"Alliances and multilateral institutions can multiply the strength of freedom-loving nations," said Condoleezza Rice.
Remember Teddy Ruxpin? He was an animated robot teddy bear that could talk?
He was made by WOW (Worlds of Wonder).
While I watched Condoleeza Rice at her confirmation hearings her parrot words and statistics I have heard all too often – I felt like I was looking at that animated robot teddy bear from the 1980’s.
"Hi! I'm Teddy Ruxpin. Do you want to hear a story?", the bear would say and then the lips would synch up with a tape hidden inside.
"The time for diplomacy is now.", the Condoleeza said and then the lips synched up with the tape inside - at least twice.
Teddy and his caterpillar friend Grubby were from the land of Grundo. Rice and her grubby friends are from the land of West Enron.
Obviously – this bunch isn’t going to change. They forced their way into office and the only way to get them out is to let them have their run.
Unfortunately that means turning our eyes from the men and women trapped into fighting in Iraq.
George Bush wants to get rid of Social Security – his friends are calling it ‘Social Welfare’.
Tom DeLay wants to close down the Internal Revenue Service and avoid indictment.
Karl Rove, the President’s advisor wants to politically realign and diminish the Democratic Party.
Senator Frist wants to be President.
The Time for Diplomacy is now. Do you want to hear another story?
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