We owe the wild eyed Christians like Senator Frist a round of applause. Their hijinx and interference has shown us how shattered and out of touch our government has become.
Across the country meeting rooms stand empty as ‘busy’ modern Americans let their elected officials take care of things. Americans have forgotten that those things left to the amateur and sometimes inept hands of these men and women are the things that affect us each on a daily level.
Meetings about roads are boring and uninteresting to citizens until someone you know is involved in an accident.
Meetings about election procedures are of no particular interest until it turns out that a local politician (or a national one) gets into office in an illegal or questionable manner.
We owe it to these frenetic and hopping demonstrators of the worst in human nature for bringing our attention to the fact that we have turned this nation over to a bunch of clowns. As more and more of them get into office it must be obvious to even the most disinterested among us that something is wrong.
As war drags on in Iraq local politicians argue about putting up stone idols graven with the 10 commandments in public buildings.
As trash piles up around the nation and our children can’t even get health care the public debate is on ‘correcting’ social security by getting rid of it.
This has been a hard lesson to learn. We can correct this together. It’s time.
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