Following the twin scandals of Representative Foley, Republican from Florida and Rev Ted Haggard the New Life Church pastor it seems that the outspoken opposition to same-sex marriage might have its roots in a more sinister place than hometown churches.
Representative Foley, Republican from Florida resigned over his sexual predatory activity with young boys in Washington, D.C.
Reverend Ted Haggard was the president of the National Association of Evangelicals from which it seemed he had unfettered access to the White House. He had to resign because of charges about him meeting with a homosexual prostitute on a monthly basis and buying methamphetamine.
These two men and many like them have been loudly opposed to same-sex marriage.
Who would benefit most from homosexuals pairing and ceasing promiscuous and dangerous sexual behavior?
The men and women that prey on them, that’s who.
Denying homosexuals like Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter to marry other homosexuals men and women like Representative Foley and Reverend Haggard can keep their playing field open.
Simply put - it seems that the real opposition to gay marriage is coming from the very sexual predatory and child molesting minority that many people claim to be against.
Insisting that it is against the best interests of the United States to deny anyone the right to pair off if they want to in marriage is ridiculous and in itself a perverted and dangerous position.
It is time now for these filthy people to get out of the private business of others.
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