The 35 foot wave and the much smaller waves which reached and overwhelmed low lying areas in southeast asia could have been caused by a small thermonuclear bomb. The distance covered and the devastation caused by such a wave would be the same as a wave caused by natural events - such as an earthquake. In northern Sri Lanka and the Aceh province of Indonesia - strong Muslim resistance to central government and a rebel army intent on setting up an Islamic government were both in action. These are the two areas heavily destroyed in the wave of destruction from the sea. Who would have done such a thing? Maybe the Indonesian government - though a vicious military dictatorship - is essentially weak. One of the largest nations on earth it is made up of thousands of islands on which are spoken hundreds of languages and thousands of dialects. By exploding such a bomb at this location international trade in drugs, weapons, rebel soldiers and ideas would be disrupted for some months - perhaps years. The Indonesian government has announced that a prison that held hundreds of rebels disintegrated in the path of the wave and all of the captured rebels are assumed to be dead. Maybe the Indian government did it. Their hatred of Muslims is white hot and has burned for decades. Open war with the Muslims in Pakistan would anger the United States and so - they may have turned their attention to the southeastern part of their country - which is also demonstrated a pronounced adherence to the Muslim religion and the dream of a Muslim Nation stretching from the Phillipines to Morocco. Maybe the United States made a mistake or perhaps helped their fledgling allies with one of their worst problems. A small bomb - a big explosion - a lot of problems solved or put on hold. I don’t believe the United States did it because of the bumbling response from George W. Bush. His father and Bill Clinton are now taking over direction of the relief effort. Of course - we can’t lose sight of the fact that most of George W. Bush’s immediate relief efforts - though small - were directed at non-Muslim areas and away from the most severely devastated locations. Did Osama Bin Laden or one of his Muslim crazies do it? Perhaps they were transporting a device to the Middle East or elsewhere. It is not likely they would attack their own strong holds unless, of course, leaders in the Aceh Province and in the Tamil area of Sri Lanka were his major competitors in his bid to conquer the world. That is unlikely, however, considering the most devastation occurred in Sunni Muslim areas. It is unnerving to think that the terrorists might have the bomb however - which is a distinct possibility. Another suspect could be Communist China -in a further effort to derail the growing Muslim threat in their own country - but it seems they are so corrupt these days that they profit more from fighting the United States economically than with weapons. Finally - there are North Korea and Israel. If it was North Korea then Mr. Bush will need to tell everyone living on the coast in the United States how he plans on protecting everyone from an underwater attack. If it was Israel - they have now taken their Holy War to the most horrendous extreme. Personally - I think they are more interested in peace than lunacy. So - India, Indonesia or the United States? Too bad for Thailand, right? It is a war on terror, after all.
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