If you didn’t think the short-sighted Texas-Maine connection wasn’t selling the nation out from under your feet you don’t have to look any further than your local bank to see the truth.
Somebody in the Bush administration finally got up on their back legs and issued a warning to Communist China today saying that its currency policy were "highly distortionary".
In fact Communist China is affecting world trade. The Bush Administration pretended to threaten retaliation if the Chinese Communists did not change their ways within the next year.
Bush has turned the paper tiger into a reality.
It was only pretend because they stopped short of outright stating that the Communist Chinese are manipulating their currency. You see – it’s too late for Bush. He’s in up to his neck. He wouldn’t even give them a sock in the jaw when they downed one of our planes and took the crew hostage.
That yellow rose in Texas is really yellow. If he had actually called a spade a spade that would have started direct negotiations with the Communist Chinese and assured retaliation if those talks failed.
International relations are just not one of Bush’s strong points.
His weak response to the Communist bullies doesn’t sit well with manufacturing companies getting driven out of business by China's foreign-exchange policies. The Communists are subsidizing their exports on purpose.
The Communist Chinese trade surplus with the United States soared above $162 billion last year.
To make matters worse and the reason I am writing at this time is that the Communist Chinese central bank has bought more than $250 billion in dollar-denominated securities in just the last year and holds more than $600 billion in total.
The Chinese Communists aren’t afraid of any paper rattling from Bush – they warned the United States of America on Monday that they would not be pushed into decisions by other governments.
It that is all not bad enough the Republicans have shown their true Red color this year by pushing through a $295 billion highway bill, arguing that massive spending on bigger and better roads was necessary to fight congestion and unsafe roadways.
The highways and roads of the United States of America are being funded by the Communists.
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