Friday, January 07, 2005

The Citizen Corps

You have within your midst a small group that on the surface is innocent and appears to be organized in the best interest of the American people.
The Citizen Corps.
A short review of the small group shows an inclination towards militaristic organization and single minded party obedience to a sliver of the Republican Party which has been viewed as the most radical of all.
This group is taking on organization of local citizens and using political tactics in order to set up and organize a ‘citizen corps’.
This group is redundant in our society. They perform activities with children, radical adults and the elderly.
They are disseminating and repeating propaganda and political opinion sent out to them from far away politicians eager to exert local political control.
The most disturbing feature of this small group is that its leading officers are police, ex-police, military or ex-military persons.
The problem is one of a small cadre of military and police officers directing operations for a central government office. They are usurping the role of local government and elevating men and women to unelected community leadership status.
The intent may be to direct political activities in a way that cannot publicly performed by elected officials.
You have a choice to accept this new and virulent challenge to American freedom and political choice or to knuckle under and find yourself as an elected official or free American to following the barking commands and orders of police lieutenants and retired army officers.

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