Friday, May 20, 2005

Frist and the Portrait Gallery

On May 18, 2005 Senator Frist displayed his earnest wit and leadership ability in the United States Senate by taking up the weighty problem of what to do with the portraits of the Senators.
“Whereas the objective of the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection is to commemorate the distinguished service to the Senate and the Nation of those Senators who have served as Majority Leader, Minority Leader, or President pro tempore: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That (a) portraits in the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection may be displayed in the Senate Lobby at the direction of the Senate Commission on Art in accordance with guidelines prescribed pursuant to subsection (d).
(b) The Senate Leadership Portrait Collection shall consist of portraits selected by the Senate Commission on Art of Majority or Minority Leaders and Presidents pro tempore of the Senate.
(c) Any portrait for the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection that is acquired on or after the date of adoption of this resolution shall be of an appropriate size for display in the Senate Lobby, as determined by the Senate Commission on Art.
(d) The Senate Commission on Art shall prescribe such guidelines as it deems necessary, subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration, to carry out this resolution.”
Just as he speaks the word freedom but means slavery you can clearly see that the primping Tennessee Senator speaks with a double meaning and if he tells the whole Senate to go hang that’s not really what he’s saying.

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