It’s questionable at least to send men over to combat if they have children at home that they should be caring for and raising.
It’s unforgivable and offensive to send women into combat areas when they have children at home they should be caring for and raising.
For all the arguments of equality and opportunity there is a serious question of the mental fitness of any individual that would abandon their children in order to go to a foreign land and help kill people.
The example these mothers and fathers give to their children is bad enough without adding to it the cult of death that they spread throughout our entire nation while away and upon their ‘triumphant’ return.
What exactly are these mommies and daddies doing over there? We got an idea of what they have been up to when the stories about Abu Ghraib surfaced. Little Miss England was apparently acting quite the pervert and unlike other mommies that started their families at home she did so out of wedlock in a disease ridden prison. The daddy of her child is marrying another woman who also ‘served’ in the prison.
When I see a picture of a woman in uniform holding her child in her arms and smiling for the camera and I read the story underneath telling me that she is in Iraq or Afghanistan I am not filled with patriotic fervor. I am filled with disgust.
The same goes for any parent that leaves their children.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence of the Citizens of the United Nations
The Declaration of Independence of the Citizens of the United Nations
The Declaration of the Citizens of the United Nations,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that people are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. It is also their right to call upon the protections and assistance of the United Nations in order to make right these securities.
Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present rule of nations is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over some States, inadequate or incompetent rule over others, false rule over still others and general anarchy mixed with militarism over others. Where nations do exist which are stable and do not offer offense to their people they are often unable or unwilling to provide aid and succor to their neighbors who may be put to toil for starvation wages or used cruelly in or for wars of conquest or control.
It is therefore necessary to declare to all people the coverage and guarantee of the United Nations in face of the fact of some nations having been governed in an unfit manner to which their citizens have no means or right to complain.
It is To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world and all the peoples living upon it no matter what nation they may be in now or whatever race they may cling to or whatever religion they may worship or not.
Several of these governments have refused Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and have ruled by the whim and caprice of their rulers or day to day in a way that is nothing short of anarchy.
Some of these nations have completely forbidden and others partially forbidden representatives of the people to freely pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till the Assent of the tyrant or the nation’s powerful neighbors or trading partners should be obtained; and when so suspended, they have utterly neglected to attend to them allowing in some instances wholesale slaughter of their inhabitants through purpose or neglect.
Some of these nations have refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
Some of these nations have called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with the measures put forth by their particular tyrant or the nation’s powerful neighbors or trading partners.
Some of these nations have dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with inhuman firmness trampling on the rights of the people.
Some of these nations have refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within including but not limited to starvation, genocide, slaughter, war and disease.
Some of these states have endeavored to prevent the population of these nations or their neighbors; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands in order to keep from the natural order of people those rights they have been provided.
Some of these nations have obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing their Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
Some of these nations have made Judges dependent on the Will of tyrants or the nation’s powerful neighbors or trading partners alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
Some of these nations have erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass their people, and eat out their substance.
Some of these nations have kept among the people, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of their legislatures.
Some of these nations have affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
Some of these nations have combined with others to subject their inhabitants to a jurisdiction foreign to their constitution and unacknowledged by their laws; giving a perversion of Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among them:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these nations:
Some of these nations by caprice alone cut off Trade with certain parts of the world:
Some impose Taxes without Consent:
Some nations deprive their inhabitants of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
Some nations transport their inhabitants beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
Some take away Charters, abolishing valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of local Governments:
Some of the nations declare Protection of another and wage war against them..
Some nations plunder our seas, ravage Coasts, burn towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
Some nations have wantonly stolen or otherwise contrived to acquire the raw materials of other nations without due process of law and for wages and prices well below market value.
Some nations at this time are transporting large Armies to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy a nation wishing to call itself a civilized nation.
Some nations have interfered with other nations and have excited domestic insurrections, and endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of their frontiers in an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
Be it known that wherever people have gathered and in every stage of these Oppressions the people have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms that their repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. Nations whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people and its free people must therefore maintain for themselves and independent and public office to which they may call for support and relief - that office being the United Nations.
Nor have these people been wanting in attentions to our international brethren. They have warned them from time to time of attempts by their illegal governments to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over people. They have been reminded of the circumstances of the migration of people and settlement throughout the world. The despots, tyrants and greedy nations have been appealed to for their native justice and magnanimity, and have been conjured them by the ties of our common kindred in humankind to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence and disrupt the normal business of the world and cause harm to our children. For too long they have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. Therefore be it declared that human kind must acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold any of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of humanity, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of this world, solemnly publish and declare, That this humanity is, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent individuals and that all governments are subject to their inhabitants and the citizens of the world joined in the United Nations; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the present government unless it is providing for the common good, and that all political connection between them and the states which they inhabit, is and ought to be secondary to their union as members of humanity and citizens of the United Nations; and that as Free and Independent people, they have full Power to call on and expect relief and support from the United Nations and its forces and all departments for whatever reason presents itself. No nation at any time may secure its borders from the United Nations and hereby take their secondary position to the rights of humanity in order that all people may be free from want and war.
For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
This document now declares the reader and all known to that person the title of ‘Citizen of the United Nations’.
The Declaration of Independence of the Citizens of the United Nations
The Declaration of the Citizens of the United Nations,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that people are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. It is also their right to call upon the protections and assistance of the United Nations in order to make right these securities.
Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present rule of nations is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over some States, inadequate or incompetent rule over others, false rule over still others and general anarchy mixed with militarism over others. Where nations do exist which are stable and do not offer offense to their people they are often unable or unwilling to provide aid and succor to their neighbors who may be put to toil for starvation wages or used cruelly in or for wars of conquest or control.
It is therefore necessary to declare to all people the coverage and guarantee of the United Nations in face of the fact of some nations having been governed in an unfit manner to which their citizens have no means or right to complain.
It is To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world and all the peoples living upon it no matter what nation they may be in now or whatever race they may cling to or whatever religion they may worship or not.
Several of these governments have refused Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good and have ruled by the whim and caprice of their rulers or day to day in a way that is nothing short of anarchy.
Some of these nations have completely forbidden and others partially forbidden representatives of the people to freely pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till the Assent of the tyrant or the nation’s powerful neighbors or trading partners should be obtained; and when so suspended, they have utterly neglected to attend to them allowing in some instances wholesale slaughter of their inhabitants through purpose or neglect.
Some of these nations have refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
Some of these nations have called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with the measures put forth by their particular tyrant or the nation’s powerful neighbors or trading partners.
Some of these nations have dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with inhuman firmness trampling on the rights of the people.
Some of these nations have refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within including but not limited to starvation, genocide, slaughter, war and disease.
Some of these states have endeavored to prevent the population of these nations or their neighbors; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands in order to keep from the natural order of people those rights they have been provided.
Some of these nations have obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing their Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
Some of these nations have made Judges dependent on the Will of tyrants or the nation’s powerful neighbors or trading partners alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
Some of these nations have erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass their people, and eat out their substance.
Some of these nations have kept among the people, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of their legislatures.
Some of these nations have affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
Some of these nations have combined with others to subject their inhabitants to a jurisdiction foreign to their constitution and unacknowledged by their laws; giving a perversion of Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among them:
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these nations:
Some of these nations by caprice alone cut off Trade with certain parts of the world:
Some impose Taxes without Consent:
Some nations deprive their inhabitants of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
Some nations transport their inhabitants beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
Some take away Charters, abolishing valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of local Governments:
Some of the nations declare Protection of another and wage war against them..
Some nations plunder our seas, ravage Coasts, burn towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
Some nations have wantonly stolen or otherwise contrived to acquire the raw materials of other nations without due process of law and for wages and prices well below market value.
Some nations at this time are transporting large Armies to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy a nation wishing to call itself a civilized nation.
Some nations have interfered with other nations and have excited domestic insurrections, and endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of their frontiers in an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
Be it known that wherever people have gathered and in every stage of these Oppressions the people have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms that their repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. Nations whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people and its free people must therefore maintain for themselves and independent and public office to which they may call for support and relief - that office being the United Nations.
Nor have these people been wanting in attentions to our international brethren. They have warned them from time to time of attempts by their illegal governments to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over people. They have been reminded of the circumstances of the migration of people and settlement throughout the world. The despots, tyrants and greedy nations have been appealed to for their native justice and magnanimity, and have been conjured them by the ties of our common kindred in humankind to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence and disrupt the normal business of the world and cause harm to our children. For too long they have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. Therefore be it declared that human kind must acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold any of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
We, therefore, the Representatives of humanity, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of this world, solemnly publish and declare, That this humanity is, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent individuals and that all governments are subject to their inhabitants and the citizens of the world joined in the United Nations; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the present government unless it is providing for the common good, and that all political connection between them and the states which they inhabit, is and ought to be secondary to their union as members of humanity and citizens of the United Nations; and that as Free and Independent people, they have full Power to call on and expect relief and support from the United Nations and its forces and all departments for whatever reason presents itself. No nation at any time may secure its borders from the United Nations and hereby take their secondary position to the rights of humanity in order that all people may be free from want and war.
For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
This document now declares the reader and all known to that person the title of ‘Citizen of the United Nations’.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
War on Terror
As time goes on and Bush echoes the words that spill from Dick Cheney, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert and even his brother John Ellis Bush (Jeb), governor of Florida. Instead of their losing their meaning we begin to lose the meaning of the men speaking them.
‘The War on Terror’.
A definition for terror is intense, overpowering fear. Are you experiencing intense, overpowering fear? I am not.
Do you go to bed at night believing that only President Bush and Supreme Court Justice Scalia are standing between you and intense, overpowering fear? I don’t.
Terror is as a title for one that instills intense fear such as a spoiled kid that became the terror of the neighborhood.
However – Bin Laden has been out of the loop for some time now but still the idea of terror is reflected over and over on television, the radio and newspapers – but the source is always the same. The messages of terror and fear and anger are in my opinion coming from President Bush, the Vice President and several members of the House of Representatives (and a couple in the Senate).
Now there we come to the meaning of the word terror that we live with every day. It is the ability to instill intense fear like the terror of exposed weapons or harping politicians. President Bush seems to take his pleasure attempting to instill intense fear into the heart of America.
When will he get back to work and out of our lives?
‘The War on Terror’.
A definition for terror is intense, overpowering fear. Are you experiencing intense, overpowering fear? I am not.
Do you go to bed at night believing that only President Bush and Supreme Court Justice Scalia are standing between you and intense, overpowering fear? I don’t.
Terror is as a title for one that instills intense fear such as a spoiled kid that became the terror of the neighborhood.
However – Bin Laden has been out of the loop for some time now but still the idea of terror is reflected over and over on television, the radio and newspapers – but the source is always the same. The messages of terror and fear and anger are in my opinion coming from President Bush, the Vice President and several members of the House of Representatives (and a couple in the Senate).
Now there we come to the meaning of the word terror that we live with every day. It is the ability to instill intense fear like the terror of exposed weapons or harping politicians. President Bush seems to take his pleasure attempting to instill intense fear into the heart of America.
When will he get back to work and out of our lives?
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Let us take that next glorious step into the development of modern America and throw off the bondage of that class which has held us back and held us down for so long.
Let us slip the surly bonds of this welfare state and set in motion those processes and programs that lead us into the heavenly new democracy and make this republic strong.
Slide off the yoke of oppression that holds you and stock options down. We must push aside the weak and the weary and send the poor away so that we can hire more Mexicans at a lower rate.
We must no longer be asked to provide public schooling for our children – in fact let us kill two birds with one stone and turn the children over to the pastors and the ministers and shower them with tax money.
Then our life of ease and plenty and shopping at the mall can continue.
We can build a new monument to government and a new bureaucracy.
The Department of Illfare will rule over all and above the marbled hall’s entry we will carve the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Do not tell me of my obligation to all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist, that I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent that I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong.”
Then maybe the Americans will wake up.
Let us slip the surly bonds of this welfare state and set in motion those processes and programs that lead us into the heavenly new democracy and make this republic strong.
Slide off the yoke of oppression that holds you and stock options down. We must push aside the weak and the weary and send the poor away so that we can hire more Mexicans at a lower rate.
We must no longer be asked to provide public schooling for our children – in fact let us kill two birds with one stone and turn the children over to the pastors and the ministers and shower them with tax money.
Then our life of ease and plenty and shopping at the mall can continue.
We can build a new monument to government and a new bureaucracy.
The Department of Illfare will rule over all and above the marbled hall’s entry we will carve the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Do not tell me of my obligation to all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist, that I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent that I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong.”
Then maybe the Americans will wake up.
GM and Africa
General Motors, in a tailspin of financial misdeeds and morality officially told the Kenyan government that anyone importing second-hand cars are ripping them off by under-valuing imports.
The senior General Motors official said further that besides denying the Government revenue, under-valuation also created unfair market competition.
"From the perspective of a vehicle manufacturer, the implementation of tariffs on used motor vehicles — mitumba — has many inconsistencies that can defeat their purpose," said Maureen Kempstone, head of GM operations in Africa and Latin America.
"Under-valuation, in particular, works against the objectives of the policies that have been put in place."
Things have been working out in Kenya where a scarcity of motor vehicles has led to shortages of food and medicine throughout the country.
As Kenya continues to grow and General Motors continues to shrink GM has tended to do what most bullies do – try to push the little guys around.
Kempstone’s remarks are typical of GM. In order to squeeze a few coins from the third world Kempstone brought the boot down on free trade in East Africa.
She said GM won’t advise the banning of used-car imports but wants the Government to level the playing field.
"We are concerned with the unconstrained importation of substandard, undervalued used products that hurt the environment, undermine local industries-and more often than not, fail to meet the needs and expectations of the consumer," she said.
Too bad they didn’t feel that way when they were advocating NAFTA and preparing to undermine the American economy.
The senior General Motors official said further that besides denying the Government revenue, under-valuation also created unfair market competition.
"From the perspective of a vehicle manufacturer, the implementation of tariffs on used motor vehicles — mitumba — has many inconsistencies that can defeat their purpose," said Maureen Kempstone, head of GM operations in Africa and Latin America.
"Under-valuation, in particular, works against the objectives of the policies that have been put in place."
Things have been working out in Kenya where a scarcity of motor vehicles has led to shortages of food and medicine throughout the country.
As Kenya continues to grow and General Motors continues to shrink GM has tended to do what most bullies do – try to push the little guys around.
Kempstone’s remarks are typical of GM. In order to squeeze a few coins from the third world Kempstone brought the boot down on free trade in East Africa.
She said GM won’t advise the banning of used-car imports but wants the Government to level the playing field.
"We are concerned with the unconstrained importation of substandard, undervalued used products that hurt the environment, undermine local industries-and more often than not, fail to meet the needs and expectations of the consumer," she said.
Too bad they didn’t feel that way when they were advocating NAFTA and preparing to undermine the American economy.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Who Is Winning
There are soothing words coming out of Sudan. The Sudanese minister for humanitarian affairs, Ibrahim Mahmud Hamid, said that peace is slowly returning to Darfur.
As the United States continues to blunder through the occupation of Iraq it is becoming evident to Americans that news reports out of the middle east and muslim controlled north Africa aren’t really worth believing – excepts reports about the deaths.
Morocco says tha religious tolerance is their main goal even as non-Muslims are raped, beaten and murdered.
Libya has said that freedom is a most important goal even as they set up a tin colonel to run the place.
Sudan bleats about peace as their army attacks and kills African Sudanese in a continued effort to spread Islam by the sword (and the rocket propelled grenade).
In Afghanistan murderers talk about democracy as they mail out the largest crop of heroin the world has ever seen.
Pakistan talks about liberty under the oppressive regime of a power crazy general.
Saudi Arabia allows a King to marry anyone he wants and to commit atrocities in public squares every day.
Egypt prepares to hold ‘free’ elections where only one candidate will run.
Each war that America has brings home some influence from the enemy country. In this case despotism, lies, torture, corruption, perversion and waste seems to be coming home from Iraq.
Who is winning this war?
Three American soldiers were killed recently in Iraq and the largest Mosque in America was just opened in Dearborn, Michigan.
As the United States continues to blunder through the occupation of Iraq it is becoming evident to Americans that news reports out of the middle east and muslim controlled north Africa aren’t really worth believing – excepts reports about the deaths.
Morocco says tha religious tolerance is their main goal even as non-Muslims are raped, beaten and murdered.
Libya has said that freedom is a most important goal even as they set up a tin colonel to run the place.
Sudan bleats about peace as their army attacks and kills African Sudanese in a continued effort to spread Islam by the sword (and the rocket propelled grenade).
In Afghanistan murderers talk about democracy as they mail out the largest crop of heroin the world has ever seen.
Pakistan talks about liberty under the oppressive regime of a power crazy general.
Saudi Arabia allows a King to marry anyone he wants and to commit atrocities in public squares every day.
Egypt prepares to hold ‘free’ elections where only one candidate will run.
Each war that America has brings home some influence from the enemy country. In this case despotism, lies, torture, corruption, perversion and waste seems to be coming home from Iraq.
Who is winning this war?
Three American soldiers were killed recently in Iraq and the largest Mosque in America was just opened in Dearborn, Michigan.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Frist Malpractice
The Oil for Food Programme has been giving Washington, DC Senators like William Frist of Tennessee a bit of entertainment lately.
So much so, that he has seemed to forget what it is he is supposed to be doing in the Senate.
He gave his hand away recently however when on May 16, 2005 the following exchange took place in the Senate.
“Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent the Senate now proceed to the consideration of S. Res. 143, which was submitted earlier today.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the resolution by title.
The legislative clerk read as follows:
A resolution (S. Res. 143) to authorize Senate Legal Counsel to appear in legal proceedings in the name of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in connection with its investigation into the United Nations' ``Oil-For-Food'' Programme. “
What happened was that Senator Frist – unsure or unable about how to do his job – involved himself and the United States Senate in a spurious investigation of the United Nations.
The outcome of the investigation was that the United Nations filed a suit in the court of Washington, DC to silence a witness who had started to sing like a parakeet into Senator Frist’s ear.
Senator Frist, having a long history of listening to anyone who will talk to him (like certain corrupt murderers in Iraq) cheerfully gave the fellow his ear.
However – the words he was hearing weren’t for his ear.
So, about to be sued for malpractice, he hired a lawyer.
So much so, that he has seemed to forget what it is he is supposed to be doing in the Senate.
He gave his hand away recently however when on May 16, 2005 the following exchange took place in the Senate.
“Mr. FRIST. I ask unanimous consent the Senate now proceed to the consideration of S. Res. 143, which was submitted earlier today.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the resolution by title.
The legislative clerk read as follows:
A resolution (S. Res. 143) to authorize Senate Legal Counsel to appear in legal proceedings in the name of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in connection with its investigation into the United Nations' ``Oil-For-Food'' Programme. “
What happened was that Senator Frist – unsure or unable about how to do his job – involved himself and the United States Senate in a spurious investigation of the United Nations.
The outcome of the investigation was that the United Nations filed a suit in the court of Washington, DC to silence a witness who had started to sing like a parakeet into Senator Frist’s ear.
Senator Frist, having a long history of listening to anyone who will talk to him (like certain corrupt murderers in Iraq) cheerfully gave the fellow his ear.
However – the words he was hearing weren’t for his ear.
So, about to be sued for malpractice, he hired a lawyer.
Frist at Recess
On April 28, 2005 Senator William Frist from Tennessee rattles the walls of the Senate with these words :
“I ask unanimous consent that the Senate stand in recess until 2 p.m. today.”
Not exactly the fiery rhetoric of past Senators or Representatives from the Great State of Tennessee but these days Tennessee isn’t what it used to be.
It used to be a land of patriots and American citizens you could count on to stand in on the side of good and righteousness – but these days it seems to have reverted back to those dark days around the time when they voted Davy Crockett out of office and ran him off to Texas.
That brave man was killed in the Alamo.
Senator Frist is intending no such ending for himself.
The slick haired Senator from Tennessee will spend his time out of office clawing at a chance to become our next President.
I hope to God that never becomes the case.
It seems he hasn’t paid a nickel’s worth of attention to his people back home in Tennessee and with a record like that you know he won’t be playing the tune for the nation but he will have us dancing for his whimsy.
This nation was made great by men and women who lived their lives to the fullest in the hopes and dreams of liberty and freedom.
Senator William Frist is turning the Republican Party into a lynching party to violently throw our glorious Lady Liberty over.
“I ask unanimous consent that the Senate stand in recess until 2 p.m. today.”
Not exactly the fiery rhetoric of past Senators or Representatives from the Great State of Tennessee but these days Tennessee isn’t what it used to be.
It used to be a land of patriots and American citizens you could count on to stand in on the side of good and righteousness – but these days it seems to have reverted back to those dark days around the time when they voted Davy Crockett out of office and ran him off to Texas.
That brave man was killed in the Alamo.
Senator Frist is intending no such ending for himself.
The slick haired Senator from Tennessee will spend his time out of office clawing at a chance to become our next President.
I hope to God that never becomes the case.
It seems he hasn’t paid a nickel’s worth of attention to his people back home in Tennessee and with a record like that you know he won’t be playing the tune for the nation but he will have us dancing for his whimsy.
This nation was made great by men and women who lived their lives to the fullest in the hopes and dreams of liberty and freedom.
Senator William Frist is turning the Republican Party into a lynching party to violently throw our glorious Lady Liberty over.
Frist and the Portrait Gallery
On May 18, 2005 Senator Frist displayed his earnest wit and leadership ability in the United States Senate by taking up the weighty problem of what to do with the portraits of the Senators.
“Whereas the objective of the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection is to commemorate the distinguished service to the Senate and the Nation of those Senators who have served as Majority Leader, Minority Leader, or President pro tempore: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That (a) portraits in the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection may be displayed in the Senate Lobby at the direction of the Senate Commission on Art in accordance with guidelines prescribed pursuant to subsection (d).
(b) The Senate Leadership Portrait Collection shall consist of portraits selected by the Senate Commission on Art of Majority or Minority Leaders and Presidents pro tempore of the Senate.
(c) Any portrait for the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection that is acquired on or after the date of adoption of this resolution shall be of an appropriate size for display in the Senate Lobby, as determined by the Senate Commission on Art.
(d) The Senate Commission on Art shall prescribe such guidelines as it deems necessary, subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration, to carry out this resolution.”
Just as he speaks the word freedom but means slavery you can clearly see that the primping Tennessee Senator speaks with a double meaning and if he tells the whole Senate to go hang that’s not really what he’s saying.
“Whereas the objective of the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection is to commemorate the distinguished service to the Senate and the Nation of those Senators who have served as Majority Leader, Minority Leader, or President pro tempore: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That (a) portraits in the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection may be displayed in the Senate Lobby at the direction of the Senate Commission on Art in accordance with guidelines prescribed pursuant to subsection (d).
(b) The Senate Leadership Portrait Collection shall consist of portraits selected by the Senate Commission on Art of Majority or Minority Leaders and Presidents pro tempore of the Senate.
(c) Any portrait for the Senate Leadership Portrait Collection that is acquired on or after the date of adoption of this resolution shall be of an appropriate size for display in the Senate Lobby, as determined by the Senate Commission on Art.
(d) The Senate Commission on Art shall prescribe such guidelines as it deems necessary, subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration, to carry out this resolution.”
Just as he speaks the word freedom but means slavery you can clearly see that the primping Tennessee Senator speaks with a double meaning and if he tells the whole Senate to go hang that’s not really what he’s saying.
Frist and State Mediation
On April 21, 2005 Senator William Frist of Tennessee did put forth in the Senate a bill to reauthorize State mediation programs.
This program is a secretive and highly volatile program which destroys the rights of farmers from coast to coast.
He had it quietly read into the record three times and passed back into law after it had expired.
As if this nation does not have enough laws and interference Senator William Frist is taking his line of business a little too far and is breathing life back into dangerous laws.
I guess the families of those spared his particular type of carving may be happy is in the Senate and not the operating room but for thousands of farmers across the country he has cut the heart out of their rights as farmers and business operators.
Senator Frist in one swift move of his legislative knife has sliced away any hope farmers have of opposing the tyrannical and bureaucratic decisions of the USDA or the Farm Service Agency (FSA).
In public he cries out against a welfare state but when he is hidden in the cloak rooms of the Senate he is quick to build a wall of government interference that no farmer can climb or get around.
This program intrudes on many different areas of agricultural disputes, including farm loans, wetland determinations, conservation compliance, and pesticides.
Once the process starts the farmer cannot get out. The secrecy extends to mediation documents which drive farmers into the earth.
This program is a secretive and highly volatile program which destroys the rights of farmers from coast to coast.
He had it quietly read into the record three times and passed back into law after it had expired.
As if this nation does not have enough laws and interference Senator William Frist is taking his line of business a little too far and is breathing life back into dangerous laws.
I guess the families of those spared his particular type of carving may be happy is in the Senate and not the operating room but for thousands of farmers across the country he has cut the heart out of their rights as farmers and business operators.
Senator Frist in one swift move of his legislative knife has sliced away any hope farmers have of opposing the tyrannical and bureaucratic decisions of the USDA or the Farm Service Agency (FSA).
In public he cries out against a welfare state but when he is hidden in the cloak rooms of the Senate he is quick to build a wall of government interference that no farmer can climb or get around.
This program intrudes on many different areas of agricultural disputes, including farm loans, wetland determinations, conservation compliance, and pesticides.
Once the process starts the farmer cannot get out. The secrecy extends to mediation documents which drive farmers into the earth.
Santorum and Hitler
Republican Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania recently said this about changing the Senate rules to outlaw the filibuster, "The audacity of some members to stand up and say 'How dare you break this rule. It's the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 saying, 'I'm in Paris. How dare you invade me. How dare you bomb my city? It's mine.' "
What was Senator Santorum talking about?
The filibuster is a debating technique that is arguably unique to the United States Senate. Senator Frist doesn’t like it because it takes up time and he is on his way out of the Senate.
For an example of what it really is you can watch ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington’ starring Jimmy Stewart.
For an example of what World War II was about you can visit any of the Holocaust Museums in the United States or stop off at the World War II Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Clearly Senator Santorum can’t tell the difference between a debating technique used in civil and democratic societies and the war which involved nearly 80 percent of all mankind alive at the time.
Perhaps now we can see how it is that Senator Santorum would believe that spreading democracy is done through war and spreading liberty is done by being friendly with tyrants like the Saudi Arabian King and his many wives.
It seems Senator Santorum’s behavior is more fitting to a drinking house tavern rather than the halls of justice and liberty.
What’s his problem?
What was Senator Santorum talking about?
The filibuster is a debating technique that is arguably unique to the United States Senate. Senator Frist doesn’t like it because it takes up time and he is on his way out of the Senate.
For an example of what it really is you can watch ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington’ starring Jimmy Stewart.
For an example of what World War II was about you can visit any of the Holocaust Museums in the United States or stop off at the World War II Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Clearly Senator Santorum can’t tell the difference between a debating technique used in civil and democratic societies and the war which involved nearly 80 percent of all mankind alive at the time.
Perhaps now we can see how it is that Senator Santorum would believe that spreading democracy is done through war and spreading liberty is done by being friendly with tyrants like the Saudi Arabian King and his many wives.
It seems Senator Santorum’s behavior is more fitting to a drinking house tavern rather than the halls of justice and liberty.
What’s his problem?
Lasers in the Darkness
On May 21, 2005 a new system of laser beams will be operational in Washington, DC. Bright red and green lights will beam up into the sky warning pilots to ‘stay away’.
Recently a small plane flew within three miles of the White House and politicians went scurrying in every direction. Tens of thousands of people rushed around in circles. President Bush was bicycling in the country. Dick Cheney took charge and ran away in a escort of limousines leaving first lady Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan in the White House basement.
F-16’s eventually showed up.
Cost for scrambling just one fighter jet is between $30,000 and $50,000.
Currently airplanes are not allowed to fly in the Air Defense Identification Zone - an area of about 2,000 square miles unless they have a special code (on most commercial airlines) and maintain radio contact with the FAA.
They are barred within the Flight Restricted Zone, about a 16-mile radius around the Washington Monument.
Airliners fly at about 500 miles per hour.
Smaller jets not much slower and some even faster.
An area of 2000 square miles might be about 45 miles by 45 miles.
Travelling at 500 mph an airliner is moving at about 8.3 miles per minute. It would be able to get to the center of the restricted zone within 3 minutes.
It took nearly 15 minutes to get a plane into the air to intercept the most recent stray towards the White House.
What are we paying for?
Recently a small plane flew within three miles of the White House and politicians went scurrying in every direction. Tens of thousands of people rushed around in circles. President Bush was bicycling in the country. Dick Cheney took charge and ran away in a escort of limousines leaving first lady Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan in the White House basement.
F-16’s eventually showed up.
Cost for scrambling just one fighter jet is between $30,000 and $50,000.
Currently airplanes are not allowed to fly in the Air Defense Identification Zone - an area of about 2,000 square miles unless they have a special code (on most commercial airlines) and maintain radio contact with the FAA.
They are barred within the Flight Restricted Zone, about a 16-mile radius around the Washington Monument.
Airliners fly at about 500 miles per hour.
Smaller jets not much slower and some even faster.
An area of 2000 square miles might be about 45 miles by 45 miles.
Travelling at 500 mph an airliner is moving at about 8.3 miles per minute. It would be able to get to the center of the restricted zone within 3 minutes.
It took nearly 15 minutes to get a plane into the air to intercept the most recent stray towards the White House.
What are we paying for?
Wolfowitz in Lamb's Clothing
Dr. Geoffrey Lamb, vice-president for concessional finance and global partnerships of the World Bank appeared before an audience of Pennsylvania High School students at the ‘World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh’ hosted at a Ramada Inn.
Look at what he told the kids, “By 2015, most of Asia and Latin America are going to be OK. Bangladesh is going to be OK." He said most of Africa will remain mired in despair with dire effects for the rest of the world.
He also gave this rousing speech to a bunch of kids over at North Hills High School in Ross, Pennsylvania and took a step up by rattling the cages of some college kids at La Roche College in McCandless, Pa.
The good doctor went on with, "There are 700 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. There will be a billion in 20 years.”
Doctor Lamb roared on, “If you think you can leave a billion people out of a functioning world economy, you're mistaken."
Who were these world shapers that Dr. Lamb was shaking up? La Roche College was founded in 1963 by the Sisters of Divine Providence as an independent, private, Catholic college for religious sisters.
Lamb told them that extreme poverty and political chaos are breeding grounds for the al-Qaida terror network and international drug rings.
He didn’t mention the West African Oil Wars financed chiefly by America’s largest oil companies and World Bank loans
He commented on health issues. "Malaria is the biggest killer of children in Africa and it has gotten worse in the last 10 to 15 years."
He didn’t seem to mention anything about the interest on loans from the World Bank eating up money African governments have to spend on malarial and AIDS medicine. His statement about malaria seems wrong as well.
What is the World Bank going to do about these problems?
One topic for conversation on their web site is “How to Tackle the Problem of Rising Informality?”
Look at what he told the kids, “By 2015, most of Asia and Latin America are going to be OK. Bangladesh is going to be OK." He said most of Africa will remain mired in despair with dire effects for the rest of the world.
He also gave this rousing speech to a bunch of kids over at North Hills High School in Ross, Pennsylvania and took a step up by rattling the cages of some college kids at La Roche College in McCandless, Pa.
The good doctor went on with, "There are 700 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. There will be a billion in 20 years.”
Doctor Lamb roared on, “If you think you can leave a billion people out of a functioning world economy, you're mistaken."
Who were these world shapers that Dr. Lamb was shaking up? La Roche College was founded in 1963 by the Sisters of Divine Providence as an independent, private, Catholic college for religious sisters.
Lamb told them that extreme poverty and political chaos are breeding grounds for the al-Qaida terror network and international drug rings.
He didn’t mention the West African Oil Wars financed chiefly by America’s largest oil companies and World Bank loans
He commented on health issues. "Malaria is the biggest killer of children in Africa and it has gotten worse in the last 10 to 15 years."
He didn’t seem to mention anything about the interest on loans from the World Bank eating up money African governments have to spend on malarial and AIDS medicine. His statement about malaria seems wrong as well.
What is the World Bank going to do about these problems?
One topic for conversation on their web site is “How to Tackle the Problem of Rising Informality?”
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Red Republicans
If you didn’t think the short-sighted Texas-Maine connection wasn’t selling the nation out from under your feet you don’t have to look any further than your local bank to see the truth.
Somebody in the Bush administration finally got up on their back legs and issued a warning to Communist China today saying that its currency policy were "highly distortionary".
In fact Communist China is affecting world trade. The Bush Administration pretended to threaten retaliation if the Chinese Communists did not change their ways within the next year.
Bush has turned the paper tiger into a reality.
It was only pretend because they stopped short of outright stating that the Communist Chinese are manipulating their currency. You see – it’s too late for Bush. He’s in up to his neck. He wouldn’t even give them a sock in the jaw when they downed one of our planes and took the crew hostage.
That yellow rose in Texas is really yellow. If he had actually called a spade a spade that would have started direct negotiations with the Communist Chinese and assured retaliation if those talks failed.
International relations are just not one of Bush’s strong points.
His weak response to the Communist bullies doesn’t sit well with manufacturing companies getting driven out of business by China's foreign-exchange policies. The Communists are subsidizing their exports on purpose.
The Communist Chinese trade surplus with the United States soared above $162 billion last year.
To make matters worse and the reason I am writing at this time is that the Communist Chinese central bank has bought more than $250 billion in dollar-denominated securities in just the last year and holds more than $600 billion in total.
The Chinese Communists aren’t afraid of any paper rattling from Bush – they warned the United States of America on Monday that they would not be pushed into decisions by other governments.
It that is all not bad enough the Republicans have shown their true Red color this year by pushing through a $295 billion highway bill, arguing that massive spending on bigger and better roads was necessary to fight congestion and unsafe roadways.
The highways and roads of the United States of America are being funded by the Communists.
Somebody in the Bush administration finally got up on their back legs and issued a warning to Communist China today saying that its currency policy were "highly distortionary".
In fact Communist China is affecting world trade. The Bush Administration pretended to threaten retaliation if the Chinese Communists did not change their ways within the next year.
Bush has turned the paper tiger into a reality.
It was only pretend because they stopped short of outright stating that the Communist Chinese are manipulating their currency. You see – it’s too late for Bush. He’s in up to his neck. He wouldn’t even give them a sock in the jaw when they downed one of our planes and took the crew hostage.
That yellow rose in Texas is really yellow. If he had actually called a spade a spade that would have started direct negotiations with the Communist Chinese and assured retaliation if those talks failed.
International relations are just not one of Bush’s strong points.
His weak response to the Communist bullies doesn’t sit well with manufacturing companies getting driven out of business by China's foreign-exchange policies. The Communists are subsidizing their exports on purpose.
The Communist Chinese trade surplus with the United States soared above $162 billion last year.
To make matters worse and the reason I am writing at this time is that the Communist Chinese central bank has bought more than $250 billion in dollar-denominated securities in just the last year and holds more than $600 billion in total.
The Chinese Communists aren’t afraid of any paper rattling from Bush – they warned the United States of America on Monday that they would not be pushed into decisions by other governments.
It that is all not bad enough the Republicans have shown their true Red color this year by pushing through a $295 billion highway bill, arguing that massive spending on bigger and better roads was necessary to fight congestion and unsafe roadways.
The highways and roads of the United States of America are being funded by the Communists.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
John Ellis Bush
John Ellis Bush was born in Midland, Texas where his father, George Bush ran an oil drilling company.
He went to a public elementary school, but, was removed and sent instead to a to a private school.
When in eighth grade, his father was elected to the House of Representatives, following in his grandfather’s footsteps.
His father moved to Washington, DC.
John Ellis Bush was left behind in Houston with another family and finished the school year.
He was then sent to live at Andover, a private high school in Massachusetts.
He has said that during that time he was "a cynical little turd in a cynical little school".
John Ellis Bush has apparently admitted openly smoking marijuana.
At age 17 he went to León, Mexico, as an exchange student.
He went to a motorcycle race where he met a Mexican girl named Columba Garnica Gallo. Three years later he married her.
Who is John Ellis Bush?
Why he’s the Governor of Florida.
He was called by his JEB during his babyhood.
These days they refer to him as Jeb Bush – that’s right – John Ellis Bush Bush.
During his time in Florida nearly as little about illegal immigration and protecting the rights of Americans than his brother did when Governor of Texas.
Some of the terrorists that crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center in New York City while his brother was President had lived and trained in Florida while he was Governor.
He went to a public elementary school, but, was removed and sent instead to a to a private school.
When in eighth grade, his father was elected to the House of Representatives, following in his grandfather’s footsteps.
His father moved to Washington, DC.
John Ellis Bush was left behind in Houston with another family and finished the school year.
He was then sent to live at Andover, a private high school in Massachusetts.
He has said that during that time he was "a cynical little turd in a cynical little school".
John Ellis Bush has apparently admitted openly smoking marijuana.
At age 17 he went to León, Mexico, as an exchange student.
He went to a motorcycle race where he met a Mexican girl named Columba Garnica Gallo. Three years later he married her.
Who is John Ellis Bush?
Why he’s the Governor of Florida.
He was called by his JEB during his babyhood.
These days they refer to him as Jeb Bush – that’s right – John Ellis Bush Bush.
During his time in Florida nearly as little about illegal immigration and protecting the rights of Americans than his brother did when Governor of Texas.
Some of the terrorists that crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center in New York City while his brother was President had lived and trained in Florida while he was Governor.
Deep Impact
Next Fourth of July will put a lump of copper into the path of an onrushing comet – taking pictures all the way. They will take pictures of the resulting crater. A hole photo.
The project is called Deep Impact. The deep impact on taxpayers is $330 million.
Richard Grammier, manager of the project for Jet Propulsion Laboratory has this to say about the project, "Blow things up? I'm there. Yeah, I don't have any issue with that."
Deep Impact is name after a 1998 Hollywood second rate movie about a comet headed straight for Earth.
Recently NASA employed a Hollywood team to grab a capsule called Genesis that had collected samples of solar wind. The capsule’s parachute failed to open and the helicopter pilot was unable to grab the device. Result 280 million dollars of junk.
NASA is on a rampage of spending even after killing several astronauts in recent missions “as they slipped the surly bonds”.
Why isn’t space left to private enterprise?
Pyromaniacs like Richard Grammier and the Genesis Mission Circus waste lives, money and time.
NASA burns up money, equipment and people. Technologies like space planes and lighter than air craft that can sail out of the atmosphere are bypassed.
Imagine giant catapults throwing boulders across the Atlantic being used to explore the world. If Columbus had presented Queen Isabella a scheme like that he would have had a one way trip to the dungeon.
Would this have been a cute idea in the 1960’s? And now?
The project is called Deep Impact. The deep impact on taxpayers is $330 million.
Richard Grammier, manager of the project for Jet Propulsion Laboratory has this to say about the project, "Blow things up? I'm there. Yeah, I don't have any issue with that."
Deep Impact is name after a 1998 Hollywood second rate movie about a comet headed straight for Earth.
Recently NASA employed a Hollywood team to grab a capsule called Genesis that had collected samples of solar wind. The capsule’s parachute failed to open and the helicopter pilot was unable to grab the device. Result 280 million dollars of junk.
NASA is on a rampage of spending even after killing several astronauts in recent missions “as they slipped the surly bonds”.
Why isn’t space left to private enterprise?
Pyromaniacs like Richard Grammier and the Genesis Mission Circus waste lives, money and time.
NASA burns up money, equipment and people. Technologies like space planes and lighter than air craft that can sail out of the atmosphere are bypassed.
Imagine giant catapults throwing boulders across the Atlantic being used to explore the world. If Columbus had presented Queen Isabella a scheme like that he would have had a one way trip to the dungeon.
Would this have been a cute idea in the 1960’s? And now?
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Bush Kicks Roosevelt
President Bush went out of his way to visit the ‘Baltic States’ (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) while he was on his jaunt to Red Square to worship the Russian military at the side of his friend Putin.
While there he made his friend Putin (who gave him flowers when he finally showed up to the date) really angry by saying that Russian occupation of eastern Europe was “one of the greatest wrongs of history”.
Then he went on to give vent to his family’s hatred for America. He claimed that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had betrayed eastern Europe himself when meeting with Stalin at Yalta.
He didn’t mention Churchill’s role and Bush skipped the part where Roosevelt, who was swiftly approaching death, handed the nation to Harry Truman who went on to conduct one of the bloodiest wars against Communism this country has ever faced in Korea.
President Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was involved in a serious scandal just prior to World War II. His personal assets were seized and his company was forced out business because they had been financing slave labor camps (coal mines) in Poland for the Nazis in Germany. They had also been arranging for financing for the Nazis in a big way.
The people of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland might find that to be of interest. Americans don’t seem to care that we have a man who would degrade and denigrate this nation and the office of the President in order to get revenge.
While there he made his friend Putin (who gave him flowers when he finally showed up to the date) really angry by saying that Russian occupation of eastern Europe was “one of the greatest wrongs of history”.
Then he went on to give vent to his family’s hatred for America. He claimed that President Franklin D. Roosevelt had betrayed eastern Europe himself when meeting with Stalin at Yalta.
He didn’t mention Churchill’s role and Bush skipped the part where Roosevelt, who was swiftly approaching death, handed the nation to Harry Truman who went on to conduct one of the bloodiest wars against Communism this country has ever faced in Korea.
President Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, was involved in a serious scandal just prior to World War II. His personal assets were seized and his company was forced out business because they had been financing slave labor camps (coal mines) in Poland for the Nazis in Germany. They had also been arranging for financing for the Nazis in a big way.
The people of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland might find that to be of interest. Americans don’t seem to care that we have a man who would degrade and denigrate this nation and the office of the President in order to get revenge.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Boston University
Boston University officials admitted that the workers handling the tularemia vaccine did not follow safety procedures. They removed the principal investigator, Dr. Peter A. Rice, from his post as chief of infectious diseases but he’s still hanging around looking for a handout. Rice was supposed to be the one training workers for a new high-security laboratory that will work with much more lethal creatures – right in Boston.
The tularemia vaccine researchers thought they were working with a harmless "vaccine strain" of the Francisella tularensis bacterium but was really a manufactured mutant that was combined with a dangerous bacteria.
Dr. Thomas J. Moore, acting provost of the university's medical campus did not report anything to state health authorities until Nov. 9 even though infection was confirmed on October 29, a delay he said he could not explain. But he defended the decision not to tell the public.
"I feel comfortable about the decision not to make a public announcement because there wasn't a public risk, since tularemia can't be passed from person to person." Dr. Moore said. The only problem with that statement is it wasn’t tularemia but a mutant that had infected the workers.
It is my opinion that Dr. Thomas J. Moore is an incompetent who has placed not only the campus of Boston University at risk but the entire city of Boston and indeed the United States. His immediate resignation would be welcomed and his retirement is recommended.
He obviously demonstrates no concept whatsoever of the imminent dangers posed by microbial, viral and recombinant work.
The tularemia vaccine researchers thought they were working with a harmless "vaccine strain" of the Francisella tularensis bacterium but was really a manufactured mutant that was combined with a dangerous bacteria.
Dr. Thomas J. Moore, acting provost of the university's medical campus did not report anything to state health authorities until Nov. 9 even though infection was confirmed on October 29, a delay he said he could not explain. But he defended the decision not to tell the public.
"I feel comfortable about the decision not to make a public announcement because there wasn't a public risk, since tularemia can't be passed from person to person." Dr. Moore said. The only problem with that statement is it wasn’t tularemia but a mutant that had infected the workers.
It is my opinion that Dr. Thomas J. Moore is an incompetent who has placed not only the campus of Boston University at risk but the entire city of Boston and indeed the United States. His immediate resignation would be welcomed and his retirement is recommended.
He obviously demonstrates no concept whatsoever of the imminent dangers posed by microbial, viral and recombinant work.
Liberty Dogs
Remember ‘Freedom Fries’?
Looks like the Bushmen aren’t as imaginative as they seem - except when it comes to spending our tax money.
In World War I anti-German propaganda fueled support for the war and set off intolerance on the home front.
Dachshunds were renamed liberty dogs.
German measles were renamed liberty measles.
The City University of New York reduced by one credit every course in German.
Fourteen states banned the speaking of German in public schools.
In Van Houten, New Mexico, an angry mob accused an immigrant miner of supporting Germany and forced him to kneel before them, kiss the flag, and shout "To hell with the Kaiser."
Over in Illinois, a group of zealous patriots accused Robert Prager, a German coal miner, of hoarding explosives. Though Prager asserted his loyalty to the very end, he was lynched by the angry mob. Explosives were never found.
Several rich men became very much richer.
Several million innocent people had their lives ripped apart.
Today - several rich men are becoming very much richer.
Several billion innocent people are having their lives juggled by clowns like Frist, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Somewhere along the line here why don’t we throw him out of office and let prosperity and freedom return to the United States of America?
Looks like the Bushmen aren’t as imaginative as they seem - except when it comes to spending our tax money.
In World War I anti-German propaganda fueled support for the war and set off intolerance on the home front.
Dachshunds were renamed liberty dogs.
German measles were renamed liberty measles.
The City University of New York reduced by one credit every course in German.
Fourteen states banned the speaking of German in public schools.
In Van Houten, New Mexico, an angry mob accused an immigrant miner of supporting Germany and forced him to kneel before them, kiss the flag, and shout "To hell with the Kaiser."
Over in Illinois, a group of zealous patriots accused Robert Prager, a German coal miner, of hoarding explosives. Though Prager asserted his loyalty to the very end, he was lynched by the angry mob. Explosives were never found.
Several rich men became very much richer.
Several million innocent people had their lives ripped apart.
Today - several rich men are becoming very much richer.
Several billion innocent people are having their lives juggled by clowns like Frist, Rumsfeld and Bush.
Somewhere along the line here why don’t we throw him out of office and let prosperity and freedom return to the United States of America?
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Cotton Council
The Bush administration may cut billions of dollars in subsidies to cotton growers. Like every year, the issue has set off a desktop battle as Republican congressmen pretend to fight it out.
If it actually were to be pushed through the Bush plan will take apart an elaborate government system that has crippled the commodities markets since the late 1930’s.
The World Trade Organization in Geneva ruled recently that U.S. cotton subsidies violate global trade rules because they exceed limits agreed to in 1944.
Large producers of cotton and cotton merchants in Republican strongholds of Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia demand the program be continued. Large-scale operators in California and Arizona would also be affected.
Cotton farmers take nearly a quarter of farm subsidy payments each year. Most goes to a few hundred big growers. Half of the crop annually ends up with Communist China at artificially low prices subsidized by the federal government.
Cotton interests include Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), chairman of the Senate agriculture committee. Both expressed reservations about changes in the current farm program, which does not expire until 2007.
Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), who represents the cotton trading center of Memphis, which hasn’t traded cotton for decades avoids the issue.
The Cotton Council and Cotton Incorporated sit on the sidelines spending taxpayer money to keep the financial floodgates open. Cotton Incorporated provides marketing services to American cotton producers and is paid by the Cotton Council.
If it actually were to be pushed through the Bush plan will take apart an elaborate government system that has crippled the commodities markets since the late 1930’s.
The World Trade Organization in Geneva ruled recently that U.S. cotton subsidies violate global trade rules because they exceed limits agreed to in 1944.
Large producers of cotton and cotton merchants in Republican strongholds of Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia demand the program be continued. Large-scale operators in California and Arizona would also be affected.
Cotton farmers take nearly a quarter of farm subsidy payments each year. Most goes to a few hundred big growers. Half of the crop annually ends up with Communist China at artificially low prices subsidized by the federal government.
Cotton interests include Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), chairman of the Senate agriculture committee. Both expressed reservations about changes in the current farm program, which does not expire until 2007.
Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), who represents the cotton trading center of Memphis, which hasn’t traded cotton for decades avoids the issue.
The Cotton Council and Cotton Incorporated sit on the sidelines spending taxpayer money to keep the financial floodgates open. Cotton Incorporated provides marketing services to American cotton producers and is paid by the Cotton Council.
Tom Delay
Enron, Kellogg, Brown and Root, Halliburton – just a few of the names connected with Tom DeLay the salesman / Texas Representative from Sugar Land.
Recently a freakish storm ripped through Texas.
I’m not referring to the last election – I am talking about a snow storm that moved through quickly and dropped snow in place it hadn’t been seen in a long time.
Patricia Lucas, an 18-year-old student from Sugar Land, herself, put a tennis ball sized snowball on sale on EBay.
Potential buyers were told that the snowball was "in great condition, very clean bright white."
Just like her Representative in Congress Ms. Lucas advertised her product sight unseen. She didn’t include a picture with her EBay listing.
Even so, 27 people had bid on the tennis-ball-sized snowball with the highest bid exceeding $200.
There are at least 17 other Texas snowballs for sale on EBay at this time.
Mr. DeLay is selling Americans a snow job. He has been admonished three times by the House ethics committee.
He has askedHouse Republicans Monday change the rules so that if he is indicted he will not have to give up his leadership posts.
Mr. DeLay’s sponsors back in Sugar Land have no need of a salesman with no customers.
His cronies will probably allow Mr. DeLay to skirt the rules and hide from the truth.
In the meantime his snow jobs are still Americans just as fast as he can make them.
I think its time to put the heat on.
Recently a freakish storm ripped through Texas.
I’m not referring to the last election – I am talking about a snow storm that moved through quickly and dropped snow in place it hadn’t been seen in a long time.
Patricia Lucas, an 18-year-old student from Sugar Land, herself, put a tennis ball sized snowball on sale on EBay.
Potential buyers were told that the snowball was "in great condition, very clean bright white."
Just like her Representative in Congress Ms. Lucas advertised her product sight unseen. She didn’t include a picture with her EBay listing.
Even so, 27 people had bid on the tennis-ball-sized snowball with the highest bid exceeding $200.
There are at least 17 other Texas snowballs for sale on EBay at this time.
Mr. DeLay is selling Americans a snow job. He has been admonished three times by the House ethics committee.
He has askedHouse Republicans Monday change the rules so that if he is indicted he will not have to give up his leadership posts.
Mr. DeLay’s sponsors back in Sugar Land have no need of a salesman with no customers.
His cronies will probably allow Mr. DeLay to skirt the rules and hide from the truth.
In the meantime his snow jobs are still Americans just as fast as he can make them.
I think its time to put the heat on.
Condoleeza Robot
"Alliances and multilateral institutions can multiply the strength of freedom-loving nations," said Condoleezza Rice.
Remember Teddy Ruxpin? He was an animated robot teddy bear that could talk?
He was made by WOW (Worlds of Wonder).
While I watched Condoleeza Rice at her confirmation hearings her parrot words and statistics I have heard all too often – I felt like I was looking at that animated robot teddy bear from the 1980’s.
"Hi! I'm Teddy Ruxpin. Do you want to hear a story?", the bear would say and then the lips would synch up with a tape hidden inside.
"The time for diplomacy is now.", the Condoleeza said and then the lips synched up with the tape inside - at least twice.
Teddy and his caterpillar friend Grubby were from the land of Grundo. Rice and her grubby friends are from the land of West Enron.
Obviously – this bunch isn’t going to change. They forced their way into office and the only way to get them out is to let them have their run.
Unfortunately that means turning our eyes from the men and women trapped into fighting in Iraq.
George Bush wants to get rid of Social Security – his friends are calling it ‘Social Welfare’.
Tom DeLay wants to close down the Internal Revenue Service and avoid indictment.
Karl Rove, the President’s advisor wants to politically realign and diminish the Democratic Party.
Senator Frist wants to be President.
The Time for Diplomacy is now. Do you want to hear another story?
Remember Teddy Ruxpin? He was an animated robot teddy bear that could talk?
He was made by WOW (Worlds of Wonder).
While I watched Condoleeza Rice at her confirmation hearings her parrot words and statistics I have heard all too often – I felt like I was looking at that animated robot teddy bear from the 1980’s.
"Hi! I'm Teddy Ruxpin. Do you want to hear a story?", the bear would say and then the lips would synch up with a tape hidden inside.
"The time for diplomacy is now.", the Condoleeza said and then the lips synched up with the tape inside - at least twice.
Teddy and his caterpillar friend Grubby were from the land of Grundo. Rice and her grubby friends are from the land of West Enron.
Obviously – this bunch isn’t going to change. They forced their way into office and the only way to get them out is to let them have their run.
Unfortunately that means turning our eyes from the men and women trapped into fighting in Iraq.
George Bush wants to get rid of Social Security – his friends are calling it ‘Social Welfare’.
Tom DeLay wants to close down the Internal Revenue Service and avoid indictment.
Karl Rove, the President’s advisor wants to politically realign and diminish the Democratic Party.
Senator Frist wants to be President.
The Time for Diplomacy is now. Do you want to hear another story?
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Communist Chinese Aggression
China is getting more aggressive.
Taking advantage of the rules of economic warfare laid down after World War II the Communist Chinese are turning up in America’s backyard more frequently.
As a third world nation ready to go to the ropes with the industrialized West China has few scruples of its own when considering business opportunities.
New factories are opening in Cuba which will produce millions of television sets. Since these sets cannot be sold in the United States they will either end up in Europe or back in China.
Meanwhile – Chinese workers continue to churn out television sets for the American market under the direction of American companies like Motorola or Japanese companies like Sony.
I wonder how this embargo against Cuba really works. I am not allowed to visit there for the weekend and go fishing but a company like Motorola can partner with the Communists to build cheap tv’s in China then share technology and financing so that the same or better tv’s can be built in Cuba for export to markets that are in direct competition with American interests.
We can watch on our Chinese televisions as Cuban workers take more American jobs.
China is also showing up in Canada, Peru and Sudan - taking contracts for oil and gas to be shipped to China to make television sets even though they can’t even feed, clothe, educate or care for their population properly – and there is no sign of their doing any of it for decades.
Taking advantage of the rules of economic warfare laid down after World War II the Communist Chinese are turning up in America’s backyard more frequently.
As a third world nation ready to go to the ropes with the industrialized West China has few scruples of its own when considering business opportunities.
New factories are opening in Cuba which will produce millions of television sets. Since these sets cannot be sold in the United States they will either end up in Europe or back in China.
Meanwhile – Chinese workers continue to churn out television sets for the American market under the direction of American companies like Motorola or Japanese companies like Sony.
I wonder how this embargo against Cuba really works. I am not allowed to visit there for the weekend and go fishing but a company like Motorola can partner with the Communists to build cheap tv’s in China then share technology and financing so that the same or better tv’s can be built in Cuba for export to markets that are in direct competition with American interests.
We can watch on our Chinese televisions as Cuban workers take more American jobs.
China is also showing up in Canada, Peru and Sudan - taking contracts for oil and gas to be shipped to China to make television sets even though they can’t even feed, clothe, educate or care for their population properly – and there is no sign of their doing any of it for decades.
Cotton Subsidies
President Bush recently announced that he was going to cut back on farm loan programs – most notably – limiting subsidy payments to farmers to $250,000 a year.
This appalls many farmers dependent on the government handout and angered company farms many of which take most of their profit from the Farm Loan and other USDA government assistance programs.
From the board rooms of the American Emu Assocation to the hallowed halls of the National Cotton Council come loud guffaws as cutting farm aid is discussed in the budget Bush threw at Congress.
A majority of Representatives from rural states and several from industrial states rely on the USDA money flood to water their fields. Bush made the annual symbolic gesture towards the programs.
Farm subsidy payments undermine competition, drive illegal immigration and fuel government corruption. Cotton farmers, for example, will never give up their entitlement programs even for the security of the United States.
Berry Worsham, CEO of Cotton Incorporated continues to encourage mammoth shipments of cotton at cut rate prices to Communist China. That country then turns the cotton into clothing which comes right back to the United States. Result – record bankruptcies in American industries – millions of Americans thrown out of work.
The Chinese Communists used their billions to bankroll the Russian state takeover of Yukos.
They also finance communist guerillas and terrorism in Nepal and northeastern India.
Cotton Incorporated continues to use the cotton boll as a symbol but it might as well use the Communist Chinese Red Star.
This appalls many farmers dependent on the government handout and angered company farms many of which take most of their profit from the Farm Loan and other USDA government assistance programs.
From the board rooms of the American Emu Assocation to the hallowed halls of the National Cotton Council come loud guffaws as cutting farm aid is discussed in the budget Bush threw at Congress.
A majority of Representatives from rural states and several from industrial states rely on the USDA money flood to water their fields. Bush made the annual symbolic gesture towards the programs.
Farm subsidy payments undermine competition, drive illegal immigration and fuel government corruption. Cotton farmers, for example, will never give up their entitlement programs even for the security of the United States.
Berry Worsham, CEO of Cotton Incorporated continues to encourage mammoth shipments of cotton at cut rate prices to Communist China. That country then turns the cotton into clothing which comes right back to the United States. Result – record bankruptcies in American industries – millions of Americans thrown out of work.
The Chinese Communists used their billions to bankroll the Russian state takeover of Yukos.
They also finance communist guerillas and terrorism in Nepal and northeastern India.
Cotton Incorporated continues to use the cotton boll as a symbol but it might as well use the Communist Chinese Red Star.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Just who are the Kurds and what are they fighting for?
They have several different types of worship. The central figure is an angel.
An angel at odds with God.
Among the Kurds are the Yezidi. The core religion is worshipped by about 200,000 of them worldwide. They mainly live in North Iraq. Other clerics are scattered throughout Turkey, Armenia, Yemen and Iran. About thirty thousand of them went to Germany for work and because the Turks were killing them.
The Kurds had it bad all around – then along came Bush. If they could give George Bush what he wanted – Iraq – then he would give them what they wanted – money and power.
The Yezidi link four beings with the ‘elements’, water, fire, air and earth.
It is forbidden to beat or spit on he earth, to spit into water or fire, to drink water in such a way that it makes a gurgling noise, or to throw impure matter into fire (Kreyenbroek 148).
Some foods are forbidden, like lettuce; fish; pumpkin; broad beans; cabbage; bamiyye and the meat of gazelle (Sever 94).
They believe that they were created before Eve from the body of Adam.
The angel they worship is the Peacock Angel. That angel said, they believe, ‘Look at the children of Adam. They will become numerous on the earth.’
That angel then went to Adam and offered him the knowledge of the planting of wheat.
We call the dark angel that George Bush’s Kurdish friends worship – Satan.
They have several different types of worship. The central figure is an angel.
An angel at odds with God.
Among the Kurds are the Yezidi. The core religion is worshipped by about 200,000 of them worldwide. They mainly live in North Iraq. Other clerics are scattered throughout Turkey, Armenia, Yemen and Iran. About thirty thousand of them went to Germany for work and because the Turks were killing them.
The Kurds had it bad all around – then along came Bush. If they could give George Bush what he wanted – Iraq – then he would give them what they wanted – money and power.
The Yezidi link four beings with the ‘elements’, water, fire, air and earth.
It is forbidden to beat or spit on he earth, to spit into water or fire, to drink water in such a way that it makes a gurgling noise, or to throw impure matter into fire (Kreyenbroek 148).
Some foods are forbidden, like lettuce; fish; pumpkin; broad beans; cabbage; bamiyye and the meat of gazelle (Sever 94).
They believe that they were created before Eve from the body of Adam.
The angel they worship is the Peacock Angel. That angel said, they believe, ‘Look at the children of Adam. They will become numerous on the earth.’
That angel then went to Adam and offered him the knowledge of the planting of wheat.
We call the dark angel that George Bush’s Kurdish friends worship – Satan.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Weak Hastert
There is a weakness in the chatter we hear dropping from the mouths of men like Representative Dennis Hastert and Senator Frist.
A weakness that reaches back through the centuries to our earliest settlers and echoes a misconception in religion that has infected their ability to make competent decisions and has led to a lockjaw form of representative government that Bush is trying to take for everything its worth.
In the early days of American life the settlers were a strict and severe bunch of folks. In some cases they went too far. The burning of the witches in Salem and throughout New England is a case in point. The flailing and dismemberment of ‘sinners’ in the southeast is another.
Senator Frist’s wild eyed opposition and his ill considered remarks hearken back to an early law in New England that ‘…whoso affirms works, not faith, to be the mode of salvation; or opposes infant baptism; or purposefully leaves the churches when infants are about to be baptized; shall suffer banishment: and that whoso denies any infallibility of the Bible, shall, for the first offence, “be openly and severely whipped by the executioner,” and for the second, may be put to death.’
Idolatry is the worship of any stone idol or graven image – and Frist has taken for his idol the words of our laws and with them he wishes to cast spells upon the rest of us. His manner is so out of date it looks new. It is not.
A weakness that reaches back through the centuries to our earliest settlers and echoes a misconception in religion that has infected their ability to make competent decisions and has led to a lockjaw form of representative government that Bush is trying to take for everything its worth.
In the early days of American life the settlers were a strict and severe bunch of folks. In some cases they went too far. The burning of the witches in Salem and throughout New England is a case in point. The flailing and dismemberment of ‘sinners’ in the southeast is another.
Senator Frist’s wild eyed opposition and his ill considered remarks hearken back to an early law in New England that ‘…whoso affirms works, not faith, to be the mode of salvation; or opposes infant baptism; or purposefully leaves the churches when infants are about to be baptized; shall suffer banishment: and that whoso denies any infallibility of the Bible, shall, for the first offence, “be openly and severely whipped by the executioner,” and for the second, may be put to death.’
Idolatry is the worship of any stone idol or graven image – and Frist has taken for his idol the words of our laws and with them he wishes to cast spells upon the rest of us. His manner is so out of date it looks new. It is not.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Faith Liaison Greed
In the face of the mindless greed exhibited by ‘Faith Liaisons’ and deafened by penniless ministers from coast to coast crying for Federal aid and our tax money while they sit in tax free houses running tax exempt businesses we forget as a nation the tortures that birthed our nation.
We forget the pains suffered by the martyrs in the early days of America. The young men and women stripped and gouged and whipped and burned and tortured and hung from the highest bow. We forget the children who were imprisoned or torn away from their parents during decades of religious fighting here in America while our country was forming.
Because these images have faded from our eyes and these sounds have fallen from our ears our nation begins to fall backwards.
Money goes to those who profess the ‘right’ way. Advantage goes to those who worship the ‘correct’ way.
It was attitudes like these that led to the excesses of ignorance that finally forced the necessity of our Constitution and the guarantee of Freedom of Religion. It was death and pain and mindless obedience that led this nation to declare a separation between church and state.
What many forget these days is that the Constitution struck down laws establishing religions and also struck down laws forbidding the free expression of religion.
These days we see a resurgence of the ignorance that led to government sanctioned religions – tying up needed capital and wasting time.
That road is closed by law.
We forget the pains suffered by the martyrs in the early days of America. The young men and women stripped and gouged and whipped and burned and tortured and hung from the highest bow. We forget the children who were imprisoned or torn away from their parents during decades of religious fighting here in America while our country was forming.
Because these images have faded from our eyes and these sounds have fallen from our ears our nation begins to fall backwards.
Money goes to those who profess the ‘right’ way. Advantage goes to those who worship the ‘correct’ way.
It was attitudes like these that led to the excesses of ignorance that finally forced the necessity of our Constitution and the guarantee of Freedom of Religion. It was death and pain and mindless obedience that led this nation to declare a separation between church and state.
What many forget these days is that the Constitution struck down laws establishing religions and also struck down laws forbidding the free expression of religion.
These days we see a resurgence of the ignorance that led to government sanctioned religions – tying up needed capital and wasting time.
That road is closed by law.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Frist Snake Oil
Many so-called Christians forget that our nation was not formed from old English law and the 10 Commandments but as a response to the failings of both of those sets of documents – as well as the failures of the contemporary Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Native American and every other form of government that had come before it and fallen disgraced into the dust of history.
These loudmouths preach retributive justice using the Old Testament as their excuse.
When they do they act in the same way that the crowd did when they condemned Christ to death – because these folks believe that they should preserve their version of the word of God and throw away from themselves God’s own son.
Retribution. We see it every day.
Senator Frist strikes out against his political opponents without thought of compromise or even respect for our American form of government.
Representative DeLay continues to make a mockery of the practice of ethics in the House of Representatives – and that is going a mighty far piece.
Billy Graham preaches that faith and not works is the way to get salvation and each day with each sermon he marches yet another army of souls into the gates of hell both on earth and off it.
War, starvation and disease are all around us. Our economy lies in wrack and ruin. Rich men like Bill Gates call our children stupid and George Bush travels around the country selling Social Security Snake Oil.
We need another response.
These loudmouths preach retributive justice using the Old Testament as their excuse.
When they do they act in the same way that the crowd did when they condemned Christ to death – because these folks believe that they should preserve their version of the word of God and throw away from themselves God’s own son.
Retribution. We see it every day.
Senator Frist strikes out against his political opponents without thought of compromise or even respect for our American form of government.
Representative DeLay continues to make a mockery of the practice of ethics in the House of Representatives – and that is going a mighty far piece.
Billy Graham preaches that faith and not works is the way to get salvation and each day with each sermon he marches yet another army of souls into the gates of hell both on earth and off it.
War, starvation and disease are all around us. Our economy lies in wrack and ruin. Rich men like Bill Gates call our children stupid and George Bush travels around the country selling Social Security Snake Oil.
We need another response.
Social Security Destruction
Our nation of laws is beginning to look more and more like a nation of men.
These men are fashioning our government into a bizarre religion that closely resembles the church of early Europe.
For example –a rich man could approach any of the churches – Catholic or any of the many Protestant religions – and buy himself a seat or a position of importance within the church.
These days the same thing is done in the United States for positions in government – from local to state to federal.
In the early days of Europe and in the Middle Ages sins could be paid for and salvation granted for a price. Poor people were all condemned to hell – both on earth and in the afterlife.
Here in the United States poor people are still condemned to hell – especially if they end up in court – but like their corrupt predecessors the rich can buy themselves off. Martha Stewart stands out as a minor example. Tom Lay of Enron and Ebbers of Worldcom (now MCI) both stand out as big examples.
Even bigger examples are entire companies that get away with this. Even as poor people have been skewered by George Bush who shut down the bankruptcy window – large corporations like K-Mart, Owens-Corning and others continue to rake in piles of money and dominate their respective industries with corruption and inefficiency.
While bankrupt K-Mart actually went out and bought Sears – one of the world’s largest retailers.
Something is wrong and it’s not Social Security.
These men are fashioning our government into a bizarre religion that closely resembles the church of early Europe.
For example –a rich man could approach any of the churches – Catholic or any of the many Protestant religions – and buy himself a seat or a position of importance within the church.
These days the same thing is done in the United States for positions in government – from local to state to federal.
In the early days of Europe and in the Middle Ages sins could be paid for and salvation granted for a price. Poor people were all condemned to hell – both on earth and in the afterlife.
Here in the United States poor people are still condemned to hell – especially if they end up in court – but like their corrupt predecessors the rich can buy themselves off. Martha Stewart stands out as a minor example. Tom Lay of Enron and Ebbers of Worldcom (now MCI) both stand out as big examples.
Even bigger examples are entire companies that get away with this. Even as poor people have been skewered by George Bush who shut down the bankruptcy window – large corporations like K-Mart, Owens-Corning and others continue to rake in piles of money and dominate their respective industries with corruption and inefficiency.
While bankrupt K-Mart actually went out and bought Sears – one of the world’s largest retailers.
Something is wrong and it’s not Social Security.
Wild Eyed Frist
We owe the wild eyed Christians like Senator Frist a round of applause. Their hijinx and interference has shown us how shattered and out of touch our government has become.
Across the country meeting rooms stand empty as ‘busy’ modern Americans let their elected officials take care of things. Americans have forgotten that those things left to the amateur and sometimes inept hands of these men and women are the things that affect us each on a daily level.
Meetings about roads are boring and uninteresting to citizens until someone you know is involved in an accident.
Meetings about election procedures are of no particular interest until it turns out that a local politician (or a national one) gets into office in an illegal or questionable manner.
We owe it to these frenetic and hopping demonstrators of the worst in human nature for bringing our attention to the fact that we have turned this nation over to a bunch of clowns. As more and more of them get into office it must be obvious to even the most disinterested among us that something is wrong.
As war drags on in Iraq local politicians argue about putting up stone idols graven with the 10 commandments in public buildings.
As trash piles up around the nation and our children can’t even get health care the public debate is on ‘correcting’ social security by getting rid of it.
This has been a hard lesson to learn. We can correct this together. It’s time.
Across the country meeting rooms stand empty as ‘busy’ modern Americans let their elected officials take care of things. Americans have forgotten that those things left to the amateur and sometimes inept hands of these men and women are the things that affect us each on a daily level.
Meetings about roads are boring and uninteresting to citizens until someone you know is involved in an accident.
Meetings about election procedures are of no particular interest until it turns out that a local politician (or a national one) gets into office in an illegal or questionable manner.
We owe it to these frenetic and hopping demonstrators of the worst in human nature for bringing our attention to the fact that we have turned this nation over to a bunch of clowns. As more and more of them get into office it must be obvious to even the most disinterested among us that something is wrong.
As war drags on in Iraq local politicians argue about putting up stone idols graven with the 10 commandments in public buildings.
As trash piles up around the nation and our children can’t even get health care the public debate is on ‘correcting’ social security by getting rid of it.
This has been a hard lesson to learn. We can correct this together. It’s time.
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