Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Who Is Winning

There are soothing words coming out of Sudan. The Sudanese minister for humanitarian affairs, Ibrahim Mahmud Hamid, said that peace is slowly returning to Darfur.
As the United States continues to blunder through the occupation of Iraq it is becoming evident to Americans that news reports out of the middle east and muslim controlled north Africa aren’t really worth believing – excepts reports about the deaths.
Morocco says tha religious tolerance is their main goal even as non-Muslims are raped, beaten and murdered.
Libya has said that freedom is a most important goal even as they set up a tin colonel to run the place.
Sudan bleats about peace as their army attacks and kills African Sudanese in a continued effort to spread Islam by the sword (and the rocket propelled grenade).
In Afghanistan murderers talk about democracy as they mail out the largest crop of heroin the world has ever seen.
Pakistan talks about liberty under the oppressive regime of a power crazy general.
Saudi Arabia allows a King to marry anyone he wants and to commit atrocities in public squares every day.
Egypt prepares to hold ‘free’ elections where only one candidate will run.
Each war that America has brings home some influence from the enemy country. In this case despotism, lies, torture, corruption, perversion and waste seems to be coming home from Iraq.
Who is winning this war?
Three American soldiers were killed recently in Iraq and the largest Mosque in America was just opened in Dearborn, Michigan.

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