Monday, October 23, 2006

Palaeologus Present

I cannot tell you how deeply I am sickened each time I look at or am exposed to a picture of President George Bush holding hands with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.
The Saudis have been the ones who have benefited the most not only from the events of 9/11 which was carried out primarily by Saudi Arabians but by the following invasion and present occupation of Iraq.
Iraq’s government had been the only Arab government opposing the vain policies of Saudi Arabia.
But I am not speaking in defense of Iraq – I just want to point out that it would be well within the character of the Saudi Arabians to convince President Bush, publicly through supporting statements while making private threats against our economy.
After all – if Saudi Arabia could cause such unrest with just two airliners imagine what they could do if they started to manipulate the world oil market even more than they do so now. Their financial reach is tremendous and men like George Bush who desire things to remain undisturbed then keeping the Saudi Arabians happy is a natural response.
It is, to me, still an ugly picture to see our American President prancing around with a Saudi Prince.
The Saudi behavior, as I mentioned, is within character and indeed, is a matter of history. The Arabs and Muslims have behaved like this before.
Only then people spoke against them.
They did not hold hands with them and walk through flower gardens crooning their love for them and promising to lay down American lives to keep Saudi bellies full.
Think also of those representatives and senators who welcome into our midst with open arms the bald-faced lies and economic thievery of Communist China.
It’s up to you what happens to your nation.
Today’s crisis is nothing new and should not be allowed to continue without a reasonable response.
Else – give up your homes and your lives. You have nothing to defend merely because you will not defend it.
Here is an example from Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus’ ‘Funeral Oration’ for his brother Theodore.
“What can one say about those who had deserted to the enemy, joining the wolves, as one might say, desirous of devouring their kinsmen’s flesh, though in fact they were only devouring their own? It would take too long to detail their actions and it is better to omit what would only plunge into gloom those who are already suffering.”
Here is some more :
“I wish to speak of things in general rather than of particular individuals. I say that the Christians who deserted to our enemies, the infidels, are clearly mad, rather they behave worse than those who are diseased in mind. For even if such madmen were to thrust a sword into their bodies they would not harm their souls nor would they arouse hatred in others, but on the contrary the would call forth compassion from onlookers. But any rational man ought to feel great hatred towards these men because they willingly defile their souls with the aid of their full senses. They seek for that which originally spurred them on to a join the enemies of our faith; I speak of wealth and glory and whatever are considered to be the pleasures of life. It would have been hard for them to achieve this had they not appeared acceptable to our enemies to whom they have deserted. And it would certainly have been impossible for them to appear acceptable to them unless they first took part in those things in which our enemies delight. This means that they have to live according to barbarian customs and must willingly defile their souls by unlawful deeds. A worse fate will befall these people than that of madmen, for they will be judged deserving not of compassion but of great hatred, for they have deliberately given themselves up to wickedness, damaging their souls rather than their bodies. But the most abominable thing of all is the fact that they considered it necessary to betray their souls, insult their honour and indeed that of the whole nation against which they have been persuaded to act, otherwise from the outset their actions would have profited them nothing nor would their reward have lasted long. Thus like a bubble which is quickly inflated to bursting point those who thought that they would succeed in getting a well defended city from our enemies had their vain aspirations very rapidly pricked without having achieved anything.”
Still more :
“For how is it possible for a man to observe strictly what he has adopted on the spur of the moment when he so easily tramples down his life-long customs. Moreover to harm one’s nation is to harm oneself, since the whole contains the part. And how can the man who harms himself do good to others? Moreover, if we were to consider this more carefully, such a man becomes loathsome even to his own conscience and how much more to everyone else? But why do I say this when I can make a more telling point? It was impossible for them to preserve their confession and faith in Christ inviolate. Why? Because in their union with Christ they promised absolute loyalty to him and enmity against the demons and yet afterwards they did the opposite. Rather, we should speak out more clearly and point out the enormity of the sin, for those who wish to live with the followers of Muhammad and side with the enemies of the faith against us are fighting against Christ, the source of our faith, and openly waging war against Him.”
Finally :
“Something else also follows which is to be deplored, or rather, is exceedingly wicked. As a result of their intrigues they proclaim Muhammad a prophet. For that abominable man had promised victory against us to the peoples he deceived and enslaved.”

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Walmart and China

When Americans go shopping in Walmart they might want to recall the words of Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He threatened to nuke "hundreds" of American cities if the United States interfered with a Chinese attempt to invade the American ally of Taiwan. (July 2005 – Cheghu is still in office).
When Americans go driving they might want to recall the fact that 15 of the World Trade Center murderers on 9/11 were Saudi Arabian and that country continues to avoid its international responsibilities.
When Americans go golfing they might want to recall the fact that the grass is so neat and short because of the millions of illegal aliens that have been forced into this country by their corrupt and drug dealing governments in Mexico, Columbia and other places.
When Americans decide to invest in the ‘international’ economy they might want to reflect on the fact that most of the foreign companies worth investing in are working out of the United States – like Toyota, Siemens and others. They take American jobs, land and opportunity and drive American companies out of business.
That’s the thing, however, Americans don’t think. They don’t think that renting to someone is better than selling to them. They don’t think that going into business with another company or competing against them successfully is better than just rolling over and giving up.
Americans don’t think its bad, either, to send children to occupy foreign nations while their place of birth is destroyed.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Guns on the Great Lakes

I am writing to provide public comments concerning the plan by the United States Coast Guard to arm vessels with light automatic weapons and to establish ‘safety zones’ around selected structures throughout the Great Lakes area.
Docket number 25767
If they are going to do it they should do it right. They look like a bunch of amateurs.
Much of their lifesaving and monitoring equipment is ageing and become unsafe and decrepit. The answer is not to buy them guns.
Why not provide guns to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines to protect us from the North Koreans with their nuclear warheads, rockets and missiles? Why are our soldiers and marines sitting around in Iraq while our guys get pounded in Afghanistan?
So much for being the World’s Cop. We are turning into the World’s Baby Sitter.
Item 1
The New York Times on October 16, 2006 noted that the United States Coast Guard told them that there was going to be nine (9) meetings.
The United States Coast Guard web site at : states that there are seven (7) meetings.
I see where there were originally only 4 meetings scheduled and then 3 were added. I do not see any mention of the other two meetings.
Considering that the Coast Guard was slow and sloppy in the manner in which they divulged and arranged for the original public meetings I have to consider the fact that they were not well prepared in their conception of this plan and I expect that the execution of the plan will be no less flawed.
Item 2
The Coast Guard is preparing to fire at ‘foam’ targets rather than the standard targets used by the United States Navy. In this regard the Coast Guard is both negligent towards the environment and does not appear to be committed to actually using target impact results as the targets will be utterly destroyed by the weapons fired at them.
To detail the first point. Using foam targets that will be shredded into minute particles by the weapon is environmentally unfriendly and makes the Coast Guard, normally a friend and protector of the marine environment, just another polluter who doesn’t care that this water in the Great Lakes is taken up by pipes and drank by millions of Americans including pregnant American women and American boys and girls.
The satisfaction the young Coast Guardsmen and Coast Guardswomen get from seeing the foam spray up into the air along with the water droplets does not balance out against the impact the foam will have in the water. I do not expect the Coast Guard will be picking up all the pieces.
To detail the second point. The target proposed by the Coast Guard to provide training for the Coast Guard personnel on the operation of the 7.62 mm weapons, which can blast as many as 650 rounds a minute and send fire more than 4,000 yards is inadequate to the task at hand and should be reconsidered. It is too light and does not reflect the type or behavior of target that the Coast Guard personnel will be expected to fire upon.
Item 3
The 7.62 mm weapons, which can blast as many as 650 rounds a minute and send fire more than 4,000 yards are also known as ‘mini-cannons’.
The locations of the training exercises in deep water and in many instances smack dab in the center of prime diving and fishing locations does not adequately reflect the actual situations under which the Coast Guard personnel may need to operate (fire) their weapons.
Coast Guard personnel are not trained in artillery. These guns, if fired incorrectly at the targets, can cause much more damage to local areas than would be deemed prudent. These guns, if operated in the Port Huron strait off Sarnia could impact the petroleum refinery there. The likelihood that the Coast Guard ship would on hand during the few minutes it would take water borne attackers to assault the refinery in Canada is a stretch of the imagination I am not willing to take.
I am taking into consideration the fact that the guns will not deter a light airplane attack, which is a possibility here in Michigan considering we have the largest number of small airports and plan owners in the United States.
The guns will not deter a land based attack from the Canadian side nor a land based attack using rockets or light missiles from the American side.
The guns will not deter an air, land or water attack either, on the Fermi Nuclear facility in Monroe, Michigan, which short sighted planners built directly on the shore of the Detroit River.
If this plan to mount guns on the Coast Guard boats and ships is designed to take our attention away from the fact that the nuclear plants remain woefully unprepared for attack then it has failed.
The guns might make Rear Admiral John E. Crowley, Junior feel better but they aren’t doing the trick for the real problems we are experiencing in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and New York.
Item 4
The 7.62 mm weapons, which can blast as many as 650 rounds a minute and send fire more than 4,000 yards are also known as ‘mini-cannons’ will be introducing lead and other heavy metals into a marine environment used for drinking water and fished for food stuffs bound for American and Canadian tables.
The water and the fish are already polluted and we are working hard to reduce and eventually eliminate the pollution.
We are not going to be able to do that if the Coast Guard decides to save pocket money by using our fishing grounds, drinking water and shipping lanes as their private shooting gallery.
The United States Marine Corps maintains shooting ranges around the world.
The United States Army maintains shooting ranges around the world.
The United States Navy maintains shooting ranges around the world.
The United States Air Force maintains shooting ranges around the world.
None of them are spread out over sixteen hundred miles. They are contained within certain areas and used for certain operations.
The other branches of the military use real world reenactments in order to test, prove and hone their weapons’ skills. The Coast Guard, new to this sort of operation, is failing miserably at its first go.
The question comes to mind that if we need a military presence on the Great Lakes why not let the Navy and the Marine Corps handle it as they did in the War of 1812?
The treaties negotiated following that war needed to renegotiated, apparently in secret, with Canada, before this hair brained scheme was even mentioned to the people of the United States whom it is supposed to be protecting.
Before this process goes any further I believe that someone with combat experience should sit down with Rear Admiral John E. Crowley, Junior and give him a few pointers on how military exercises are carried out.
Little foam floats and a big pile of ammunition don’t cut it.
Item 5
The impact on tourism is going to be great. The rest of the United States would like to think that somewhere is safe, especially considering the fact that the World Trade Center in New York City was attacked in broad daylight while the Coast Guard patrolled the waters below.
The northwestern United States is plagued with nuclear waste and loss of jobs.
The southwest continues to be incorporated into Mexico.
The southeast has been ravaged by flood and flame for the past two years.
The Midwest remained a place where the rest of the nation could look to for stability and more importantly a destination for vacation.
Now those tourist dollars are being put in jeopardy so that the Coast Guard, after being prompted by the Department of Homeland Security could launch into a hysterical response to a problem that does not exist.
Item 6
The problems that do exist, like Communist Chinese and Taiwanese illegal aliens slipping across the border by van and light boat has not been addressed by the Coast Guard at all.
I understand that frequently the Coast Guard has been called to locations where these illegal immigrants are loading up. These calls have been apparently mostly been made from the Canadian side. When the Coast Guard gets there the illegal aliens are already away in a van on the American side and we all know how responsive to that problem local police are.
The result is that they get away.
The Coast Guard does a good job at keeping our coasts safe in storm and flood.
Considering they have had nearly 200 years hone these skills I think it would be best if they stuck to them and left the defense of the nation to the Navy and the Marines.
If our National Guard units were not sitting in Iraq getting shot they would be here with us protecting us as they were hired to do.
As it is the few hundred boats the Coast Guard can get together will never meet the threat they have been given to imagine exists.
Item 7
The Quality of Life of the people of the Great Lakes States and the United States in general will be further impacted negatively as yet another aspect of our society becomes militarized.
Life cannot be at all points brutalized but Mr. Chertoff seems intent on trying to make it that way.
The real problems we are facing cannot be hidden behind automatic ‘mini-cannons’ fired by boys at foam targets.
Item 8
The guns will do little more than become conversation pieces at dockside.
The men and women attacking the United States are not going to quiver at a 7.62 millimeter mini-cannon.
The USS Cole was attacked by a small boat pulled up next to it and detonated by madmen.
The USS Cole had enough fire power to destroy the boat but it did not.
Will these few Coast Guard boats find the terrorists?
What are they going to do about the millions of people that cross the border with legal papers? The terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center were all carrying ‘legal’ papers given to them like men like Mr. Chertoff of the Department of Homeland Security and Rear Admiral John E. Crowley, Junior of the United States Coast Guard.
There are millions of illegal immigrants in the United States today whose legal status still has not been decided.
There are millions more here who entered with H1-B Visas or under student visas (like the Egyptians that absconded from the University of Montana) or visitor visas.
These guns and these public hearings are a distraction from the real problems we are facing.
Item 9
The overall training of Coast Guard personnel does not include these guns. These guns are an introduced novelty.
During training, accidents and possibly in action, there will be a great waste of time, energy and ability in setting them up, maintaining them and supplying them with ammunition.
Who makes these guns?
Who makes the ammunition?
Who will mount the weapons?
Who will provide the training?
Who will inspect the weapons?
Who is overseeing the contracts?
None of these questions have been answered in any of the literature churned out in support of these expensive and useless toys.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Apex, North Carolina

Fiery explosions overnight at a hazardous materials plant owned and run by Environmental Quality Industrial Services forced 16,000 residents in the middle of the night from their homes.
EQ Industrial Services is based in Wayne, Michigan. Michael Ferrantino, CEO has given Michigan politicians quite a bit of money.
Scores of people were hospitalized by the disaster caused by EQ Industrial Services in Apex, North Carolina.
Roiling smoke and flames boiled 150 feet into the night air. A toxic plume of smoke drifted through the streets sickening everyone it came in contact with.
Chemicals including cadmium, chromium, mercury and hazardous organic materials were burned at high temperature and cast into the air in minute droplets easily absorbed into the skin and through the mucous membrane in the nose and through the mouth and even ears of residents.
EQ Industrial Services is associated with a company called Wayne Disposal. The EPA has Super Fund sites in Michigan. Those are locations so polluted that they are an immediate and present danger to the local population not to mention the environment. At one time the EPA declared that the company that owned one of the Super Fund sites in Wayne County, Michigan, must immediately clean it up. They allowed that company truck material from that landfill to another one that they owned. Nice arrangement for the company and the EPA but the problem is still here.
In Apex, North Carolina, I understand that the chemicals that burned ignited some aviation fuel tanks nearby which made the situation worse.
I don’t know who owns the aviation fuel tanks but apparently EQ provides aviation services at other locations in the United States. I would thoroughly investigate what happened in Apex and keep an eye on what happens next. I am not making any allegations, I am just suggesting that be aware of what is going on.
I am disappointed that so many politicians have taken money from this company. The damage that imported waste and spills and fires and other accidents have caused is indeterminate. There are major problems with PCB’s in Ann Arbor but no one can tell if the chemicals came from a high pressure toxic waste injection well or the facilities of EQ. The impact on our children and our future cannot be underestimated.
To have one company control so much of this dangerous business is hazardous enough. When that company starts making mistakes that rush sixteen thousand people out of their houses in the middle of the night then something has to be done.
I do not believe that people who handle items that can make you sick should be making decisions about healthcare. Do you?
I do not believe that people who handle items that can poison your water should be making decisions about water quality. Do you?
I do not believe that people who handle items that can destroy the ability of your children to have normal children themselves should be making decisions about the environment and they certainly should not be sticking their nose into education. Do you?
I do not believe that people whose activities lower real estate values should be influencing state laws about property. Do you?
I suggest you familiarize yourself with the people and companies that are involved.
The folks in Michigan that are taking money from this company are :
Representative McCotter
1632 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
202.225.8171 tel
202.225.2667 fax

Senator Bruce Patterson
PO Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
By Phone: (517) 373-7350
Representative Phil LaJoy
N0785 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-5939
Phone: 517-373-2575
Commitee to Elect Mark J. Abbo
PO Box 822
Northville, Michigan 48167
United States Senator John Thune
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Representative Mike Rogers
133 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4872
Fax: (202) 225-5820
Representative Candice Miller
228 Cannon House Office Building
Washington D.C. 20515
(F) 202.226.1169
Locations that EQ works in :
Corporate Office
36255 Michigan Ave.
Wayne, Michigan 48184
(734) 329-8000
Michigan Disposal Waste Treatment Plant
49350 North I-94 Service Drive
Belleville, Michigan 48111
(800) 592-5489
Wayne Disposal, Inc.
49350 North I-94 Service Drive
Belleville, Michigan 48111
(800) 592-5489
EQ Resource Recovery, Inc.
36345 Van Born Road
Romulus, Michigan 48174
(734) 727-5500
EQ Industrial Services, Inc.
2701 North I-94 Service Drive
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
(734) 547-2500
EQ Detroit, Inc.
1923 Frederick
Detroit, MI 48211
(313) 923-0080
EQRR Distribution Center
14000 Stansbury Ave.
Detroit, Michigan 48227
(313) 273-7504
EQIS Indianapolis Transfer and Processing
4000 West 10th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46222
(317) 247-7160
EQIS Emergency Response
2701 North I-94 Service Drive
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
(734) 547-2500
Northeast Facilities and OfficesEQ Northeast, Inc.
185 Industrial Road
Wrentham, MA 02093
(508) 384-6151
Southeast Facilities and OfficesEQIS Atlanta Transfer and Processing
5600 Fulton Industrial Blvd.
Atlanta, Georgia 30336
(404) 494-3520
EQ Augusta, Inc.
3920 Goshen Industrial Blvd.
Augusta, GA 30906
(706) 771-9100
EQ Florida, Inc.
7202 East Eighth Ave.
Tampa, FL 33619
(800) 624-5302
EQIS North Carolina
1005 Investment Blvd.
Apex, NC 27502
(919) 363-4700
EQ Mobile Recycling, Inc.
W. Independence Blvd.
Mt. Airy, NC 27030
(336) 719-0058
EQ Airport Services - Pittsburgh
P.O. Box 12286
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15231
(412) 472-1007
(412) 472-1044
EQ Airport Services - Salt Lake City
P.O. Box 16109
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
(801) 531-4679
(801) 531-4677

Girl Children in America

How many prayers can I say to correct what has gone wrong?
How many prayers would it take to change this vicious course of events?
What actions can I take to fix these horrible things?
A grown man walks into a school and assaults the girl children there. He then kills one and then himself with a high powered gun.
Another grown man a thousand miles away goes into a schoolhouse and attacks a room full of girl children with a high powered gun. Five are dead today. Several others are in the hospital mortally wounded.
The doctors call it being in ‘critical condition’. They say the children who have been attacked by these adults are in ‘critical condition’. That’s the medical term.
What is the human term?
If you watch professional sports why take one minute of just one game to consider how you can change things. You can’t stop what happened already.
It’s worse than a fumble or a missed pitch.
If you own a gun - why not take one minute to think about what could do to change the course of this blood-red rage for senseless violence?
If you are in business why not take one minute of one coffee break to think of a way to stop this baggage from following and permeating our society?
Girl children.
Slaughtered by men.
] For all the noise and dust kicked up about terrorists and the enemy ‘out there’ look at what happened here in the United States. Spawned from home grown hatred and misguided choices and lives that exclude hope.
A Baptist clergyman from Kansas had this to say about the slaughter of the innocents in Pennsylvania, "Those Amish people, everyone is sitting around talking about those poor little girls — blah, blah, blah — they brought the wrath upon themselves.“ He said the Amish "don't serve God, they serve themselves."
Charles Carl Roberts IV killed these girls — Naomi Rose Ebersole, 7; Marian Fisher, 13; Mary Liz Miller, 8; and her sister Lena Miller, 7, Anna Mae Stoltzfus, 12.
Another 6 year old girl was taken off life support so that she could be taken home to die.
Dr. D. Holmes Morton who was working with the 6 year old said, "I just think at this point mostly these families want to be left alone in their grief and we ought to respect that."
Here is a man who worked with the Amish for years and still doesn’t see what is right in front of him.
The Amish don’t want to be left alone. They want you to join them in a life of peace and harmony.
The world is a harsh place as it is but the modern world is filled with things that do not need to be that cause needless sorrow and waste a lot of time.
The handguns that killed these children wasted a lot of time and have caused much sorrow.
An Amish neighbor comforted the Roberts family hours after the shooting and extended forgiveness to them.
What courage before Christ have you shown today that could even come close to matching the compassion and love that was shown here?
It went almost without notice.
Hidden in the howling mob-like news coverage.
The common human experience was nearly quenched in the riot of sound and images just as the lives of these girl children were snuffed out.
But the light shone out.
Do you see it?
What action will you take to make the world a better place? What will YOU do to make this country and God’s world a place where girl children are safe?
It’s up to you.
This happened to your neighbors. People you are bound to protect as an American and a person.