Barn Door Bush.
Mr. Bush has called up the National Guard to ‘protect’ our nation’s border against illegal immigration from Mexico.
It’s a little late for that.
He could have said something to the Federal Government when he was governor of Texas and 5 million illegal immigrants were flooding into that state (and our country). The general idea in Texas at the time was that illegal immigrants helped fuel their economy so no one said anything except to call for more illegal immigrants.
Car washes, lawn care companies, construction work, food processing, manufacturing and other jobs were given to illegal immigrants and taken away from Americans. The argument is they were doing jobs that Americans would not. Everyone knows that is not true.
It might be more effective to station National Guard troops outside of Tyson chicken packaging plants or Cargill processing facilities or any cotton gin across the nation.
The impact on our nation is serious. For example, Tyson forced the price of chicken up at companies like Perdue that obeyed our national laws.
The food processing jobs are not at McDonald’s. They are in meat packing and even frozen food production.
Why would Mr. Bush turn around quickly?
The National Guard is done in Iraq. The regular Army is taking over and the Guardsmen coming home need work.
The fact is the work isn’t here.
They can point their guns south while behind them millions of illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans are not allowed to do.
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