Thursday, June 02, 2005

Rep Cox and the SEC

Here comes Representative Cox from California jumping into the Securities and Exchange Commission with both feet.
Who is this guy and what background does he have?
In the 108th Congress Christopher Cox sponsored the following legislation :
Ending Discrimination Against Students Enrolled in ROTC. H.R. 3966
Allowing More Americans to Use EZ Tax Filing.
Commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. H.Res. 655
Restoring the Mission at San Juan Capistrano.
No Double Rail-Tracking Along Orange County Coast. H.R. 2165
Defending Freedom of Thought in Hong Kong. H.Res. 277
Death Tax Repeal.
Repeal the "Luxury Tax" on Beer.
Ensure the Continuity of Congress in Case of Terrorist Attack.
Ensure the Continuity of the Presidency in Case of Terrorist Attack. H.R. 2319 Bob Hope American Patriotism Award. H.R. 2087
Renewal of Successful ‘Smart Metric’ Law. authorizing the use of metric measurements for federal building construction that include both round numbers and fractions.
In the 107th Congress he sponsored :
Ensuring the Government Can Continue to Function in Case of Terrorist Attack.
Cleanup of Contaminated Groundwater at El Toro Base.
Death Tax Repeal.
Educational Use of El Toro Base. Worked with the Department of the Navy to permit Cal State Fullerton to open a satellite campus on the site of the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.
Restoring the Great Stone Church at Mission San Juan Capistrano.
Bob Hope Veterans Chapel.
No New Taxes on Toy Telescopes.
Recognizing the 90th Birthday of President Ronald Reagan.
Honoring the Anaheim Angels's Historic World Series Victory.
In the 106th Congress he sponsored :
Repeal of the “Spanish-American War” Tax.
Cleanup of Contaminated Groundwater at El Toro Base. (Again)
Death Tax Repeal. (Again)
Reduce Death Taxes for Leisure World Residents.
Restore the Mission at San Juan Capistrano. (Again)
Outlaw State Discrimination Against California Wine.
Continued Community Access to the El Toro Base Property.
Prevent Y2K Injuries.
Promote Democracy and Free Enterprise in Russia.
Protect Human Rights in Communist China.
Taiwan Security Enhancement Act.
Combat North Korean Nuclear Blackmail.
No Taxpayer Bailout of North Korea Nuclear Accidents.
In the 105th Congress (1997-98) he sponsored :
Iraq Liberation Act.
Policy for Freedom in China.
In the 104th Congress (1995-96) he sponsored :
Increased Deportation of Illegal Immigrants.
Demilitarization of Russian Troops in Kaliningrad.
Mexican Peso Bailout.
Boy Scout Land Swap.
Helium Reserve Privatization.
In the 103rd Congress (1993-94) he sponsored :
Abolishing the Government-Run Strategic Helium Reserve. (Again)
Reuse of the El Toro Marine Base. (Again)
Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Death Tax Repeal. (Again)
Make the Losing Party Pay the Winner's Attorneys' Fees. H.R. 2880
Promoting Iraqi Freedom.
Creation of Radio Free Asia.
Turbocharged Enterprise Zones.
Incentives for Earthquake Insurance. H.R. 3756
Retired FBI Agent Self-Defense Act. H.R. 3971
In the 102nd Congress (1991-92) he sponsored :
Helping Orange County Aid in the Reconstruction of Kuwait.
Commending Hungary on its Transition to Democracy.
Aid to Former Soviet Nations.
In the 101st Congress (1989-90) he sponsored :
Allow Local Control over John Wayne Airport Noise.
Aiding Lithuania's Transition to Democracy. H.Con.Res. 257
Encourage Private Capital Investment in Businesses in Hungary and Poland.

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