I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the protesters at Wall Street and elsewhere are just drawing attention away from the true problems we are facing. A Department of Justice that sells drugs and guns - empty promises of ending the War In Afghanistan - a President who leans on 'Drones' to kill whomever whatever department tells him to (drones made by companies who donated millions to his election campaign) - an immigration policy driven by profit instead of need - under representation in Washington and State capitols and the fact that the protesters main message seems to be not reformation of our financial system. They state, in fact, that they are against corporations - but more importantly every time some spokesman makes that statement they also neatly include the statement that the Tea Party is against government. I would take them more seriously if they had occupied the real center of greed and incompetence in New York - that would be City Hall where Boss Bloomberg rules the roost and rots the world with a Ponzi scheme the size of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
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