The man who calls himself the President, Mr. Bush, is in the habit of making up nicknames for people.
One of his aides I understand he refers to as ‘High Prophet’.
On the face of it this may be considered a habit of man of immense faculties using mental tricks in order to remember individuals out of a river of faces.
In reality though, through his words, speeches and actions, we can see that he is not just delivering nicknames – he is delivering abuse.
He called Senator Ben Nelson ‘Nellie’ for quite a long time.
He recently stopped this practice and now calls him ‘Bennie’.
Should we breathe a sigh of relief?
I think we should take note that Bush as an individual appears to willfully and joyously exhibits traits of being rude and impertinent and is inclined to take uninvited personal liberties with others.
In fact, it is my opinion that this man regularly desires to harm others or to see them suffer and exhibits extreme ill will or spite.
He may be filled with a hatred of mankind or dull and ignorant of our nation’s strengths. What strong man would act weak the way he does? What moral person would disparage the morality of others? What honest man would impugn the honesty of good men while helping dishonest ones?
Just because he acts in an insolent manner does not mean that he is right in his assertions. His name calling is a demonstration of personal malice – not communication.
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