Monday, September 26, 2011

Career Politician - Pete Hoekstra

               Peter Hoekstra (his nickname is Pete – isn’t that imaginative?) – is running for United States Senate.

               He likes to say he is running against Senator Debbie (Carl Levin’s Siamese Twin) Stabenow but the real contest is with Republican candidate Clark Durant.

               Governor ‘Made In Taiwan’ Snyder ‘endorsed’ Hoekstra.  Yes, Governor of Michigan is interfering in Federal politics.  The mess doesn’t stop.  Peety Hoekstra doesn’t have a chance against Stabenow.  His decision to run for this office is apparently because it’s the only way he can get his shoe back in the door.

               See – Peety Hoekstra is what is known as a Career Politician.  It’s his job.  Guys like Hoekstra and women like Senator ‘Lady Levin’ Stabenow – feel that they deserve the opportunity to serve.  It is clear to me after reviewing Stabenow’s record which is nearly a mirror image of Carl Levin’s actions in the Senate that she is just waiting her to turn to move up and become the Senior Senator from Michigan after Carl Levin steps aside – which should be in about 50 years.

               The Michigan Republican Party is financed by tycoons like Snyder, who made money selling an American computer company to the Chinese. 

               They stand in line waiting for the next office to open up – so, here is the Senate race, who is ‘next’ in line?  Pete Hoekstra.  Is he able?  Is he ready?  Is he actually qualified to do the job?  Not really – he’s just next.  Do you want your Federal Government ‘Made In Taiwan’ too?

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