America is rich we are told.
When you look at it though and put New York or Houston next to Montreal, Paris, Berlin or Rome it becomes obvious that the words slum and city have two different meanings for a reason.
Why argue they are richer because a few freaks in New York or Houston earn enough to move out and get away to somewhere else?
Our nation continues to bow to the privileged rich and let them continue to flood our nation with cheap Communist Chinese goods and to destroy our jobs and economic fortune while they go prancing around the world boasting about things that are just not true.
How are the streets in your neighborhood? Are you willing to let your water and sewer pipes deteriorate? Are you willing to turn over your town and your future to drug dealers and corrupt law enforcement agencies? Are you content that your public schools are being run for profit by a bunch of organized bureaucrats or religious fanatics?
What are you paying taxes for?
Have you seen what sort of laws are being sponsored by your Representative or your Senator? They are ridiculous and many of them are meaningless.
Did you realize that this week they are attacking towns on the Syrian-Iraq border and last week they were attacking towns on the Iraq-Afghanistan border? Each week they trade sides.
This is your nation – it’s your responsibility.
Are you going to take part or just stand back and watch?
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