Monday, September 19, 2005

Roberts and Guantanamo

Curious events are happening surrounding the Supreme Court and Judge John Roberts but they are not what you would expect.
They have to deal with the terrorism suspects on war crimes charges at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
The terrorist suspects are apparently being charged with war crimes. The proceedings were brought to a screeching halt in November, 2004 when a federal district judge ruled they violated domestic law and the international treaty obligations of the United States.
The court interpreted the international treaty obligations as saying the US must treat the Guantánamo detainees as prisoners of war unless a Geneva Conventions special tribunal determines they are not.
P.O.W’s charged with war crimes are to be tried by court-martial not by a military commission.
In July, 2005, an appellate panel made up of three judges, one of which was John G. Roberts Jr., nominee to the Supreme Court, unanimously decided against the district court.
The case was then appealed to the Supreme Court for review. If the case is given the go-ahead and the appeal declined then the proceedings will continue.
It will put the United States government in the questionable light of having John G. Roberts, who made a ruling, then become one of the Justices that would be responsible for confirming his own ruling.
The insidious nature of the crimes with which the defendants have been charged has helped to obscure the major role that Judge John Roberts has played in the process.
Skipping judges around is a trick of dictatorships.

Disgraceful Bolton

John Bolton, the American Ambassador to the United Nations is humilitating our nation.
He has taken the view that the UN charter "has never been interpreted as creating a legal obligation for Security Council members to support enforcement action." He seems to defy history.
He asked to remove phrases calling on nations to prevent "incitement" of mass atrocities. That is, the Saudi Arabians would have to stop teaching their school children to hate Americans but Bolton apparently believes that advocating the murder of innocent people is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Bolton claims the US "stands ready" to intervene in select cases where governments refuse to stop or carry out genocide. He indicated world leaders should not "foreclose" using the military "absent authorization by the Security Council."
The UN calls humanitarian intervention "responsibility to protect."
Bolton is refusing to discuss a specific definition of terrorism. Bolton is arguing that the convention should exclude any acts by armed forces during a conflict – in effect – the Janjaweed in Sudan are not guilty because they murdered civilians on the battlefield and so there is no penalty.
Bolton introduced hundreds of amendments to the UN document at the last minute.
Bolton has been quoted as saying, "We haven't done something at the last minute here. I've got my pen in my pocket and I'm ready to go. We can make this deadline, we can get a strong outcome document."
Bolton is disgracing the United States of America at this very moment.

Disgraceful Bolton

John Bolton, the American Ambassador to the United Nations is humilitating our nation.
He has taken the view that the UN charter "has never been interpreted as creating a legal obligation for Security Council members to support enforcement action." He seems to defy history.
He asked to remove phrases calling on nations to prevent "incitement" of mass atrocities. That is, the Saudi Arabians would have to stop teaching their school children to hate Americans but Bolton apparently believes that advocating the murder of innocent people is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Bolton claims the US "stands ready" to intervene in select cases where governments refuse to stop or carry out genocide. He indicated world leaders should not "foreclose" using the military "absent authorization by the Security Council."
The UN calls humanitarian intervention "responsibility to protect."
Bolton is refusing to discuss a specific definition of terrorism. Bolton is arguing that the convention should exclude any acts by armed forces during a conflict – in effect – the Janjaweed in Sudan are not guilty because they murdered civilians on the battlefield and so there is no penalty.
Bolton introduced hundreds of amendments to the UN document at the last minute.
Bolton has been quoted as saying, "We haven't done something at the last minute here. I've got my pen in my pocket and I'm ready to go. We can make this deadline, we can get a strong outcome document."
Bolton is disgracing the United States of America at this very moment.

Disgraceful Bolton

John Bolton, the American Ambassador to the United Nations is humilitating our nation.
He has taken the view that the UN charter "has never been interpreted as creating a legal obligation for Security Council members to support enforcement action." He seems to defy history.
He asked to remove phrases calling on nations to prevent "incitement" of mass atrocities. That is, the Saudi Arabians would have to stop teaching their school children to hate Americans but Bolton apparently believes that advocating the murder of innocent people is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Bolton claims the US "stands ready" to intervene in select cases where governments refuse to stop or carry out genocide. He indicated world leaders should not "foreclose" using the military "absent authorization by the Security Council."
The UN calls humanitarian intervention "responsibility to protect."
Bolton is refusing to discuss a specific definition of terrorism. Bolton is arguing that the convention should exclude any acts by armed forces during a conflict – in effect – the Janjaweed in Sudan are not guilty because they murdered civilians on the battlefield and so there is no penalty.
Bolton introduced hundreds of amendments to the UN document at the last minute.
Bolton has been quoted as saying, "We haven't done something at the last minute here. I've got my pen in my pocket and I'm ready to go. We can make this deadline, we can get a strong outcome document."
Bolton is disgracing the United States of America at this very moment.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

NASA Blasts off with Lockheed Martin

NASA Blasting off With Lockheed Martin
He walked into the White House on 9/15/2005 and presented his plan to replace the dangerous space shuttles. Two of the shuttles disintegrated and exploded killing their occupants.
Mike Griffin is a rocket scientist and has an MBA, which is a Masters Degree in Business Administration.
That may be why his new plan is to use rockets to replace the poorly designed shuttles. It may also be why approval was given without any figures or information on how to pay for it.
Mike Griffin?s new fleet of rockets will be a rework of rockets used during the moon shots in the 1960?s. There will be a large rocket for sending cargo into space that will tower 350 feet off the launch pad. A smaller rocket will speed humans into space.
The rockets will draw on design information and experience the United States has had in building and deploying nuclear weapons.
Mike Griffin served as CEO of In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel is described by it?s first CEO Gilman Louie as being formed " ensure that the CIA remains at the cutting edge of information technology advances and capabilities."
Space planes and lighter than air craft that can lift loads faster and far heavier than those planned for by the obsolete rockets have been sidelined as Mike Griffin takes NASA ?Back to the Past?.
Several board members of In-Q-Tel have connections with Lockheed-Martin Corporation.
Expect most of Mike Griffin?s ?new? old rockets to be produced by Lockheed-Martin.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Darkest America

The Nairobi Museum in Nairobi, Kenya is closing for renovation and houses art and science exhibits.
Included are fossils that the Leakey’s dug up in the Rift Valley.
The Great Rift Valley extends from northern Syria in Southwest Asia to central Mozambique in East Africa. It was created by the separation of the African and Arabian tectonic plates beginning about 35 million years.
While Kenya strides forward the United States continues to slip back into the Dark Ages.
One American roadside attraction displays dinosaurs with Adam and Eve.
Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis has been quoted as saying, "We're putting evolutionists on notice: We're taking the dinosaurs back.” He has built a $25-million creationist museum in Petersburg, Ky.
In Pensacola, Florida tourists can stop at Dinosaur Adventure Land whose slogan is, "Where Dinosaurs and the Bible meet!"
According to their account, God created the world in six days and dinosaurs were vegetarians until Adam and Eve sinned. That is when they started being meat eaters.
Thousands of evangelical preachers insist that 4,500 years after Adam and Eve arrived dinosaurs entered Noah's Ark, later repopulated earth and were killed off by Christian knights.
Unlike the Nairobi Museum which hunts down fossils the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas hunts living pterodactyls in Papua New Guinea.
The director of the Creation Evidence Museum said five of his friends spotted the flying dinosaurs, "but all the sightings were made after dark, and we were not able to capture the creatures."

Monday, September 12, 2005

Profiteering from Katrina

Haley Barbour is the Governor of Mississippi.
Shortly after Hurricane Katrina left the state of Mississippi in a shambles Haley Barbour flew along the coast in a helicopter and viewed the devastated casinos.
His plans have included tax give-aways to casinos and Toyota which runs a large auto plant near Canton, Mississippi.
He encouraged gambling casinos into becoming the main breadwinner in coastal areas. Halliburton, the company Vice President Dick Cheney use to be in charge of is going to help rebuild Mississippi.
Federal contracts for rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina have pushed Halliburton’s stock price to a new high.
Haley founded Barbour, Griffith and Rogers around 1991. They say "our firm is actively involved in the shaping of public policy issues that dominate the American political and corporate agenda. We serve as advocates in federal government relations, a vital link to state governments, and an ally in business development anywhere in the U.S. and in markets around the world."
Joseph Allbaugh, who was President Bush’s campaign manager and the director of FEMA set up two companies with the help of Haley Barbour. One is New Bridge Strategies and assists companies secure contracts in Iraq while Blackwell Fairbanks works for Lockheed Martin.
Lockheed Martin maintains facilities in :
New Orleans, Louisiana, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, Pascagoula, Mississippi, Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi, Meridian, Mississippi, Enterprise, Alabama, Anniston, Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama, Ponchatoula, Louisiana.
Joseph Allbaugh’s wife, Diane, previously worked at Haley Barbour’s firm and lobbied on behalf of Native American tribes and casinos.
Ask yourself this question – how much money would the friends of Dick Cheney, George Bush, Joe Allbaugh and Haley Barbour have lost if the Gulf Coast had been adequately prepared for Hurricane Katrina?

Information Floating Around

President Bush went through New Orleans.
First of all he had his ‘Blame Game’ phrase changed to ‘The storm didn’t discriminate and neither will the recover effort.’
When asked about what he thought went wrong with the disaster response he said, ‘Well, there’s a lot of information floating around out there.’
Get it?
‘A lot of information floating around out there.’
Other notable figures had things to say.
"It makes me think of what my friend Rev. Goat just told me: 'Let me say this before it goes any further; New Orleans didn't die of natural causes, she was murdered.'", said Dr. John.
The President’s mother, Barbara Bush, was memorable with this gushing of weak kneed, blue blood gibberish, “"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas."
Ex-FEMA Director Michael Brown said, ‘"This story's not about me. This story's about the worst disaster of the history of our country that stretched every government to its limit. And now we have to help these victims. " He apparently helped Lockheed Martin through Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour and his old boss man Joe Allbaugh.
Al Sharpton said, "No one in America should feel comfortable sleeping, unless we know that plans are in place that will protect the cities of this country, because it could have been us."
Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic leader said, "The president said he's going to lead the investigation into what went wrong. He needs to look only in the mirror."

Friday, September 09, 2005

Smokey the Bear Showed Up, where was Uncle Sam?

Lt. David Shand and Lt. Matt Udkow piloted H-3 helicopters out of Pensacola, Fla., having been ordered to deliver emergency food, water and other supplies to Stennis Space Center in Mississippi on Tuesday, August 30, the day after Katrina.
After dropping their loads they picked up a Coast Guard call for helicopter assistance in New Orleans. They rescued 110 people.
When they returned to base they were reprimanded.
I think their superior should be stripped of his rank and they should both be promoted.
What do you think? Why don’t you let your government representatives know how you feel?
Why not question why the vast resources of the American military (which has been held in reserve because the National Guard was sent to invade and occupy Iraq) were not put in use to assist in the immediate aftermath of the Hurricane disaster?
Advantages to the nation would have been an exercise for the military which is presently pretty much sitting around doing nothing and it would also have shown to the world the ability of the United States to respond effectively anywhere anytime in a compassionate manner. Did you know that the Mexican military has entered the United States and is bringing aid to the Gulf Coast?
It is a fact that within three days a very effective force of helicopters from as far away as Camp LeJeune could have reached the stricken areas and swooped thousands of people out with mind numbing swiftness. It is also a fact that the Navy helicopter ships that were sent from the east coast could have launched their helicopters to fly over Florida, refuel and arrive at the disaster area a week before their ships did. Instead their helicopters remained secured and they still have not been put into the field.
I am afraid that what happened in the Gulf Coast is a direct result of the political ideals of what this Administration feels is the role of the Federal Government in such cases. This might have been fine had the three stricken states (and their neighbors) had their National Guard units at full strength rather than occupying and rebuilding a foreign nation and if more than 10,000 Americans had not lost their lives.
Now they tell us it might not be 10,000. It could be much less. They have also forbidden photographers. It is a foolish set of circumstances.
If this is a failure of their ideals what will they do to us next?
More information about the role of the military for peacekeeping duties inside our borders is at :
It is written by Major Stawicki of the United States Marine Corps.
I wonder what use George Washington would have put our military to following Hurricane Katrina considering he invaded Pennsylvania because a bunch of backwoodsmen didn’t want to pay tax. I also wonder what President James Madison would have done to repay the action on behalf of the United States by the ancestors of these people who have been so devastated by this natural disaster. I also wonder what President Andrew Jackson would have done had he known that President George Bush was going to abandon the men and women who helped him secure victory during the war of 1812.
Finally – the cities. Mobile, Biloxi and New Orleans. I can’t believe some of the chatter about New Orleans. I remember being taught in elementary school that New Orleans was important as a shipping port and because it guards the mouth of the Mississippi. Grocery prices are inching up now because imports have been halted or redirected. Natural gas prices are spiking and fuel oil and gasoline have been affected. The drought on the Mississippi has caused massive problems this year because the soybean, corn, wheat and other crops can’t be moved properly but after Katrina, now that the harvest is coming on there is going to be a bigger problem if New Orleans port is not operational. There will be starvation and hardship around the world because of the slow down.
I don’t think the enormity of what is happening has settled in yet. I am horrified by the lack of response. Did you know that it appears that the Louisiana Fish and Wildlife service saved more people than any other group? They brought people in from as far away as Kentucky and they just did everything they could. The Forest Service was called in to put out the fires and they did their job.
Smokey the Bear showed up but where was Uncle Sam?
What will happen if North Carolina needs help? There have been hurricanes so fierce through there that islands were moved around and the coastline changed. (see Oregon inlet)
What will happen if California needs help? Or Kansas? Florida? - oh, sorry, Florida is okay. The President’s brother is the governor. They were already settling insurance claims there as Katrina raged through the Gulf Coast.
I myself called the Red Cross and about eight other relief agencies on behalf of my company looking for ways to help. The people here wanted to volunteer and help out the volunteers that were being overwhelmed. You know what I was told? Either the agencies rejected the offer outright or they rejected it and asked for cash.
But it doesn’t end there. One my co-workers located 200 families near our company and another 3 in another town. After talking with local representatives we found out that those folks needed EVERYTHING domestic we could give them. So now we have things going there and I am trying to find out if they need other services we could render.
As I consider what is happening and what I have seen (a lady I know was at two hotels in Arkansas and the only people that came around were local churches to see about the families and kids) I am beginning to believe that the reality of this bungled mess has been driven by a high level racism or some kind of sick and out dated class division where the rich not only refuse to help the poor they refuse to acknowledge that they exist at all.
I have heard and read and talked with people that have said that New Orleans was 80 percent black. As if that makes it okay. As if that makes it alright to ignore them. As if the plight of these Americans stuck in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana were not deserving of immediate action because of the color of their skin.
When I have not heard the stink of racism raised I hear some sort of American Apartheid argument whereby they are judged unworthy of aid because they had no money. Their pocket books were not green enough to warrant concern.
Some of these people had no money, sure. Others did. Why did they stay? Things happen. I am sure that not all who stayed intended on staying. They had a short time to get out. The people going out on Highway 10 missed a massacre by 4 to 6 hours when the massive traffic jam was finally broken up (by private citizens using cell phones).
Some of these people had no cars. Some of my friends have no car. Does that mean they are less entitled to common human decency and the effective action of our expensive and mighty military forces?
What happened there? What happened?
I am so outraged myself that if I could raise my voice to a hurricane wind I would blow this nation clean.
As for the ethnic makeup. It was an American city. It was all mixed up and everyone was there. Generally living in peace. Generally good and decent people. :
Wikipedia tells us this about New Orleans :
As of the census2 of 2000, there were 484,674 people, 188,251 households, and 112,950 families residing in the city. The population density was 1,036.4/km² (2,684.3/mi²). There were 215,091 housing units at an average density of 459.9/km² (1,191.3/mi²). The racial makeup of the city was 67.25% African American, 28.05% White, 0.20% Native American, 2.26% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.93% from other races, and 1.28% from two or more races. 3.06% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Starvation and Loss Follow Katrina

The American harvest season for wheat, soybeans, cotton, corn and other major commodities begins shortly. The farmers that will be pulling in this year’s harvest in the central states rely on barges to carry their corn, soybeans and wheat down the Mississippi River to the Port of New Orleans.
New Orleans is a crucial link to export markets but was badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Local officials are hopping mad from Minnesota all the way down to Mississippi.
The Midwest has experienced the worst drought in 20 years.
The storm destroyed sugar cane and rice fields across the southeast.
As a result of the damage to pipelines, oil platforms and refineries in the Gulf Coast farmers are forced to pay more for fuel to harvest and transport crops. This has impacted their profits and the financial markets.
Commodity exports and imports are slowed. Bananas, orange juice, apple juice and other materials imported from Central and South America are delayed in pick up or delivery. The ships are turned away because the secondary ports cannot accommodate the ships. Prices are already rising in supermarkets.
Midwestern farms have been shipping stored corn and soybeans to make room for this year's harvest but damaged waterways and grain handling facilities have left the barges stuck on the river.
Secondary markets and aid shipments of grains and beans will not be moving any time soon and will worsen the hunger crisis in Africa and southeast Asia.
There has been no response from the White House.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

American Apartheid

American Apartheid

“Hello? I’d like to volunteer to work for the American Red Cross and help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.”
“Sorry, we have all the people we need. You can send cash, though.”
This exchange and many others like them take place frequently in the United States.
My friend works at a large international company. Hundreds of her co-workers want to do something to help the victims and our neighbors.
These feelings of neighborly love and patriotism however are cast aside with alarming frequency.
She contacted several different national agencies.
All of them without fail either rejected her offers of assistance or rejected the offers and asked for money.
Meanwhile public calls from Mississippi and Louisiana and some parts of Alabama continue to be sent out to the nation.
Why aren’t offers of assistance and aid getting through?
Why was the American military ordered not to help?
Lt. David Shand and Lt. Matt Udkow are Navy pilots. After using their multi-million dollar helicopter to drop off food and water to a damaged base in Mississippi they answered a call for help from the Coast Guard in New Orleans and rescued 110 people.
They were reprimanded by their commander.
Why did so many Americans die?
They were living under American apartheid.
The racism that America used to swear by has given way to economic racism.
Whether you live or die, enjoy life or suffer is determined by how green your wallet is.
The bodies are appearing above the waters now.

Tom Delay Afraid

Tom Delay, representative from Texas, has been complaining about local officials in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
He says Hurricane Katrina is their fault.
Why is Tom Delay saying these things?
He is afraid.
Across the nation phone calls offering support and volunteers to national organizations like the Red Cross are met with this response : ‘No thanks, we don’t need any help, but we’ll take money.’
Donations pour in and Americans are still being evacuated from the Gulf Coast and resettled around the nation. The local officials in Louisiana have put out a call for assistance and goods. Why are national agencies not helping?
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are helping their neighbors Tom Delay and the Bush Administration don’t seem to be among them.
Just after the storm passed two Navy pilots brought food and water to a damaged base in Mississippi and then answered a Coast Guard call for help in New Orleans. They labored over 14 hours and rescued 110 people. When they arrived back at base they were reprimanded.
Back to those local officials – Tom Delay has led the effort by the Bush Administration to keep money away from engineering projects in New Orleans for years while showering federal money on bus stops in Alaska. The Bush Administration has most of the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama National Guard in Iraq getting shot at.
Lt. David Shand and Lt. Matt Udkow are American heroes.
Tom Delay and President Bush do not deserve the respect due their office.

Hooray for John Roberts

When John Roberts is made the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States there will be a great reason to celebrate.
Finally there will be four Catholics on the Supreme Court at the same time. If everything proceeds normally President Bush will nominate a fifth Catholic to the position vacated by Sandra Day O’Connor.
That will mean that there will be a majority of Catholics on the Supreme Court.
This will finally break the evil Protestant stranglehold that has been dragging down the United States for nearly a century and a half.
With the cool considered experience of the Catholic Church behind them these justices will be able to clear away the evil webs of abortion and corruption that the Protestants have filled this nation up with.
The evil protestant influence has given American abortion on demand, leisure drugs, organized crime and legalized gambling.
The evil Protestant influence has allowed our government to deteriorate and lose the power to protect our citizens. Guns have become commonplace and even welcomed in Protestant churches.
Our borders have been abandoned and remain unguarded as Protestant judges and politicians continue to sell the land out from under our feet.
The protection of the Holy Roman Catholic Church can now descend upon the people the United States. The people can now turn their eyes away from the Protestant abominations. They can now hear the voice of reason and close their ears to the Protestant lies.
Finally John Roberts will set us free.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Underprivileged Anyway - Barbara Bush

The last I heard the reverend George W. Bush had refused offers of international aid to help with relief effort following Hurricane Katrina.
He turned down offers of assistance from Germany and Venezuela as soon as they were made – so the story goes.
Apparently Pastor Bush hasn’t been as honest with the American people as he has led many of them to believe or he didn’t have any concept of what was going on in his own country.
As of this writing the United States government has requested aid from Europe and NATO.
The Vatican is preparing to coordinate Catholic aid.
The president of Jefferson Parish in Louisiana had this to say, “We have been abandoned by our own country.”
Great Britain is sending 500,000 military ration packs. Over the past 2 decades British companies have extracted tens of billions of dollars from Louisiana in oil and gas.
Germany and Italy prepared military shipments of their own that can help alleviate the crisis.
The United States, which is occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, has requested blankets, first-aid kits, water trucks and food.
Condoleezza Rice, who was raised in Alabama stated, "Nobody, especially the president, would have left people unattended on the basis of race."
The response to Ms. Rice : Truly, many times in history people have been slaughtered based on race. In this case it seems that some people were left unattended on the basis of race, but the vast majority were left unattended on the basis of income and wealth.
Barbara Bush, former first lady and mother of the President said that the relocation for those Americans forced out of Louisiana is "working very well" in Texas. She said many of the people at the Astrodome were "underprivileged anyway."
There is no response for Ms. Bush.

Friday, September 02, 2005

High Tone Bush

Hurricane Katrina ran through Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
It left tragedy and horror behind.
President Bush flew over the disaster area.
He flew in at a very high altitude.
He said, "It's totally wiped out. ... It's devastating, it's got to be doubly devastating on the ground."
His next action as Commander-in-Chief was to appear on ABC's "Good Morning America" to discuss the tragedy and recovery efforts.
Not long ago he said, ‘I am optimistic that we can change the tone in Washington, D.C."
What tone was he talking about?
The other day George Will wrote in the Washington Post about the ‘shrill’ voice of the Democratic Party. It seems people like George Will, were under the impression that George Bush intended to lower the tone. George Will has offered little in the form of news for some time - he’s Rush Limbaugh with a typewriter.
Bush was born with a silver spoon in his mouth though. Americans didn’t notice this one came with a top hat and cane.
Bush is what is known as high toned. That is, for all of you high-brow conservatives, affectedly stylish or genteel.
For everybody else we get an idea of what high-toned is from Hank Williams (Sr). from his song ‘Mind Your Own Business’.
‘Mindin' other people's business seems to be high-toned, I got all that I can do just to mind my own. Why don't you mind your own business. If you mind your own business, you'll stay busy all the time.’

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hastert Wants to Bulldoze New Orleans

Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives, just said that it makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to rebuild a city that's seven feet under sea level.
"It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed," the Illinois Republican said to The Daily Herald of Arlington, Ill.
Hastert said, "We ought to take a second look at it. But you know we build Los Angeles and San Francisco on top of earthquake fissures and they rebuild too. Stubbornness."
He didn’t mention the fact that legislation that he had sponsored and signed had given money to the Army Corps of Engineers to build the ‘Industrial Canal’ in the center of the city.
The Industrial Canal was the first structure to fail.
He also did not mention that other legislation he has sponsored and signed helped to cut funding to the Army Corps of Engineer by nearly 40% over the past two years.
Maintenance of the levees, pumps and other systems has been neglected.
Loss of coastal areas that usually reduce the impact of such storms was due in no small part to legislation that Hastert sponsored and signed that loosened development rules along the Gulf Coast.
Hastert said nothing as thousands of technicians and engineers were sent to rebuild the entire country of Iraq.
It seems to me that Dennis Hastert makes no sense.
He also assisted this President in sending over 245,000 National Guard troops out of the country.
Instead of chipping in to help he has hindered. What‘s with Hastert?