Sunday, March 26, 2006


His name is Johnny Isakson.
He’s one of the two Senators from Georgia.
Nearly everywhere his name is mentioned his publicist pops in a note about his being a Sunday School Teacher.
It makes him look good.
He likes folks to think of him as a good old boy.
Just an everyday normal American - you know, like the rest of us.
He’s got what appears to be a good old American name, don’t he?
Well - Isakson.
I’ve read his daddy was born in Sweden.
That don’t sound right.
There’s one of those fake family crest web sites that tells us this about the surname Isakson.
They say the name came out of England but that just ain’t so.
Seems the name came out of Norway.
Who knows?
They connect the Isaacs who finally showed up in Savannah with the last name Isakson - but it’s just not clear how they made that jump. Wishful thinking maybe.
Isakson seems to be a Norwegian name.
I haven’t been able to find out any complete historical data on Senator Isakson except that he is a Sunday School Teacher and a Real Estate Salesman from way back.
I’m thinking it’s kind of odd that a man like Isakson with what seems to be a lack of biographical information should be introducing legislation into the United States Senate to keep others from coming to America.
He just sponsored legislation to “provide increased manpower, equipment and technology to secure the U.S. border and stop the influx of illegal immigration.” (That quote is from his web site.)
What’s going on here?
Well, there was a man in Norway during World War 2 whose name was Quisling.
He didn’t like certain people living in Norway and joined forces with the Nazis to overthrow his own government.
He became the leader of the only political party by the Nazis and became Premier in 1942.
He retained power until May, 1945, when he was arrested, convicted of treason and shot.
His name became a word - quisling. It means traitor.
A traitor is someone who pretends to be one thing but is actually another.
There is a man by the name of Jeff Hook.
He writes for a newspaper
The newspaper is called ‘The Truth At Last’.
They like men like Senator Johnny Isakson.
Senator Isakson recently traveled two thousand and ninety-five mils to San Diego, California and to remote Fort Huachuca in Arizona where he met with folks concerned about illegal immigration.
He wants to spend 1 billion dollars to address his pet project.
I don’t know if it’s the same Jeff Hook as the Jeff Hook that writes for the ’The Truth At Last’ but a fellow by the name of Jeff Hook is recorded at as having given $250 dollars to Senator Johnny Isakson for his campaign.
Jeff Hook of ‘The Truth At Last’ helped write a little story about Harriet Miers. The story is titled, ‘Who is Harriet Miers? Bush nominee received awards from anti-White groups’.
Another writer at ‘The Truth At Last’ is M. Patrick.
Again, I can’t be clear if it is the same person or not - it might be coincidence - but there are two M. Patrick’s stating that they gave money to Johnny Isakson but their addresses are recorded as being in Georgia and the writer seems to write as if that M. Patrick is in Washington State.
Of the 2 M. Patricks in Georgia one is recorded as a Real Estate Broker and gave the money to Johnny Isakson while the other seemed to be some sort of employee of the Isakson campaign and that money went to another Republican.
‘The Truth At Last’ has an address of :
The Truth At Last
PO Box 1211
Marietta GA 30061
They have a website at :
Both and proudly link to the National Vanguard.
He may not be directly connected with White Supremacist groups but they certainly seem to like the sounds he is making.
Those sounds - which might sound reasonable are filled with what seems to be a squeaking betrayal to this nation and to his own parents who worked and slaved so hard to give him the opportunities he has.
He seems intent, like so many others, on closing the borders of this great nation.
He seems to want to keep their hands off it - but what?
What is he really protecting?
Elections are now the way he makes his living.
As the American economy erodes and the Republicans continue to provide us with War, Unemployment and Debt immigrants are an easy mark.
Especially immigrants who aren’t white or who don’t speak English as a first language.
Georgia is a mighty far piece from Arizona, California and Texas but men like Johnny Isakson seem to feel right at home butting into their business.
Johnny Isakson has been quoted as saying this, “You know they say the most dangerous person of the world is a member of the United States Congress just home from a three-day fact-finding trip.”
Just what sort of future does a man like Johnny Isakson have in the United States of America?
Why should his future be any more important than any other American willing to sacrifice their time, energy, soul and work to build a better life for themselves and their families?

Friday, March 24, 2006


Colorado Clorox

I understand that Clorox samples were given to children in Colorado.
Children at Coal Creek Canyon K-8 in Golden were given samples and encouraged to bring them home to their parents.
I understand that your direct marketing department sent samples to the teachers with a letter telling them to give the samples to the parents.
What were you trying to do by entering the school system in order to market your product?
Do you think it is right that a Clorox spokeswoman put the blame on the teachers for the fact that children were given clorox cleaning wipes heavily impregnated with chlorine?
Why are you sending these items to school teachers?
Are you aware of the crisis in our nations schools as we all, as Americans, try to clean up the educational mess that has led to the loss of American jobs and the possible crippling of our economy?
Is Clorox such a dirty company that they have to peddle their goods to a captive audience?
What would happen if Clorox sent samples to hospitals and left a box next to each wounded and diseased person so that they could give the samples to family members?
How about prisons? Will Clorox be sending samples to prisoners so that the prisoners could then pass the samples on to visitors or perhaps their victims?
The schools in the Jefferson County School District are in trouble as it is. Ideas abound about selling advertising space and special deals with candy and soft drink manufacturers - the education of our children is being put secondary to the profit motive.
Clorox had no right to do what it did. I think it would be appropriate for the Jefferson County School District to switch to another cleaning solution.
The Jefferson County School District board and PTA need to be put on notice as well. What exactly happened in this case?
Will Clorox now leave our children alone or will the company continue to harass schoolteachers and our children?
I believe Dr. Cindy Stevenson, the Superintendent of the Jefferson County School System in Colorado needs to step down.
Clorox needs to take a step back away from our children.
The United States of America is spending billions of dollars a year to educate our children - not turn them into delivery boys for the Clorox company.
Some of the younger children wiped their faces with the material that they were given.
There is no apology that can make up for this.
This was no mistake that can be passed over and forgotten.
Where does Colorado stand in relation to its children and schools? Can anyone send anything they want to a school and have it handed out? If a company like Clorox does not respect school property then it is no surprise that drugs and mayhem dog our children’s school days and police must stand guard in the hallways.
For shame, Colorado, for shame.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

America is Rich

America is rich we are told.
When you look at it though and put New York or Houston next to Montreal, Paris, Berlin or Rome it becomes obvious that the words slum and city have two different meanings for a reason.
Why argue they are richer because a few freaks in New York or Houston earn enough to move out and get away to somewhere else?
Our nation continues to bow to the privileged rich and let them continue to flood our nation with cheap Communist Chinese goods and to destroy our jobs and economic fortune while they go prancing around the world boasting about things that are just not true.
How are the streets in your neighborhood? Are you willing to let your water and sewer pipes deteriorate? Are you willing to turn over your town and your future to drug dealers and corrupt law enforcement agencies? Are you content that your public schools are being run for profit by a bunch of organized bureaucrats or religious fanatics?
What are you paying taxes for?
Have you seen what sort of laws are being sponsored by your Representative or your Senator? They are ridiculous and many of them are meaningless.
Did you realize that this week they are attacking towns on the Syrian-Iraq border and last week they were attacking towns on the Iraq-Afghanistan border? Each week they trade sides.
This is your nation – it’s your responsibility.
Are you going to take part or just stand back and watch?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Lack of Experience Kills

I had to read it twice.
A government employee who works in public affairs at Fort Campbell, Kentucky was talking about how she felt about Americans honoring her husband.
Sherry Orlando is a spokeswoman at Fort Campbell, Ky., and she doesn't want her husband, who was killed in Iraq in 2003, to be used "for someone's political agenda."
I guess once is enough.
Between her pay in United States Army Public Affairs, the bounty she got for his death in Iraq and the paychecks she will receive for the rest of her natural life Sherry Orlando has used her husband politically enough for 3 lifetimes.
She had this to say, "Being in the military ... was who he was. It wasn't just a job. He supported what he did and I support that as well."
Her husband had been a Lieutenant Colonel in the Military Police but ended up in a combat situation. He had started his lifelong career in the US Army as an enlisted man and moved his way up to command.
His recklessness in Iraq is attested to by his fellow soldiers who thought it was valor. The policeman rushed into every incident he could. Instead of remaining in command and control as an officer should he rushed ahead. It is said that oftentimes his reckless actions led to the deaths of innocent Iraqis and unprepared soldiers under his command.
Did his lack of expertise led to the death of honorable soldiers fighting a dishonorable war?