens.
At some point I expect to Canada to join us as well unless it is annexed by the Republic of India or the Republic of China.
The United States of America stretching from pole to pole. The United States of the Western Hemisphere. Peace and prosperity.
Ah, forget it. Fighting Cave Men in Afghanistan is the new American dream.
Welcome to the United States of whatever you want to call it.
Is this anyone’s nation anymore?

Karzai and Bloomberg

I don’t think the United States Army belongs in Afghanistan.
I think the United States Army needs to clean out the Mexican government and make that country livable for the people there - so they don’t keep coming here causing instability.
Recently ‘Our Guy Karzai’ in Afghanistan announced that he was delaying the seating of Parliament because an illegal court he set up to investigate fraud had not been given information to them by the Afghanistan Election Commission.
He has arbitrarily decided to extend his stay as the sole power in Afghanistan even though the law says otherwise. He could have learned a lot from Mayor Michael Bloomberg who changed the law about term limits before he violated it.
One Western diplomat in Kabul (that’s the capital of Afghanistan) said, “Is a delay the endgame, or is it no Parliament for another year that’s the endgame, or is it a throw-out of the Parliament altogether?”
I’ll tell you what the game is in Afghanistan. The game is the ‘Get out of my country now game.’
It’s the ‘Don’t build anymore abortion clinics in my country game.’
It’s the ‘Your in debt to your eyeballs to the Communist Chinese and they are on our border game.’
It’s the ‘You invaded with the British to fight the people you armed to fight the Russians and now the British are drilling oil for the Russians game.’
Actually, it’s not a game. It’s a war.
It is Barack Husein Obama’s war.
So why continue?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

End of Life Counselling and Death Panels

I read with a little skepticism and a lot of horror a letter written by Gloria Danna Brooks who is reportedly the President & CEO or Arbor Hospice.
She started her letter stating that she was writing on behalf of the thousands of patients, their families and community members that Arbor Hospice serves each year in southeast Michigan.
Hospices have an ancient history - originally they meant a house of shelter or rest for pilgrims especially one kept by a religious order. An additional meaning is used in the United States - it is a health-care facility for the terminally ill that emphasizes pain control and emotional support for the patient and family, typically refraining from taking extraordinary measures to prolong life.
Hospice also refers to a similar process carried out at home.
It is a necessary service.
It can be carried too far - especially by persons who have an interest in turning a profit from it.
Having said that - Ms. Brooks cannot speak on behalf of anyone but herself but, I suppose, she could also speak for her company and she did.
She went too far, however. In her first paragraph she wrote about ‘recent news’ of Barack Husein Obama’s decision to disallow advance care planning as part of the Health Care Bill. He reversed himself quite some time ago and that was why many Republicans voted in favor of the bill - because that item was removed.
But…what actually happened recently was that someone actually read the Health Care Bill - and you know what? Obama had not removed it. It was still in there in black and white. The Representatives and Senators - as usual - did not read what they had voted on because, as they like to say, ‘it was just too big.’
He had to then attach a rider in order to disallow the item he had allowed after promising not to allow it.
In a nation with an abortion rate of over 800,000 per year (more than half are for economic reasons and a quarter for ‘lifestyle’ reasons) it is hard enough to get born - why are people like Ms. Brooks so keen on making it easy to die? It’s profitable, that’s why.
Hospice is important - decisions need to made at the end sometimes that are heart rending and filled with woe - they cannot be sugar coated by a three page, color glossy brochure telling you otherwise.
Let me use her words to explain one the main product her company offers, “…, determining when it is time to stop fighting…”
And who has given her the right to determine that? A hospital billing department that wants the bed? A tax-exempt hospital that decides it has spent enough on care and needs a little left over for the investors - or at least a new condo for the CEO?
It is true that our society is waiting for doctors to bring this up - to address the insane type of situation which occurs when a doctor walks into the room of a patient who has just suffered a stroke at the age of 83 and announces that they are going to work with the patient to get them back where they were. That’s a problem at the medical school - it cannot be solved by a ‘Final Solution’ cooked up by hospital administrators and government bureaucrats.
This government cannot protect our own borders. It cannot even keep an orderly banking system. It cannot stop the flow of illegal drugs. Do you think it will do better with ‘end of life care counseling’? What if the system is abused? This government cannot even guarantee safety for foster children in its care - do you think they are going to care for the elderly like family does?
They won’t.
That is the reason the phrase ‘death panels’ has been used. There is really no other way to describe it.
When doctors and nurses and hospital administrators and government bureaucrats get together to determine when to offer these services who do you think will benefit from their decisions? It is a money making proposition the way that Ms. Brooks has put it so my question is a fair one.
Placing this option as a government activity is insane. No matter what Ms. Brooks says it does devalue human life.
‘End of Life’ counseling is the same as most ‘Family Planning Counseling’. It’s an excuse. A way out. But - after the fact - one finds there is no way out. After all - no one gets out of here alive.
I am glad the provision was struck from the Health Care Bill - I hope and pray the entire Health Care Bill will go the same way specifically because of what happened with this one item.
They are in too much of a hurry and too many people are going to get hurt. Too many bad people are going to profit from bad things. It is a sign of a decaying society that does not have time for the sick and aged and must find a way to kill them off just as quickly as possible.
Who will have these conversations for the terminally insane? Shall we clear the mental hospitals and old age homes and hospitals the same way they did in Germany prior to World War II? They did it to save food, to save money to build weapons to fight and kill.
We have plenty of food. We make the money. We have so many weapons we sell them and we use them when we want. Our nation kills when it pleases.
It looks like it is about to turn on itself. First the babies - and then the old - each generation less and less. It is a culture of death.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Brain Scans, Colin Firth, Parliament

This Email has five parts :
Two letters and two commentaries and one summary.
Part 1
John Maynard Keynes - the Giant of Economics. His name is whispered with reverence. His ideas are worshipped in Washington, DC, London and in the dusty offices of international banks. If you recall Ronald Reagan was very keen on Keynes. It is widely reported that President Barack Husein Obama is basing much of his economic ‘rescue’ on the economic theory of Keynes. That would make him a ‘Keynesian’.
A horrible fact that I have never heard mentioned but learned recently is that John Maynard Keynes was the head of the ‘British Eugenics Society’ from the years of 1937 to 1944.
Those are the years that the British Empire was at war with Nazi Germany.
Eugenics is the applied “science” which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a human population. Abuses include racial hygiene (no intermarriage), human experimentation (cloning, genetic manipulation), sterilization of ’subhuman’ individuals and the extermination of undesired population groups.
Eugenics had its origins in the theory of the ‘Survival of the Fittest’.
Keynesian economic policies also boil down to ‘Survival of the Fittest’ with the emphasis on the ‘fittest’ government.
It seems clear that doubts and concerns about the radical and baseless economic ideas that Keynes advocated against common sense are of the same coin as the insane and heartless ideas that are part and parcel of eugenics.
The name of John Maynard Keynes has taken on for me an ominous and dangerous tone. I cannot believe in Economic Eugenics. Can you?
Part 2
I read that Colin Firth, an actor of British citizenship was provided an opportunity by the British Broadcasting Corporation to assign an investigative duty to a reported.
The actor then directed the reporter to determine whether political beliefs are ‘hard-wired’ in the brains of humans. That is – are people born to be a member of a specific political party because of the shape of their brain.
The actor and the reporter then secured the services of a ‘scientist’ – Professor Rees.
Then come two politicians, Conservative Alan Duncan and Labour Stephen Pound. The politicians agreed to undergo a structural brain scan using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI.
The study expanded to include students and post-docs previously scanned at the Institute in other experiments.
These then filled out a questionnaire which reportedly assessed their political values. The answers, it is written, were then compared to the brain scans.
Reportedly Professor Rees concluded that one could deduce political leanings by looking at certain parts of the brain.
Looking inside the brain for patterns is not much different than craniometry – the study of the shape of the skull once used by so-called scientists like Rees to classify humans by race and social class.
The UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience has a long association with an organization known as the Galton Institute.
The Galton Institute was founded in 1908 as the Eugenics Education Society. In 1926 it became the Eugenics Society with the aim of promoting eugenics.
John Maynard Keynes was the director from 1937-1944.
Part 3
I wrote the above letters as a ‘Letter to the Editor’. I have some other things to add, though, as an addendum about Colin Firth and John Maynard Keynes.
First of all, I am amazed that an actor could rise to such a state in England that he would be honored by the British Broadcasting Company to be a guest editor. So Colin Firth had a wonderful opportunity to use the power of investigative reporting on any subject on earth and he chose what appears to be an experiment in eugenics.
Having said that about the BBC honoring an actor in this way, I realize that as an American you can point out the fact that Ronald Reagan was an actor. I can then point out to you that Ronald Reagan also had ties to John Maynard Keynes in that he believed in that man’s version of economics.
Colin Firth made another comment which I believe is an attempt at humor or scorn but it came across rather flat - at least on this side of the pond. He stated that he would like to try his brain scan experiment on some American politicians to see if they have any brain at all.
It is widely known that we do not send the best among us to do the work in Washington, DC. That is why it is often so shoddy.
For example - the war in Afghanistan drags on to no point. It seemed originally intended to be geared towards capturing Osama Bin Laden but after the Pakistanis hid him away the war changed into a ‘Kill the Taliban’ frenzy, which was accompanied by a parallel story line about ridding Afghanistan of Al-Queda.
Great Britain has had extensive experience in Afghanistan - what with setting it up as a buffer zone against Russia in the 19th century. Today the war in Afghanistan seems to have become an American nightmare of the British dream.
What do we need Afghanistan for when Mexico has been sending a steady stream of illegal aliens, weapons and drugs into the United States? At the same time Mexico has been draining off jobs and work from the United States.
It is believed that the drug trade through Mexico is financed by terrorist money and may in no small way be facilitated directly or indirectly by Communist China.
These threats are real while the imagined one in Afghanistan is made the focus of attention. Thankfully - Great Britain seems poised on leaving Afghanistan - but who can say what will happen tomorrow?
Suffice it to say we have some serious problems here in the United States and it is of no help whatsoever that the BBC should be foisting the likes of Colin Firth’s bizarre political views on the situation.
I am only calling attention to his behavior because of the general support he seems to have drawn from many other in Great Britain.
I was surprised and horrified to find that John Maynard Keynes had been the director of the British Eugenics Society during the period of 1937-1944. That corresponds to the same years that Great Britain was fighting against Nazi Germany whose own practice of eugenics was frowned upon.
The Nazi experiment was destroyed yet the British experiments apparently live on - taking new life from the resettlement schemes following World War I (which led directly to the deaths of at least hundreds of thousands while destroying the lives of millions) to the shuffling of governments, weapons, banking, money and mayhem from the day World War II ended up until the present day.
Take British Petroleum for the one fine example - starting as a scheme to move oil and gas out of Iran and Iraq it has turned into a huge international corporation. It’s activities have recently caused deadly explosions and deaths in Texas and Louisiana in the United States. When the American government moved to punish BP it found it was limited in what it could do because - BP is a major supplier of fuel to the United States Military. BP controls 80 percent of the oil production in Wyoming alone. It is half owner with the Japanese on the Alyaska pipeline in Alaska.
You see - Colin Firth has merely brought up some serious issues that need discussion. Will you discuss them? Would you allow an actor to have a reporter have a professor scan your brain with magnetic wave radiation?
Part 4
The remark that Colin Firth made that offended me was the one about scanning the brains of some American politicians to see if they have any brains at all. This may seem like a funny item in passing, and, I have to agree, some American politicians do and say things which could be characterized as ‘brainless’. Often they are well meaning chumps who have not thought out what they were going to say or they are incompetent and these remarks assist us in ending their careers.
I was offended initially because Colin Firth specified ‘American’ politicians and did not broaden his attack. For example – under Colin Firth’s experiment extension then President Sarkozy (the Hungarian Prince who is the President of France) and those French Senators who support the sale of advanced tactical weapons to Russia would be likely candidates.
In general I am offended by his comments because of the wasted use of medical equipment, time and money to support his biased claims and junk science.
Which brings me then to the final point which reflects back on the fact that John Maynard Keynes was the director of the British Eugenics Society.
How did John Maynard Keynes get in this interaction with the repugnant actions of Colin Firth and the BBC? The institute that carried out this insane experiment for Colin Firth has a long association with the Galton Institute which used to be known as the British Eugenics Society.
John Maynard Keynes, as I have stated, was director of that Society between the years of 1937 and 1944. Those are the years that the British Empire was at war with Nazi Germany. In light of this it hard not to come to the conclusion that as Nazi Germany was instructing all levels of society in the dangerous black arts of eugenics that the elite in the British Empire was actually practicing it – and had been for some time.
Furthermore, considering the weight that ideas and concepts about ‘economics’ that John Maynard Keynes put forward and have been readily grasped and put into practice into the United Kingdom and the United States and elsewhere – I am calling into question the actual reason that these economic ideals and schemes have been put into place.
It is no great extension of logic to see that if the twisted ideas of eugenics are forced into the subject of economics that they would fit quite snuggly. The idea of ‘competition’ and the ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘culling the herd’ are all part and parcel of the modern market philosophy. But is it modern? Is it a philosophy or is something else at work here?
Consider this quote by Keynes, “The love of money as a possession — as distinguished from the love of money as a means to the enjoyments and realities of life — will be recognised for what it is, a somewhat disgusting morbidity, one of those semi-criminal, semi-pathological propensities which one hands over with a shudder to the specialists in mental disease ... But beware! The time for all this is not yet. For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still. For only they can lead us out of the tunnel of economic necessity into daylight.”
If one believes, as some do, that this is a recipe for prosperity for all then one need reconsider what is written above and broaden the scope of study to get an understanding of what may be the true undercurrent here.
The result of all this bargaining, buying and selling and rearranging of national boundaries and the forced movement of human populations – what does it lead to?
Consider first of all the forced resettlement following World War I. It was supposed to be a scheme to reduce conflict. It turned out to be devastating for many and lethal for just as many. As peoples were forced out of their homelands and into new areas they died by the thousands of starvation and disease. As the world sunk into the Great Depression these peoples were lost to sight and so – out of sight, out of mind – they perished.
What is the difference between herding people away from their ancestral homelands to die in a strange country or to round them up and kill them in cages? Is it forgivable because the intention was to resettle them but they just had the bad form of ending up dead?
In eugenics this would be described as a culling. It would be described as ridding the general population of unwanted degenerates.
In reality it was referred to as resettlement.
In reality these actions born of eugenics were mass murder – that is, genocide.
It was an economic move that allowed the strong victors to further enhance their winning position for the present and into the future - or so they thought. The actions following World War I figured in the commencement of World War II but still the victors did not learn from their mistakes and populations were cordoned off, separated, removed, put from one place to another and then the herding and migrations were pushed into the nations that previously had been held as property in the form of colonies.
I should not have to reiterate this to you because this is not a foreign history to you it is a history lived by your nation, shaped by your nation and one which you are now living through and as a part of.
Now move forward in examining these points – we come then to the quote by John Maynard Keynes about retaining avarice and usury as ‘our gods’ for a little longer. Why would anyone do that? To increase wealth? That certainly has not been what has been done with them.
Look around the world. International corporations backed by sovereign governments enter into rural and agrarian countries, secure contracts for raw materials or labor that are clearly unfair to the locals and the process begins. The local economy is thrown into disarray. Wealth accumulates to the invaders. Povery, famine and war proceed in the local area – while wealth continues to be extracted – and the local population declines.
Because of the resiliency of humankind these actions do not always denude the land of people – but they do introduce misery, hunger, disease and death for many. War becomes a tool to try to respond to the problems but is often used by locals against other locals as the armies and mercenaries fighting are armed by or financed by outside interests (that might be you).
All of this continues and is allowed to go and encouraged to go because many so-called responsible persons have totally agreed that avarice and usury are truly gods to them.
I am making a broad treatment here and I am going to cease attempting to explain it to you. It is new to me and I haven’t fully comprehended the horrible meaning behind the fact that John Maynard Keynes was the Director of the British Eugenics Society. The ramifications of it and the actions that followed from it and the behavior of people who believed these wicked ideals - it’s just a great tragedy….it’s one that you are taking part in now.
The difference is – now you have been informed of your part.
What are you going to do about it?
Part 5
I have considered what can be done about the present situation. You will, of course, need to come to a conclusion on your own by private reflection and perhaps religious consideration. However you do it I feel that to continue along with what clearly has become a worldwide and powerful religion of avarice and greed would be cruel in the short term and foolhardy in the long term.
The present system appears to be not creating wealth at all but goes to great lengths to claim that it is doing just that. It is not doing much for the greater number of human beings alive today. Great Britain, in the microcosm, provides a good example. The present system is only benefiting a very limited few people while the rest of the population needs to adjust itself to the whatever stringent methods are put in place to secure the continued phantom wealth and prosperity of the privileged few.
As in the United States there are individuals with incredible wealth existing side by side with large parts of the population just getting by and many living in poverty.
Such a system would be bad enough and difficult to correct but when it advertises itself as something other than what it is and degrades those whom it most severely insults and harms then it has become something else indeed. Add to the fact that in Great Britain, as in the United States, that the government is closely aligned with this bizarre system to the point that it has nearly been absorbed by it and is nearly being controlled by it then it is clear that it would be nearly impossible to change it at all - considering that the wealth and military might of established government stands behind it.
I think I need to remind you that established government in Great Britain and the United States is supposed to stand for liberty and justice and not act as a short sighted security guard for corrupt bankers and financiers.
The system of international finance is clearly extracting wealth by force and deceit. In the case of BP for example - they are extracting wealth from the natural resources of the United States (and in many other nations) but are not providing a return to the society they are exploiting. I only need point at the failure of the well off the coast of Louisiana. They polluted the entire Gulf of Mexico. The reason that most people are not as outraged as you would expect them to be is because the magnitude of the crime and the depth of the ignorance, greed and corruption that caused the problem is so great that they cannot grasp it. There is also a lack of volume coming from those whom one might consider responsible parties - like those in the House of Commons or the House of Lords or the United States Legislature. There is not a peep. British Petroleum is still ducking and avoiding responsibility. It’s just another day in the world of international finance and ‘free trade’.
People lose their businesses, their way of life and even their lives - and still - not a peep. Don’t you think that something might be amiss?
Increasing these financial arrangements and business operations are making money or appearing to generate wealthy merely by keeping services, goods and cash away from those who need it. For example - the banks could renegotiate loans but it is more profitable to reattach or repossess personal property or goods rather than rearranging corrupt payment plans that they had put in place. Because they are benefiting from these failures it can clearly be seen that this pattern may have been foreseen and, in fact, this is not a banking failure but a systemic rearrangement of the system by the very players who caused it.
In the case of foodstuffs - it is said that for US 31 cents a day a child could be fed. At prices like that it would be cheap to feed the starving but is it done? No. Why? It is not cost effective. There is no gain in ensuring that another human being stays alive. There is gain from keeping the over abundance that the world is producing away from those who need it. If you doubt me - look at the commodities exchanges and ask the traders there how prices are determined and who makes the most money from them. Ask the buyers and sellers of wheat, gold, petroleum…it should be easy to find these people and the companies they work for - it would be very easy for American politicians to do so because those are the people that primarily finance their campaigns for office. Is it the same in Great Britain? I would imagine it would not be much different.
The present system allows for hoarding of wealth and encourages it. Shortages are created. Millionaires become billionaires - companies become corporations and then international conglomerates - why? Why should Saudi Arabia hoard its oil and work together with other restrictive and brutal governments to hoard their oil while at the same causing poverty, sickness and ignorance to grow within their own borders? Who benefits by this if not the privileged few of whom I have already mentioned.
It seems all bent towards one goal and that is to ‘win’.
The ‘win’ in this situation is accomplished through the systematic destruction of the enemy or of the competition or even the consuming of the enemy and absorbing them and their ‘wealth’.
This is accomplished in the ‘modern’ world brazenly through phantom competition directly orchestrated and loosely controlled by the state - loosely controlled unless there is a problem and then is brought under straitened control until it is corrected and ‘back on track’ for production and the continued amassing of wealth aggressively.
It is nothing more than a change of emphasis on one part of the business or the other. It is nothing more than a continuation of the old empirical attitudes and business behavior of the 19th Century being brought to bear. In this case, however, it is being done from a position that appears to have no leader, no control - there are, after all, no national flags in the mix. I am sure that it has been considered to have been a particularly bad move to have the word’ British’ included in ‘British Petroleum’. That still attaches too much connection to the mother country. It is a little too obvious that the ‘wealth’ and cash flow that BP produces and sends back to the motherland is used to finance large parts of the government ‘schemes’ that are in place and that have come into vogue into the United States.
Take health care reform in the United States, for example. Fingers point and tongues wag and the successful system that exists in Great Britain but in the United States other people ask - ‘How can we pay for this?’ Scheme after scheme have been floated in the United States and it was finally decided that American citizens will be forced to pay for the health insurance. If they don’t pay they will be fined. Americans must also not consider this to be a tax. That is insane but that is another story - the point being missed and the question never asked in the United States is ‘How does Great Britain pay for their national health insurance?’
It is on taxes and fees on international corporations - among them - British Petroleum. That is how it is done. In effect Great Britain is taxing the United States indirectly by taking resources and selling them on the open market and profiting from them by selling them back to citizens in the United States. Part of the profit which is kept away from the poor and disadvantaged in the United States by this activity is used by the government of Great Britain to provide socialized medicine in a system - which I am told, is inferior to the system in the United States.
So - just exactly what is going on there? It is very clever. It is ornate. It is also dishonest and underhanded.
The object of the entire process is dominance - whether it is being carried out by American guns, British money, Chinese fists or Russian boots. It is to be the ‘top dog’ and to gain the illusion of control of it all and to be the center of attention. It is the real situation in the streets outside the kind hearted and entertaining children’s circus going on at the United Nations.
Now it gets ugly because even though it is called the Free Market or the Five Year Plan - whether it is modern capitalism or modern communism the process is war that is persecuted over extended time with no time set for completion - with no set goal except to gather the spoils. It is a kind of total war. The persons persecuting it and executing it and carrying it on have no intention of ending it. It is too profitable for everyone. In fact - it is the only way to be profitable these days as everything has become wound up in it.
This does not change the fact that the weapons used are time, siege, denial of services and goods, unfair contracts, corruption, fraud and logistics (to accomplish the actions necessary to divert and therefore deny goods to the enemy - the modern methods of siege).
Population resettlement or destruction of populations is used when cost effective. There are many examples - as in Cambodia, the Balkans as earlier noted. As for the Balkans - consider the Balkans. Consider the troubles in the Balkans regarding race and religion. A big deal was made about the present day modern problems stemming from things that took place 800 or a 1,000 years ago - when, in fact, the entire filthy business can be directly traced to the forced resettlements that occurred in that area following World War I.
Resettlements which were based on ideals and ideas tinged with concepts extracted from eugenics.
The result of the process is an ongoing cycle of premeditated mass murder and sometimes genocide. The actions of poor Africans against other poor Africans are often triggered less from race or religious problems than from the problems of hunger, disease and ignorance which have been foisted on their weak governments by financially powerful corporations backed by militarily powerful nations. The actions are unforgivable and inhumane but examining the causes of those abominable actions uncover even more heinous crimes. Consider the act of causing a murder.
Consider these two scenarios. The First : Marching people by force into unfamiliar territory or abandoning them in a bad situation that you caused without food, clothing, shelter and exposed to new diseases without medicine knowing that they will die. The Second : Rounding them up and killing them immediately.
If in either case 100,000 people die - or 1,000,000 or more - what is the difference between those two actions?
There does not seem to be a logical reason for why the world economy is being run this way. There does not seem to be any moral reasons for why the world economy is being run this way.
If, however, you consider that it is to satisfy obligations to a religion of Avarice and Greed - then you have reasons - but you still have no right.
To stop it individuals can smile and rejoice in the wonderful happenstance of our existence and in appreciation of the mighty glories of this Universe and all that encompasses it.
One can avoid cooperating with evil when possible - but these days - that is hard. Take heart.
Have compassion.
Give assistance.
Provide aid.
Be a help to others.
Help others.
This is new territory for me. I would like to mention God but where would I put Him? I mean, there seems to be no place for God anymore and yet -
God save the Queen.
I am sure there is a better economic model than declaring a global religion based on Avarice and Greed that is dedicated to killing off random groups of people on an arbitrary basis.
There is more to all this than meets the eye.
There must be - don’t you think?
I think that the two ministers that participated in the brain scan experiment have done a great dishonor to the House of Commons and embarrassed the government of Great Britain.
That is my opinion.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

West Branch, Michigan Hero

I read a story about a young girl in West Branch, Michigan.
This little neighbor of mine had been bullied to the point of despair.
She wrote a note indicating that she might take some action against herself.
Her friend saw the note and told her grandmother.
The grandmother called the school and read the note to the principal.
The principal called the School Counselor and the counselor summoned police.
The police made a welfare call at the house and found the girl unconscious after having taking an overdose of medication.
They saved her life.
I heard that the bullies that spurred this have actually been harassing the girl who told her grandmother. Unbelievable?
Anti bullying legislation was introduced by Representative Glenn Anderson to the Michigan Legislature in 2006. It had to be introduced again in 2007 because they didn’t do anything with it.
It passed the House and has been sitting in the Senate.
Anderson played musical chairs and he is in the Senate - along with the stalled bill.
A State Senator told me it was ‘In Committee’.
What people would block anti-bullying laws? Bullies.
Once I wrote that many of the figures submitted to the Secretary of State by State Senators and Representatives did not add up and was threatened by one portly Senator who told me he was going to ‘get’ me. That’s a bully.
How many more children have to die before the Senators do what needs to be done about "Matt's Safe School Law"?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Giffords - Nogales International

The shooter in Arizona has been widely acknowledged as not being aligned with any party. Just a ‘nut’. It has been widely noted that he was been influenced by others.
One of the people he killed was a Federal Judge.
In any case consider words Representative Giffords sent to the Nogales International newspaper just the day before she was shot.
She wrote of concerns, “The first is of special concern to those of us in Southern Arizona: the continued inability of our federal government to secure our border with Mexico.”
“We must extend the stay of National Guard troops. We must increase the number of Border Patrol agents on the border.”
“The second threat is our dependence on imported oil – much of which comes from nations hostile to our principles.”
“The fourth, and most important, threat to our nation is our $14 trillion debt. This is why I introduced legislation on the first full day of the new session to cut the salaries of members of Congress by 5 percent.”The Department of Defense is the world’s largest consumer of energy. We must accelerate the production of biofuels for aviation, promote large-scale renewable energy projects at defense facilities, study the integration of hybrid technology into tactical vehicles and require the military to derive 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025.”
“We are a great nation, but these threats to our national security can leave us fragile. We cannot succumb to such menaces.”
Any questions?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Compare Them Now

We have a great nation.
We are rich beyond measure. We not only have most of the wealth in the world - we make it. I mean actually manufacture it - printing money on a press or stamping coins when we want to. We could end poverty in the world but we don’t. Wouldn’t be right.
We have all the food we need and more. We could feed the world if we cared to but we don’t. Wouldn’t be right.
We are strong beyond belief. We could actually kill everyone in the world nearly all at the same time if we wanted to but we don’t because there is no reason to - right at this moment.
Recently a gunman in Arizona killed 6 people including a Federal Judge, a 9 year old girl, a 79 year old woman, a 76 year old man, a 30 year old man and a 76 year old woman.
Are their names important?
To those who loved them.
To politicians they are very important as well.
The lanky man from Kenya, I mean Hawaii, I mean Indonesia, I mean Illinois - Barack Husein Obama - has been compared to President Lincoln.
Following the Battle of Gettysburg Abraham Lincoln gave a speech that encouraged a nation.
It was 267 words long.
Barack Husein Obama gave a speech tonight that was about 2,606 words long. In it were the words, “If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today.”
Compare them now.

China and Russia Credit

I received an email from InformationWeek featuring some remarks by Mary Hayes Weier. I want to state at first that I take it that Mary Hayes Weier is supportive and encouraging of outsourcing and offshoring American jobs.
She provided some rather strong examples of the responses she had received – the two that I read had to do with ‘foreigners’, ‘Chinese tech workers’ and dolphins.
I should mention that the complaints she mentioned in the email were not really appropriate to receive at a business location but I am going to let that slide because of the gravity of what she wrote in response.
She wrote, “I'm sick--sick and tired--of such xenophobic comments, which are pretty easy to hide behind when using a made-up user name.”
I, personally, am sick and tired of hearing people who support offshoring tell me they are sick and tired.
Ms. Weier does a great job reporting on things like enterprise software, business intelligence, and RFID but her reporting on an explosive issue like this is apparently cluttered by her own opinions which appear, in this case, to be based on faulty and pie-in-the-sky information.
She picks out one item to attack : "...[we should] stop rewarding greedy corporations for their total insensitivity & lack of concern about the quality vs. the quantity."
That sound reasonable, doesn’t it? If a company like Mattel brings in billions of dollars worth of toys that are faulty and contain dangerous chemicals they should be punished for that, shouldn’t they? Mary should be very glad to hear that Mattel really hasn’t been punished for poisoning our children and actually made an apology to their Communist Chinese masters for embarrassing them in the United States . You see – in Communist China it is okay to fail but you aren’t allowed to talk about it.
Ms. Weier’s defense is : “If a company hires inexpensive yet poor quality customer service help--whether it's poor because of a language barrier with the company's customers, rudeness, or inability to understand the problem--than the customer should seriously consider taking her business elsewhere. Only then will a company learn.”
This item reads like something lifted out of a poorly written college textbook.
Let me paraphrase, “If a company in the United States contracts with a chemical company in Communist China that is poisoning the water supply in the countries in which it works it is the responsibility of the customer at Walmart that buys the cleaning fluid they make to shop elsewhere. This will teach those nasty chemical makers a lesson and they will go out of business.”
Ms. Weier does not acknowledge the army of lawyers, liars, artful deceivers, corrupt politicians and hoodlums who have loosely worked together to bring about the situation the lonely shopper at Walmart is supposed to correct by shopping elsewhere – in any case – many of the people that shop at Walmart can’t afford to shop anywhere else.
How does this fit into IT? If you can’t see the analogy I don’t know what to tell you but I shall continue.
What would Ms. Weier do about a foreign owned company in the United States who owns it own bank and performs its own arbitrage in order to ensure that the exchange rate is always in favor of it? What would Ms. Weier do about a foreign owned company who has hired a great many foreigners and then directs them to hire even more employees using the H1-B Visa system and other means for bringing in temporary workers – without even offering an opportunity to any Americans?
Ms. Weier then turns acidic and writes, “As one post says, "If there is a thinking that 'customer service' in a company exists because of morality or ethics, I can only call it 'naive'. ... 'customer service' is a competitive weapon to increase profits, not an 'ethics' or 'moral' responsibility. If and when that competitiveness depletes, irrespective of the ethics or morals, companies will move away from outsourcing or offshoring."
If someone could explain to me how competitiveness depletes I would appreciate it. Keep in mind that the United States is a competitive society – Communist China is not. India itself has deep roots in Anarchy – that is Anarchy with a capital ‘A’ - it is a political force. Their methods for doing business are not just different from the American way they are in many ways opposed to it.
If Ms. Weier thinks that the Communist Chinese are out for the American dream then she should write a letter to their ambassador and ask him how many nuclear-bomb tipped rockets they have pointed at us this year. Just recently a Chinese general made threats against the United States to perform a nuclear strike if we came to the defense of Taiwan if the Communists decided to invade it.
Ms. Weier talks about Xenophobia but she seems to be confusing it with what most Americans feel are in their own best interests. Most of the poor fools who are suffering now have a limited imagination and the only weapon they believe they have to fight with is sarcasm and nasty remarks. It’s too late and it’s their fault so they are complaining.
Lets talk about the continued blockade of Cuba . I assume as a good American Ms. Weier supports her government – she certainly supports it allowing our society to be undermined by foreign competition so lets assume she supports the blockade of Cuban goods into the United States .
Communist China is the second and some years the first largest importer of Cuban sugar.
So you see – by buying Chinese made candy you are assisting the Communists in undermining the embargo against Cuban sugar. You are directly putting Americans out of work and attacking your own nation and undermining the authority of your national, state and local governments. That is an example of global trade under Ms. Weier.
She does defend herself and states that one example she provides is of one company that moved call-center back from India to the United States because it wasn’t working for them. I know of several companies that took the sucker bet - some lost their shirt and others were so cash rich - like Ms. Weier’s example - that they just packed up and came home. Still others pack up and move off to another third world hole in the wall - there are a lot of poverty stricken islands in the South Pacific and they all have telephones.
She then goes off the deep end, however and states, “Indeed, anyone who believes any U.S.-based company owes them a job simply because they were born in America is delusional.”
It’s too bad that what she says is true. Twenty years ago when these problems first came to light we could have had laws that made foreign companies pay into our society for what they took out of it. We could have ensured that only Americans can only American soil instead of making it ready for sale for international companies or even other countries as in the case of some companies from China and Kuwait . We could have ensured our future in the global market instead of prostituting the nation but folks like Ms. Weier and an army of corrupt politicians and businessmen without conscience led us into the nightmare we have today.
Ms. Weier then rants, “First off, the term "globalization" is real: more U.S. companies are becoming multinational and selling to more regions throughout the world, and hiring and contracting more people globally. Of course they are going to look for the lowest cost resources they can. But that doesn't make them bad companies.”
Let’s take the first part first. As for globalization it is an old idea and has risen to prominence and fallen out of favor again and again and again in the last 150 years. It is also known as ‘Free Trade’. Free-Traders (often called Free Traitors) have insisted that free trade will solve all the world’s problems and bring peace and harmony.
Often it has preceded and in some cases caused war.
As for the second part of her assertion - that acting like dogs doesn’t make them bad companies - that is just plain wrong. These are bad companies and they are acting against the best interests of their neighbors and friends and the people that made them successful. They are stabbing their fellow Americans in the back and what they are doing will come back to them in spades - but for now - Free Trade has free reign. Free Trade, or globalization, is a big problem.
For example – two countries have free trade – then one realizes it is getting ripped off and plundered and they impose sanctions or rules of trade. A trade begins and eventually a shooting war follows closely. Such a scenario occurred between China and Great Britain .
How about one country doesn’t want free trade and another does?
The one that wants it attacks the other one to ensure that it gets it.
An example of that is the Spanish-American War and most recently the Iraq War (and occupation).
How about if two countries have free trade and a third wants to play but the first two won’t let it?
That is what is happening now between the ‘First World’ and the ‘ Third World ’.
We will see how that will play out but right now people in the Third World are starving to death while First Worlders take what they want. Now we want IT slaves and that is what we are taking.
Globalization is not fun. It’s not nice. The way it is being practiced now is a form of imperialism with large companies acting the part of little empires while the real powers in Washington and Beijing enjoy the show.
Ms. Weier then calms down a bit and hits us with the supermarket story : “"If the supermarket on one corner of your block sells you your weekly groceries at 10% less than the one on the other corner, where are you going to go? At 10% cheaper, you may also consider issues of quality, variety etc when deciding - but what happens when there's a 20%+ difference?"
Notice how that analogy starts off with a supermarket in your neighborhood, then introduces the number ’ten percent’ which in the last part jumps to ’20 percent’ without reason.
Even though the example she used there is a bit of logical nonsense I will answer it anyway – because anyone buying goods and services at steeply discounted prices that cannot be supported by normal market forces in our economy is probably a crook and is dealing on the black market.
Why we call the unfair business practices now being carried on between the United States , Europe, China , India and elsewhere ‘globalization’ or ‘free trade’ when it is really the Black Market and Piracy and Plundering may be because of the fundamental dishonesty that has come to infest our society and local communities.
Anyone who thinks that cheap labor leads to higher profits has traditionally been proven a fool.
At this time a majority of liquid credit financing the American economy is held by Russia and Communist China. The true impact of what is happening is beginning to be seen all around us.
Ms. Weier is defending what should not be defended but that is what she gets paid for.

US Embassy in Libya

Why is the US Embassy in Libya web site not translated into English?
It only contains Arabic without even a choice to translate into English?
Who, exactly, are they talking to?
Who, exactly, is doing the talking?
What, exactly, are they talking about?
Has the United States Department of State become uncomfortable with the English language?

I am looking forward to you publishing an English version of that web site.
Be kind as to inform me when you have completed that work.

China and New York City

The other day Rosie O’Donnell on the television show ‘The View’ made a remark that set off New York City Councilman John Liu. He seemed to handle the off-the-cuff remark as if it were a personal attack.
I felt his reaction was out of proportion to the intent and content of the remark.
I wrote him an email and told him that.
Then something strange happened - I got an automatic notice from his New York City Council account telling me that I had been added to an electronic database and that he would use that database to contact me on a regular basis.
When I attempted to disengage from the electronic database I found that it was difficult to do so - actually - I could not locate the instructions necessary to remove myself.
I then forwarded that fact along with the original letter to the other members of the New York City Council. I found that no other city council member had that set on their account.
The next day (12.21.2006) I received an email from an assistant of John Liu. The language was combative. I thought you would be interested in John Liu’s behavior as well as that of his assistant who set this system up.

Iowa Abortion by Pill

I just read how in Iowa a woman can enter a pharmacy and by using video conferencing be put in touch with a doctor hundreds or even thousands of miles away who would be able to give permission to the woman to take the abortion drug mifepristone - the medicine (poison) formerly known as RU-486.
The things that caught my eye about this amazing leap in the use of technology in medicine included a note about how people (ghouls) in favor of ‘abortion rights’ found this to a suitable way to make abortions available in far-flung, rural places and communities where abortion providers are unable or unwilling to travel.
If mifepristone does not cause a complete abortion (fetal death), surgery may be necessary - I don‘t think they can do that by teleconference even in Iowa.
The directions for the use of the drug are clear. The patient (victim) must visit the doctor's office three times to complete treatment. Additionally this treatment is normally only given under direct MD supervision, in a doctor's office, clinic, or hospital.
Patients (Victims) are also warned to avoid grapefruit juice.
In the event the drug does not work and pregnancy continues birth defects usually result.
Perhaps the next milestone for the abortion rights activists will be to be able to provide abortions while on vacation at the beach or during a night out at the movies with the rest of whatever family has been allowed to be born.
What is wrong in Iowa?

BP - Who Needs Enemies?

They are in offices all across the United States.
They enjoy daily contact with our military establishment.
They are at home in your national bureaucracy in a way that you could not imagine.
They own a 50 percent share in the Alyaska Corporation – the other half being owned by Japanese interests.
They control 80 percent of the oil production in Wyoming alone and most of the profits end up supporting their own socialized healthcare system in their country, far, far away while their lobbyists work hard to defeat American healthcare reform.
Not long ago they were in charge when a petroleum refinery in Texas exploded with the force of a small atomic bomb.
One after another of their mystifying excuses and tall tales reasons for invading Iraq and Afghanistan have unraveled only to be replaced by another flood of lies leading our military down the garden path and buying weapons from them along the way.
The most recent terrible blunder they have made is the DeepWater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 60 percent of all seafood consumed in the United States originated there. Now they spray poisonous ‘dispersants’ everywhere.
They are, in one stroke, ruining our ability to pump enough oil from our own offshore resources so that we can eliminate oil imports from immoral and cruel countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Nigeria.
Who are ‘THEY’?
British Petroleum – BP – our ‘friends’ - the Brits.
With friends like that – who needs enemies?

Russian Tu-160

On April 25th in 2006 Russian Commander Igor Khvorov claimed that Tu-160 bomber aircraft penetrated North American airspace undetected. A NATO investigation followed whose results have not been released.
On September 10, 2008 two of them landed in Venezuela .
The TU-160 can fly at Mach 2.6.
That is about 2000 miles per hour.
It can cruise at 1380 miles per hour.
It can carry 12× Raduga Kh-15 short-range nuclear missiles each with a range of 185 miles.
After launch the Kh-15 climbs to about 131,000 feet and dives on the target, accelerating to a speed of about Mach 5 (3,800 miles per hour). It carries a payload of nuclear material between 170 to 210 kilotons.
‘Little Boy’ – dropped on Hiroshima , Japan had a payload of approximately 13 to 16 kilotons. It killed more than 64,000 people.
The bomb dropped on Nagasaki , ‘Fat Man’, had a payload of 21 kilotons and killed over 39,000 people.
Caracas to Washington , DC is 2052 miles and to New York 2120 miles. Both one hour away for a TU-160.
Do we need a South American dictator being provided access to weapons of mass destruction?
Russia has no place in the Western Hemisphere .
Will the United States allow Russia to colonize Venezuela ?
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is a traitor to all Americans in the Americas .
Russia is violating the Monroe Doctrine and since they act like 19th Century Imperialists they should be treated the same.
When will this threat to our lives and homes be removed?