The cute, cuddly Panda Bear of the World Wildlife Federation is on the web site of the movie, 'The Golden Compass'. That movie, as you may know, and the books it is extracted from is fervently anti-Catholic with select attacks on every Christian branch with the exception of the Church of England, whose Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams, supports it.
The book the movie was made from was written by an Englishman, you see, and many of the arguments in it support that particular Christian branch. The production company hails from New Zealand, where again, hatred of the Catholic Church and love the Church of England is strong.
The Archbishop was also hotly against the invasion of Iraq and luridly opposes the continued occupation of that country by the United States.
Says the Archbishop of Canterbury, "We are doing all we can to support the Iraqi people."
Recently in a British Muslim magazine the Archbishop of Canterbury called the United States the ‘worst’ imperialist.
He further stated, “We have only one global hegemonic power. It is not accumulating territory: it is trying to accumulate influence and control. That’s not working.”
He then started talking in glowing tones about the British travesties in India, “It is one thing to take over a territory and then pour energy and resources into administering it and normalising it. Rightly or wrongly, that’s what the British Empire did — in India, for example.”
He skipped the part about mass killings, deforestation, the destruction of the countryside, disease and starvation caused by the ignorant and heavy-handed occupation of India which lasted over 200 years.
The movie ’The Golden Compass’ echoes and brings to the modern movie screen centuries of ignorance and hatred. Many of the misguided morals and themes of the movie are the same as those which have pushed many animals to the brink of extinction. Just which way is World Wildlife Federation headed? Towards the light of civilized society or into the darkness of fear and dread? The movie presents half-baked science and twists philosophical ideas until they make no sense - ideas like conservation, love, fidelity and honor. I have no intention of giving any more money to that fund nor even supporting it in public unless they distance from that flickering obscenity of hate that is being circulated in movie theatres as 'entertainment'.
Though I am no religious extremist I will not truck with people whose minds are filled with hate for humanity and the natural world in which we live. Your organization is being exploited by the marketers of the movie who now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have a major problem on their hands.
The movie is being advertised as being in line with stories like Narnia or Middle Earth. It is really only a collection of wicked ideas which have led to burning witches, war and the dark ages in centuries and eons past.
Here is what the WWF claims to be doing : “By 2015 WWF will conserve 19 of the world's most important natural places and significantly change global forces to protect the future of nature.”
…protect the future of nature. How? By destroying the United States and attacking the pope with armored polar bears?
Friday, December 07, 2007
The Mormon Speech
Well, Mitt Romney must be getting ready to drop out of the race for President. He has given the ‘Mormon Speech’. In it he told us little about the bizarre sect and just repeated a lot of what we already know.
The United States of America was founded partly to provide a haven for religious freedom. As a result this nation protects Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Bhuddists, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists and people who believe in witches and small singing mushrooms who live in the woods.
The Mormon’s have gotten their twisted views in the national spotlight and that should, hopefully, keep them quiet for 15 years or so. Putting Mitt Romney in the White House, however, makes little sense. His campaign, like that of Barack Obama, seems to be a vehicle for undermining our nation, rather than strengthening it. Barack Obama, you see, has a large following of fringe Muslims – some of whom believe that spaceships are circling earth prepared to destroy white people and put black people in command of the earth.
The Mormon religion was founded by one Mr. Smith – who was about 15 years old and apparently suffering from epilepsy as he (according to a Mormon instruction book) fell down a lot and immediately thereafter seemed to have a vision.
The boy grew to a man and along the way became convinced that an angel named Moroni revealed to him a metal book that described how Jews had landed in Chili hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. They believe that these Jews built the cities of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec empires and were eventually exterminated by the rest of the Indians in what appears to be one of the first holocausts.
The angel Moroni was apparently the ghost of the son of the last leader of the Jews, known as Nephites.
To give you an idea of the sort of racism that is promoted by the Mormon religion one need only to note the description of Native American Indians given by the ‘Book of Mormon’.
“The Lamanites led a roving, aggressive life; kept few or no records, and soon lost the art of history writing. They lived on the results of the chase and by plunder, degenerating in habit until they became typical progenitors of the dark-skinned race, afterward discovered by Columbus and named American Indians.”
Smith claimed to find the book on a mountain in New York near his home in Vermont . Later on he and some of his followers claimed that John the Baptist came back to life or descended from heaven and came to the United States to baptize them.
There were many reasons that the Mormons were driven west into the desert – among them were racism, marrying more than one woman and slavery.
Romney’s speech boiled down to, “I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it.”
Well that’s all well and good but do you want him to live by his faith while he is supposed to be working for you?
Spaceships filled with Black Panthers and Jews in Chile – you can’t say we don’t have a lively Presidential contest brewing up this time.
The United States of America was founded partly to provide a haven for religious freedom. As a result this nation protects Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Bhuddists, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists and people who believe in witches and small singing mushrooms who live in the woods.
The Mormon’s have gotten their twisted views in the national spotlight and that should, hopefully, keep them quiet for 15 years or so. Putting Mitt Romney in the White House, however, makes little sense. His campaign, like that of Barack Obama, seems to be a vehicle for undermining our nation, rather than strengthening it. Barack Obama, you see, has a large following of fringe Muslims – some of whom believe that spaceships are circling earth prepared to destroy white people and put black people in command of the earth.
The Mormon religion was founded by one Mr. Smith – who was about 15 years old and apparently suffering from epilepsy as he (according to a Mormon instruction book) fell down a lot and immediately thereafter seemed to have a vision.
The boy grew to a man and along the way became convinced that an angel named Moroni revealed to him a metal book that described how Jews had landed in Chili hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. They believe that these Jews built the cities of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec empires and were eventually exterminated by the rest of the Indians in what appears to be one of the first holocausts.
The angel Moroni was apparently the ghost of the son of the last leader of the Jews, known as Nephites.
To give you an idea of the sort of racism that is promoted by the Mormon religion one need only to note the description of Native American Indians given by the ‘Book of Mormon’.
“The Lamanites led a roving, aggressive life; kept few or no records, and soon lost the art of history writing. They lived on the results of the chase and by plunder, degenerating in habit until they became typical progenitors of the dark-skinned race, afterward discovered by Columbus and named American Indians.”
Smith claimed to find the book on a mountain in New York near his home in Vermont . Later on he and some of his followers claimed that John the Baptist came back to life or descended from heaven and came to the United States to baptize them.
There were many reasons that the Mormons were driven west into the desert – among them were racism, marrying more than one woman and slavery.
Romney’s speech boiled down to, “I believe in my Mormon faith and I endeavor to live by it.”
Well that’s all well and good but do you want him to live by his faith while he is supposed to be working for you?
Spaceships filled with Black Panthers and Jews in Chile – you can’t say we don’t have a lively Presidential contest brewing up this time.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
9/11 Revealed
Mahdi Mohammed Ahmed was born August 12, 1844 and died on June 22, 1885.
He was a religious leader in north Africa who wanted to create a global Islamic state.
He fought the British in north Africa and defeated General Charles ‘Chinese’ Gordon at Khartoum . He beheaded the general and hung his head in a tree for children throw stones at.
His title was that of Mahdi – to Muslims the Mahdi is the prophesied redeemer of Islam. He is a prophet himself. His coming is to unite the Muslims in one world Islamic state to prepare for the second coming of the prophet Isa.
The prophet Isa is Jesus.
The British were in north Africa as they were intending to increase their presence in Egypt . Their main opponents in power and prestige were the Arabs, who, at the time, were primarily slave traders. In fact in Sudan over eighty percent of the black population was enslaved by a comparatively small number of Arabs. The situation was a good example of what one day would have happened to the southern United States had not the Civil War intervened and slavery abolished in North America .
In the late 1800’s, however, slavery was still a major part of the economy and the British hoped to break the monopoly the Arabs had on the economy by destroying the slavery system. They did so with good intent but ended up breaking down the entire society of north Africa without preparing anything to replace it.
Into this vacuum stepped the Mahdi Mohammed Ahmed.
He raised an army of considerable size and was financed by Arabs who hoped to reestablish the slave trade as well as many Muslims who wished to see the creation of an Islamic nation that stretched from Morocco to the southern seas of the Pacific.
At first the Mahdi was successful and defeated the British presence in Sudan . Even Khartoum , as mentioned above, was taken from British control.
Shortly after the successful termination of the campaign against Khartoum and the death of General ‘Chinese’ Gordon the Mahdi died of a tropical disease.
His body was laid in a tomb in a place called Omdorman in Sudan .
On 2 September 1898, the battle of Omdurman occurred and the British and Egyptians slaughterd about 11,000 Mahdi fighters. The British then dominated the Sudan until 1956. The Sudan ’s flag sports a black stripe at the bottom which symbolizes the Mahdi.
On or about September 11, 1898 the Mahdi’s tomb was broken open and torn down. The bones of the Mahdi were thrown into the Nile . His skull was kept as a keepsake by General Kitchener.
As we all know September 11 marks another day in history – that of the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York .
The Mahdi’s relation to Osama Bin Laden is not spoken of. The idea of the second coming of Christ, which is hoped for by many Christians and actively worked towards by many fundamental Christians is shocking when put in the context of terrorism.
Just what was the Mahdi up to?
Just what was Osama Bin Laden up to?
Preparing for the second coming of Christ? It seems so.
Now besides his own history where do you think a man like Bin Laden would pick up the notion that attacking the World Trade Center might be a good move to start the ball rolling and get God to put Jesus back on earth for a second go around?
Consider that the Bin Laden family and many Arabs have constant and ongoing contact with fundamental Christian sects who control, operate and work for major oil companies.
The Bush family is a prime example but not the only one. Do you know someone who is convinced that these are the ‘end of days’? If so you know someone who is unwittingly feeding the war on terror and helping dishonest politicians and business owners steal what they want without working for it.
With an imperfect understanding of Christianity and even of his own religion it is possible that he believed he was pulling the strings in his own magic show that would one day, ‘Presto-Change-O’, produce Jesus Christ.
Do you think that many of the half educated and ignorant members of our society would argue against something like that – especially if the price to be paid were only an attack on New York , which many of them hate for some unnamed reason anyway?
The invasion of Iraq spurred the coming out of the Mahdi’s Army in that country. It is in fact, the strongest opponent of American and British occupation at this time in Iraq . They are dedicated to the notion of a global Islamic state.
Add to the mix the greed and murderous attitude of the Turks in their quest to secure Iraqi oil by slaughtering Kurds you have an explosive atmosphere.
Keep in mind that the Kurds worship the ‘Peacock Angel’ – known to you and I as the devil. Whoever the Mahdi is supposed to be these days a limited engagement between the forces of ‘good’ (those wanting to spur the return of Christ) and ‘evil’ (folks worshipping the devil) is political good news for religious fanatics and the people who spur them on and then steal their wealth out from under them.
Now consider also that the President, whose beliefs already echo and mirror those of men and women who think like Osama Bin Laden – that is – being predisposed to looking forward to the return of Christ.
Other examples of this particular type of interference can be seen on the world stage. None are so blatant as those of our own president however who recently urged the people of Cuba (as well as their military) to rebel against their government. It was an ugly scene to watch as the president, in his usual stammering manner, encouraged the people of Cuba to riot and run wild in their streets.
It is common law and common sense that someone who spurs on another to murder and mayhem are themselves guilty of murder and mayhem.
Finally – to complete the scene you have been watching – the British Empire announced through their military and newspapers in the 1880’s that they need to ‘smash the Mahdi’ before he could form his global Islamic Republic.
This is from April 4, 1885 in the New York Times :
“"Smashing the Mahdi," on the scale upon which that operation is now prosecuted in the Soudan, cannot exhilarate the British Jingo.”
From August 6, 2006, Time Magazine :
“For Sunnis, the failure to smash the Mahdi Army is not so much an indictment of al-Maliki as proof of a U.S. double standard.”
Now you know why it was September 11 and not some other date.
He was a religious leader in north Africa who wanted to create a global Islamic state.
He fought the British in north Africa and defeated General Charles ‘Chinese’ Gordon at Khartoum . He beheaded the general and hung his head in a tree for children throw stones at.
His title was that of Mahdi – to Muslims the Mahdi is the prophesied redeemer of Islam. He is a prophet himself. His coming is to unite the Muslims in one world Islamic state to prepare for the second coming of the prophet Isa.
The prophet Isa is Jesus.
The British were in north Africa as they were intending to increase their presence in Egypt . Their main opponents in power and prestige were the Arabs, who, at the time, were primarily slave traders. In fact in Sudan over eighty percent of the black population was enslaved by a comparatively small number of Arabs. The situation was a good example of what one day would have happened to the southern United States had not the Civil War intervened and slavery abolished in North America .
In the late 1800’s, however, slavery was still a major part of the economy and the British hoped to break the monopoly the Arabs had on the economy by destroying the slavery system. They did so with good intent but ended up breaking down the entire society of north Africa without preparing anything to replace it.
Into this vacuum stepped the Mahdi Mohammed Ahmed.
He raised an army of considerable size and was financed by Arabs who hoped to reestablish the slave trade as well as many Muslims who wished to see the creation of an Islamic nation that stretched from Morocco to the southern seas of the Pacific.
At first the Mahdi was successful and defeated the British presence in Sudan . Even Khartoum , as mentioned above, was taken from British control.
Shortly after the successful termination of the campaign against Khartoum and the death of General ‘Chinese’ Gordon the Mahdi died of a tropical disease.
His body was laid in a tomb in a place called Omdorman in Sudan .
On 2 September 1898, the battle of Omdurman occurred and the British and Egyptians slaughterd about 11,000 Mahdi fighters. The British then dominated the Sudan until 1956. The Sudan ’s flag sports a black stripe at the bottom which symbolizes the Mahdi.
On or about September 11, 1898 the Mahdi’s tomb was broken open and torn down. The bones of the Mahdi were thrown into the Nile . His skull was kept as a keepsake by General Kitchener.
As we all know September 11 marks another day in history – that of the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York .
The Mahdi’s relation to Osama Bin Laden is not spoken of. The idea of the second coming of Christ, which is hoped for by many Christians and actively worked towards by many fundamental Christians is shocking when put in the context of terrorism.
Just what was the Mahdi up to?
Just what was Osama Bin Laden up to?
Preparing for the second coming of Christ? It seems so.
Now besides his own history where do you think a man like Bin Laden would pick up the notion that attacking the World Trade Center might be a good move to start the ball rolling and get God to put Jesus back on earth for a second go around?
Consider that the Bin Laden family and many Arabs have constant and ongoing contact with fundamental Christian sects who control, operate and work for major oil companies.
The Bush family is a prime example but not the only one. Do you know someone who is convinced that these are the ‘end of days’? If so you know someone who is unwittingly feeding the war on terror and helping dishonest politicians and business owners steal what they want without working for it.
With an imperfect understanding of Christianity and even of his own religion it is possible that he believed he was pulling the strings in his own magic show that would one day, ‘Presto-Change-O’, produce Jesus Christ.
Do you think that many of the half educated and ignorant members of our society would argue against something like that – especially if the price to be paid were only an attack on New York , which many of them hate for some unnamed reason anyway?
The invasion of Iraq spurred the coming out of the Mahdi’s Army in that country. It is in fact, the strongest opponent of American and British occupation at this time in Iraq . They are dedicated to the notion of a global Islamic state.
Add to the mix the greed and murderous attitude of the Turks in their quest to secure Iraqi oil by slaughtering Kurds you have an explosive atmosphere.
Keep in mind that the Kurds worship the ‘Peacock Angel’ – known to you and I as the devil. Whoever the Mahdi is supposed to be these days a limited engagement between the forces of ‘good’ (those wanting to spur the return of Christ) and ‘evil’ (folks worshipping the devil) is political good news for religious fanatics and the people who spur them on and then steal their wealth out from under them.
Now consider also that the President, whose beliefs already echo and mirror those of men and women who think like Osama Bin Laden – that is – being predisposed to looking forward to the return of Christ.
Other examples of this particular type of interference can be seen on the world stage. None are so blatant as those of our own president however who recently urged the people of Cuba (as well as their military) to rebel against their government. It was an ugly scene to watch as the president, in his usual stammering manner, encouraged the people of Cuba to riot and run wild in their streets.
It is common law and common sense that someone who spurs on another to murder and mayhem are themselves guilty of murder and mayhem.
Finally – to complete the scene you have been watching – the British Empire announced through their military and newspapers in the 1880’s that they need to ‘smash the Mahdi’ before he could form his global Islamic Republic.
This is from April 4, 1885 in the New York Times :
“"Smashing the Mahdi," on the scale upon which that operation is now prosecuted in the Soudan, cannot exhilarate the British Jingo.”
From August 6, 2006, Time Magazine :
“For Sunnis, the failure to smash the Mahdi Army is not so much an indictment of al-Maliki as proof of a U.S. double standard.”
Now you know why it was September 11 and not some other date.
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